Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1120: Life is less than 0

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"The eastern capital is Ye capital, and it is in charge of the seven counties of Dongyang, Hanoi, Hejian, Jibei, Jinan, Dongjun, and Daliang."

"The western capital is Jiangcheng, which is in charge of the eight counties of Taiyuan, Dai, Shangjun, Sanchuan, Shangdang, Hedong, and Zuofengyi."

In fact, in Zhao Wuxi's opinion, Xinjiang is not the best choice for the western capital. Although the Hedong area has developed for two thousand years in Tang, Yu, Xia, Shang, Zhou and Jin Dynasties, its population and economic level are second to none in the world. It also depends on whether it is dangerous or solid. In terms of form, Xinjiang is far inferior to Jinyang.

Jinyang controls the mountains and rivers, and occupies the shoulders of the world. However, apart from the danger, the huge site is sparsely populated. Dong Anyu and Yin Duo have worked hard for decades. How to get better. In addition, it is located in the northern country with inconvenient transportation, so it is not a good place as a western capital. He now understands a little bit. Historically, why did Zhao State leave Jinyang alone, and had to go to Zhongmu and Handan to build the capital, it was because Taiyuan in the Spring and Autumn Period was too remote and the population was too small.

What's more, in Zhao Wuxi's opinion, in the two Beijing systems, the companions can be moved according to the situation. In his mind, the most suitable place to be the western capital is on the banks of the Wei River and in the territory of the Qin State, which later generations will call Xianyang and Chang'an. ...

In addition to the fifteen counties, Zhao State also has four more Fengjun administrative districts: Langya, Xu, Donghai, Shangluo, and two enclaves as military strongholds: Pi County and Jimo County, which are the entire territory of Zhao State Now, the Black Bird Banner occupies almost two-thirds of the Central Plains.

After the establishment of Zhao's "two-headed eagle strategy" of the two capitals, Zhao Wushi and Zhang Mengtan divided the borders of Lu.

"Jishui and Xilu, west of Onozawa, are placed under the jurisdiction of Zhao Guodong County (formerly Weiguo)."

Next, the Zou-Lu area was divided into four counties: Taishan County, Lu County, Zou County, and Linyi County. The county governors were Zaiyu, Kanzhi, Xianglu, and Zifuhe. By Kan Zhi concurrently served as the state minister of the state of Lu in Qufu.

Zhao Wuxi asked Kan Zhilai to contact Zhang Mengtan for government affairs, and encouraged him to say: "Meng Tandang and Ziwo (Kan Zhi) will work together to complete the integration of Zhao and Lu within three years. Change, move the Marquis of Lu to Kan, and turn the State of Lu into a county of Zhao!"

The two agreed, and after a while, when the sky was getting dark, they both retired.

However, after a while, Kan Zhi left and returned, begging to see Zhao Wuxi, and said with a serious expression: "Your Majesty, I have something to say, I don't know if I should say it."

Kan Zhi was the closest person to the "Legalist" in Zhao Wuxi's group of ministers. Although he was from the State of Lu, he was resolute and vigorous in his administration. When he ruled Feng Yi, he vigorously attacked the old customs of the State of Qin. Forced implementation, the effect is remarkable.

Today, apart from Zhang Mengtan, I went to see Zhao Wuxi alone, but it was because he had a lot of criticism about Zhao Wuxi's enfeoffing the princes.


"Your Majesty, when Duke Zhou occupied the world and divided the land like a melon, he sealed many children with the same surname. The original intention was to shield them from Zhou's room, just like the spokes concentrated on the hub of a car, and the wheels revolved around the axis. Isn't it the same as the original intention of the feudal children of your Majesty today?"

Zhao Wuxi nodded and let him continue.

"However, Duke Zhou did not expect that with the alienation of blood, the princes began to disobey the orders of the emperor. When Zhou Yi was king, the emperor's prestige was exhausted, and he had to go down to meet the princes in person. At the time of Zhou Xuanwang, although he relied on the southern expedition and the northern expedition, After reviving the prestige of Zongzhou, he was still unable to decide the successor of Lord Lu. Later, King Ping of Zhou moved the capital eastward to Luoyi and placed himself in the same position as the princes. Since then, there has been a public arrow shooting in Zhengzhuang. Injuring the emperor's shoulder, the people of Chu asked Zhou Tianzi the importance of the nine cauldrons in the country, the Jin state's crusade against the emperor's minister Fan Bo, the world was in chaos, the rituals collapsed and the music was broken, and the emperor was no longer regarded as the emperor."

