Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1128: elder brother like father

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"Prince Zhongshan wants to marry Jia as a wife, cousin, what do you think?"

This time, the marriage proposal came suddenly. Although Zhongshan was not strong, after all, it was also a country of a thousand times, and it was still following in the footsteps of Zhao, so he could not refuse.

So Zhao Wuxi asked Prince Zhongshan and his entourage to return to the building first, while he casually asked Zhao Guangde's opinion in the hall.

Zhao Guangde has been named East Sea Lord. Although his fief, Zhongwu, has a large population, it has a population of less than 100,000. Most of the residents are Haidai Huaiyi. There is no Xu Guoda under the influence of the Central Plains. Zhao Guangde brought a group of troops there, at best. It can reproduce the state of "Xiajun Yimin" when Lu and Qi were sealed.

When he came to Yecheng this time, he wanted to bid farewell to Zhao Wuxi, but unexpectedly, he met Prince Zhongshan's request for marriage.

"Brother thinks..." Zhao Guangde carefully speculated on Zhao Wuxi's expression. He knew that Zhao Hou was extremely fond of Zhao Jia. His name was brother and sister, and he was actually a father and daughter. He actually attached great importance to Jia's marriage.

So he boldly said: "My brother thinks that although Zhongshan is among the princes, he is still a small state of the army and Di. If you marry him, will you feel a little wronged?"

"Then how do you think she should marry without being wronged?" Zhao Wuxi said lightly while drinking tea.

"As the eldest son-in-law of the state of Zhao, at least she is worthy of a big country lord, such as Qin and Chu. Qin's son Chi and Jia have known each other since childhood, and the younger brother also heard that Chu Jun is only slightly younger than Jia. …”

However, Zhao Guangde was wrong this time, and Zhao Wuxi had a different opinion: "Qin Chu's diet and climate are too different from Yecheng's, and they married thousands of miles away, I'm afraid she won't get used to it. Besides, if If Zhao State is at war with Chu State, or breaks with Qin State again, will she be in a dilemma, or will she be made difficult?"

Seeing this, Shi Qi on the side said abruptly: "I think that Prince Zhongshan is a good match."

"Oh? Shi Qi, didn't you make a statement a few days ago, asking the few people to send troops to attack Zhongshan, destroy this country, and turn it into a county?"

Zhao Wuxi glanced at Shi Qi. This Shi Qi was originally from Chu, and he made great contributions in killing the Prince of Jin and forcing the Marquis of Jin to death. Zhao Wuxi also added officials and awards to him. Now he is in Dongyang. As the county chief, he is a person who will do anything to become the prime minister, and the crusade against Zhongshan is the best shortcut for him to combine military achievements.

Now, he strongly suggested that Zhao Wuxi should agree to Zhongshan's marriage proposal. There must be something strange about it.

"Could it be that you took bribes from Zhongshan people and started talking to them?" Although this was a joke, it was enough to slay the heart when it came out of Zhao Hou's mouth.

"How dare you do this." Shi Qi didn't panic, and smiled: "The soldier is a trickster, and marrying a son-in-law is also one of the means of attacking Zhongshan."

"What kind of means, you can talk about it."

As someone who is very familiar with his cousin, Zhao Guangde found that Zhao Wuxi's voice became cold in vain, and he couldn't help but feel tight.

However, Shi Qi, who was immersed in the strategy, did not notice such a change, and he talked eloquently: "I have heard that those who want to strengthen the country should take care of the land. The Zhao country is now very vast, from the sea to the east and Jing to the west. It reaches Huaihuai in the south and Daidai in the north. However, within the hinterland of Zhao State, there is still a vassal, and that is Zhongshan State! This country controls the danger of Taihang, and it is absolutely the key to Hebei, especially the terrain is very high. Looking at the city of Ye, it is like building a high-rise building, with drums, fat, and people from Bai, passing through Handan, and in less than seven or eight days, the troops will be able to reach the capital of Ye. ."

