Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 802: Zhiyao's Death (Part 2)

ps: there will be another chapter in a while

To the north of Guanglang City, the Han's camp is already brightly lit. Han soldiers are indeed the weakest in Zhao, Wei and Han. Han soldiers are timid and like to shoot enemies with longbow and crossbow arrows, but they are afraid of melee combat. It is the era of cold weapons, if you don't have the courage, no matter how strong the long-range shot is, it will be overwhelmed by the enemy's approach. 【Full text read..】

Now, they are facing this situation.

Han Hu in the camp has been awakened by Zhi's attack. Although Zhao Wuxi reminded him that he had prepared in advance, no one could have expected Zhijun, who was surrounded by heavy siege, to be so decisive. He began to break through tonight, and came directly to him. pinch it?

Han Hu is very aggrieved. He has done everything he can to preserve the strength of the family. Now the Zhi clan has to drag him into the water, so he must block them and not let Zhiyao cross the camp!

However, Han soldiers did not have the spirit of him. After they were attacked, there was a chaos: the soldiers could not find their generals, and the generals could not find their own team. They could only fight on their own, relying on the fortifications in front of the camp. Resist the enemy attack.

Fortunately, Han's long-range weapons were fully equipped. Above the arrow tower, a dense rain of arrows fell on the face. The pedals above the ditch outside the camp have been evacuated, and the deep ditch is like the cracked mouth of a giant beast, waiting for the enemy rushing from a distance to slip and fall.

The offensive was blocked, and the continuous feather arrows directly turned the open area in front of the North Camp into a dead place. Feeling the sound of the dense long arrows breaking through the sky, the soldiers were a little scared. Zhiyao was extremely anxious. If she couldn't break through the past, if she stayed a little longer, it would be more dangerous.

Although he dispatched a feinting force so that the enemy could not tell his true attack direction, with Zhao Wuxi's cunning and ubiquitous scouts, he would soon discover that his main force was here. At that time, Zhao Wei will be surrounded by both sides, and with the remaining five thousand or so, it will be a problem whether they can withstand it for an hour, then it will not break through, but will die!

As a general, you cannot be a woman! So far, let alone a rain of arrows and a sea of ​​fire in front of you, you have to jump, and there may be a way to survive.

"Rush over! Use human life to fill the gully!"

Zhiyao immediately ordered the attack and used the body of the soldiers to kill and open a **** path. Because the city had only been besieged for three days, the Han family was not as efficient as the Zhao family, so although the tents and the necessary watchtowers were built, the ravines were also allocated. The prisoners dug out, but in many places the wooden walls were not repaired in time. The front of the Zhi clan rushed past under the rain of arrows without any hindrance, and finally entered the village. The Han army did not dare to fight and retreated step by step!

However, at this moment, Zhiguo in the back of the hall suddenly turned around and stared into the distance. Although it was night, because of the firelight of the camps everywhere, the surrounding light was almost no different from the daytime. His instinct made him feel it. When danger came, he lay down on the ground, and listened carefully with his ears close to the ground, and then his face changed greatly, and he immediately sent people forward to send a message.

"The report came later, saying that there seems to be a group of cavalry rushing towards us!"

Zhiyao was terrified. They had seen the horror of the Zhao clan's cavalry in previous battles. Only 5,000 of the 15,000 cavalrymen retreated to the west of the Danshui, and most of them were torn into two parts by the cavalry. Caused.

"My lord, what should I do?"

The soldiers around are anxious, the cavalry is fast, and they will arrive in a blink of an eye. If you don't prepare, you will die without a place to be buried.

Zhiyao also looked back worriedly, but she still gritted her teeth and ordered: "Let Yu Rang stop fighting, keep moving forward, cross the Hanying, you can reach the mountain road and stand out from the encirclement!"


South of Han's North Camp, the horse swayed uneasily and snorted.

Yu Xi rode on the horse, reaching out and stroking the soft mane on the horse's back, calming the old man who was a little anxious in the night, firelight, and noise.

