Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1083: born of distress

After the state of Cai migrated to Xia Cai, the situation was not stable. Because it was against the interests of the doctor and the common people, Cai Zhaohou gradually lost his heart. In the 28th year of Cai Zhaohou, that is, three years ago, the husband was very strong, and Cai Zhaohou was ready to go to Wu. The country went to see him, and the doctors of Cai Guo were afraid that he would move the capital again, to the sparsely populated Jiangnan, so they planned an assassination. On the only way for Marquis Cai Zhao, a bandit named Li was sent to assassinate Marquis Cai. After the incident was completed, the doctors of the Cai State killed Pioli and silenced them again to escape the punishment of the Wu State.

Fuchai was busy with Zhangluo's northern expedition to the Central Plains, and ignored this matter, as long as the state of Cai continued to bow his head and become a minister, so the doctors of the state of Cai supported the son of Cai Zhaohou, son Shuo, to succeed him, who was Caihoushuo.

Now that three years have passed, as Cai Houshuo has grown into an adult, he has gradually regained control of the court, and led the people of Cai to build cities on this unfamiliar land, plowing in spring and summer. However, the trees wanted to be peaceful and the wind didn't stop, just as Cai Guo gradually gained a firm foothold on Huai River, their backer Wu Guo collapsed suddenly!

Some Cai people also served in the Wu army. After the Battle of Lingbi and Gaixia in Huaibei, Cai people fled back one after another, taking Wu State in the Central Plains and losing more than half of the Fuchai army. Wu soldiers on the front line of Huaihe also evacuated these The news came back, so the entire Cai Kingdom was uneasy.

They were not worried about Zhao Jun, but more worried about Chu State, because Chu Jun had already started to attack Qunshu as early as June or July. So Cai Hou and the doctors discussed the future of Cai State one by one, saying that they should continue to stay on the ship of Wu State, and asked Wu State to move them to the south of the Yangtze River, away from the right and wrong places in the Central Plains. The other said that he would return to the state of Chu and cut off relations with the state of Wu.

For the former, most doctors categorically refused. Every time they moved, it meant that they would lose the land, cities, and people of the past, and the country of Cai became smaller and smaller. As for the latter, Cai Hou himself has no bottom line. Cai Guo has betrayed the Chu country twice, and has already completely enmity with the Chu country. Now that the state of Wu has been defeated, he must have tolerated the death of a large number of King Zhao of Chu. Ling Yin and Sima of the state of Chu probably would not tolerate the state of Cai any more.

Just as they were arguing, a large army was already attacking Cai from the east!

"Wu Jun? Chu Jun?"

However, when Marquis Cai and his ministers looked at the low city head, they saw that the army of more than 10,000 people showed their banners.

They are Zhao Jun!

Not long after, a silk book was tied to an arrow and shot into the city, and the Marquis Cai and the doctors looked at it, but they saw that it was written: "In the fourteenth year of the king, in the fifth month, the first emperors, Zhao Wuhou and Cai Zhaohou, met at Gaowei, and discussed When attacking Chu, Marquis Wu had bloodshed with Marquis Cai Zhao, and the alliance said, 'Jin and Cai are allies, they like and dislike them, they share the same sympathy for disasters and dangers, and they are prepared to save the murderers. If the state of Chu harms Cai's actions, Jin will attack them. If you kill him, you will fall to his master, and there will be no conquering the country!"

The Gao Weasel Alliance was a great alliance meeting more than ten years ago when the Jin Dynasty and the princes discussed the expedition against the state of Chu, and it was also the largest meeting so far. At that meeting, Cai Zhaohou, the father of Cai Houshuo, attended the meeting, and he also fought with Wei Guo because of the competition. The order was a little unpleasant, and the covenant became an empty document with no practical effect. But there was one thing that Cai Hou didn't understand, so he asked the others: "Zhao Wu Hou? Who is this?"

A doctor who is more concerned about the Central Plains explained: "This Zhao Wuhou is Zhao Wuziyang. After the Zhao family replaced Jin as a prince, he also respected him as Wuhou..."