"The King of Zhou has been out of power for a long time, and now he just keeps an empty name! The reason is that the power of the princes is too strong, so that the tail cannot be lost! In order to compete for hegemony and annex land, the princes are increasingly alienated, the kingdom of brothers. Attacking each other is like hatred, and Zhou Tianzi can't forbid it. The reason for Zhou's decline is probably here."

Kan Zhi paused, carefully observed Zhao Wuxi's expression, and seeing that he was not angry, he dared to express his own conclusion: "Today's Central Plains Lord Lai is unified by gods, and most of the former state fiefs have become Zhao's. In the prefectures and counties, the minister dared to think that it is enough for the meritorious ministers to pay taxes and reward them. If feudalism is used as a regular law, I am afraid that the mistakes of the Zhou Dynasty will be repeated in the future..."

After speaking, he waited tremblingly for Zhao Wuxi's release, because of this matter, since Zhao Wuxi had the intention of the feudal masters, Kan Zhi has been holding it back in his heart. Suspect, don't say it, but don't spit.

Zhao Wuxi suddenly laughed, patted him and said, "My son, my son, I never thought that you would have such knowledge. You deserve to be the talented Zaifu that few people see."

Kan Zhi was flattered, but heard Zhao Wuxi say: "You are right, the county is superior to the feudal, there is no doubt about it!"

Affirming Kan Zhi's opinion, Zhao Wuxi changed his voice and said solemnly: "However, it cannot be consistent, and must be weighed according to the situation."

Feudalism did not exist since ancient times, but gradually developed along with Tang Yao, Yu Shun, Xia Yu, Shang Tang and up to Zhou. On the other hand, some Fang states with different surnames, such as Zhou and Dongyi, sometimes joined and sometimes defected. After Duke Zhou's eastward expedition, the feudal children were a kind of historical progress, which enabled the Zhou Dynasty to consolidate its rule and expand its territory. And let the general situation of Xiajun and barbarians formed in the vast area, and finally the integration of Yixia and Xia was completed, forming a community of all Xia, that is, the prototype of the Han nationality, in which the feudal system played a great role.

Just as Kan Zhi said, the Zhou Dynasty was also feudal in its succession and feudal in its decline. The Jin, Lu and other countries that continued the Zhou system also produced ministers and ministers whose tails were too large, and the monarch and ministers changed positions.

Therefore, within the emerging elite clans such as the Zhao clan, it has become the mainstream of the times to use emerging scholars as officials, only to enjoy salaries and not to give hereditary fiefs.

However, in this era, feudalism also has the necessity of his existence.

The fundamental point of judging a system is whether it adapts to the development of productive forces, feudalism. It is not that Zhao Wuxi does not want to abolish it, but that the trend of development of things does not allow it for the time being.

First of all, the hearts of the disciples of meritorious officials should not be chilled. After all, this is the Spring and Autumn Period. Except for Zhang Mengtan and Kan Zhi, who have higher ideological awareness, most Zhao ministers still regard meritorious deeds and award titles and obtain fiefs as their goals in life. . Secondly, the border land is too far away from Zhao State, and the people's hearts have not yet come to support. If it is developed by immigrants from the central government, the cost is too high. Let Feng Jun manage it, which can reduce a lot of trouble.

There is some truth to Gu Kan Zhi's suggestion, but he still sees only one side. Zhao Wuxi cannot completely deny the immediate benefits of the feudal children because of what may happen in a hundred years.

Kan Zhi was convinced, and after he stepped back respectfully, Zhao Wuxi was alone looking at Hongxia at sunset, and fell into deep thought.


Zhao Wuxi is more fortunate than others. He can not only summarize the past history, but also clearly see the lessons left by later generations.

Qin has the world, split the capital and set it up as a county, and abolished the Houwei and guarded it. According to the grand plan of the world, the capital is upstream of Liuhe, and the four seas are filmed and transported within the grasp. However, few people can remember that in the six generations before Qin Shihuang, the Qin state was also feudal: Shang Yang was sealed to Shang Yu, Wei Ran was sealed to Tao, and the newly conquered state of Shu also sealed several generations of Shu Hou.