It is not Yu Xi's first horse, or even the second or third horse. The mount that Yu Xi got when he went to the lower palace and Chengxiang had already died in an unknown battle. This old man was in Lu country six years ago. owned. When Zhao Yang came to the State of Lu for the second time to help Zhao Wuxi defend against the Qi people, he brought a lot of good horses from the north, and he was one of them. When the wind blows and grass is low, you can see cattle and sheep. Children of the Di tribe can ride sheep at the age of three. When they grow up, they start to shoot arrows on horseback. The master said that they are natural cavalry.

But in the Central Plains, there is only one real cavalry!

"That's right. When this battle is over, I will let you live comfortably in the courtyard."

Feeling the spacious horse's back, he felt that he had calmed down after stepping off the war horse. A faint smile slowly appeared on Yu Xi's tense face. He retracted his palm and started to check his weapons and weapons by the campfire. Armor, more than a thousand people behind him follow suit. Their movements are light and slow, meticulous and conscientious, and these insignificant details allow the cavalry to escape the summons of the Great Commander in battle, especially in the most dangerous night battles.

There was a lot of killing in front of Han's North Camp. Zhi's breakout troops were storming there, and Yu Xi and the others were the first to come to support.

"Set off!"

After everything was ready, the long horn sounded, and the horse stepped down, wrapped in raw cowhide with four hooves, with a cage on the horse's mouth, moving like the wind and fast like lightning. More than a dozen horses with torches in the front galloped wildly, except for the slight knocking sound of their four hoofs stepping on the ground, in the dark night, people could not feel any abnormality.

But when more than a thousand iron cavalry ran in unison, it was earth-shattering!

Don't listen, the soldiers who didn't have time to enter the Han camp could already see what was rushing towards them in the dark. They panicked.

Although the Zhijun successfully broke through the Hanying side, they were no longer a breakout of an established system, but fled in a disorderly manner. The road ahead was blocked, and more than a thousand people in the rear could not squeeze in at all. They could only lean against Paoze with their backs, their pupils gradually enlarged, and shouted desperately in desperation!


The crashing sound and the shrill screams sounded at the same time. What Zhiguo thought before being hit by a fierce horse was that it was no wonder that another cousin of his, Zhixiao, was attacked by cavalry in Wenxian County, and he went back and was completely helpless. This kind of shock is so terrifying, it is enough to break the nerves...

Human life is under the horse's hoof, and it is as cheap as an ant. When the army steps on it, it is like destroying the dead, leaving only a piece of meat and armor fragments!

But there were still more than 3,000 Zhi soldiers under the leadership of Zhiyao, who pushed aside the Han camp and ran forward. The little gecko, after desperately breaking his tail, ran forward in a hurry...

However, the shadowy mountains, the pitch-black mountain road, are like the mouth of a giant beast, waiting to devour them...


The mountain road leading to the Duanshi River Valley is long and narrow, and the Shangdang area is full of hills and ravines. This kind of terrain is very common, but the opening is right here, just like the Shengmen in the gossip, which is full of temptation for the trapped.

However, this place is not completely unguarded. At this moment, after sensing the battle of Han Ying at the foot of the mountain, Mucha called his soldiers and stood in front of the mountain pass.

He wears black armor and a heavy sword on his waist. He has an expressionless face and looks majestic, like a giant guard guarding this place, blocking the only entrance to the Duanshi River Valley from the northwest across the mountains.

Behind Mu Xia, 2,500 soldiers stood upright, with spears like forests and battle flags like clouds. They were divided into five formations, lined up in front and back in a fish-scale formation. The huge wooden shield and the skinned chariot in front were like an iron wall, and in the gap, a spear stretched out, which was terrifying. These soldiers were silent, standing silently, each with a calm face, silently watching the dark distance.

