Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1078: The armor is still there!

Zhuan's original intention was to wait for the fire to spread to stop Zhao Jun, and then he and the rest of the rhinoceros guards went down to the Sui River. First, he could avoid the fire, and secondly, he could take advantage of the gap to cross the river to the other side. Of course, he did not want to escape, but to form a new formation on the other side and block Zhao Jun for a few hours.

The Wu people are as brave as the Qin people, but they are more flexible and fickle than the Qin army.

However, the crucian carp never expected that there was an army on the opposite side that was not afraid to go through fire and water...

In the crackling sound of the flames burning the vegetation, a high-pitched drum beat violently. The rhythm first eased and then became violent. This momentum seemed to lower the flames' tongues a bit. The crucian carp who was gathering the soldiers behind the wall of fire suddenly turned back and looked directly in front of the sound, and then his eyes became stiff.

At the weakest point of the fire wall, an array like a city wall rushed in with the flames burning. Holding wet cloaks or baskets of soil, they put out all the flames in front of them, so that people behind them could enter smoothly. Occasionally, people don't panic if they get caught on fire. They wet themselves with water before they come in, and they burn at most a little bit of fur.

Soon, the dense armored soldiers poured in through the gaps in the wall of fire, and immediately, they formed a strict formation like a forest on the still smoking white ground. If you look closely, you will find that these infantrymen are only those in the front row holding spears, while those in the back hold round shields and knives around their heads, but what is more noteworthy is the armor on their bodies, which is pitch-black. Unlike leather, it reflects the luster of metal when exposed to sunlight and fire.

This group of people rushed into the fire in a daze, standing in front of Wu Jia, silent and murderous.

"Re-form the formation!" Zhuan crucian carp knew that he would not be able to escape, but the group of Zhao soldiers in front of him were infantry, and there were only more than a thousand people, less than half of them, Wu Jia could completely push them back to the fire. , and then evacuate.

They were gathering, and the enemy did not rest. Accompanied by the drumming of the waist drum, the two huge phalanxes of infantry on the left and the right began to slowly walk towards the river bank. In the eyes of Wu people, Zhao Zu was tall and tall, seven or eight feet long, in stark contrast to Wu Jia, who was a little shorter and agile in the south. Perhaps the armor was too cumbersome. trembling slowly...

Zhuan carp's complexion became more and more solemn, and the battle was in order, not fast. Don't look at Zhao Jun's cumbersomeness, but their pace was almost uniform. It can be seen that this is an elite soldier. After countless trainings, he has seen countless battles. array. Their slow approach has already brought a huge sense of suffocation to the people of Wu who are waiting for work. Inevitably, this was a completely different experience from the previous encounter with the cavalry.

Zhuan Crucian raised his hand. Hundreds of Wu Jia, who hadn't thrown their bows away just now, opened their stiff bows. They were very calm.

There was a crisp sound, and the rain of arrows fell from the sky and fell on the front row of Zhao array. Perhaps because of the shield's blocking, it didn't seem to cause much damage.

Zhuan Carp was stunned for a moment, and quickly ordered, "Shoot again!"

"Tang Teng Teng Teng..." The continuous sound of the bowstring ejection sounded, and the Wu people tried their best to open their bows, flying arrows like locusts, sweeping in front of the enemy's army.

However, nearly a thousand arrows were shot, only to see dozens of bodies collapsed. The rest of the warriors ignored the falling arrows and kept marching forward, as if one were moving into a steel jungle.

"What's going on?" Wu Ren looked at each other in panic.

This time, the power of the Wu people's salvo was not weaker than before, but Zhuan Zhuan was stunned to find that many arrow clusters were clearly not blocked by the shield and shot at the enemy, but they bounced off gently, only splashing some sparks... …

He noticed that more than one arrow was hit by a target he aimed at himself, but those feathered arrows just inserted into the gap in Zhao Zu's armor and hung on his body, but the man didn't feel any pain, still Walk in uniform steps.

Looking at Zhao Zu, who was approaching without dodging and evading arrows, finally made this group of Wu people who were not afraid of death felt a little bit of fear and nervousness.

"The armor of the enemy is different..." But Zhuan Carp had no time to think of a way, the enemy had already approached thirty paces away, and began to charge!

"Two or three sons! Follow me in formation!" Zhuan crucian carp could only bite the bullet and draw his sword, roaring hoarsely, waving the long sword in his hand, causing the archer to retreat, and driving the horizontal formation composed of shield soldiers and spear soldiers forward.

At this moment, if you stand at a high place and look down, you can find that on the white ground burned black by the flames, two moving city walls composed of armored warriors are rapidly approaching. Twenty steps, ten steps... They could clearly smell the stench from each other's mouth and nose, see the expression on the other's face covered in the coat, or be crazy, or fear, or tremble...

With a loud bang, Zhao Jun's iron-clad soldiers, Wu's rhinoceros guards, the two invincible leaders in the north and the south, finally collided!



The two army formations composed of heavy armored infantry collided, and at this moment, it was as if Gonggong angered Buzhou Mountain, shaking the sky.

At the same time as the collision, there were heavy casualties. Zhao Wuzu's head was cut off with a knife, and Wu people's spears stabbed out. Both sides were fighting with their lives. The screams of dying and the crazy screams sounded at the same time, making Zhuan's heart that had already regarded death as home sank a little bit. .

