Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1123: Ye Gongbaigong

PS: Ying in the Spring and Autumn Period is not the same as the Warring States Period. The Ying capital at this time should be Yan Ying, which is the ruins of the Chu Imperial City in Yicheng today. Nancheng Ruins). Also, ask for a recommendation ticket!


On the outskirts of Yingdu City, Duke Ye, Duke Bai, and the two magistrates of the Chu state were riding in the same car.

However, under the canopy, Ye Gong Shen Zhuliang, who was standing on the main seat, was strongly invited by Wang Sunsheng to get into the car, but he was a little uncomfortable.

Ye Gong never liked Wang Sunsheng. When Wang Sunsheng defected from the Zhao family and went to Chu, and Zixi planned to take him in, Ye Gong persuaded him: "I heard that this person is cunning and prone to chaos. As a Zhao Chen, he betrayed the Zhao clan and made Yin bring him in, I am afraid that it will cause harm to the Chu state!"

Zixi always felt that he was ashamed of Prince Jian, loved Wu and Wu, and regarded Wang Sunsheng as his blood relative and nephew, and tried to defend him, saying that he was loyal and brave when he was stationed in Lu Hun, but he did not lose respect for the king of Chu, and now he has left Zhao. Shi, it was the Zhao clan who lost to him first, not intentional betrayal...

Ye Gong disagreed, and pointed out in a flash that all this was because of Wang Sunsheng's selfishness!

However, Zixi made up his mind, and Wang Sunsheng was accepted and entrusted with military power. He first became a doctor of Chao, and now he was promoted to Duke Bai because of his success in conquering Wu and regaining lost territory. The entire Anhui land became his fiefdom. Among the many county magistrates, his power was second only to Ye Gong, who guarded Fangcheng.

Although Duke Bai proved himself by his merits, Duke Ye's opinion of him still did not change. Both of them were noble people, so naturally they couldn't turn their faces away in public, but there was also some caution and distrust in their words. .

Bai Gongsheng was very talkative today. He pointed at Yingcheng in front of him with great interest and said, "Ye Gong, please look at this city wall."

The city walls of Yingdu were destroyed 20 years ago when the Wu army entered Ying. These are newly built. Each city wall is about four miles long. There are city gates around the city wall, and the four corners are prominently protruding, but they are beacon towers. The Han River is like a green silk ribbon, spread from the northwest, floated past the east wall, and then drained in, becoming the moat of Yingdu.

Bai Gongsheng said with some self-satisfaction: "In the past, the Chu State used the traditional two-plate method, which was time-consuming and labor-intensive. I managed to find some craftsmen from Zhao State in the north, and used the four-plate method to build cities in Anhui. Recommend this method to Ling Yin, and then there will be the new city wall of Yingdu, Lord Ye, look, is it much stronger than before?"

"Yingdu 20 years ago, I also came here several times when I was young." Lord Ye didn't know what medicine Baigong's gourd was selling, so he responded lukewarmly.

"Twenty years is enough to turn the world upside down."

Bai Gongsheng seemed to ignore the indifference in Ye Gongsheng's words, turned his head, looked at the north, and said with lingering fear: "You know, those builders are just ordinary people in the countryside, and they can't compete with those in the Linzhang Academy. The so-called master craftsmen of engineering are on a par. Zhao Hou has a master craftsman, whose name is Gongshuban, and he is a leader among the craftsmen. He not only can build ladders, slings, ballistas and other offensive and defensive weapons, but also came up with burning bricks to build city walls The method is a bit more advanced than the rammed-earth version.”

"What's even more amazing is that it is said that the public transport team is still developing a strange thing. It looks like a sand-like powder. After mixing with water, it becomes a slurry, but it can harden in the air and fix the sand, stone and other materials together. , as if they are naturally glued together. This thing is called cement. When I left Zhao a few years ago, the public transport team had already begun to experiment with cement pavement in the Yecheng Palace. already."

"Is there such a thing?" Ye Gong had some interest in this thing, and couldn't help but imagine that if the cement was used in Fangcheng to reinforce it, wouldn't Fangcheng be a strong fortress?

However, Duke Bai sighed: "It's a pity that Zhao's core craftsmanship is kept secret, and outsiders don't know how to make it, otherwise, it can be used by me, Jingchu..."

After entering Yingdu, before the curfew came, the carriage passed through the bustling crowd, and the people avoided one after another. Bai Gongsheng also pointed to the merchants and goods in the East and West Markets to comment, but the theme is inseparable from the advanced nature of Zhao State's crafts and customs, such as paper and porcelain, and the impact of these things on the State of Chu.

"Paper can replace bamboo slips and silk books, and I don't know how much silk and labor for making bamboo slips are saved; porcelain is also good, and it is very popular among Chu people. Four-wheeled carriages have become a must-have for the nobles of Chu. The things of the country are good. By the way, there is also iron. Whether it is iron farm tools or iron weapons, it is very popular with the princes. Does Duke Ye think so too? I heard that you are in Wancheng, and you follow the example of Zhao State, Daxing iron industry, forging weapons, so that the surrounding people praised: like a huge iron spear, miserable like a bee..."