There are not many of them, but all of them are elites. They are the military soldiers of Zhao Wuxi’s fourth division and have the longest history of warfare. They can be traced back to the time of Song Guojun’s army. Many of them were recruited when Xilu expanded its recruitment. A veteran who was recruited into the army. This kind of situation, after four years of life licking blood on the edge of the knife, has become commonplace for everyone. Many soldiers have closed their eyes and recharged their energy. They are waiting, quietly waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

"The enemy is coming..."

There are many chaotic firelights coming towards this front, it is the enemy that the military pawns have been waiting for for a long time.

They clenched their spears and raised their shields. Following Mucha's loud orders, the musician's deafening waist drum sounded. This drum beat broke through the suffocation of the night and the barriers of all things. The deep and powerful sound of drums resonated with everyone, and the blood in their hearts could not help speeding up the flow, and the fighting spirit of the military veterans was thoroughly inspired!

They took firm and powerful steps together, and the five square formations moved forward neatly, one step, two steps, three steps... Everyone's ears could only hear the clear rhythm of the pace, and the soldiers followed this rhythm and shouted loudly. , the strong murderous aura shook the world.

They appeared in front of the Zhijun who broke through the Han camp and thought they were born out of nowhere.

They flatten their spears and make their enemies fear their arms!

They lifted up the crossbow machine and welcomed the gentleman of the Zhi clan with dense crossbow arrows!

Welcome to step into the trap again, welcome to taste the taste of despair! Welcome to the dead!


night will be bright.

After being hit by the third arrow, Zhiyao took a few steps back. He stepped on a corpse, stumbled and fell to the ground, sitting on the pile of corpses, the sword in his hand was weak from The palm slipped - he had already killed several Zhao soldiers who were close to him.

"Master!" Yu Rang was also covered in blood. He rushed on Zhiyao recklessly and blocked another arrow for him. Fortunately, it only hit the back and did not completely penetrate the armor.

The loyal man gritted his teeth, and his huge palm touched the place where Zhiyao was hit by the arrow, and he couldn't help but tremble. Different from the two arrows on the thigh and shoulder, the arrows are in the middle of the chest, and the direction is diagonally downward, I am afraid that the internal organs have been injured, the blood is constantly seeping out, and the armor is extremely sticky...

There are less than 500 people around who are fighting hard. Most of these people are Zhi clan soldiers, Zhiyao's most loyal guards. They formed a wall of people and wanted to protect the commander behind them, but the gaps and gaps were getting bigger and bigger.

Zhiyao shook her head with a wry smile, "I'm afraid... I've reached my deadline."

The surrounding area is already a sea of ​​corpses and blood, and when you turn your head, you can see the layers of corpses behind you. A few are Zhao soldiers in black armor, and most of them are soldiers of their own side. Their limbs are entangled, and they are still fighting to death.

Zhiyao understood that from the beginning to the end, this breakthrough was all a conspiracy set up by Zhao Wuxi, and it was still an old trick of siege three missing one: after the seemingly empty Han camp, there was a division of Zhao soldiers guarding It seems that there are not many, but they are all elites. They waited here for three days and three nights without showing off the mountains and waters, just to wait for them to break through the encirclement...

It's like catching a rabbit in the mountains, first blocking the two caves of the cunning rabbit, and then pouring water into it, forcing the rabbit to jump towards the only exit, waiting for it is a cage and a few knives.

As for the Zhijun, the copper and iron walls formed by the military soldiers, the 30,000-strong army of Zhao, Wei and Han who surrounded them, the cavalry who constantly swept the formation, and the dense arrows, these were waiting for them.

No matter how arrogant the goshawk is, there is a day when it falls vertically after being hit by an arrow, and there is also a moment when the pride of the sky falls into a gully of blood. Zhiyao has no strength to fight anymore, the blood from the wound is slowly draining his strength and life, and he can't even stand up straight.

Looking at the Zhao clan flag in the distance, Zhiyao leaned on Yu Rang, and began to speak with a hint of unwillingness, and said good words.

