Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 799: Zhao Wei

ps: Chapter 2 is at night

"In the past, the six ministers were in harmony and jointly ruled the state of Jin, but the Fan family and the Zhongxing family were at odds with the Zhao family. The only survivors of the country are Zhi, Han, Wei, and Zhao. [Read the full text..] The Zhao clan was the chief culprit who started the civil war, and became stronger and stronger in the war. Chaoge, Handan, and Bai people in the east of Dahang, relying on the territory currently occupied by Zhao Wuxi, plus the State of Lu, a super-giant minister with an impressive 3,000 yuan, has already caught up with the size of the State of Qi. Zhao Wuxi, relying on his own strength, united Han and Wei, and wanted to attack and destroy the Zhi clan. The Zhi clan is still there, and the Zhao clan relies on Han and Wei. If the Zhi clan dies, the disaster will inevitably follow Han and Wei.

Seeing that Wei Ju pondered and did not answer, Xu Dei said again: "The reason why Han and Wei attacked from the Zhao clan today is to hope that one-third of the clan will be known, and the six ministers will be turned into three ministers. But in fact, the Han family After the civil war, their strength was not as good as before the war, so they could only rely on the Zhao clan to live by eating the scraps from their mouths. And the benefits that the Wei clan got from the Zhi clan could not be fully preserved. If it is destroyed, then the Zhao clan will be stronger! I think everyone understands that how Zhao Wuci treated the officials of Lu, and how he will treat the ministers of Jin in the future, he wants to dominate Jin, not to coexist with Han and Wei. Can you guarantee that the Wei family will not repeat the mistakes of the Zhi family? Please think about it carefully!”

"I've already shouted Yi Zai in the East Army on the battlefield. Anyway, is your lord planning to persuade me again?"

"Zhizhi swears that we will forget everything in the Danshui Valley. After all, there are no dead Zhishi's close relatives. The gentleman would like to swear to the ancestors of Zhishi and Haotian that Zhishi...will never take revenge..."

Wei Ju looked at the flaws with interest, and only the fool believed the promise. He kept his face: "What does Zhiyao want me to do?"

"Get out of the way, let the remnants of the army leave... Or follow the signal, attack the Zhao's camp together, set it on fire, and cause chaos, and then bring the Han army to join, then the Zhao's can be broken."

"Han's family?" Wei Ju laughed dumbly, this wise counselor in the past has gone mad, and his words have no logic: "Do you still want to persuade the Han family? Not to mention the subsequent grievances, I will just say one thing. In the past, Zhiyao teased Han Ziyin by using Bianzhuang's stabbing of a tiger, calling him by his first name, and humiliating Duan Gui by the way, Han Hu and Duan Gui, the monarch and minister, are absolutely impossible to reconcile with Zhi's."

Xue De gritted his teeth: "Even if there is no Han family, relying on Zhiwei's inner and outer cooperation, it can still be successful... After today, the two gentlemen will be united, let go of the previous hatred, and the world will be like lips and teeth. Isn't it beautiful?"

Wei Ju waved his hand and stopped him from continuing: "I'll think about it, you go down and rest first."

After Wu Xing was taken away by Lu Xing, Linghu Bo walked out from behind the screen and cupped his hands, "Cousin, this..."

"I know what you're going to say." Wei Ju said while playing with the wine cup: "I admire Zhiyao and Xue Dei, they can think of such an idea, and they even want to persuade me to repeat it again..."

"This is too risky to do."

"I know, have you seen the flawed eyes? Although he suppressed his resentment towards me, his madness was clearly visible. If he hadn't been driven to a dead end, he wouldn't have had such an incredible idea, let alone risking it. He came here at risk of his life. Zhi Shi was desperate, like a drowning man, desperate to grab anything that could save him, not even a straw, which had caused him to fall into the water before. Once, even if I don't save them, they will desperately pull me to the bottom of the water, why bother..."

"What is the cousin going to do?"

After drinking all the wine in the cup, Wei Ju slammed it to the ground and shattered in an instant.

