Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1063: The Battle of Tang (middle)

"The enemy has entered the urn..."

Seeing that the cavalrymen who were hiding their tracks in the woods rushed out one after another, and smashed the back line of Wu State's chasing troops to pieces, Ran Qiu, who was wearing a big red cloak at the head of Tangyi City, put down the telescopic mirror and showed a relieved smile.

Ten years have passed, and Ran Qiu is no longer the young general who led the army for the first time. He has grown into a pillar of the defense of the Kingdom of Lu. This time, Zhao State led the princes to confront Wu State and Qi State. Lu State was one of the main battlefields. Tigers on the northern line of the Great Wall would press the Qi army, and in Sishang area on the southern line, Zhao Wuxi was handed over to Ran Qiu. In full command, even the First Hanoi Army and the three thousand cavalry who came from Zhao State had to obey his orders.

There are plenty of reasons for this Zhao Wuxi: "Ziyou has guarded the land of Lu for more than ten years. Xiu said that the mountains and rivers of Lu country, even a small forest next to a city, he firmly remembers. Ziyou has it in his chest. In the gully, fighting in the mainland of Lu, the generals don't have children, who is qualified?"

"There are ravines in Ziyou's chest." This evaluation has become the highest praise for Ran Qiu. Although the State of Lu has not yet implemented the twelfth rank like the State of Zhao, none of the generals in the Zhao army dared to despise Ran Qiu. .

Ran Qiu used his troops to strive for a stable word. After receiving Zhao Wuxi's instructions, he said that the purpose of the battle was to break Peiyi first, and after opening the situation from Sishang, he did not attack rashly, but first showed it in Teng, Xue, Zhu and other places. With weakness, he pretended that the lords of Lu Si were weak, and immediately hoarded food near Tangyi, pretending that the army was transferred to Qufu and Juguo, and deliberately let the merchants leak the news to deceive the people of Wu. In fact, they quietly concentrated their forces and waited for Wu Jun to take the bait.

Sure enough, in the first ten days of June, the people of Wu country decided to attack Ludi when Song Guo faced the main force of Zhao army. However, a strange thing happened during the period. Wu Jun walked north to Langyi, which was farther away, which surprised Ran Qiu. He thought that his plan was discovered by the people of Wu State. The enemy's tactical deployment led to the ambush outside Tangyi.

Due to the accident in the state of Ju, part of the Lu army was dispatched, and the rest were led by the Huhui to defend the Qi army's surprise attack on Qufu, so Ran Qiu had only one army on the southern front, plus the first army of Zhao country, the total strength was two Thousands of people. Ran Qiu sent 5,000 men to Teng and Xue. Today, there are more than 10,000 foot soldiers and more than 1,000 cavalry soldiers on the battlefield in Tangyi, which is more than enough to deal with the Wu soldiers in front of him.

Now the Wu army rushed forward and rushed to the foot of Tangyi City. The rear retreat was cut off by the cavalry, and the three or four thousand people were immediately wrapped in dumplings.

A few miles away, Zhao cavalry rushed out from the two wings and advanced at full speed in the formation of arrows. The cavalry in front were all heavily armored. These heavy cavalry were sharp arrows of cavalry, and they were invincible and unstoppable. The impact of the warhorse was so strong that the hundred Wu soldiers on the top of the head were trampled into flesh in an instant. The cavalry soldiers clamped the horse's body with their legs and used the force of the warhorse's impact to penetrate into the loose enemy formation, waving the ring-headed sword. Harvest the enemy's life. Wu Bing, who had seen the terrifying cavalry for the first time, wanted to turn around and run for his life, but before they could run a few steps, he was beheaded by the enemy, and he let out a desperate scream before dying.

The road ahead is the slowly approaching Zhao Lu infantry, and there is a solid city wall, and behind the rush are the sprinting horses. make them die faster. As expected, Ran Qiu had hunted rabbits in Dongwu City when he was young. This trap is really disappointing.