"That's why Zhongshan must be removed! However, the terrain of this country is undulating, densely forested, and it is difficult for the army to find a way. Why don't you follow Zhiyao's strategy of breaking the enemy's cause in the past, and he first promised his marriage, and agreed to let the male and female marry, but deliberately used luxury. The big carts send each other off. Zhongshan will definitely be overjoyed when his request is granted, and there is no doubt that he is there. In order to marry the son and daughter, a road must be repaired, and the elite soldiers of the Zhao State pretend to be concubines to send their relatives, and go deep into the capital of Zhongshan, at the wedding banquet. A sudden upheaval in the mountains kills the monarchs and ministers of Zhongshan, and then joins forces with the army outside. In this way, Zhongshan can be broken, and the mountains and rivers of thousands of miles, Hutuo and Jingxing, can be taken as their own!"

The more he said, the more ugly Zhao Wuxi's face became. Zhao Guangde had already felt the calm before the storm, and quietly took a half step back...

"Shan, Shi Qi, your analysis is good, but there is one thing wrong..."

Zhao Wuxi suddenly picked up a bundle of briefs on the table, smashed Shi Qi's head and covered his face, cursing: "The widow is the master of all Xia and the role model of the common people. Then it will take a few months, or half a year, and Zhongshan will fall, so do you need to use these three indiscriminate methods!?"

"Although your strategy can capture Zhongshan, it puts your daughter's life behind a dangerous wall! If the father-in-law is in the slightest, your body can be killed, and your life can be executed! Get out! Don't mention this again!"

Shi Qi made good use of insidious tricks, but he didn't expect that he accidentally touched Zhao Hou Niscale, and hurriedly resigned...

After coming out, recalling the situation in the hall, he couldn't help sweating for his own life. It was the first time to see Zhao Hou who was so furious.

Although he was kicked out, Shi Qi didn't think he was wrong. Instead, he stomped his feet and sighed: "Your Majesty has been wise and confused for a while, yet you are so kind to women. Since the son and daughter were born in the public office, To enjoy wealth and honor as a child is destined to contribute to the country. Either join the army and fight and be sealed off from other places; or marry him early and marry him as a reward to the princes and officials. Disaster is bound to happen. This is not to love her, but to harm her, and sooner or later, the prince will regret it!"


On the other side, after blasting Shi Qi out, Zhao Wuxi's anger still didn't subside, the palace people winked at each other and walked lighter, not daring to provoke the prince.

On the side of the couch, there is no room for others to snore. Zhao Wuxi really wanted to solve the problem of Zhongshan, but he could use a variety of methods: cultivating spies, bribing important officials, and attacking them. Or use a more lengthy method, that is, to completely transform Zhongshan into China, to capture them politically, economically, and culturally, so that Zhongshan is no different from the ordinary counties and territories of Zhao State.

In short, why use sinister means, but also take advantage of the happiness and even life of your loved ones? Through his own efforts, he has already changed the fate of one Mrs. Moji, and will he create another Mrs. Moji?

For Zhao Wuxi, his wife, children, and younger sister are all his opponents, and whoever touches will be unlucky.

Poor Zhao Guangde still had to continue to stay in the same room with Zhao Hou, but he heard Zhao Hou seem to be discussing it, and seemed to announce: "A woman can get married after she is married, and Jia is not too young, but the widow intends to let him She chooses her own husband, what do you think?"

"Choose your own son-in-law!?"

Zhao Guangde was stunned. In the Spring and Autumn Period, the atmosphere was open, and it was common for women to choose their own son-in-law. But that was the common people, or the family of a high-ranking doctor. Once they reached the position of princes, they had to pay attention to matching, not only the titles of princes, but also Even the strength of the two countries must match, otherwise it will be "Qi Dafei". Zhao Wuxi's actions are a bit shocking.

However, Zhao Wuxi seemed to have made up his mind. After nightfall, he returned to Changle Palace and discussed this matter with Ji Ying, saying: "Jia has a strong personality. She must be arrogant and arrogant, and she doesn't take her husband in the eye, if I assign her to marry someone she doesn't like out of national affairs, it will hurt her instead."

