Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1031: Chaotianzi (top)

ps: I came back late, there is still a chapter at 1:30, and those who go to bed early don’t have to wait

In October, Chengzhou Wangcheng.

After a while of autumn rain and cold, with the arrival of the mid-winter, the poor people of the whole week have no clothes and no brown, and it is difficult to make a living. They wake up very early to make a living; Sleep all day long.

However, before dawn, Zhou Tianzi's minister, Liu Cheng, got up. He asked the imperial guard to hurry up and rush to Shan's house to visit. He didn't want to run into Shan Ping's carriage and horse at the door, so Liu Cheng didn't care. Shang Gongqing's decency, jumped out of the car and grabbed onto Shan Gong's car fence, which startled the people in the car.

"Have you heard of Shan Gong?" Liu Cheng raised his head and asked hurriedly, his face was a little morbidly red, whether he was excited or frozen by the frost.

"I just heard the news and was going to tell Duke Liu." Shan Ping did not lie, he also got up sleepily, dressed in court clothes and was about to go out.

"Then we will enter the palace together? Tell the emperor this news?"

"It's better to be cautious, and it's better to publicize it after the matter is confirmed." Shan-ping hesitated, and he couldn't blame him. After all, Liu Chengcha was stunned when he heard the news that Uncle Zheng would enter the Zhou Dynasty...

Originally, in the Western Zhou Dynasty, the Duke of Zhou stipulated such a ritual system: "The princes of the emperor are hired a small amount every year, a major appointment every three years, and a dynasty every five years."

The so-called chao is the pilgrimage, in which the feudal lords personally meet the Zhou king, report to him their achievements in governing the feudal state, and make tributes. Employment is to send domestic ministers to do the work when the journey is too long to come in person.

The imperial appointment system is the basis for the feudal relationship between the emperor of Zhou and the princes, which shows that the princes are still obedient to the king of Zhou.

However, as time passed, as the emperor of Zhou moved eastward, the royal family declined, rituals and music collapsed, and the imperial employment system slowly decayed.

Not to mention other princes, Zhu Jili, who are closest to the royal family, the closest Zheng country, since Zheng Zhuang Gong and Zhou Huan King turned their faces, there have been a few painless appointments. come on...

In the generation of King Zhou of Zhou, because Zheng State harboured and even openly supported the party of the prince's dynasty, and embezzled the royal family's territory, the relationship between Zhou and Zheng had dropped to a historical freezing point, and there had been no exchanges for more than ten years.

Now, Zheng Bosheng not only wants to make a pilgrimage to the emperor himself, but also returns the land in Liuyi that has been illegally embezzled. In the past, Liu Dan Erqing would definitely think that the sun came out from the west. But this time, they all know why Zheng Guo, who has always been ignorant of the royal family, behaves like this, and who is the real driving force behind this matter...

This makes them both excited and uneasy...

This uneasiness reached its peak when the monarchs of Wei and Lu issued the pilgrimage request at the same time.


The news of Wei and Lu Zhijun requesting to pilgrimage to the Son of Heaven together with Zheng made the whole Chengzhou boil.

Different from the weight of the Counties of Jin in the first time zone of Zheng Kingdom, Wei Lu was one of the most important princes in the early Zhou Dynasty. Lu Boqin and Wei Kang Shu were both chiefs of the East. Since entering the Spring and Autumn Period, Wei Lu has Although it is weak, it can always be ranked in the front position when it comes to the order of the alliance.

However, the monarch of the state of Wei and the state of Lu met and even hired the emperor. That was a few years ago. What is especially chilling is that the monarch of the state of Lu, who claims to have inherited the most Zhou rituals, has only hired the king of Zhou twice since the Spring and Autumn Period. There were as many as 12 times when the emperor hired Jin Jun, and Wei Guo was similar. The overlord of the Ning Dynasty, not hiring the emperor has become the consensus of the princes surnamed Ji, so it can be seen how shabby the Zhou king is. Sometimes when the emperor died, or the king's city could not be repaired, he had to send his ministers to ask for silk coins from country to country with a shy face, like a beggar. Later, the last king of Zhou even made a farce of "high debts". .

That's another story, but now Lu and Wei Zhijun have changed their normal behavior and come to the court actively. Of course, it is not because they have changed their minds after reading the ancient rituals of Zhou people several times, but because they were coerced and forced to do so... …

If they were to speak their minds, Zheng Bosheng, Luhou Jiang, Wei Houyi, they only hoped that the emperor would refuse the request to see the court and let this matter end in vain.

However, the royal family could not refuse.

There is no king in the world, and there is no king on the coast of the land. Although the emperor of Zhou is down, he has never forgotten the glory of the past. Who has not dreamed of restoring the glory of the old times when all countries came to the dynasty and the barbarians led the service? No one came before. For the first time in a hundred years, three princes came to court together, how could they refuse? Even if you want to use Zhou King's private treasury money and silk for ceremonies and ostentations, you have to grit your teeth and go ahead, because this is a matter of the emperor's face!