"So it is!" Cai Hou suddenly realized, and continued to look down, but he saw that it was written on it: "Now Zhao State inherits the lineage of Jin State, and also inherits the oath of Jin State, the widow lord heard that the Chu people wanted to invade Cai, so he sent foreign ministers. Waiting for the troops to come to the rescue, I hope that Cai Jun, you remember the alliance of Gao Weasel, can be protected by Zhao State..."

"It turned out to be an ally of the Central Plains!" Cai Hou was immediately overjoyed, no matter how far-fetched the statement was. Seeing that the walls of the Xia Cai city, which had only been established a few years ago, were low, they could not stop the army outside. Welcomed out of the city, thanked Zhao Jun for arriving in time, and shouted, "Cai has been abandoned by the Huai Yi for many years, and I hope that the soldiers of the heavens will be long!"

A few days after the Zhao army arrived, the people of Chu also came. However, this time, Cai Houshuo could sit on the top of the city with a shy belly and watch the Chu army return annoyed, watching the phoenix flag of the Chu country in the thousands. Yu Zhaojun slowly turned around under the intimidation, and Cai Houshuo laughed. He almost forgot that Cai Guo's fate had just fallen into the Zhao Guo bowl from Wu Guo Chu Guo's hands...


Watching the Chu army slowly withdraw, Mu Xia, the general of the Zhao army, breathed a sigh of relief.

The Chu army and the Zhao army were of equal numbers. Although the Zhao people were not afraid, if they could not fight, they would not fight. After all, after nearly a month of running around the Huaihe River, the Zhao soldiers were a little tired.

He immediately sent people to march in front of the army, and called back to Zhao Jia, who was shouting and protesting to the general Wang Sunsheng of Chu.

"Wang Sunsheng knows the strength of the Zhao army, so he will not dare to take risks." Zhao Jia was very contemptuous of Wang Sunsheng, a "traitor", but he still obeyed Mu Xia's order and sent scouts to cruise. After all, the land on Huai Shang was before the Zhao army. Places that have never been reached, unfamiliar places, must be careful everywhere.

It was not until it was determined that the Chu army had withdrawn to a hundred miles away that Mu Xia was relieved and let the army be stationed in each town of the Cai State to eat and wait for the new order of Zhao Hou.

During this period, Mu Xia also took a pot of wine and took the initiative to visit Zhao Jia's camp, asking him one thing humbly.

"Although Xia is a high-ranking duke, he is still a rough man. He has some doubts about the emperor's dispatch of a large army to the state of Cai, and he would not hesitate to embarrass the state of Chu. Confuse me?"

Zhao Jia didn't dare to neglect this humble and studious general, and hurriedly put down the scroll and clasped his fists and said: "Jia, a yellow-haired child, dare to speculate on the intentions of the emperor at will, just have a little opinion of his own, and hope that the generals will not laugh. "

He spread out a rough map of the Lianghuai area and said to Mu Xia: "General, please see, this is the Huaihe River, this is Shandao, this is Zhongli, this is Xiacai, from east to west, it is a line, this is The south of the line is Huainan and Jiangbei, and your Majesty does not intend to capture it, and to the north of this line is Huaibei, and your Majesty has sent troops to attack."

Mu Xia nodded, "Yes, what does Ziwei mean, if you get these three cities, you will be able to control the Huai River?"

"Of course!" Zhao Jia said, "Huaidong is the good road, Huaizhong is Zhongli, and Huaixi is Xiacai. Huaidong is suitable for Shandao to be stationed, so as to control Hangou and Sishui; Huaizhong is suitable for Zhongli to be stationed, so Choke sand water and flood water. As for the key point of Huaixi, it is naturally Xiacai!"