"And if she is asked to choose her own son-in-law, even if she only finds an ordinary scholar in Zhao State, the widow will recognize it, I don't ask her to do anything for the country, I just ask her to be in love with her future husband and be safe and sound , every day can be like now, riding a horse and laughing out loud."

After saying these words, Zhao Wuxi felt a sense of loss in his heart. As a father and brother, when he gave his sister and daughter to marry, it was the same mentality, but no matter how unhappy or unhappy, he had to arrange this love for you properly. Posts are fine, after all, this is related to her lifelong happiness.

As the eldest sister, Ji Ying also understands Zhao Wuxi's complicated feelings of wanting to choose a sweetheart for her sister, but she does not think it is feasible for Zhao Wuxi's plan.

She said disapprovingly, "Jia has a noble status, has a bad temper, and has a very high vision. What kind of character does he need to win his heart?"

This is also a big problem. There are no ready-made candidates at hand, and Zhao Wuxi's head starts to hurt again, so he can only say: "The woman is fifteen and married, and she is married at twenty. During this period of time, let her choose slowly... "

This incident made Zhao Wuxi upset, and he had already decided to decline Zhongshan's marriage proposal tomorrow. But then I remembered that when I met the Prince Zhongshan today, he looked like a talented person, and he also had a heart of admiration for his sister in his words, otherwise I would give him a chance

"That's it, let Prince Zhongshan wait in the courtyard outside the palace tomorrow, and let Jialu take a look at him when he passes by to see if she likes it or not."


After making this decision, Zhao Wuxi didn't think much about it. The next day, he continued to devote himself to the arduous affairs of the court. Zhao's army needed to be reformed, the canals and ditches needed to be dredged, and the autumn harvest needed to be arranged. In foreign countries, Qin, Chu, and Yue countries started reforms one after another, and he also had to consider whether forced intervention was necessary.

However, around noon, he heard a commotion from the gate of the hall, Zhao Wuxi frowned and asked what was the matter? Ning Jian had already led the two women in palace costumes in.

But it was Ji Ying, and Zhao Jia's mother Jin Juan, both of whom were stunned. It can be seen that Jin Juan has completely panicked, and Ji Ying also has a solemn expression, and hurriedly saluted Zhao Wuxi, saying: "Jun Hou, something happened."

"What happened?" Zhao Wuxi felt bad and quickly asked.

"Jia went to see Prince Zhongshan today, and only later learned that she was on a horse with a bow and arrow!"


At the same time, in a courtyard outside Changle Palace, he used to shoot left and right in the hunting grounds of Zhongshan, and hunted countless Zhongshan princes.

It happened suddenly. Originally, under the orders of Hou Zhao, waiting in the pavilion, he suddenly became the prey - Zhao Jia's prey.

Zhao Jia's dress was the same as that day. This pretty girl with a bit of neutral beauty was wearing a strong suit. The sable fur was covered with tight leather armor, which was very sassy. It's just that her eyes are like an angry tigress, staring coldly at Xian Yuyan.

Behind her ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is a female rider with a crossbow machine. It is the four girls who play polo with her. They are also as pale as Xian Yuyan. I thought the male and female were just joking, to scare this girl. The foreign prince came along happily. Unexpectedly, she urged the horse to rush to the front of the pavilion, but without saying a word, she directly pulled up the big bow, opened the bow, and shot the two attendants of Xian Yuyan to death in a pool of blood on the spot.

At this moment, the "lady" who made Prince Zhongshan's heart fall in love with her bow again, aiming at her prey. This is Zhao Jia's first murder in her life. Her eyelashes are slightly trembling, but her hands are still steady and she maintains the posture of letting go of arrows. of valiant presence.

But Xian Yuyan didn't have the time to appreciate it, he had lost his mind.

"Daughter, why is this!?" He asked in a hoarse voice.

A trace of anger flashed in Zhao Jia's eyes, her lips pursed lightly, and she said disdainfully, "How can a noble descendant of a black bird marry the son of a lowly Zhai dog!?"

After speaking, she released her hand, and the arrow came out of the string!

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