Unstoppable, not only did the archery kill the enemy just now, but when the two armies faced each other, the rhinoceros guards, who had always been good at battle, found in despair that Jinge of Wu, who was invincible when dealing with the leather armor of the people of Chu and Yue, was today. The halberd sank into the sand. When the Ge Spear touched Zhao Zu's Jiayi, it was as if it was chopped on a stone, causing Wu Zu's palm to numb, but the other party was not seriously injured, but once again raised his sword to kill Wu Zu, and took the ring-head sword with him. Pieces of blood.

"It's iron armor..."

After another soldier of Wu rushed to his death, Zhuo crucian carp took a step back, his heart had sunk, and these Zhao soldiers seemed to be wearing the iron armor that Zhao had used when he fought with Qin and Wei last year. There were only a few hundred people, but now it has expanded to a thousand people, forming an invincible phalanx.

It is also the unfortunate rhinoceros guard who has beaten the invincible hand in the south, but he has encountered such a nemesis.

Compared with iron armor, although the water rhino armor is valuable and has excellent protective effect, it is still very fragile under the attack of forged iron weapons. It was split before the ring head knife cracked. Besides, the rhinoceros armor is a single piece, which can protect the chest, abdomen and back. The rest of the body, such as hands and feet, is touched by the ring knife, and flesh and blood will fly.

There are three urgent things when it comes to combining blades in battle: the first is to obtain the terrain, the second is to learn the uniforms of the soldiers, and the third is to use the tools. Now the terrain is pounding the river bank from a gentle slope, the soldiers are tempered and tempered, and the armor and weapons are stronger and sharper than the enemy's. This made the brave and strong Zhao Wuzun even more morale. Although the Wu people were twice as strong as them, but with their unstoppable momentum, they pressed and beat each other, using their war knives to slash and kill Wu soldiers wantonly, disturbing them. battle formation.

The sudden shock really hit the Wu people hard, causing them to suffer a lot, and they could only rely on personal bravery to maintain their undefeated.

Zhuan crucian carp is the son of Zhuanzhu. He has cultivated a superb martial arts since he was a child. At this moment, he is forced to a desperate situation. He is like a mad dragon going out to sea and fighting hard. Zaohong's face was covered with blood gushing out from the enemy's pawn's body, and at first glance, it looked extremely ferocious and terrifying. During the **** battle, he had no chance to wipe away the blood that poured into his eyes. He could only widen his eyes, slashing horizontally and vertically with the two long and short swords in his hand, constantly cooperating with the robe beside him to resist the enemy's onslaught. If he couldn't pierce the enemy's armor from the front, he looked for places that were not protected by iron armor: wrists, ankles, neck, gaps, ears and noses, in short, he used all his abilities.

Inspired by Zhuan Carp, many Wu soldiers followed suit. They formed groups of three and formed an array of five, with long swords, short swords and shields capable of both attacking and defending. Among the most astonishing formations, there is actually Wu Bing who bends bows and sets arrows to provide support for the distant Paoze with cold arrows. At such a distance of less than ten steps, even iron armor is not good. Defend against sharp arrows. After the initial panic and casualties, relying on the cooperation of the small battle formation and superb personal martial arts, the Wu people who had retreated all the way seemed to have stabilized their positions and curbed the momentum of Zhao Wuzu's attack.

It's a pity that personal bravery plays little role in this kind of heavy infantry phalanx battle. To a large extent, this is a game of strength. You push me and see who loses first. It's only been a moment since the battle, but Zhao Bing's refined ring-head sword has formed a huge lethality. After all, the leather is not as good as the iron, and the rhino leather armor on their bodies has lost its former function. Only less than a hundred of the other party fell.

No matter how tenacious the Wu people are on the flank battlefield, they only talk about the front. Under the constant push and shove of Zhao Wuzu, the original array was torn apart by a huge hole, and the single Wu soldiers who lost the cover of the battle formation were drawn into the iron sword. Below, almost all the casualties, and the Wu people's formation was completely torn into two halves, the beginning and the end could not echo...

In the case of Wu Jun's two separate battles, Zhao Jun's advantages are becoming more and more obvious~www.wuxiaspot.com~ And Zhuan Zhu found that once they stood their ground, it would be difficult to beat them back. "'s reputation.

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more critical, Zhuan Crucian heard a roar from outside the fire!

A flag passed through the fire wall and appeared behind the battle formation. This time, a group of fierce soldiers in light armor or even naked came up. The soldiers in the front row were all holding red shields and swords shining with cold light, and the back row was holding short spears and halberds. The tops of their heads were several red faces. The military flag, three bright yellow flame embroidery patterns danced above.

This is the Zhao army's assault force, the so-called "aggression like fire" Tian Ben army!

Tian Ben took the lead, raised his weapon, and shouted loudly, "It's not just the iron armor that goes through fire and water for the king!"

When the group of valiant soldiers screamed and rushed towards the Wu Formation, which had been torn in two, from the rear like a wave, Zhuanyan closed his eyes in despair. He knew that the battle in the flames had already been announced. ended……

ps: However, there is no spring breeze and rebirth, killing obsessive-compulsive disorder, there is a chapter in the evening

(To be continued.)

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