Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 950: Armed disaster relief

ps: there will be another chapter in a while

Lv County, also known as Lingshi County later, was built outside a narrow mouth of the valley, now called "Lingshikou" and later called "Squique Valley".

"Squirtle Valley" leans on Taihang in the west and Yishui in the east. The most famous place nearby is Langya Mountain. , If it is a strong attack, Zhao Wuxi will not be able to take too much advantage.

Fortunately, although Lucheng's defenders were extremely loyal to the Wei clan, outside the city were the Zhao clan's army in the name of the monarch, and there were tens of thousands of hungry people attacking the city. , he was forced to open the city gate and let the Zhao family in for "disaster relief".

But the Zhao clan went even further than he imagined. They disregarded Wei Li's protests, and quickly confiscated the guards' weapons and imprisoned them.

At the same time, grain trucks and grain boats stopped, and began to set up porridge sheds inside and outside the city to carry out the first round of disaster relief—perhaps because of the north wind, the autumn locust plague did not cause damage to most areas of Taiyuan County. Therefore, Jiang immigrants have opened up a lot of land in Taiyuan County, which is a vast area and sparsely populated. The fertility here is sufficient, and the successive harvests have ensured the food supply during the locust plague. Together with the inventory in Changping warehouse, it is possible to go south for disaster relief.

For a time, the long-lost smell of corn and wheat wafted in the air of Lucheng again. This was the smell of sunshine and autumn. Just watching the food from the carts and carts piled up into mountains made people feel that the world was bright.

That night, the hungry people finally had a good meal.

Although most of the old rice used for disaster relief was last year's old rice, whether it was boiled millet porridge or steamed wheat rice, the hungry people ate deliciously. They were under the moon, holding wooden bowls or tiles, eating porridge for relief, thinking about the difficult days that had passed, and they were reluctant to eat for a while. They sniffed the intoxicating fragrance with their noses, and there were a few thin old men, tears falling into their bowls uncontrollably.

"I don't want to be able to eat hot soup and rice again."

Although the officials of the Wei family were pressured by the orders of the monarch, for these people, disaster relief was carried out in the name of the Zhao family, and they owed Zhao Wuxi a life. For a time, these people began to be grateful to the Zhao family. Zhao Wuxi rode past them. When they greeted them, they all congratulated Zhao Shangqing on his birthday. The lord of the Wei family has long been forgotten. It is estimated that the mountain is long live.

This is exactly what Zhao Wuxi said: "The ruler abandons his people, and the people abandon his ruler."

After a circle, he always advocated the direct annexation of the Wei clan, and even asked Shi Qi, who had established his own country, Zhao Wuxi to go around and ask: "After this time, what is your plan to do, all the way to Jiang, Quwo, and then Qiuhao. Exit without committing a crime, and let the Wei family be grateful to Dade? Excuse me, if the food was used for the soldiers, the three armies from Taiyuan, the eldest son, and Shangjun would be assembled straight into Hedong, and they would have hit Anyi long ago and destroyed the Wei family!"

Zhao Wuxi smiled and said, "Your opinion is the same as what Pi Leopard thought when Duke Mu of Qin was about to save Jin from famine."

Shi Qi was not familiar with this grievance between Qin and Jin, and was a little puzzled. Zixia explained: "It was the fourth year of Duke Hui of Jin, and the state of Jin was famined and begged in Qin state. Duke Mu of Qin summoned Baili Xihe. Pi Leopard, Bai Lixi said, 'Natural disasters are prevalent, and the state has it on their behalf, and disaster relief is for the neighbors. The way of the country is also.

Shi Qi also knew what happened next, and he immediately said: "It turns out that Bailixi was wrong, Pibao was right, Duke Hui of Jin did not remember Qin's kindness, but he planned to attack Qin, and the result was not a fight. In the battle of Han Yuan, Duke Mu of Qin's actions were in vain, but they were ridiculed by the world."

Zixia sneered back: "Otherwise, the ruler is evil, so what's the crime of the people? Compared to the civil war caused by the deployment of troops to attack Wei, the ruler's relief to the counties of the Wei family in the middle of the Fen River is truly benevolent and righteous, don't you see that the people have returned to their hearts? "

Before Shi Qi could say, "What's the use of the people returning to their hearts?" Zhao Wuxi stopped their arguing.

"I understand the opinions of the two of you. Now that Lucheng has accepted the disaster relief, the southern counties can't pull it down. Immediately let the soldiers prepare to go south, and while returning home with the starving people, they continue to advance south until they reach Pingyang. ."

Shi Qi's eyes lit up: "What if someone blocks it?"

