Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1093: The Son of Heaven to Xun (Part 2)

ps: Thank you for your New Year's blessings and rewards, and thanks to the new leader "Xiao Hou'er" for the reward. This chapter is an update, and there is another chapter in the evening.


Not to mention that Zhao Hou did not play cards according to common sense, and did not bow down to receive gifts, which made Liu Gongding embarrassed for a long time in the same place, but only said that after receiving Xun, the lacquer box given by the emperor was respectfully welcomed to the Zhao family ancestral temple in the city. , waiting for everyone in the Zhao family to worship and share food.

After hearing the news, Kong Jiao also took her daughter and rode a chariot to the family temple. She was still a little excited when she heard that the emperor gave Xun to her husband.

In Kong Jiao's impression, when she was a child, not to mention that the feudal lords gave sacrifices to the meat, even if the monarch gave a common carp, her father Kong Qiu would dance with joy.

Sacrificing meat is not only a symbol of power and status, but also a kind of recognition, so Confucius was very eager for it. However, as a poor man, he could never be treated like this in his early years. When he was a city official in Zhongdu , not even the corners of the meat sacrifice. It was not until he was rewarded by Duke Ding of Lu that he was able to enter Qufu as a ceremonial officer, and he had the opportunity to witness the process of sacrifice. At the same time, as a "slaughter" who divided the sacrificed meat, he gave himself an inconspicuous part.

Kong Jiao especially remembered that in the winter of that year, her father went home with the sacrificial meat excitedly. reluctant to eat.

And the departure of his father is also inseparable from the sacrifice of meat. In the year when Zhao Wuxi was listed as a noble clan, he obtained the best division of Duke Ding of Lu. However, as a loser in the fall of the four capitals, Confucius lost his position. He did not dare to offend Zhao Wuxi, or that Duke Ding of Lu was angry that Confucius had stabbed the hornet's nest, and he did not give him the meat for sacrifice.

That was only the division of the feudal lords, so Confucius took it so seriously. As for the emperor's gift, it was a glory that the Confucius family could not imagine.

However, now, Kong Jiao's husband has won this honor, and for a while, Kong Jiao is also honored.

Outside the ancestral temple, she joined Le Shi, Ji Ying, Bo Mi and others who came from other palaces. However, when they led their children into the Wen temple under the guidance of Ning Jian, they heard that Zhao Wuxi had already In the temple, I gave my face to the Prince Er.

"The Son of Heaven divides the feudal lords, and will build altars with five-color soil. One side has one color, and the feudal lords of a certain area are divided into feudal lords, and the soil of a certain area is wrapped with white grass and given to him along with the sacrificed meat.

"Father, is Zhao State divided like this?" the prince asked ignorantly.

"Of course, but the meat sacrifice last year was just ordinary, and its significance is not as important as the gift of Wenwuxun this year."

This is probably to inform him of the meaning of the emperor's gift? This is also part of the prince's education. Since the title of the prince, Zhao Wuxi has paid more attention to Zhao Heng's training.

Unexpectedly, just as one foot stepped on the threshold, Kong Jiao heard Zhao Wuxi and said: "Actually, there is no need to worship it like a god, throwing off the halo of the emperor's blessing, after unpacking the gift box and satin, it is just It's just a piece of expired cold meat, the taste is probably not to be complimented..."

Kong Jiao was stunned and stopped at the threshold very rudely. It was not until Le Lingzi next to her called her for a few times that she woke up and returned. She walked silently into the temple with her head down...

"It's just a piece of expired cold meat?" But until the end of the whole ceremony, Zhao Wuxi's words echoed in her ears, which made sense. However, in the eyes of her husband, it was not so good for her father's lifelong pursuit. Worth mentioning?


The concept of etiquette and law that Kong Jiao cultivated under the influence of his father has been hit hard, but for Zhao Wuxi, the gift of the emperor is indeed not something extraordinary, he did not even ask for it, but the king of Zhou Baba. Sent by someone.

The essence of the gift is a gift from the emperor to the princes. The sharp objects are princes with different surnames, and the emperor regards it as a symbol of Ji's family, which is the embodiment of the status of the princes. Shouxu is also a form of surrender of the feudal lords to the current Zhou ritual order.

