Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 980: Yinmahewei

ps: Chapter 2 is at night

"The cavalry is the servant of the army, so the army is defeated, the food is gone, and the bandits are attacked."

This is the summary of the Qi people's function of the cavalry after the first appearance of the Zhao family.

However, more than ten years later, the Zhao family played new tricks with the cavalry, and the first assault cavalry appeared during the Song Civil War. They are the chisels on the battlefield, replacing the chariots, acting as the work of the charge, and making great achievements in the previous wars. However, this does not mean that Zhao's cavalry has forgotten their old skills. After eliminating the Qin cavalry in Hexi, Youcheng took advantage of the mobility of the cavalry to break it down to zero, and let the cavalry generals lead them along the way in units of 200 people. Heading south on Luoshui.

In the next few days, from Pengya to Dali, Zhao cavalry ravaged the entire east bank of Luoshui from north to south. Because there are hundreds of Zhao cavalry at every turn, coming and going like the wind, cities and towns along the way do not dare to fight with them. Even if there are any who can't help but go out, they are defeated by Zhao cavalry and shoot the last charge, and they give their heads in vain.

It is also worth noting that Zhao Qi attacked Lilu just to support the war and obtain supplies. They did not spend time plundering people and livestock. They just set fire to the village to create panic, and their main targets were bridges and roads. .

Their purpose is to cut off the Qin army's food supply and paralyze Hexi.

On the same day, several cities were in emergency, and countless bridges were burnt down. Although the roads were difficult to destroy, once there were food trucks and trucks that were desperate, they would definitely be attacked by Zhao Qi in the middle of the journey.

Eating an enemy for one hour is worth twenty minutes for me; one stone of stalk is worth twenty stone for me! Zhao Qi used Qin people's grain to supply himself, and judging from this situation, he would not be able to stay in Hexi for a long time.

For a time, the entire east bank of Luoshui in Hexi was in a state of erosion. Qin's grain carts were parked in Weinan, and they dared not move forward half a step. What's more, there is also a group of Zhao cavalry with hundreds of people boldly, directly crossing the Luoshui, attacking the horses on the north bank of the Weishui, trying to shoot the grain boats on the water, and showing off their power to Zhengyi on the other side.

After all, as he got old, the eldest son of the Qin State, Pu Kaichun, felt a little unwell, so the war in Hedong was handed over to the eldest son of Zuo Shu, Hu, who was in the rear of Zhengyi. After the battle of Peng Ya, the urgent documents flew from the cities like snowflakes, and these Zhao cavalry followed, watching them provoke Zhao cavalry with horses on the shore, Zippo frowned.

"It's going to be difficult for the Zhao family to drive straight in. It's going to be difficult to win this battle..."

Hedong suffered a major disaster last year, and there was hardly a grain of grain in storage. The Qin and Wei allied forces could only rely on plundering the grain of the Han family and transporting grain from Yongzhou to maintain military use. Among them, Hexi was the necessary place for the Qin State’s grain to be transported to the front line of Hedong, but now it has been ravaged by Zhao cavalry, not only the news of various cities and towns has been interrupted, but the land transportation of grain has also become a capital enemy.

Fortunately, it can still be transported by boat, but in this way, the daily volume of food is cut by half, and within half a month, tens of thousands of troops in Hedong will be in a dilemma of food shortage.

The bad news is not only in Hexi and Hedong, but also in Hewai.

After showing weakness for two months, Zhao Wuxi finally showed his fangs. On the battlefield outside the river in the south, the robbers took advantage of Dao Cheng to conquer several Zheng State cities and towns in a row, defeated the Zheng army by the Luoshui River, and massacred 5,000 After Zheng captured, he continued to push Guocheng. There were only more than 10,000 men left in the remnants of the Zheng army commanded by Yousu, and they were afraid to fight again. Qin Wei was forced to rob Zhi, and could only lift the siege of Guocheng, and 10,000 Qin troops retreated westward to Taolinsai. The army of Wan Wei took the Zheng people to retreat from Fengling to the east of Hedong.

"Perhaps we can send this Wanqin division back to guard Hexi, at least guard the Weishui coast and Puban Ferry, and not let the Zhao family come and go freely..." Zipu made a decision with a wry smile. He already regretted fighting this battle. After the battle, Zhao's strength far exceeded his imagination.

Zipu was already vaguely aware of Zhao's strategy. Hedong's defense lured his own army to enter, and then sent surprise troops from the south and west to outflank. However, the great concubine of the Qin State did not expect that there were thousands of generations of county cavalry soldiers on the back of Liangshan. If he knew, he would not even be able to squeeze out a wry smile.


At the northern foot of Liangshan Mountain, a huge cavalry was divided into several teams, slowly heading south along the road by the river, and the cavalry generals pointed at the river.