"I can't talk to those who come, and I can still chase those who come. I have no way to turn back, I can only go forward with gritted teeth!"


"That person got down from Guanglang City, entered Wei Ju's camp, and hasn't come out again?"

"The night was dark, Wei Bing was closely escorted, and the villain couldn't see clearly..."

"Enough is enough, you go down, continue to monitor, and report any trouble."

After Zhao Wuxi asked him to leave the eyeliner he placed on the edge of Wei Ying, Shi Qi, a native of Chu country, immediately came over and said, "Wei's really can't be trusted. Your lord's defense against them is not groundless."

Wu Xie sighed: "Although it's not completely certain, let the soldiers wait until the end, especially the buckets and sand to put out the fire should be prepared."

Shi Qi's eyes were bright: "My lord, in my opinion, it is better to send troops to attack the Wei camp at night, and wipe out the Wei clan, even the Han clan and the Zhi clan in one fell swoop. In this way, the lord can become the only minister of Jin and replace the Wei clan. The Marquis of Jin is the king, just around the corner!"

Zhao Wuxi laughed dumbly: "You just expect me to openly raise the flag of treason."

Like Yang Hu, Wang Sunsheng, Fo Xing, Hou Zun, and others, Shi Qi was the most active person in Zhao Wuxi's "advancement". The combination of these treacherous officials in history liked being moderate and excessive, yearning for "the monarch bows, and the shogunate". People are in power, and three generations are ruled.” The Confucian disciples were incompatible. Zhao Wuxi was also afraid of what they had done in history, so he placed them separately, and he was surrounded by cronies to supervise them. To be honest, he was no less prepared for these people than he was against the Wei family.

These people are much bigger than Zigong, Ran Qiu and others. For example, Shi Qi is very ambitious. He left his hometown of Chu to come under Zhao Wuxi, and he went to Qing's goal. He divorced his wife and scattered everything Family wealth, and also decided to "cook or cook"! His earnest Zhao Wuxi was in his eyes, and Wu Xian did not accept or reject his advice to persuade him to "build a country on his own" several times.

He smiled and said: "The three tigers eat the sheep, it is inevitable to fight. The fight can be waited for, and the tiredness can be taken advantage of. It is the ability of Bian Zhuang, a hero of the state of Lu, to do it all at once... Your idea is good, but I still It has not swelled to the point of going to war with the enemy, the allies, and the contenders."

"With the strength of the Zhao clan, even if you start a war with the three at the same time, you can completely wipe out..."

Zhao Wuxi disapproved: "If I assume the attitude of eating Jin by myself, then Jin, and even the princes, still don't know how many people have betrayed me, and how many people repeat, this will give my real enemy a chance to breathe. "I don't know how long the civil war in Jin will last. War is just a continuation of a political feast. What can be won in the court, why should we use swords again and suffer the people of Jin?"

"Besides, the Han family has been tirelessly supporting the Zhao family's battles. Who doesn't know that Han Ziyin's father was surrounded and killed in Pingyang City by the Zhi family. From the beginning to the end, the Han family has been bleeding for my family. Their grievances with the Zhi family have long been unsolved. After the war, they asked me to revive the clan, and they are friends who can help them. As for the Wei family, if Wei Ju was really blinded by the lard, and he did things again and again. With the preparations I made earlier, he and Zhi Shi will never succeed in a sneak attack..."

Zhao Wuxi knew about the siege of Jinyang in history and how Boyao was successfully overturned by Zhao Xiangzi. Now it seems that history has been staged in advance, but the besiegers and the besieged defenders have changed positions, which makes people laugh and laugh.

"Trust me, Wei Lu and Wei Ziteng are smart, but they are not that stupid..."

Shi Qi was not reconciled, and he had to persuade him again. At this moment, Qi Wan, a personal guard, opened the tent to report: "My lord, someone from Wei Ying is here. It is the son of the Wei family who is here!"

"Oh? It's coming so soon, is there anyone else with you?"

"Yes! He also brought a man covered in blood. The prince of the Wei family said that this was the spy of the Zhi family that they captured and came to present it to the lord..."

