Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1050: Military merit

ps: Chapter 2 tonight, ask for a recommendation ticket!

"What rank is the official doctor?"

As soon as he went down to court, Tian Ben grabbed the adjacent Yu Xiquan. Tian Ben was too excited when he was awarded the title. He didn't remember the names of the new titles, so he could only ask around to ask.

"Pay attention to the etiquette..." Yu Xi waved his big hand in disgust and said, "Zhao Guogong is the twelfth rank, and the official doctor is the ninth rank."

"Official doctor..." Tian Benxi smiled, sounding like a big official, he asked Yu Xi again: "Then what are you?"

Yu Xi smiled lightly, raised his head, revealing his golden ribbon and blue ribbon: "Dr. Gong, tenth grade."

Tian Ben's face turned pale: "higher or lower than me?"

"Ten and nine, who is older?"

Tian Ben thought for a while: "Of course it's ten."

"Then I'll be one level higher than you."

Tian Ben was at a loss. In fact, he once rushed to aid the State of Lu, crossed the Dragon Gate by force, attacked Xinjiang by surprise, and pursued the Qin army, and his contributions were no less than Yu Xi. It's just that he also made a lot of mistakes. He was once demoted to the grassroots as a soldier. Now that he can become an official doctor, it is already Zhao Wuxi's love, so Tian Ben didn't complain, but was a little moved, but Mu. Xia Yuxi's two old guys are taller than him, but he can only mix with the latecomers such as Qi Wan and Youcheng, and he can't help but feel a little resentful.

"You can't remonstrate those who go, but you can still chase those who come, encourage them, and encourage them."

Yu Xi patted Tian Ben's shoulder with a smile, with a look of "you keep working hard", then he pulled the silk belt around his waist and walked out with the steps of a courtier who had learned from the ceremonial official. He was originally Zhao. After more than ten years of birth and death, a small slave in the stables, he has made extraordinary achievements many times, but now he ranks among the top ten heroes of Zhao State, and seems to be among the top nobles. Yu Xi is naturally qualified to be proud.

Facing his robe and sash, the courtiers who were younger than him showed admiration and sent him away, because looking at the Hanyuan Hall of Weiyang Palace, there were not many people who could get the title of "Public Doctor".

In the promulgated "Military Jue Law", Zhao Guo's martial arts jue has a total of 12 grades, from low to high, they are: first-grade duke, second-grade monk, third-grade good man, fourth-grade military man, and fifth-grade national scholar , the sixth level does not change, the seventh level is Bingduo, the eighth level is the military officer, the ninth level is the official doctor, the tenth level is the public doctor, the eleventh level is the imperial officer, and the twelfth level is Yuanrong.

Considering that Zhao Wucheng was only a prince himself, naturally he would not copy the 20th rank of Qin and Han, and make jokes such as "Marquis of Guannei and Marquis Che". As for names such as "Zuo Shuchang and Dashuchang", more He couldn't follow the example of Qin, who was now proclaiming himself as Xiaozong to Zhao, so he simply created a "twelfth class" according to Jin's own characteristics.

The "Military Jubilee Law" has stricter restrictions on the principle of awarding rank, "the relocation of the rank is commensurate with the military merit". For example, the commoners who have just turned seventeen years old, and Fu Ji enlisted in the army are ordinary "military guards". Through combat, beheading or capturing prisoners, after they have made meritorious deeds, they will be registered by the military judges at the grassroots level. After the war, they can be verified according to their merits and deeds. How many "rates receive the title".

A head or prisoner can be promoted from a military rank to a duke, which is the lowest level of nobility. After that, the number of heads or prisoners required increases. From a gentleman to a sergeant, two heads are required; , three heads; when a good scholar is promoted to a soldier, five heads are required; when a warrior is promoted to a state scholar, ten heads are required; if one does not advance from a state scholar, there will be twenty heads...

Of course, when the title of nobility gradually rises, the position in the army will also rise. Rongshi, Guoshi, etc. are already equivalent to the level of **** commanders who command a hundred people. The pawns where they are to kill and wound 20 prisoners. Although it is difficult, there are also opportunities. .

The first six ranks are equivalent to taxis before the reform, and the last six ranks are officials and doctors. The standard of meritorious deeds is no longer simple beheading and prisoners, but whether they have fulfilled their responsibilities in battles and even wars. played a key role in defeating the enemy.

That's why Yu Xi was able to rise to the tenth rank of "Public Doctor" at the age of 30, because his cavalry has repeatedly played the role of winning and losing.

