Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 985: Korean War (middle)

ps: There is another chapter at 12:00

"See you on the cloud platform!"

"See you on the cloud platform!"

Tian Ben pulled out his two knives and hurriedly screamed, every roar of his would be exchanged for a response resounding through the field. On the ancient battlefield of Hanyuan, the sudden shouting of three thousand people seemed to be overwhelming, and it was really frightening that the army of Qin and Wei was completely unprepared.

After a few shouts of courage, the three thousand Zhao soldiers lined up on Han Yuan, and everyone became fanatical and belligerent in this shout. They trotted and pushed forward step by step towards the troops after the Qin and Wei allied forces broke off.

"These Zhao soldiers actually dare to..." Wei general Lu Xing, who was in charge of the breakup, was a little surprised. He really did not expect that the enemy would dare to attack an army five times their number.

Is this bravery or stupidity?

But he didn't mess up. With the pursuit speed of those Zhao pawns trotting, it was very difficult to keep the queue tidy for a long time. That general Zhao didn't seem to care about this. As long as the formation was not chaotic to a certain extent, he would turn a blind eye, and only stared at the Qin-Wei coalition army who hastily changed from the marching troops to the combat formations.

Lu Xing breathed a sigh of relief quickly. He could see that this army was completely different from the ordinary Zhao army.

Before the formation appeared, the infantry could only be called pawns, fighting each other in a scattered manner, fleeing in a panic under the impact of the chariots. It wasn't until Jin, Qi, and Wu that military reforms occurred one after another, and infantry with sharp armour began to become the main force of the war. This has only happened in recent decades. Bank of China Wu, Wei Shu, Sima Rangju, and Sun Wu are all The best among them.

After that, Zhao's phalanx infantry was even better than the blue, and the status of the infantry climbed to the peak. They used strong crossbows with spears, thick armor, and large shields. The noble chariots and soldiers of the princes could not destroy their formation at all. Therefore, the wars of Zhao's Qiqi, Zheng, Sanhuan, and Zhuqings all ended in devastating victories.

Moreover, according to Lu Xing's understanding, the elite soldiers in Zhao's army would rather sacrifice mobility, including the movement speed of the phalanx, and put strict lineup in the first place.

He once heard Chen Heng talk about a battle example. It was on the eve of the Battle of Wenshui. The army of Qi invaded Lu was confronted with a Zhao army. The chariot soldiers shot back and forth in an attempt to make them chaotic, but the Zhao army was able to form a formation to protect themselves, using spears and large sculls to stop the Qi people from getting close, while fighting back with strong crossbows, causing the Qi people to do nothing to them, and finally the whole body and retreat.

"It seems that the forward of the Zhao army in front of you is indeed Tian Ben." Lu Xing's mind came up with the reckless man beside Zhao Wuxi. This was indeed his style. feats, but also several fiasco.

Moreover, he has been demoted many times, and the current commander is probably still a brave and unscrupulous motley army composed of evil youths and light chivalrous men. Naturally, it cannot be compared with those elite Zhao clan soldiers.

Looking at their equipment, most of them are wearing light armor, so they can make strides. There is neither a spear nor a scull in his hand, only a small round shield with one hand, and no crossbow. He just carries a leather bag on his back, and he can't see what is inside.

Zhao Wuxi is too stingy with this army that has made great achievements, right?

In short, the closer they are to the rear of the Qin and Wei forces, and the faster their speed, the more flaws they show, and the formation becomes more and more chaotic, as if they don't care about the formation at all.

Seeing this scene, the faces of several Qin people standing next to Lu Xing already showed a strange look on their faces, because this is completely the "scattered and self-fighting" of their Qin people. They would think that the opposite is actually a Qin soldier.

"Set up a spear, block these Zhao soldiers back, and we can continue our march!"

Lu Xing raised his hand and told Wei Jun, who had just completed the formation and the formation was a little messy, to prepare to resist the enemy's attack, but he was still vaguely uneasy in his heart.

This unease stemmed from the sound of drums in the scattered enemy formations.

It was a waist drum unique to Zhao's army. It was hung on the musician's body, and beat along with the pace while running.

dong dong dong dong dong dong...

Under the command of the drum, although the formation seems to be chaotic, in fact, every Zhao soldier is stepping on the drum. In addition to the command, this waist drum has an exciting effect. Every step they take, they can feel it. The heart was beating violently, and the Qin and Wei forces who were the enemy felt a sense of oppression. It seems that it can maintain and continue to brew and ferment the stupidity and madness shown by the three thousand Zhao soldiers just now, and finally swept like an unstoppable wave.

"How could it be possible... The Chu army in the Battle of Yanling was defeated because the savage troops were not in formation and Chen Cai's division was not organized. Since ancient times, there have been battles that have won without battle, and the whole battle has been defeated in disorder." This is Lu Xingdai. The experience of the soldiers in the past ten years is also the experience that their Wei family has learned from Zhao Jun.

