Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1091: Lion looking back at Tiger Hill

Wu Wang Fuchai was trying to revive the country, while on the other side, Yue Wang Goujian regretted not being able to destroy Wu in the first battle.

Goujian recalled how close he was to revenge. If Zhao Guo could completely wipe out the main force of Fuchai and let Fuchai return to the south; if Chu State could attack Wu State more ruthlessly, just as Yue Guo requested, he would send boatmen to cross the river and cut off Fuchai. The return aid... No matter which one it is, Gou Jian is sure to break Wu City within this year, and make Wu State beyond redemption.

It's a pity that without if, Fuchai came back, with anger towards Goujian.

The Yue Kingdom did not have "ten years of life and ten years of lessons" as in history, but hurriedly attacked Wu six years after the country was broken. Although the extermination was aggressive, when the remnants of the Wu army returned, Goujian found that the newly rebuilt Yue army There is no complete victory over the opponent.

The same goes for Wu Jun, who suffered heavy losses in the Central Plains, and their morale is still very low until now.

In the battle of Huqiu Mountain in the north of Gusu, although King Wu and King Yue wanted to swallow each other alive, the soldiers on both sides did not have the will to fight. They only separated after tentative contact. Gou Jian immediately chose to withdraw his troops and burned Gusu before leaving. as revenge.

At this moment, the Yue army has reached the traditional border between Wu and Yue, and because of Fuchai's counterattack, all the cities of Wu in the three rivers and five lakes cannot be defended, and they have been burned and abandoned. Goujian feels very sorry for this.

Standing at the end of the marching team, looking back at Wu Guo, looking at the direction of Gusu, Gou Jian hated.

"Next time, the widow will destroy the Wu Kingdom!"

From now on, Fuchai doesn't have to pretend to be generous and let Goujian keep the country, and Goujian doesn't have to pretend to be obedient. Wu Yuyue, Fuchai and Goujian will face each other again and fight on the same position. Either you die or I die!

At the beginning of November, when Goujian returned to Zhejiangkou, Fan Li and the sailor commanded by the doctor Xie Yong had just arrived here.

In Zhouzong, the most important port of Yue Kingdom, Fan Li went ashore to meet Gou Jian, and reported to him the battle between the boat division and the Wu army on the Dajiang River.

"Wu Guozhou's boat division is commanded by Wang Sunluo and Fengtong. Because of the defeat of Zhao country in Langya, the morale is still high, and there are several large boats, which are difficult to defeat in rivers and lakes."

"Although Wu's infantry has been severely damaged, giving the few people a chance, but the boat division is still strong. It seems that Wu's state can't be destroyed for the time being..."

But Goujian is Goujian. He endured the three-year life in Wu Palace that life was worse than death. He endured it in the days when Yue Kingdom was struggling. Now that he has returned to the country, he is desperate to focus on breaking Wu's revenge. Do it at all costs.

Naturally, it also includes the corporal of Li Xian.

Gou Jian bowed heavily to Fan Li, and said to him: "Doctor young master, the widow now knows that before the attack on Wu, you and Doctor Chong were right in persuading me to wait for a few months. Now the opportunity to destroy Wu has been missed, and my husband hates me. , the next year is bound to overtake, although the widow will return to the country, but in order to no longer suffer from shame, what should I do? Please also teach me the young master!"

Fan Li's twelfth-rank system proposed before the war played a very good role in the war. The Yue people sent troops this time to resist the enslavement of Wu State, and with the encouragement of military merits, they were naturally more heroic. Goujian saw this in his eyes and was happy in his heart. He thought that Fan Li had more ideas that he didn't say.

Seeing Goujian like this, Fan Li could only use his own housekeeping skills. He quickly helped the King of Yue up and said, "As long as it is a strategy to make the country of Yue strong and prosperous, how dare the ministers hide their secrets?"

So next, Fan Li told Gou Jian about several strategies he thought about during the war.

"First, it's the king's consistent policy of appeasing the exiles, reclaiming wasteland, and lightly ripping off the poor, so that the people of Yue can rest, and I'm also grateful to the king for his kindness."

"Secondly, since the lost land has been recovered everywhere, it is also time to organize the tribes of the Yue people in the territory of the Yue people and the Yue people. The situation in the Yue country is that there are too many tribes and too many small towns, so it is better to follow the example. In the State of Zhao, the ten-army system is implemented in the villages and towns, so that the population of the whole country can be easily counted and they can be recruited into the army."

Many parts of the Yue Kingdom are still in the tribal era. The Yue people of different clans hide in the mountains and forests without showing their faces. For them, Goujian is just the leader of a tribal alliance. Fan Li’s suggestion can help the Yue Kingdom to strengthen domestic rule and disperse all over the country. population fully transformed into economic and military power.

"Thirdly, in this battle, because the treasury did not have enough weapons, the Yue people could only use agricultural tools or even bamboo and wood to make spears, and hurriedly challenged the battle. The country of Yue already had a lot of gold and tin, but it was a pity that it was deprived by the state of Wu in the past. Now that Yue has returned to the country, the king should reinvigorate mining and copper smelting. In addition, after Zhao Guo obtained the Yue Guo swordsman Mo Xie, he can now make more than 10,000 iron soldiers. Zhao State can be like this, Yue State can also be like this, it is better for the king to find skilled craftsmen in the people and make great efforts to smelt iron, and after a few years, the people of Yue will be able to hold sharp weapons and slaughter the State of Wu!”