In this area, there is no loess in later generations, and the landscape of ravines is still a dense forest, ancient mulberry trees, and turbulent rivers. From here, the scenery is very spectacular.

"Shaoliang is an old place that Zhao Jun is familiar with. A few years ago, Shangqing crossed the Dragon Gate by force and used Shaoliang artillery to capture Shaoliang, which made Bai Zhai of Shangjun fear and surrendered, and Tian Ben's partial division crossed the river from Genang from here. "

Speaking of Tian Ben, Yu Xi couldn't help laughing and scolding again. This old brother who has repeatedly made meritorious deeds and repeatedly violated military regulations and was demoted is still only a division commander... And he and Mucha are either generals of the army, or Commanding a prefecture, he is like a top official, but although his position is low, no one can deny Tian Ben's bravery. I heard that he did a good job in the first battle of Xinjiang. I hope that he can continue to be reused by Shangqing, and there will be no more mistakes.

Recalling the situation of that day, many cavalry generals who grew up in Dai County began to be enthusiastic, raising troops for thousands of days and using them for a while. They trained hard in Dai County for several years, so as to have the opportunity to show their style today, one of the young people said with a red face and a fist. "At that time, Shang Qing gave Shao Liang to the Wei family and only took away the people, but this time we will take Shao Liang in one fell swoop and make Hexi and Shangjun become one!"

Yu Xi's deputy, Tu Heren Xinzhigou smiled and said, "Otherwise, we won't hit Shaoliangcheng this time."

The cavalry generals who did not know the specific strategic direction were quite surprised. Only at this time did Yu Xi announce their main attack direction.

"The army went around Liangshan and walked along the river, heading straight for the Dragon Gate!"


"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

One day in late March, a warning sound rang through Longmen Ferry.

The steepness of Longmen is no less than that of the past. It can be said that the mountains and rivers are solid, but it is the same as that time. The enemy did not come from the other side, but from the rear.

There were only a few hundred Qin soldiers guarding the Longmen Ferry, and they were directly shot by Zhao Qi's bow and arrow. With a pull, the wall fell outwards.

The cavalry rushed in and killed all the Qin people inside. They set fire everywhere, the houses, the arrow tower, and even the boats moored by the river were unified and burned down. The Longmen Ferry was smoked, as far as Shaoliang City. can see.

Yu Xi ordered again: "The second and third sons retreated to the woods a few miles away and ambushed, waiting for Shaoliang's reinforcements."

This is a trick they learned when they fought against the Hu people in Dai County. Those Hu people are very cunning. They often attack a settlement and burn it down, waiting for the prey to come to support. After seeing it a few times, Zhao Qi learned to behave Now, in the Daibei area, Loufan no longer dared to be an enemy of the Zhao clan, and Lin Hu hid in the old forest in Henan to avoid it. The Donghu tribe north of Yanshan is still strong, which is a hidden danger in Yu Xi's heart.

Sure enough, an hour later, a thousand people from Shaoliang's direction came to Longmen to check, but they were killed by Zhao Qi by the river, and more than half of them were killed or injured. The rest of the people were not able to escape. These captives, Yu Xi directly had them escorted back to Shangjun to be slaves. In the past few years in Daijun, he deeply understood a truth, talent is the most precious thing, the more slaves and farmers, the more The more you can build cities, develop farmland and create wealth in the vast Dai-gun and Shang-gun.

Although he succeeded in ambushing Shaoliang's reinforcements, Yu Xi was still not very interested in Shaoliang's city, which was high and deep. He ordered Xinzhigou to lead a thousand soldiers to stay~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Three hundred cavalry scouts were sent out, and the enemy situation within a hundred miles could be clearly seen. The rest of the cavalry, as a reserve, searched for food, and used Liangshan as a base to monitor the movements of Shaoliang.

Yu Xi raised his face to Xinzhigou Er and said, "If the enemy comes, we will retreat, and if the enemy retreats, we will attack. In short, the Longmen Ferry will be paralyzed, and don't let the Qin people go into the water again!"

Xinzhigou and the generals stunned and responded in unison: "Wei!"

As for Yu Xi himself, he will take the main force and continue to go south along the river to further places.

Puban, the most important ferry crossing on both sides of the river, is also the only place for the Qin people to advance and retreat to the east of the river.

He made an appointment with Yucheng that they would join forces on the other side of Puban after destroying the crossing of the Hexi Road.

They are going to realize Zhao Wuxi's final strategy.

"Longmen and Puban are paralyzed, and General Liuxia will control Fenglingdu again, and all the main roads from Hedong to Hexi will be controlled by us. The tens of thousands of Qin and Wei troops in Hedong will immediately become a turtle in a urn!"

(To be continued.)

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