But in Zhao Wuxi's view, although the Zhou Dynasty made great contributions to the development of Chinese civilization and laid the foundation for future generations in terms of etiquette and culture, the times have changed, and the era of King Wu of Zhou and Duke Zhou has passed. He has lost the slightest respect for Zhou Tianzi, and he has no plans to fully inherit and maintain the current Zhou Rites order as Confucius did.

Since the ritual collapses and the music is broken, it should collapse more quickly. This is the pain of the times. Only when the old decaying pavilions fall, can high-rise buildings be rebuilt on their ruins.

Zhao Wuxi planned to start anew.

That's why he acted to stand and accept Wu. Now that Wu has been completely defeated, Fuchai even sent Bo Xi pitifully to ask for copper and tin to be exchanged for Wu's prisoners, so that they can continue to fight against Chu and Yue. Zhao Wuxi planned to slowly return it in installments, hanging King Wu's life and letting him and Chu Guo Yue Guo fight each other.

Since this "uncle surnamed Ji" is so embarrassed, who else can open his eyes for Ji Zhou Tianzi?

Nope, the current King of Zhou is the same as when he was with a smiling face in the Warring States Period, when he split up with Duke Qin Xiaogong and King Huiwen twice.

In other words, now it is the Zhou family who is begging for the protection of the Zhao state, not the Zhao state who is begging for the Zhou family's recognition, just like when Zhao Wuxi asked Chu Long to say to Duke Liu Shan: "You don't respect me. , I am proud of myself!"

However, the dilapidated and dangerous building should not be pushed too hard. If the building is destroyed without construction, many people will be crushed to death when the building falls, not to mention every beam and column that has been bitten by termites. Many Daoists hope to be cured and saved. Boil the frog in warm water and let Zhou De slowly dissipate. This is the safest way.

Zhao Wuxi was more concerned about the fact that this time, he also got the bow, arrow and axe from the Son of Heaven.

Zhou Li clearly stipulated: "The matter of conquest can only be decided by the Son of Heaven. If a minister or a feudal lord wants to conquer the other feudal feudal states on behalf of the monarch, such as the murder of the ruler by the minister, the murder of the father by the son, etc., he must first obtain authorization. That is to say, "The princes give bows and arrows and then fight, and give yakushas and then kill them. "

In history, Uncle Wei Kang, Taigong Qi, Lu Boqin, etc., who were the chiefs of the eastern princes, have all received similar rewards, giving them the responsibility of conquering neighboring countries and maintaining the order in the East. The privilege of hegemony.

Therefore, Duke Mu of Qin and Duke Xiang of Song, who have never been obtained, are really difficult to be recognized as one of the "Five Hegemons".

This time, due to the power of Zhao's victory over Wu, the King of Zhou couldn't come up with anything else to win over, so he had to reward him, saying: "For the purpose of expedition, those who do not need to be killed will be killed!"

Looking around, all sides have surrendered, and there is only one "deathless" left in the Central Plains, and that is Qi. As long as the ruling Chen clan is eliminated, the new Chinese order that Zhao Wuxie has planned for a long time can be completely established.

Touching the bow and jade beside him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhao Wuxi showed a proud smile.

Awakening to take control of the world, he was able to do it.

As for drunken beauty knees...

"Your Majesty." It was getting late, and Jian Ning respectfully came to ask Zhao Wuxi where he was going to rest tonight.

"Has Xueli Palace been renovated?" Xueli was not a newly built palace, but Zhao Wuxi chose a separate courtyard near Changqiu Palace and named it "Xili".

Ning Jian knew what he knew and said, "The renovation has been completed. Meals, charcoal fires, maids, etc. are all available, and the eighth son of Yue has also moved in."

The emperor and the wives and concubines of the feudal lords are generally divided into different ranks such as wives, beauties, lovers, eight sons, seven sons, long envoys, and young envoys. Le Lingzi and Ji Ying are wives, Bo Mi, who gave birth to a son, is a beautiful woman, and Kong Jiao, who failed to give birth, is a good man. As for the concubine of Zhao Houna, Xi Shi, who has not yet inherited the grace of the king, is just a woman. A small seven.

"Good." Zhao Wuxi pushed the dossier on the case table and said with a smile: "The twelfth lunar month is cold and the weather is freezing, and the seventh son of Yue is from the South. I'm afraid that he will not be used to it. Tonight, the widow will go to see her..." (Unfinished continued.)

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