"I'm a little smart, and I have the best appearance of the Juezhi clan. The clansmen say that I am like a Zhiwuzi (Zhizhu) who was reborn. But I don't have the kind temperament of Zhiwuzi. I strive to be strong and win. The palace often bullied the sons and grandsons. Among the younger generation, Wei Ju, Han Hu and others were afraid that I would hate me. I also felt that Pan Palace was boring and left there early. But because of this, I missed out with Zhao Wuxi. When we met, I missed the opportunity to get to know this lifelong enemy, so that in the absence of a face-to-face meeting, I was inexplicably held back by him for several years. As long as people in Jin are praising me, they will Add a sentence: 'Ran Zhiyao is not as good as Zhao's concubines who have no sympathy'..."

"I was naturally dissatisfied. When I met him for the first time in Wenxian, I didn't think there was anything special about this person, and I wanted to distinguish between him and him, not only for my own honor, but also for the sake of the clan and the Zhao clan. Fighting. It has been four years since I sent troops to destroy the enemy. You have followed me in more than ten battles. All the enemies in the west of Taihang have been defeated. Geng, Pingyang, Lou, Tongjiao, Shangdang, the cities I attacked All surrendered, thus allowing the Zhi clan to gain a firm foothold and possess Xintian."

"But it's the same as before, even if I work hard, I still can't compare to Zhao Wuxi's slight finger movement abroad. He has swept Jizhou and Yantu, and his momentum has been achieved, and he can't compete with half of Hedong. "

Yu Rang was grief-stricken and sad, and said with a bowed head: "Master, don't talk any more, once the ministers have dealt with the wounds for the master, there will be no serious problems, the master will be able to ride a carriage, mount a horse, and lead the ministers to break out of the encirclement. go home!"

Zhi Yao was bleeding too much and his face was pale, he shook his head: "I can't get out, Zhao Jun is trapped in this place like an iron bucket, Zhao Wu Xie is sure to kill me here, but I don't hate him, he It was an opponent who defeated me. I was convinced that I lost. What I hate the most... is the Wei family and his son! I originally wanted to lead the two and three sons to fight a happy battle, kill Zhao generals, and cut down the black bird banner. But Wei Ju's betrayal disrupted all my preparations, and it was a complete defeat. I wanted to take another gamble, break through the siege, and retreat to Xinjiang, but if I couldn't, I retreated to Hexi to find another way out. I'm trapped here, with arrows in my body, and I'm about to die, and I'm struggling to figure out why I'm in this situation? I finally understand..."

He smiled brightly like a student who solved a riddle: "It turned out that it was all because of Zhao Wuxie. Without this person, the princes and grandsons of the Jin state would all be idiots, and they would be bullied by me. And Zhishi, In the future, it will definitely become prosperous in my hands, dominate Jin, and the person who will trample Zhao Weihan under his feet should be me!"

Zhiyao said that at the end, her face was hideous, which affected the wound, causing a violent cough, and a dark blood clot spurting out of her mouth. This is a sign of serious injury to the lungs...

"No~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's all Wei Shi's despicableness, Zhao Wuxi is cunning, and it's not a war."

Yu Rang's words didn't bring any comfort to Zhiyao, his eyes began to wander, he stretched out his hand to Yu Rang, and said his last words with a miserable smile: "I heard that Zhao Wuxi used ten catties of gold to make a fief. Thousands of households ask for my head, and I will give you this benefit! After I die, I will cut off my head and send it to Zhao Wuxi, for you, for the defect, and for the few hundred left. Soldiers ask for a way to survive..."

Yu Rang, who has always been unsmiling, began to cry, his eyes were blood red, and all the remnants of the surrounding soldiers did not cry.

But Zhiyao could only hear the buzzing sound, he couldn't see anything, and there was blood around him.

He knew that his death was coming, and he grinned again, showing an unwilling smile at the gradually brightening sky, his white teeth full of bloodshots.

"Because I know that in Yao's life, the most unforgettable thing is that the beauty is late, the strong man... the end of the year!"

(To be continued.)




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