Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 960: Bronze Palace

"As few people have heard, there are ten days in the sky, and ten grades of people. The lower is the reason for the affairs, and the upper is the same as the god. Tomato □ Novel Network w`w-w.fqxsw.com Therefore, the king, the minister, the official, the official and the minister... ...the superior and inferior are in an orderly manner, waiting for Pepsi."

The night was dark, and in the palace of the Marquis of Jin deep in the bronze palace, the curtain was fluttering gently.

"The widow is unfortunate. Since he came to the throne, it has coincided with the season of the Jin state. The public office has been in a state of failure. The people also abandoned the ancestral land of Jiangdu, and forcibly moved the capital to Tongjia. The ordinary people along the way did not suffer, and I shared it with the people. Fortunately, Haotian has a spirit and sent down the locust, the **** of drought, as a punishment, but the Zhao family He does not want to repent, he acts as a blessing, and every time he sees him, he is like a thorn in his back. His name is Jinqing, and he is actually a thief of the country. , The prince is claustrophobic and cannot see the sun for a long time!"

His murmuring whispers wandered in the hall, but his hands kept on writing something on a piece of silk. If you look closely, you will find that he is not using pen and ink, but fingertips and oozing after biting. Come blood!

This is a blood book, an edict stained by the blood of the king!

Thinking of this, Jin Houwu suddenly thought of the suffering he had suffered in the past few years, and he suddenly felt sadness and tears on his clothes. ◇○◇w`w-w`. -f`q`x`s-w. com

"Father, continue to write it down and make all Zhao's sins and deeds public to the common people and the world!" The prince of the Jin state, Chiu, also knelt down, admonishing that after being placed under house arrest for a few years, his spirit had already recovered. The Marquis of Jin who has become very vulnerable.

"Now that the Zhao clan is on fire, and Wei Qing has led Qin Bo to invade the Hedong hinterland, the Zhao clan is in danger, and it is the time for the revival of Jin's imperial office."

"You're right, this is our last chance."

The Marquis of Jin wiped his tears, nodded, and squeezed his fingertips again, allowing more blood to flow out, and continued to write: "The widow has been worrying for the night, fearing that Jin will be in danger. Fortunately, the wind knows the strength of the grass, Bandang knew the loyal ministers, the Wei family was an important minister of the country, Wei Wuzi traveled around the country from the first emperor Wengong, and was loyal, and then Wei Zhuangzi, Wei Xianzi, and Wei Xiangzi were all ministers of the humerus of the Jin state. Wei Qingju should inherit the ancestral ambitions. , read Tang Shuyu's difficulty in starting a business, combine the martyrs of loyalty and righteousness, lead the friendly states of Qin, Qi, and Zheng, hold high the banner of diligent monarchs, destroy the Zhao family, and restore the security of the society. Blood, the book decrees Fu Qing, be careful again, don't take the meaning of the few.□○◇Tomato Novel Network w-w`w-.-f-q`x-s`w`.-c-o`m`2 In the spring of the thirteenth year, the edict of February..."

After he finished writing, he took the seal of the monarch and slapped it on the silk book with a breath. Immediately, an edict written in blood was completed.

Prince Chiu carefully held up the blood letter, which seemed to him to be heavy, and said excitedly to the Marquis of Jin: "Father, as long as this letter is taken out and handed over to Wei Qing, it will be made public to the public. The loyal ministers will definitely respond in groups and work together to overthrow Zhao Wuxi's brutal rule!"

Jin Houwu still had some fear in his heart, after all, after the robbery of the Houma Alliance, his courage was gone, and he muttered at this moment: "The doctors of the Manchu Dynasty are all the old seals of the Jin state, but after the Zhao clan's dictatorship, There is no one who can save the country, even if the few wrote a blood letter, how can they take it out, bring it to Wei Qing, and let the world know?"

"Don't worry, father, the boy has made arrangements!"

Unlike the Marquis of Jin who showed a nervous breakdown from the age of 40, his son, Prince Chiu, who had just been crowned, was very shrewd and capable. ◇Tomato small △ said the network w`w`w-. fqxsw. com

Not only was he born a talented person, he had attracted the love of the palace maid Fu Mu since he was a child, but he was also exceptionally intelligent and was well educated. And compared to his father, his prince performed even better,

Back then, when Zhao Wuxi, the Houma Alliance, kidnapped Jin Houwu and forcibly moved the capital, the Prince Chiu was still young, and Zhao Zu went to the Xiqi Palace. "When he left, when the rest of the brothers and sisters only knew how to cry, the teenage boy. He was actually dressed as a prince, and he stood up and scolded Zhao Zu, saying that he was a descendant of Tang Shuyu, a dignified prince, who would dare to do anything to him?