The Han ruled the world, corrected the injustices of the Qin Dynasty, followed the Zhou system, cut the sea and established ancestral sons and conferred meritorious ministers. The rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms during the reign of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty was often criticized. However, who can remember that when the Lv family was so powerful and the Liu family almost changed their surname to Lü, it was a group of princes surnamed Liu who raised troops and cooperated with the meritorious ministers. In addition, the vassal states that were enfeoffed to the south also played a great role in promoting local production.

There is no doubt that prefectures and counties are superior to seals, but feudalism itself is not the original sin, and it depends on how it is used.

"From Duke Xiao of Qin to Emperor Qin Shi Huang, five generations and six generations, more than a hundred years."

"From Emperor Gao of the Han Dynasty to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, it took almost four generations, nearly a hundred years."

With the prosperity of the Qin and Han Dynasties, it would take a hundred years to slowly transition from feudalism to a unified state, not to mention the state of Zhao at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period? If you take too big steps, you will get into trouble.

No system is perfect, and no system needs reform from beginning to end.

That's why he turned the feudal princes into a monarchy system that was more common in the Warring States Period and easier for the central government to control...

Interestingly, it was "Zhao Xiangzi" who first created the emperor in history.

Compared with the previous princes and officials, the political and economic privileges of the four emperors of Zhao State have been weakened. Yecheng appoints ministers or guards to supervise the emperors, and the emperors must abide by the laws of the state of Zhao. In the country, you will definitely receive a rank!"

What's more, Zhao Wuxi still has the big move of Pushing Grace in his hand and hasn't released it... As long as the central government does not decline to an unstoppable level, the situation of Fengjun sitting on the throne should not occur. In other words, if his The descendants are really incompetent, replaced by the same surname Fengjun, to replace the new blood for the dynasty, isn't it a way to delay the historical cycle?

Facing the setting sun, Zhao Wuxi opened his arms and laughed at himself: "Life is not full, and I always have a thousand years of worry. I am thirty-five years old this year, and I am in my prime. I have at least thirty or forty years to live. In a generation, to accomplish what Qin and Han took a hundred years to accomplish is really going against the sky!"

The heavy sense of mission for this nation and era forced him to do something against the sky, and to avoid the tragedy of his death in the second life, because of this, Wu Xian was walking on thin ice like an abyss, and every step must be taken carefully...

The feudal children will continue as a system, but they will only be implemented in the borders of the country. Within China, they are the frontier and barrier, and outside the territory of China, they are the pioneers in expanding the territory and spreading civilization. The tinder of Zhao is the border of Zhao State Mobile!


With the basic arrangements for foreign affairs and internal affairs, the meeting of the Yellow Pond is coming to an end. Zhao Wuxi has already prepared people for carriages, horses and boats, and he will return to Yecheng only after the ice melts in the river~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

But he always felt that something was wrong, did he forget something? He was very drunk that night, and the last clear memory was when the princes and ministers came to offer wine. He didn't remember what happened after that, but he vaguely remembered that he seemed to have promised someone or something.

Ning Zhiyuan, a temple person who was beside him that night, asked Ning Jiancan with a smile, "The monarch was drinking that day, and the ministers came up to offer wine one by one. When it was Liu Xiayue's turn, he bowed to the head and said that all the alliances are often far away. When people came to the DPRK, when King Cheng of Zhou met in Qiyang, the Yu clan and Daxia came to present their gifts. How could there be no Zhao Kingdom today? Therefore, Liu Xiayue asked to lead a group of people to the west, to hollow out the foreign land, and to serve Zhao The country has re-contacted the Yu clan, and even the mother country of the King of the West... The monarchs have already promised him in public!"

PS: "Book of Yizhou. Wang Huijie" its West Banwu, Baihu. Tuzhou black panther, Yu's scorpion. Dashazi white ox, this white ox is also a wild beast, the ox is in the shape of ivory.

According to the azimuth order of Yizhou Book, the above are all located in the northwest region, among which Yuzhi is Yuezhi, which is located in the Hexi Corridor at this time.

There is another chapter tonight.

(To be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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