Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1003: Death of a chivalrous incense

In April, with the hasty evacuation of the Qin and Wei forces, the entire north of Zhongtiao Mountain was captured by the Zhao clan, and Zhao Wuxi's base continued to move south, from Quwo to Anyi, and then from Anyi to Yanchi...

Within a few days, he received a lot of news from the south.

Zhao Wuxi breathed a sigh of relief when he learned that the King of Chu was fighting in the north, but died of illness in Lu Hun. As the Chu army retreated south, his battle plan would not need to be changed, nor would he have to worry about having to fight with the huge army after the war. The state of Chu was caught in a long tug-of-war.

When he learned that Daozhi had broken through Hangu Pass, he praised it. The southern offensive of Daozhi's army was the starting point of Zhao's turn from defense to attack in the whole war. The ally has turned the corner, and now he has gnawed the hard bone of Hangu Pass for him. Next, he still needs to go west to Taolin and remove Xiayi and Fenglingdu, and then the victory will basically be settled.

However, just a few days later, bad news came that Liu Xiazhi died in the Taolin battle...

For a time, the officials in the tent were inexplicably surprised, and Zhao Wuxi was also silent, and did not speak for a long time.

Or Yang Hu asked again and again: "Where are the generals and soldiers of Liuxia's army? Where is Hangu?"

"Hangu is safe and is still in the hands of our army. As for the soldiers of General Liuxia...they..."

After the angry "Zhi Zhi" had killed off the ambushing enemy, they carried Liu Xia Zhi's body and continued westward along the Taolin Trail. They were hit by a few small ambushes along the way, but they couldn't stop their footsteps. When they arrived at Xiayi, there were only 8,000 people left. These 8,000 angry children of Lu, led by the supervisors and school captains, spent a day uprooting Xiayi and razing the small town where the Taolin ambush was planned. The whole city is slaughtered...

When this news arrived, these people had already swept across the south bank of the Great River and seized the pier on the south bank of Fenglingdu!

"That's good..." Yang Hu and the officials in the tent were relieved, and then suddenly realized that what they said at this time was a bit inappropriate, and everyone quickly changed their words: "Liu Xiajun actually died in the small peach forest, I'm so sorry..."

That's right, returning the corpse wrapped in horse leather, although this is one of the best places for a warrior, but Zhao Wuxi did not expect that Liu Xiazhi would leave so early.

The first time he met Liu Xiazhi was when he first entered the state of Lu more than ten years ago. He heard Ran Qiu talk about his deeds. After arriving in Qufu, he denounced Robber Zhi from Liuxiahui, Sanhuan and others. In the mouths of the local poor people, the robber Zhi seems to be a completely different image. Is it a villain who abuses the princes and massacres the people, or is a hero who kills the rich to help the poor, and leads the gangsters to turn over and sing?

No matter what the truth was, at that time, Zhao Wuxi, as the lord and doctor around Onozawa, certainly could not tolerate the continued existence of the group of thieves. But Roi Zhi was also one of the most difficult enemies he encountered. It took him several years to disintegrate the power of Robber Zhi through military and people's livelihood, and borrowed Zhao Yang's power to subdue him... …

Dao Zhi is known as "thieves also have a way". After more than ten years, Zhao Wuxi dared to use him, and he was indispensable in every war. It can be said that "Zhi Zhi", like military soldiers and cavalry, was in played a key role in all the battles.

However, this person is also a bit rebellious and difficult to win over. The previous massacre of 5,000 Zheng Guo prisoners by the Luoshui once made Zhao Wuxi's side fall into the passive position of public opinion. Although he did not intend to investigate the matter before the end of the war, he also realized that although Rou Zhi and his men could fight, they were a destabilizing factor in the army. Only the birds can do their best to hide...

But what he didn't expect was that before he could release Bingquan with a glass of wine, Robber Zhi ended his life in this way.

What he did before, no matter how angry or resentful, was not important anymore, Zhao Wuxi only had regrets and regrets in his heart.

But looking at the attitude of the officials in the tent, "It's not a bad thing for this unruly person to die", he suddenly felt that he should give Liu Xiazhi a fair conclusion in his life.

But the difficulty with drawing conclusions about historical figures is that what they did was often contradictory, especially in the case of Robber Zhi.

Is it a robber or a good minister, a hero or a butcher?

Zhao Wuxi got up and said, "Get the pen and paper..."