Although he always knew that the Zhao family didn't know that the Marquis of Jin's military **** rolled his eyes, he carried the little prince who had wrongly estimated his power on his shoulders and took it away, but the prince, while fighting with punches and kicks, was dissatisfied with Zhao's anger. , also planted roots at that time.

When he became an adult, although he rarely had the opportunity to go out from the Tongzhai Palace, when he had the opportunity, he would show himself in front of the world. For example, during the locust disaster in Hedong, Prince Chiu asked the palace servants to go out with food to "relieve the disaster". Although he was blocked by the guards of the palace gate, it was also impressive. Tomato △ ☆ small △ said the network w-w`w-. -f`q-x-s`w`. `c`om

As a result, the little prince also entangled a group of old people from the public clan, and was regarded as the hope for the future. In the past two years, whenever he went out to participate in sacrificial sacrifices and hunting, he would let people inquire about the international situation, and the Chen family of Qi, who saw a needle, established an indirect connection with him.

Therefore, after learning that the Wei family and the Zhao family had turned against each other, led Qin to Hedong, and Qi and Zheng also established a company to fight against Zhao, the prince was very excited, thinking that the time had come.

He ignored Wei Wei's thought of the office, which had no sense of existence at all, and blatantly announced that he had betrayed Jin and returned to Qin. He still regarded Qin Wei as the only hope to save Jin's office. The palace stated to the Marquis of Jin that the Zhao family was about to die, and the opportunity for the revival of the Jin court came, and encouraged him to write this edict.

After the blood was written, the Marquis of Jin and his son took out a silk tape that had been made, cut it open, sewed the secret edict on the lining, and then let him leave with the temple people who went out to the palace to buy. In the naive prince's mind, as long as he goes out to Wei Ju and Chen Heng, he can cause some reactions within Jin.

"The boy believes that the world should know the righteousness of the ruler, the minister, the father and the son. In this world, there should be more loyal ministers!"

However, he forgot one thing. Now the ministers, officials, officials, officials and officials of the ruling and opposition forces in Jin are either old ministers of the Zhao family, or they are newly recruited to serve under their sect. Except for the disaffected public clan who lost everything, who still cares about the public office? These people have already lost their power and can only gather around the Marquis of Jin and the crown prince to be jealous of the upstarts. How can they play a role?

Even in the depths of the bronze palace, the Zhao family did not know how many eyeliners had been placed. The plans that Jin Houwu and the prince thought they were secret could actually reach Zhao Wuxi's ears one by one...

Sure enough, not long after the temple people left the palace, they were surprised to find that there was already a long line of "Yulin Guards" dressed in brocade clothes at the gate of the palace.

Everyone knows that these people are war orphans raised by Zhao Wuchen, and they are also the most loyal eagle dogs to him!

"It's a very special time, and there is a curfew late at night. Why do you want to come out?"

The bright sword and halberd approached, and the messenger who wanted to get out of the way was quickly caught, and the one who identified him was one of the temple people who was with him. He was Zhao Wuxi's person...

"Mi Zhao, it's on him!"

The ruthless Shi Qi came over on horseback and stared at the pretending to be calm messenger. He was dressed in old clothes, a small soapy hat, and had no beard. He looked nothing out of the ordinary.

"Take off your clothes."

The messenger was shocked and delayed, Shi Qi then scolded him left and right, "Take it off for him!"

Before the edict could be found, the man was first discovered to be a fake temple man, Shi Qi pointed at his job where he was curled up in fear and laughed: "When did the Tongliang Palace start recruiting men to serve~www.wuxiaspot. com~ The edict was quickly found out, and after Shi Qi glanced at it a few times, his complexion was as cold as the frost and snow in winter.

He rode his horse around in front of the tall bronze palace gate, but hesitated at the last moment.

This is a large-scale palace built by Duke Ping of Jin. In terms of scale and magnificence, it is no less than the Xiqi Palace.

Duke Ping of Jin was very proud of this, and he showed off at the meeting of the princes here. Similar to Zhang Huatai in the state of Chu, this is a symbol of the power of the princes of Jin, and the hegemony that the princes envied was prosperous.

"Enter the palace!"

Today, however, Shi Qi, a scholar from the state of Chu who was born from a lowly background and who has never been awarded by the Marquis of Jin, gave special cases for carriages and horses to enter the palace. Yulin guards filed in, and their feet were still stained with fresh soil...

Under the moonlight in February, the dignity of the monarchs and lords of the decades after Tang Shuyu, the last fig leaf of the Jin State's royal office, was completely trampled under the feet of these Zhao's taxis at this moment. (To be continued.)

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