Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 982: anticlimactic

On the same day of March 25th, another urgent report was sent to Zhengcheng from Hexi, which was everywhere, saying that the Longmen Ferry was lost, and more than a thousand people from Shaoliang went out to investigate, but they were washed away by a group of cavalry.

That was Zhao's cavalry, not the loose cavalry that got through the loophole of Peng Ya, but a large group of cavalry that came around from the Liangshan Trail!

After Longmen fell, Shaoliang gathered all the troops and planned to retake the ferry in one go, but soon found that it was unnecessary. Zhao Qi did not stick to this place. They burned the ferry and boats, looted the surrounding Lijuxiang Pavilion, and then moved quickly.

The Zhao army was divided into two parts, one part was still dealing with the Shaoliang Qin army, and the other part began to follow the big hn and swept the towns. So far, the whole Hexi was in chaos.

One can imagine the blow this incident brought to the people of the Qin country. In terms of agriculture, a large number of dings were successively dispatched to the front lines, and the farmers who were responsible for logistics and transportation were also incessant, which seriously damaged the production in various places. In addition, the food hoarded in previous years was transported to Hedong to fill the stomach of the Wei army, but the coalition army has been unable to open the war, and the war-weariness has spread in the rear of Qin.

Now Hexi has been attacked one after another, and the enemy cavalry is like no one, which makes many Qin people who were originally opposed to participating in Lianheng no longer believe that this battle can be won. Inside and outside the shogunate.

"I'll take it as soon as I see it?" Zipu sneered at the thoughts around him. Now it's not a question of whether the Qin people will accept it or not, but the question of whether the Zhao family will let them leave Hexi.

Before Zhao Cavalry cut off the food supply, he was already suspicious, but now that the cavalry cut off the Dragon Gate, Zipu's guess became clearer.

Sure enough, only one day later, Zhao Qi, the brigade, was found south of Longmen, and their target was indeed Puban, a hundred miles away...

For a time, Weinan shook, and now anyone can see that the thousands of Zhao's elite horsemen are not only a serious threat to the food route of the coalition army, but are even enough to cut off the road for the Hedong army to retreat.

This is absolutely not to sit idly by. For a time, the call for the great consulate chief to let the Hedong army retreat and solve the enemy cavalry in Hexi first became stronger and stronger.

At this time, the ministers of the Qin state did not know what kind of pressure the great concubines were under. When faced with a choice, his face was pale and his expression was very ugly.

In fact, two months after the start of the war, the coalition failed to break Gujiang, and could only use Han's weakness. From then on, the matter of retreating should have long been on the table. Although the Qin people did not easily admit defeat, the situation in Hedong was really difficult, and there was no way to make progress. In Zipu's heart, he knew that retreating would be a wise choice.

But the problem is that withdrawing from the army will make him lose face. At that time, Zipu will go his own way to attack Zhao, and I am afraid it will really become a joke that runs out of steam. Can't keep the location!

Therefore, Zipu has always been lucky, hoping to take advantage of the chaos of "killing the monarch" in Jin and the restraint of Qi, and take more meat from Jin. Jin and Qin will be safe for another ten years.

But now the situation in Hexi told him that he could not wait any longer.

"I'd rather be ousted by the clan because of the unsuccessful expedition, than let tens of thousands of Qin people be buried in a foreign country and make me a sinner through the ages!"

Zipu stood up to help the case, and announced with a painful expression: "Draft a document, let Zuo Shuchang prepare to retire!"

The only thing he is worried about now is whether the Qin people can return safely...


Five days later, Quwo, the base camp of the Qin and Wei forces.


Even if he is not on the front line, he is always wearing armor. Hu, the eldest son of the Zuoshu of the Qin State with a long sword, looks at the messenger with a complicated expression. But it is still smooth - the premise is that the Puban Ferry is still in the hands of the coalition forces.

"The great concubine told me to retreat?"

After reading the letter, a feeling of shame and anger suddenly burned in Zihu's heart. Along with the other Qin generals in the tent, who also wanted to retreat, his anger was completely aroused, and he suddenly got up from the couch and pointed at him. The generals scolded loudly: "The sultan is not on the front line, and it is easy to be deceived. You have left your courage in Hexi? Just a few teams of Zhao cavalry, will you scare you like this?"

The generals and captains of the Qin state smiled bitterly. They were not a few cavalry, but a mighty army of thousands.

The defeat of Shaoliang a few years ago was really a great humiliation for Zihu in this life. He would never forget the feeling of humiliation hiding in the city and being bombarded by Shaoliang and didn't dare to raise his head. Fortunately, the Zhao clan did not kill him. After he was released to Qin, the consul-general also let Duke Mu of Qin let go of the defeated generals Meng Mingshi, Bai Yibing, and Xiqishu. In the end, the three became the heroes of Qin's **** of Xirong. There is a reason, giving Zihu a second chance.

Unexpectedly, it was Zipu who let him come to the front line with shame, and it was Zipu who ordered him to teach.

Unwilling, he glanced at every general and captain present, but almost everyone was willing to retreat.

"The soldiers have been ominous for a long time, and Wu Zhu in the army also predicted that it is not appropriate to fight again."

"Since the great concubine has made a decision, we should follow it."

"First clear the Hexi enemy, and then continue to compete with Zhao for Hedong."