"Whoever stands in the way is the culprit. We can eliminate them as much as possible. With the number and strength of the Zhao army, it should be no problem to deal with the mere guards. Besides, there are so many hungry people leading the way."

The counties of Lu, She, and Yang are geographically separated from the Wei family's Hedong headquarters in Pingyang, which is separated by the Han family. Even if something happens, it is difficult to get care. Zhao Wuxi intends to capture this place first. actual control of the land.

For the hungry people at the bottom, loyal subjects to the country and the monarch are far away, and their rule is that if there is food, the monarch is the monarch! If the support of tens of thousands of people can be obtained first, then the land where they are located can naturally be included in the bag.

Wu Tie was not the one who helped the Wei family to help the people in vain. These counties are close to Taiyuan, and they are the only way to go south to Hedong. The geographical location is very important. He must control this place before he can take the initiative.

Therefore, he did not choose Zixia's suggestion to slowly relieve the disaster in order to win the hearts of the people, nor did he fully follow the plan of Shi Qi and others to quickly attack the Wei family. Swordsmen can also efficiently defeat soldiers without fighting.

This time coincided with the chaos within the Wei clan, so Zhao Jun took the counties in the upper reaches of the Fen River lightly and sent people to Pingyang to deliver food without any resistance, but instead of acting rashly, he prepared After settling the counties, detour south.

Although the initiative is entirely in his hands, Zhao Wuxi didn't want to push Han too much. In any respect, they were more reliable allies than Wei.

"Let's see how Wei Ju reacts now..." Zhao Wuxi climbed the ruins of his hometown Zhaocheng. In the coming year, he plans to rebuild a city here, or call it Zhaocheng, so that the people in this area can Rethinking that he is from Zhao, not from Wei.

"In this way, from Taiyuan, the eldest son slowly advances to the hinterland of Hedong. If the Wei family turns against, the army will drive straight in. If the Wei family does not respond, I will slowly devour it. Wherever there is a famine, our disaster relief will arrive. The good news is that every county in the Wei family has hungry people."

The bad news is that the Wei family can go out to the counties in Fenshui, but they can't retreat any more.

In mid-November, when the first snow fell, the first **** conflict broke out in Huangfu City, where Zhao and Wei meet!

Zhao's eldest son's army entered Hedong to "relieve disasters". Because Huang's father, Wei's army, closed the door and could not open the door, they suddenly broke through the city, Wei's defeat, and heavy casualties...

At this point, Jiangdi's door opened to Zhao.


"Can the Zhao family explain what happened to Father Huang?"

"Zhao Shangqing said it was a misunderstanding."

"What misunderstanding made Zhao Jun attack Wei's city, causing nearly 100 casualties, and inciting the people to rebel against their city master?" After losing the city of Lu City, Lu Xing became irritable.

Wei Ju still did not return to Hedong, and remained in Shaoliang, but unlike before, the situation in Hedong became more and more bad, and the Qin people's offensive in Hexi became increasingly fierce.

In this case, the relationship between Zhao and Wei fell to a freezing point due to the bloodshed of Huang's father. Although Zhao's messenger here was still smiling, saying that Zhao only wanted to help Wei to share the pressure, but Lu Xing and others saw it. Come on, this is already a sign that the Zhao family directly declared war on the Wei family.

"Zhao Wuxi, in the name of disaster relief, has eroded the truth of the Wei family!"

Wei Ju is still worried about ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ confronting the Zhao clan, this is a fool's dream, but unless they are willing to be an inactive clan who has lost their force and soul, they can't sit still anymore!

He should go back to Hedong, organize, and let the Zhao clan stop their advance. Or go to see Zhao Wuxi in person, ask him for help, and admit that the Zhao clan has turned the Wei clan's territory into a county, so that Zhao Wuxi will continue to support the Wei clan's rule in Hexi. But Wei Ju found at this time that he could not move, because the enemy from the west had also arrived.

On the first day the Qin people arrived at Shaoliang City, they dispatched warriors to their division and shot an arrow at the head of the city. Wei Ju asked people to pick up the arrow and take a look, but it was a letter.

"Peace negotiation, now?" Wei Ju was already in despair because of the enemy on both sides, especially since he used the Qin State's funeral to crusade against the Qin people, and he felt that the Qin people would not forgive him. The horse was ecstatic for a moment.

"Maybe there is a fraud?" Lu Xing was a little unconvinced.

"I wouldn't believe it if the people of the Qin country wanted to." Wei Ju threw the letter and said to the crowd, "But Chen Heng from the Qi country is also here, and he is willing to mediate for Qin and Wei." (To be continued.)

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