"Thanks to Wanye having several large iron mines." Ye Gong was not humble, but still emphasized: "Iron smelting, this is not something that Zhao has always had, but it was first developed by Ou Yezi, a swordsman of Chu State. The income of Zhao State. Although Wan Tie is not as good as Zhao Tie, and the forging is not satisfactory, but as long as the craftsmen of Chu State are good at studying, they will catch up with Zhao State sooner or later!”

Bai Gongsheng laughed: "I also believe that Chu's iron smelting can catch up with Zhao's. In terms of smelting and casting craftsmen, Chu is still more, and the rest of the means of making paper and porcelain are no longer a great secret. As long as I think about it a little, or spend a lot of money to ask the craftsmen from Zhao to enter Chu, I can also imitate one or two."

But then he suddenly lowered his tone: "But in some respects, Zhao State has left the princes too far!"

Ye Gong couldn't help but said seriously: "What is Bai Gong referring to?"

"That's Zhao's law!"

Bai Gongsheng became serious and said: "Although I imitated the military soldiers of Zhao State in Anhui, I established a new army of 3,000 people, called Chu Wuzu. But gradually I found that if there is no supporting law to act as a The criteria of the nobles and the common people are useless without military pawns. Ye Gong, I heard that you also respect the rule of law in the land of Wanye, and oppose the father as the son. You should also be a person who loves the law. Reform, does Duke Ye agree with this?"

Lord Ye once had a discussion with Confucius on the rule of law or the rule of etiquette. This incident, together with the story of "Gong Ye loves dragons", was widely spread, and it is not surprising that Duke Bai knew about it.

In this way, Duke Bai's intentions couldn't be more obvious. He was testing Duke Ye and wanted to put pressure on Yingdu together with him and make some changes in Chu...

"Chu, some changes need to be made... But as for how to change, we have to discuss with Ling Yin and Sima." Ye Gong seemed to agree, but he actually reserved his opinion, and reminded Bai Gong, don't forget Their identities are only two county magistrates, and the heads of Chu State are still Zixi and Ziqi!

Bai Gong also noticed that he had made a slip of the tongue, and said with a smile: "Of course, the King Ming and the two uncles should know."

While they were talking, the two had already arrived at the palace of Chu State. Two rows of tall catalpa trees stood on both sides of the avenue outside the palace. The two county magistrates consciously got off the carriage and entered the palace gate on foot.


The main palace of Chu State is called "Yunmengtai". Although it is not as gorgeous and towering as Zhanghuatai, it is superior in majesty. At this time, it was a spring day. In the courtyard of the palace garden, the stream made a beautiful sound, the breeze in the sun shook the cymbidium, and the bushes of pandan spread the fragrance. After the renovation, the high halls and deep houses are stacked with mountains and peaks. Several layers of railings surround the Xuan Corridor.

Ye Gong and Bai Gong kept their eyes open, and entered the hall through the palace, but they saw a smooth stone room decorated with green feathers, jade hooks hanging on the top of the wall, buckling and crystal clear, red bricks bearing dust on the top, and mats on the bottom. In addition to the young Chu King Xiongzhang sitting on the main seat, there are also Chu State Orders Yin Zixi, Sima Ziqi, You Yin Wang Sun Yao, Yun Gong Douxin, Le Yin Zhongjian, and pedestrian Wang Sunyu sitting on both sides.

Shen Zhuliang and Wang Sunsheng bowed their heads from afar, met the Queen of Chu, and then greeted the other ministers of the Chu State.

Ling Yin Zixi is already old, and her dark hair in the past is now a little gray, but when she saw Ye Gong and Bai Gong who were once "discordant" entering the house, she was happy, so she smiled and greeted them a few words, and then said seriously: " Today, on the order of the great king, I invite all the ministers and county magistrates to enter Ying. One is to celebrate the relocation of the capital, and the other is to discuss. Last month, Zhao State held an alliance meeting in Huangchi. , Zhao Hou is already the uncle of the Central Plains~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He not only divided the territories of the lords wantonly, but also put pressure on the demonstrations of the state of Chu, intending to manipulate Chen Cai and compete with Chu for the vassal of Huaishui, should the state of Chu deal with it now?"

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Sima Ziqi, the two nodded, and Zixi continued: "What do you think, all the magistrates, please tell me."

"Chen..." Zhong Jian, the uncle of the King of Chu, was about to express his opinion, but was interrupted by a hurried voice.

"Win a word!" Someone stood up and asked to speak, and it was Wang Sunsheng who was evaluated by Sima Ziqi as "quick for quick success".

Zhong Jian had to sit back again, feeling some dissatisfaction in his heart.

Two years ago, Wang Sunsheng tried to take advantage of Zhao's failure to gain a firm foothold in Huaishui and attacked him to return at dusk. Over the past year, he has repeatedly written to the state of Qi, asking for assistance from the state of Qi.

Zhong Jian and the other ministers and county magistrates all thought, now that he is the first to speak, he is probably going to fight again.

Unexpectedly, after Wang Sun Sheng saluted the King of Chu and the people in the hall, he said: "She believes that it is unwise to fight with the Zhao State at this time. I am afraid that the Chu State must give up Chen Cai!"

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