"Of course, Zuo Shuchang doesn't have to worry about the short and long days of this day. Now that the road to Hedong is mature, we should retire this year, take a little rest, and come back tomorrow. This is a long-term strategy."

In fact, what they thought in their hearts was that the Zhao family had been sticking to avoid the war, and they couldn't even break the front line of Xinjiang, so how could they fight Zhao Jun again?


The generals and captains of the school have all expressed their stance, and Zihu's raised arm finally let it down weakly. He didn't know in his heart that it was a difficult choice for Zipu to retreat, but he was brave after being ashamed. In the past few years, he had studied Zhao's weaknesses a lot. Before he could prove these things on the battlefield, he would have to be disheartened. go back?

Zihu's eyes moved most to Wei Ju, another commander of the coalition who had the right to speak.

"Ziteng, what do you think?"

In less than half a year, after his father was assassinated, he was forcibly dragged into Lianheng, turned against Zhao Wuxi and struggled in Hedong, Wei Ju seemed to be ten years older. Hearing Zihu's question, he raised his head exhaustedly, hesitated for a moment, and replied, "Retreat...it's a good idea."

As soon as Wei Ju finished speaking, Zihu was stunned.

In the hall, Qin State's generals, school captains, and several core retainers of the Wei family all had expressions of surprise on their faces.

In Han Hu's words, it was clear that he had agreed to withdraw.

You must know that, unlike Qin people who can leave without worry, Hedong is the domain of the Wei family, and it is where the graves of their ancestors are located!

Did Wei Ju choose to give in so easily and completely deviate from this land?

Even the host felt that Hedong couldn't stay any longer, what else could Zihu say? He got up and raised his feet, kicked the case in front of him fiercely, and then shouted angrily: "If you retreat, you will retreat! It's just that we can avoid it for a while, but we can't avoid it forever. Hexi's barrier, even if our army retreats, with Zhao Wuxi's habit, it will not accept any request for peace."

Zihu predicted: "The Zhao clan will retaliate violently and introduce the war into Qin again. At that time, we must fight to defend the land of Yongzhou."

Hexi may gain and lose again, and even repeat the shame of the entire east of Jingshui after the Battle of Masui a hundred years ago.

Until then, where else can Qin Wei retreat?

The generals and captains who were familiar with Zihu's temperament looked at each other in dismay. No one dared to offend Nianscale at this time. They bowed their heads and exited the hall.

The homeland where the Wei family has lived and multiplied for hundreds of years, does it mean that it will be abandoned if it is said to be abandoned?

But he can't do it!

Different from the civil war in Liuqing, in this farce of the continuous attack on Zhao, the Wei family was too deep to turn back. If you ask who in the world knows the most about Zhao Jun, it is Wei Ju. The disciples of Confucius describe the Master as "the highest is the highest and the deepest is the drill". For Wei Ju, Zhao Wuxi is also a teacher. The more he imitates, the deeper his fear of Zhao's.

So he knew that although Qin Wei could hang and beat the Han family, they couldn't beat Zhao Jun tactically, and with their current strategic situation, they couldn't create miracles.

Now that Hexi and Hewai have been defeated, if they don't leave, the Qin and Wei armies of tens of thousands will be the same as the Qi army in the battle of Wenshui, and the whole army will be wiped out here.

Between perishing and abandoning his homeland to live elsewhere, Wei Juning could choose the latter, and the great concubine of the Qin state agreed that after Zhao Qi was expelled, the Wei clan could still keep this place, and as the concubine of the Qin state, he would always rule Hexi!

The Wei family is no longer with the Zhao family. Although he knows that the Qin people are only using himself as a shield, Wei Ju can only continue to play the role that the Zhi family played before.

"Zhi Shi only lasted for a few years, how long can I stop Zhao Wuxi?" Wei Ju thought bitterly.

Knowing this earlier, it was not as good as the one who was willing to live under it.

But it's too late to say these things. What Wei Ju can be concerned about now is how much living force can be taken away from Hedong, and how many years can the Wei family last?


At the end of March, as Zhao's cavalry took the lead in opening the situation in Hexi~www.wuxiaspot.com~Hedong side, Zhao Jun's next battle plan was also determined. Under Zhao Wuxi's edict to "strengthen the right wing of our army", several thousand more Zhao troops arrived in Xinjiang from Gujiang. In cooperation with Tian Ben and Taiyuan County soldiers, the attack is expected to start on April 1.

However, on the last day of March, Zhao Jun continued to receive information from various quarters that the Qin and Wei divisions who were entrenched in Xunyi and Hancheng seemed to be withdrawing their troops...

A large number of cattle and horses and vehicles left along the road to the west, and the camp that had been at odds with Xinjiang unexpectedly had birds falling, apparently becoming an empty camp.

The coach of this wing, Mu Xia, said worriedly: "There are still ships on the east bank of Longmen Ferry. If the enemy troops from Shaoliang cooperate, it is entirely possible for the more than ten thousand enemy troops to retreat to the west bank..."

If this is the case, Zhao Wuxi's strategy of catching turtles in the urn will be flawed. Mucha made a decisive decision and immediately ordered Tian Ben to be the striker, heading towards Xuncheng!

ps: There is only one chapter tonight.

"Wei Liaozi: Military Education": "From above, as for the generals, if there are those who do not follow the law, then those who teach them will be guilty of breaking the law." The first level is the school captain, and the following are two or five hundred masters. (To be continued.)

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