However, the combat effectiveness of the Wu people should not be underestimated. Since they are all dead, if they are blocked by the enemy infantry, and then divided and attacked by the cavalry on the back, they have no hope of surviving. But rushing to meet the enemy, if they can break through these cavalry, they still have the strength to fight. Shen Shuyi, who had experienced **** battles in the Chu country and Chen Cai area, figured out the powerful relationship at this juncture of life and death. The trapped beasts were still fighting. Under his order, the remaining two or three thousand Wu soldiers immediately turned around and drew their swords to meet them. Cavalry with greatly reduced speed.

The mad Wu soldiers were hideous and disregarded that their backs were exposed to the attack of the enemy infantry. They only had one purpose, to kill the rushing horses and delay their speed. These Wu people who were born in the south did not know the cavalry. Weaknesses, they just use those high above the enemy as chariot soldiers to fight.

After all, regardless of the riding, once the speed is lost, it is not much different from the infantry.

Wu Jian was sharp, and under the melee, dozens of war horses had their legs cut off, and there was no time to react. stepped on. Cavalry began to suffer casualties, but this small victory was obtained with the flesh and blood of more than a hundred Wu people...

A horn sounded, and Zhao Qi, who found that he was too deep, began to evacuate on horseback. He retreated to the periphery and began to shoot Wu people with bows and arrows, making their formation even more chaotic. Wu people suddenly fell into a passive state. Whether it was a cavalry that charged intensively, or a bow cavalry that used mobility to shoot them at a long distance, they were the nemesis of infantry on this flat ground. The dense phalanx could not stop this stormy attack at all.

Seeing another batch of infantry being swallowed up by arrow rain or organized charge in batches, all Wu soldiers felt the threat of death, but there was nothing they could do about the other party. In the face of the impact, they could only go to Shen Shuyi's. The banners were assembled, but if they were too dense, they would suffer heavy casualties under the rain of arrows. They could only desperately raise their shields, hoping that the arrows would not hit them.

But at this moment, Zhao Lu's infantry, who had been waiting for a long time under Tangyi City, had completed their formation, and they started sprinting towards Wu Bing, who was trapped by the scattering of cavalry...

No matter how fierce and savage the tactics are, and no matter how rich Wu Bing's combat experience was in Chu State and Chen Caiyue State, under Ran Qiu's seamless trap, everything was useless...


The battle lasted only two quarters of an hour. These Wu State forwards who were running too fast were completely surrounded and wiped out by Zhao Lu's army, which was several times their own. There were corpses in front of Tangyi. Under the banner of Shen Shuyi, the bodies of Lu Zu and Zhao Qi were scattered around, and the scene was chaotic.

Looking at this situation, even Ran Qiu had to admire the bravery of the people of Wu. Although three or four thousand Wu people were annihilated, Zhao Lu also paid nearly a thousand casualties...

He couldn't help but be glad that he didn't take the initiative to attack Peiyi~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Otherwise, the people of Wu would rely on Surabaya and the city, and I was afraid that there would be more casualties.

Ran Qiu asked people to quickly clear the battlefield, and he himself planned to pursue the south with the remaining infantry and cavalry. Because these people of Wu who were running too fast were separated from their main force, the scouts came to report. After discovering that the front was a trap, the five or six thousand Wu troops who were walking slowly behind had already withdrawn, and Ran Qiu had already let Qing Qing Soldiers go to intercept.

"Only by completely wiping out this batch of Wu troops can this battle be called a complete success!"

However, as soon as he came out of Tangyi, the cavalry came to report that their lieutenant, Liu Xiayue, had unfortunately fallen off his horse after rushing into the enemy's line, and is now missing...

Ran Qiu couldn't help but sighed in his heart. This Liu Xiayue was the son of Liu Xiazhi. Although Ran Qiu and other Confucian disciples always did not deal with the thief Zhi, he was a hero who was publicly praised by Zhao Hou, and Ran Qiu had a good impression of Liu Xiayue. , it would be a pity if he was unfortunately damaged here!

ps: Calvin, that's it for today, and I'll make up for it tomorrow

(To be continued.)

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