Zixia Yingnuo quickly fetched the best white paper and cigarette ink, and spread the long paper roll on the table.

Zhao Wuxie held a pen in his right hand, and let it absorb enough ink until he was full of energy.

His merits, his faults, his chivalry, his decisiveness, his sudden appearance, his sudden fall...

Zhao Wuxi raised his pen and inkstone, but what appeared in his mind was that when Robber Zhi led the army to charge, it was like a sharp sword unsheathed.

He put the pen into the paper, as if Robber Zhi led his army to surprise the enemy's rear, like a knife piercing the bone, and the whole situation was stirred up with one stroke!

In an instant, there was an extra swipe on the paper, like a robber with a thick beard, with a hint of ridicule from a smart person.

With the first touch of the broken paper, Zhao Wuxi's gestures did not stop, and the huge ink words jumped on the paper!

When his mind was exhausted and the pen fell, Zhao Wuxi threw the pen away and burst into tears in front of everyone.

"Sorry Zaizishi!"

"What a pity the general!"

Everyone hurriedly cupped their hands and cried together. After a while, Yang Hu raised his head and looked at the table, only to see that there were only ten characters on the white paper, ten wild cursive seals...

"Long death chivalrous incense, shameless in the world!"


In the thirty-first year of the Zhou Dynasty (489 BC), April 26th...

This month the situation is unpredictable. First, the king of Chu passed away, and the Chu army retreated in a furious manner. Immediately, Robber Zhi broke through Hangu Pass but died in Taolin. His soldiers slaughtered Xiayi with 2,000 casualties in grief and anger, and occupied the city. Fengling crossed the south bank. At this point, Zhao's strategic plan has been fully realized, Qin has no troops available, and Hedong has completely become an airtight urn. South of the mountain and north of the river, there is nowhere to go.

On this day, an offering was sent from the Yanchi base camp and delivered by Qingqi boats, and soon spread all over the banks of the river.

From Puban, where the smoke of gunpowder has just dissipated, to Xiayang next to Beier Mountain.

From Fenglingdu, which is full of river banks in Jingguan, to Guocheng, where Han Hu is located.

Everyone is reading this sacrificial text written by Zhao Wuxi himself.

"On the 23rd, the strong wind came from the south, the clouds gathered into lead, and the forest was miserable. It was the day when I was shocked to hear that Liu Xia's army was killed in the Taolin, and I couldn't help but feel sad. However, the deceased cannot be resurrected, and I can only pour strong wine to Xianjun, let's talk about offering sacrifices to the quartz soul of the son, and say:

Relying on the body of a concubine, you hold a three-footed sword, and sails in Onozawa to cover up the flag and the flag. It will shake Lu Song, and the greedy and violent will hate it to the bone, and the common people will love him like father and brother. Later, you followed the general trend, joined the Zhao clan, followed the Yuxi to break the rebellion of the five sons of the Song Dynasty, defeated Fan and Zhonghang in the north, arrived at Taihang, and ran rampant in Hanoi~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Since this year, it has attacked Ruyang, *** * Ground, fighting Luoshui, defeating the speed of swimming, breaking the siege of Han, breaking the Hangu Valley, chanting the long song of breaking the formation, galloping rampant in the Central Plains; the imperial frontier is in order to secure the country, and the turbulent tide will be reversed. The power of Zishi, Megatron China! I often look to the south, hoping for the victory of the general...

Nai Jun will not be sad, the mountains and rivers are so vast. The sky is dark and weeping, don't go to the merchants forever... Zi Shi died in the peach forest, and died in the hands of Xiao Xiao's despicable sneak attack! Is that the sky of the sky who is so arrogant?

The general is the hero of the country, and the hero is incense to the death.

However, the general's revenge must be avenged.

The thief of remaining evil in Hedong must be chased!

The Zhao family's banners and banners are 100,000, and they will send their troops to the south soon, cross the middle strip, and break the river. They will wipe out Qin and Wei Yufengling to comfort the generals' souls!

This is the last battle in the Central Plains. I hope that after this battle, the state of Jin will be happy and happy! The world is happy but not young! "

ps: Everyone is safe on Double Eleven, cut your hands and hurt your health, and do what you can. The book group number: 370609612, there are red envelopes for adding groups, and singles on Double Eleven should hug together to keep warm (to be continued.)

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