"Fu Chai has a good vision. He moved the state of Cai to this place, controlled Huaiying under Cai, and brought Jiangtuo to the front. It is the pivot of the north and the shield of the southeast. It leads Jing and Ruzhi to the south, and connects Liang and Song Dynasty to the north. The flat road is no more than seven hundred, and the west strikes Chen and Xu, and the water and land cannot reach a thousand miles. Outside there are obstacles of rivers and lakes, and inside there are Huai and Ying. It’s really a place to be fought for, as long as you keep it here, Chu State will not want to enter Jiangbei recklessly, let alone spy on Si Shang…”

This is what Zhao Jia got after thinking about Zhao Wuxi's strategic intentions after he came to the west with the army. At this moment, when he said that he was with Mucha, he immediately let him go, and he was full of praise for Zhao Jia. Promise.

At the same time, Mu Xia couldn't help feeling that Zhao Jia and Liu Xiayue, the new generation of generals who had been tainted with knowledge in the academy and then grew up at the grassroots level of the army, really shocked Mu Xia. If they don't make progress, they will come from behind, how can he not let him have a sense of crisis...

The emperor once taught Yu, Mu, Tian and other generals who followed him first, saying that whether it is a person or a country, it is necessary to remember "born in trouble and die in peace".

So Mu Xia thought to himself: "Although I was also urged by the emperor to read some poems and books and know a lot of words, but unfortunately the knowledge is still not enough, this is the one who has entered the Linzhang Academy, and the one who has never entered the Linzhang Academy. It turns out that the difference is so big. I am over forty years old, and it is useless no matter how much I study, but my children and grandchildren can no longer do this. When I go back this time, I will definitely ask your Majesty to let my incompetent son. I can also make an exception to enter the Linzhang Academy, I don’t want him to be very promising, I just want to gain some knowledge…”


Not to mention that the Zhao army was stationed in Cai State, but to say that on the other side, Wang Sunsheng saw that the Zhao army had already taken a step ahead of him, so he did not attack in anger, but silently withdrew.

But on the way, he asked the lieutenant to take the army back to Ying and Liu to consolidate the defenses there, and he himself drove to Shenyi with the guards.

The attack on Wu State this time is divided into two routes, the north and the south. Wang Sunsheng is the south route, while Sima Ziqi personally leads the two armies to attack the Chen state. At this moment, Chen Hou has been forced to surrender, and the army is stationed in Shenyi, waiting for Wang Sunsheng to go there. side news.

Seeing Wang Sunsheng coming in person at this moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sima Ziqi was shocked at first. He thought that Wang Sunsheng had lost the battle by accident. After asking about it, he found out that he had won all Ying, Liu, and Qun Shu. He was overjoyed. Patting this nephew on the shoulder, he said that Zixi really did not see him wrong.

Wang Sunsheng didn't care about this praise. He asked Ziqi to stand back and report to him: "Although the Huainan towns have been captured, the Zhao army has entered the state of Cai to prevent his nephew from destroying Cai."

"Zhao Kingdom..." Sima Ziqi's face darkened slightly. Since the Battle of Chengpu, the Jin and Chu countries have been in a standoff for more than a hundred years. Now that the Jin Kingdom has been destroyed from the inside, the Chu Kingdom could have breathed a sigh of relief, but it is a pity. Standing up from the Jin State's body was the more aggressive Zhao State.

This time, the state of Chu was able to recover the eastern border, and it was thanks to Zhao Wuxi that he attracted the main force of Fuchai. I hoped that Zhao and Wu would suffer both losses, but it was unexpected that the state of Zhao ended up winning and the state of Wu was defeated. In the past, the overlords of Jin State had no interest in Huainan, and they sent troops to compete for Cai State...

Sima Ziqi was worried about how to face this new competitor, but Wang Sunsheng was more anxious, he suddenly bowed his head and said: "Uncle, if you can't get Cai, you can't be in Huainan. Zhao Jun's exhausted teacher, People's thoughts must not last long. My nephew dares to ask my uncle to give me 30,000 soldiers, and take advantage of the late autumn when Mu Xia and Zhao Jiashuai, who are more than 10,000 Zhao troops, return to the north, attack them at dusk, and then capture them again. Cai Guo, sweeping the Jianghuai!" (To be continued.)

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