The enemy had already entered the range of a hundred paces, and Lu Xing waved his hand and let the arrows be released.

There were about four or five thousand people in the rear of the coalition, and a salvo came in and out of the sky, watching more than a thousand arrows fall from the sky like locusts, but the Zhao soldier did not avoid it. Meaning, just raised the small round shield in vain to resist.

Perhaps because of the scattered formation, the salvo was ineffective. After the rain of arrows fell, only a few dozen people were hit by the arrows. Because of the poor armor, those hit by the arrows basically lost their combat effectiveness. But this didn't stop them from approaching at all. The death and injury of Paoze around him angered them. After seeing the blood, the Zhao soldiers became even more frenzied. The loose queue became more and more chaotic.

"Are they going to rush in directly?" Lu Xing thought when he ordered the third round of arrows to be shot. Although he hurriedly formed an untidy formation, he was much stronger than the opponent.

However, it was also at the same time that Zhao soldiers in the front row slowed down slightly. Lu Xing thought it was because they were afraid. It was only when they raised their weapons, and with the acceleration of the impact, hundreds of short spearmen and halberds came out of the air, and his expression turned slightly pale. Change.

At this distance, the spears flying over the big scull directly landed on the head of the Wei's crossbowmen behind, and there was a sudden scream of ghosts and wolves.

Before they could react, another group of spears flew over. This time, even the slightly thinner shields in the hands of the armored soldiers could not stop them. More than a dozen people fell, and there were some flaws in the Wei army's formation.

"Move closer!"

Lu Xing shouted loudly to let everyone stabilize their positions, because next, the Zhao Clan will directly attack with the flesh, but this is meaningless, Wei Clan's soldiers are well equipped, and there are more archers, so it is impossible to lose! In particular, it is impossible to lose to Zhao's motley army other than Zhao Wuzu.

However, an unexpected scene happened. After the Zhao soldiers threw their spears, they suddenly separated to the two wings, making way for a road that was dozens of paces wide.

Lu Xing saw that a dense phalanx of more than 100 people hid behind the spear throwers and approached within 30 paces unscathed!

They did not have spears, but only short swords, and they lowered their bodies and charged towards the weakest point of the coalition's rear formation. Although they were hiding behind the wide shield, Lu Xing still caught a glimpse of the armor and caps worn by those Zhao soldiers that could reflect sunlight, and even the beast head on the shield had a metallic sheen...

Their faces were hideous, and they marched forward with heavy steps. Although the speed was not fast, they had a power that overwhelmed everything, as if the Gonggong was angry with the Buzhou Mountain, and could trample the earth overturned.

The crossbowmen hurriedly counterattacked, but the arrows shot on them, making a clinking sound like hail falling, but this method penetrated; it was also difficult for the spear to pierce the shield and hurt the Zhao soldiers behind.

"Is this a bronze armor? Or..."

He didn't care to think about why the Zhao family was so extravagant that he also equipped his soldiers with bronze armor, when he heard a loud noise.


It was like a few rhinos collided at the same time. The 100-strong army hidden in the chaos, relying on shields and indestructible armor, forcibly smashed a big hole in the back of the coalition army, and for a while, the defense line was broken. , people turn their backs on horses...

Lu Xing was shocked, but Tian Ben was extremely excited.

In fact, he kept one hand. In addition to the light soldiers under his command, this striker also had a pawn, plus ten cars, each pulling ten pieces of iron armor, which was equipped with a hundred people. These people and armors are from Mu Xia, he said.

So, the little tricks he played temporarily, coupled with the long-hidden Zhao army's sharp armor, saw miraculous effects on the battlefield of Hanyuan. Since the enemy's front line has been broken, the next thing you need to do is to destroy them. , even if it bites the enemy's tail and drags the enemy army.

After smashing through the enemy formation, the Zhao soldiers, who were composed of desperadoes, became more and more excited. The short spears and halberds they threw came in again like flying snakes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and knocked Wei soldiers to the ground. After throwing away the weapons behind them, they did not hesitate to pull out the weapons they were wearing, knives, axes, swords, and berylliums. Tian Ben, who was plundering the formation, and the unstoppable iron armored soldiers rushed into the Wei army!

Like a mudslide pouring into the calm river bay, for a while, the rear formation of the Qin and Wei forces was in chaos...

"General, what should we do?" At the same time, the allied army that was already in the front several miles away, the general Qin Guoxuan also learned the reason for the huge noise behind.

"Originally, Lu Xing was supposed to repel the enemy, but he was entangled by the broken formation..."

Rui Jiang was hesitant, the river bank was not far away from here, as long as they walked forward for a few hours, they would be able to see the Qin country. But if he just abandons the thousands of Wei soldiers and Qin people behind him, he will be heavily censured by the concubines when they go back.

After a while, he made up his mind: "The front army accelerates forward, and at the same time transfers all the chariots to the rear to support, not to annihilate the enemy, just use the speed of the chariots, and shoot and advance to force them away, let them go. Lu Zi and the army can get away!"

(To be continued.)

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