The matter of good face, from the Zhou Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, has never been put down by the court that regards itself as the upper kingdom of the heaven.

On the other hand, Liu and Shan Ergong did not dare to refuse this matter.

Because the driving force behind the three monarchs came to the court this time was the Zhao family. After forcing the surrender of Zheng at the end of September, the Zhao army returned to the Zhou Dynasty. The main point is to maintain order and decorate the facade when the princes meet the emperor.

Returning the city and seeing the three kings, Zhao Wuxi gave Zhou Tianzi enough benefits and face, but he was hard and soft, and there were more than 10,000 people who put pressure on him. Got a fine drink.

If the royal family refused directly, Liu Dan and Ergong could not imagine what Zhao Qing, who was determined to win, would do. Although Zhao Jun has not done anything out of the ordinary, Ergong has never forgotten that Robber Zhi passed by. Zhou Shi was urinating in front of the uterus of the sky...

In this case, it is better to follow Zhao Qing's wishes.

So the Son of Heaven issued an edict, "General Lu, Wei Yi, Zheng Sheng, and the three of you have enfeoffed the Eastern Territory, not forgetting the old Zhou Dynasty, and honoring the pilgrimage, Wang Ruo said, "Yes!"


It was cold in the middle of winter, and snow began to fall in the north. In this case, the civil war in the Song Kingdom was deadlocked in Mount Mangdang. Shangqiu could not help Pengcheng, and Pengcheng could not understand Shangqiu.

As for the forces behind the two sides, the Zhao family satisfactorily took a truce after defeating the Zheng Kingdom and seizing the first-line land in Jishui. This year, the Zhao family has been fighting and urgently needs a rest to support the next year. Because the people of Wu can't stand the severe cold in the north, they have no desire to go north, and the state of Chu is also licking the pain after the death of King Chu Zhao, and the world has entered a brief period of peace.

Under such circumstances, at the end of October, the three princes of Lu, Wei, and Zheng began to set foot on the road one after another.

They don't need to worry about the country at all, because Lu Wei is a puppet state of the Zhao family, and the monarch is just a puppet. .

Especially Uncle Zheng, who had just been forced to sign an alliance under the city, and had to run this drudgery again. He did not know how many times he secretly complained to others along the way.

But for Marquis Wei and Marquis Lu who were locked in bird cages, this meeting was also a rare excursion...

But after all, unlike ordinary people's hiking relatives, the ceremony is an extremely solemn and complicated item in the Zhou ritual. Lu, Wei, and Zheng Sanjun did not go separately, but agreed on a time to meet in Gongdi, east of Chengzhou in mid-November. .

Gong, called Que Gong in the Shang Dynasty, and Zhou as Gong Boguo. After the Zhou royal family moved eastward, the territory of the small Gongguo was occupied by the ministers who came from the east, and gradually disappeared. Zhou's Tang Muyi.

The Curtain Palace, as its name suggests, is a palace made up of curtains. It is really cold to live in this kind of place in the winter. Erjun Zheng Lu was shivering the next day, and the underage Wei Hou almost froze. When they are sick, their entourage is even worse, and the team of more than 100 people sneezes all day long...

However, there is no way to do this. The conditions of the royal family are limited, and the supply of charcoal fire in the curtain palace is not enough. They have to stick to the Zongzhou ritual system and cannot live in Gongyi. They are just suffering from the court team. Many people have secretly scolded, saying that no one has Coming to Chaozhou turned out to be a chore.

Fortunately, there was no further delay on Cheng Zhou's side. The next day, Duke Liu wore a leather jacket and brought jade to comfort the three kings.

After we met ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, we had to perform a play according to the Zhou etiquette. Unfortunately, it rained again that day. On the temporary altar, the three princes listened to Liu Gong's announcement of the order of the emperor and bowed their heads. The ceremony of receiving jade is not as solemn as imagined, but it is a little desolate under the rain and wind...

After finally finishing the foreplay, the three princes were finally able to follow Duke Liu to Chengzhou.

When looking at the twin cities of Chengzhou and Wangcheng from a distance, the generals of Luhou and Weihou, who had been looking forward to seeing the magnificent palace, were disappointed...

Wei Houyi was a half-year-old child who confusedly put on the crown after his father was overthrown and died. Although the general of Luhou is a little older, he cannot see the sun in the deep lock palace.

However, they are also puppets, and there are occasional people who enter and leave the palace to instill in them: Up to the emperor, down to the princes, the surname Ji is the authentic, the rest are only officials with miscellaneous surnames, and Luoyang is the center of the world... …

Therefore, they have an illusory vision of "suffering and eloquent" towards Zhou.

However, when I saw it today, I was greatly disappointed! (To be continued.)

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