"Look..." Zhao Wuxi smiled meaningfully, and said to Shi Qi, "I just said, Wei Ju is smart, I know him, and his principle of life is that he won't take chestnuts out of anyone's fire!"


In Zhao Wuxi's tent, the blood-spotted blemishes widened his eyes, and glared angrily at Wei Ju, who was pretending to be nothing, and Zhao Wuxi, who was still talking and laughing.

"I have also heard the name of Zizi, he is a wise man, a good thinker, good at reading words and expressions, and his tongue is very good. I wanted to see and see how he talked with my retainer Zhang Meng, and Duanmu Ci's eloquence. Why are you so troubled? Cut off his tongue?"

Wei Ju smiled and Xi, and the troubles and sorrows in his own tent seemed to be swept away: "He scolds the Zhao Wei family, insulting the ancestors, it's too ugly."

"Is that so?" Zhao Wuxi looked at Wu Ke, who was tied to the ground, but still babbled something in his mouth. He couldn't help but feel a bit regretful. A gentle and gentle counselor should not be in such a situation. .

Lu Xing explained: "He was sent by Zhiyao and was caught by my soldiers patrolling the camp. His identity is extraordinary, so the prince and I brought him to Zitai for disposal."

Zhao Wuxi laughed loudly: "Zi Teng can handle it himself, why bother... But, do you really let me handle it?"


Zhao Wuxi slapped his palms: "Okay, loosen the bindings, you will be my guest when you enter my tent, so don't be rude."

Wei Ju's expression changed. He did this to dispel Zhao's suspicion of him, but what kind of medicine did Zhao Wuxie sell in this gourd?

As soon as he loosened the tie, Xu Que suddenly jumped up and slammed towards Wei Ju. He was held down by several black-clothed guards from Zhao Wuxi. In front of his shoes, he babbled and cursed something.

"It's not easy for Ziteng to offend this person." Zhao Wuxi smiled, and asked people to take paper, pen and wooden slips, and clothed them: "Zi Zi must have something to say, since he has no tongue, then write it down and let us wait. have a look."

Wei Ju was stunned for a moment, and Xu Que was also stunned. He looked at Zhao Wuxi meaningfully, began to laugh hoarsely, and then lay on the ground and started writing. He used Jin-style seal characters, but he wrote dragons and snakes. At first, he used charcoal ink and directly dipped his own blood on the back. It seemed that he couldn't express his resentment.

The two of Zhao and Wei leaned over and took a look. The blood letter was nothing more than that the Wei family would repeat it again, so Zhao Wuxi should be careful. At the same time, it was written that the Zhao family would swallow the whole Jin country after the war, and the Wei family would not be spared. Following the mistakes of Zhizhi's...

Wei Ju took a look and sweated on his forehead, and began to regret why he had to bring the faults alive, wouldn't it be the same with his corpse?

After waiting for the blood to be written~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhao Wuxi let people take a look, tsk tsk amazement, and said to Wei Ju, whose face was ashen: "Zi Teng, is this true? In my opinion. , it's just a trick of the Zhi clan to alienate you and my brother."

Wei Ju smiled dryly: "Of course, this is just a trivial plan... It seems that Zhiyao is a poor planner, and he did not hesitate to let the think tank come out and die, but it is a pity that Zitai and I have already seen through his tricky plan."

He couldn't sit still, not only because of the nauseating guilt, but in Zhao Wuxi's camp it would only make him feel unsafe: "I have already delivered the people, and it will be all up to Zitai, so I will leave. "

Wu Xie said: "Wait a minute, why don't I call on Ziyin, you and I are lying on the same couch, how about enjoying the wine?"

Wei Ju smiled bitterly in his heart, Han Hu is not as hypocritical as Zhao Wuxi, and has always treated him coldly, there is nothing to talk about, so he waved his hand: "Another day, the camp has to arrange a siege tomorrow, I will I stayed for a while, and after this battle... I still have a big gift to give to Zitai!"

Zhao Wuxi didn't stay anymore, and said with a smile: "Big gift? Well, I'll wait and see." (To be continued.)



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