"Fourth, this time to attack Wu, the king was constrained by the lack of soldiers. Although the Chinese people had high fighting spirit at the beginning of the war, as the rice matured and shrimp and crabs could be caught, most people lost the will to fight, and some even formed in groups. Those who return home on their own. The law does not blame the public. For this, the king can only kill the leaders as an example, but this also shows that the country of Yue must have a soldier who can fight all the year round, just like the soldiers of the state of Zhao. Wouldn't it be better for Your Majesty to build a gentleman's army with his confidants?"

"Goodness!" Gou Jian followed the flow of goodness, and he agreed to these three things one by one, especially the fourth one.

"And the fifth..."

After talking about the four strategies for the strong Yue to destroy Wu, Fan Li did not feel tired at all. He vaguely believed that Zhao Guo could defeat Wu Guo and Yue Guo could win the current opportunity. To a large extent, Xi Zi used her body. In exchange, Fan Li felt colic in his heart every time he thought of this, and he could only devote his energy to helping Gou Jianxing to make himself feel better.

He continued: "Fifth, Your Majesty should keep in mind that destroying Wu is not a day's work, and destroying Wu is not the end. Those who do not plan for a lifetime are not enough for a moment, and those who do not plan for the overall situation are not enough for a corner. The country of Yue must expand its depth. ."

Gou Jian asked, "Young uncle is talking about the land of three rivers and five lakes?"

The territory of Yue State extends to Juwu in the south, Yuer in the north, Yin in the east, and Gumie in the west. And in the north of Yu'er, it is the so-called land of three rivers and five lakes, that is, Shanghai, Jiaxing, and Huzhou in later generations.

There are three rivers and five lakes, each of which is a belt, and the negative sea controls the river. It is not only the necessary place for sailors to enter and leave Wu land, but more rare is the fertile land in Sichuan, where fish and salt are abundant, and it is a relatively densely populated area between Wu and Yue.

Gou Jian attaches great importance to this place. Although he can only control the south of Wuhu, he also burns down all the cities and towns of Wu Kingdom for Sanjiang, so that the enemy can't stick to it, so it is convenient for the next advance.

Fan Li nodded, shook his head again, and said, "It's not just three rivers and five lakes, Your Majesty, please take a look around the Yue Kingdom, except for the Wu Kingdom in the north and the Great Overseas in the East, in fact, whether it is to the south or the west, you can Widespread the border to accommodate the population.”

"For example, the area east of Pengli Lake, also known as Fan, has been occupied by Ganyue for a long time. Ganyue once surrendered to Chu, but after Wu's invasion to the west, Chu has retreated to the west of Pengli Lake. The big place suddenly became a borderless land..."

"There is also the southern part of Yue State, which is the land of Ouyue, where the people of Ouyue live. I have sent people to visit this place. This place is bounded by huge seas in the east, mountains in the west, and both water and land. If it can be opened up to the rear of Yue State, It couldn't be better."

Gou Jian was a little puzzled, why did Fan Li become interested in these backcountry places?

"Your Majesty is the king of the Yue people. Whether it is Ganyue or Ouyue, his habit is to get tattoos, wrong arm left, similar to Yuyue, and there is no obstacle to speech. There are no big states in these two places. The small towns of various tribes can submit to the king as long as they threaten a little. The local folk customs are sturdy and simple, and as long as they give a little reward, they can charge into the battle as warriors. This not only broadens the depth of the Yue Kingdom, but also increases the source of soldiers, why? Happy but not?"

Gou Jian was overjoyed and agreed with Fan Li's suggestion, making it easier for Wen Zhong to be in charge of the domestic system, so Fan Li immediately started to recruit Gan Yue and Ou Yue.

However, what he didn't know was that there was another reason in Fan Li's heart that he didn't say...

In mid-November, on the eve of the Winter Solstice Day, just as the south, Wu, Chu and Yue continued to wrestle in Jianghuai, Zhao Hou Wuxi finally returned to Yecheng, where he had been away for half a year.

That day, Mrs. Zhao Hou’s wife, Le’s wife, and her children greeted him at the gate of the palace. This time, Zhao Yan, a four-month-old newborn, became Zhao Wuxi’s new favorite, but the little guy looked very good. Lazy, he was so sleepy after being teased by Zhao Wuxi for a while, so Ji Ying took him back to sleep. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

That night, Zhao Wuxi chose to rest in the main wife's Changqiu Palace. He put on his normal clothes, took the exam for Zhao Heng, the Prince of Zhao State, and told Le Lingzi about his arrangements for Leyou.

Le Shi was naturally overjoyed, but she was still worried during the joy. Under Zhao Wuxi's questioning, she said sadly: "The weather is so cold this month that the master (Bian Que) also has a small ailment. It's never happened before..."

Bian Que is almost ninety years old. This old man has lived longer than the son Ji Zha. Because he is proficient in medicine and pays attention to his diet and daily life, he has hardly ever gotten sick in the past. Do not invade.

However, in fact, no matter how brilliant a doctor is, he is also a human being. He is a mortal. This illness has caused a lot of trouble for the old man. Ling Ziru was so worried.

Zhao Wuxi promised to visit Bian Que in the city the next day. However, early the next morning, before he could change his clothes and go out in a hurry, Zhao’s Sili Gong, Xi Chi, happily ran to tell Zhao Hou a “good luck”. information".

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, the Son of Heaven has sent Duke Liu to come to Xun!" (To be continued.)

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