The background of him and Mu Xia, Tian Ben, Qi Wan and others is equivalent to announcing to all the people of Zhao State: Anyone with military merit, regardless of family background, class or class, can enjoy the title! Zhao Wuxi even stipulated: "The Zhao clan must not be a high-ranking noble unless it has military merits." This is the abolition of the hereditary privileges enjoyed by the clan aristocracy. They can no longer obtain high-ranking officials and honorable mentions just based on blood ties as in the past. Noble title.

Does this mean that Zhao Guo has completely broken with "Shiqing Shilu"? Not necessarily, because military merits and titles can be passed on to sons. If a father dies in battle, his credit can be credited to his son. If a son can fight bravely, he can hold the title, but if he sits and eats the mountains, he will be removed after three generations!

This is the stimulus that urges the people of Zhao State to participate in the war one after another, because the more heads of the enemy killed in battle, the greater the credit, the higher the title and the higher the treatment.

In the army, the ranks of the nobility are different, the meals they eat are even different, and the military salaries they receive are not the same every year.

For example, the garrison is unpaid. You have to bring your own clothes other than armor, and you can only eat the most basic rations. Even if you die in battle, you are still doing your duty for the country. Apart from a few pensions, it is difficult for the family to get other compensation. But once upgraded to a public servant, the treatment will be different. The most attractive one is the "military lord receiving the field".

Ordinary people, an adult man receives 100 acres of land to support a family of five. With the increase of military merit, a gentleman can receive 1.5 hectares of land, and a good man can have 2 hectares of land, and he can have gangsters to help with farming. , increasing in order. When it comes to Zhigui and Yuanrong, the land they have received has reached hundreds of hectares. It can be said that they are the big landlords in the Fubi county, but at that level, the amount of land and houses is out of their sight. .

The "Law of Military Noble" also stipulates that those with high titles will be rewarded more heavily, those with low titles will be given light rewards, and officers will be rewarded more than soldiers. Taking the ninth-rank title of "official doctor" as the demarcation line, the following officials and doctors made merit, but they were only given a few thousand dollars and a few slaves. But high-ranking generals like Tian Ben and Yu Xi are concerned about the "grant taxes and towns" that follow after they have made meritorious deeds, that is, to give food to households, and even get lands and become monarchs...

After all, the Spring and Autumn Period is the "feudal era", and it is everyone's wish to feudal lord. Although Zhao Wuxi relied on Zhang Mengtan to lead by example and "the wealth and honor do not return home like brocade clothing at night" when he was in charge of the state of Lu, he restrained his subordinates from gaining fiefs. Desire, but after returning to Jin State, he has successively awarded some townships in the border areas to his subordinates, but now these awards are only standardized and legalized.

Among them, the official and doctor's food tax ranges from 300 to 500 yuan.

Officials and doctors still seal hundreds of tax households, but when they arrive at the public doctor, they can already eat the land directly, so they are also called "li doctor", and the ruler is commonly called "Xiangjun", Yuanrong is "Xianjun".

Stepping out of the Hanyuan Hall of Weiyang Palace, he got a "fief" in Lilu near Yecheng, and Yu Xi, who was envied by everyone, showed more longing.

There are only a few of Zhao's eleventh and twelfth rank, and they are Dong Anyu, You Wuzheng and other important ministers. They have each received a township, or even a county award! After all, in the process from the Zhao family to the establishment of the Zhao state, the two veteran ministers worked hard for decades to lay the foundation of this new country.

Yu Xi was absent from the wars against Qin and Zheng ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Otherwise, he would also be ranked in the top Gui.

This is Zhao Wuxi's way to avoid his subordinates' high merits being unrewarded, but Yu Xi still hopes that he can make more contributions in future wars. Like You Wuzheng and Dong Anyu, he holds a jade and wears the crown of a gentleman. , standing in the forefront of the court, there is a county that can be passed down from generation to generation, and tens of thousands of people are waiting for him to govern...

"A man has no other ambitions, he should make meritorious deeds in a foreign land, galloping across the Central Plains, in order to obtain the emperor!"

From this day on, it was not only Yu Xi's ambition to make meritorious deeds and be crowned as the county ruler, and to break with the country, it was also the common ambition of Zhao Guo who aspired to fame. "The counties given are limited to Daijun, Shangjun, Hejian, and Zuo Fengyi, and no monarchs are allowed in the inner counties!"

And when someone tentatively asked, because of the emptiness of the treasury, whether to implement "Nasu worship", Zhao Hou flatly refused.

He said a paragraph, a paragraph from the mouth of Confucius, but Zhao Wuxi hoped that his children and grandchildren would always follow when they were awarded the title:

"Only names and utensils, you can't add people!" (To be continued.)

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