ps: I'm going to the border to do fieldwork in a few days. I'm tired after a day of training. There's only one update, and two tomorrow...


Zhao Wuxi sat upright in the hall, watching the rain outside the window, and it kept coming.

Two days have passed since the encirclement and annihilation of the Zhi clan's defeat. A sudden winter rain brought great trouble to the finishing work of the battlefield. The hills, river valleys, and cities were all shrouded in the thick fog woven by the rain. To avoid the rain, it became a luxury to continue on the road.

After all the troops that broke out of the Zhi clan were destroyed, Zhao Wuxi moved the camp to the Duan clan. Duan clan city is a city of a thousand households in the Qinshui River Valley. From north to south is the water of the Qin River that has been flowing for thousands of years. The Zhao and Han families occupy a corner of Duanshi City respectively, because the road ahead will go deep into the Shangdang Mountains, the valleys are deep and the roads are dangerous and narrow, and they can only continue their march after the rain.

Fortunately, their logistical pressure was not great, and the Zhi clan hoarded a large amount of food and grass in the Duan clan, enough for the army to eat for half a month.

"After the Battle of Yanling, the Jin army ate for three full days in the Chu army camp, and now our treatment is far from what it used to be."

After the victory, they were able to eat again, and everyone was in a good mood. Zhao Wuxi was talking and laughing with his generals, but he heard a guard outside to report.

"The Han army is coming!"

Bright footsteps broke through the sound of raindrops and arrived at the door, Han Hu was not polite, pushed the door and entered. The two have a very close personal relationship, and they have even formed an in-law family with their children. They have made a marriage contract for the two new babies who are still in swaddling, so there is no need to pay attention to so many politeness.

Zhao's generals retired knowingly after seeing the ceremony, leaving the slightly narrow hall to the two patriarchs to discuss military and political matters.

After handing the dripping cloak to the vertical man, Han Hu and Zhao Wuxi sat opposite each other, he wiped off a little raindrop on his fair forehead, looked at the rain outside for a whole day, and said with lingering fear: "Fortunately, End the war before this rain, otherwise I don’t know when it will be delayed, and if I’m not careful, I’ll have to fight again in the spring of next year.”

Zhao Wuxi asked the vertical man to move the warm copper stove to Han Hu's side, then poured a bowl of warm soup and handed it to him, smiling: "It's like this in early October and winter. Stop, it’s just like the winter rain and the cold. The exhaustion after the war is the most likely to let the evil disease take advantage of it. There are not a few soldiers of the three armies who fell ill, and they were all left in the Hyun town for isolation, and Zi Yin should also pay attention to his health.”

After taking the warm soup, Han Hu hesitated for a while, smelled it, there was a medicinal smell, but the entrance was not so bitter, he could only taste the ginger, smacked his lips and said, "It doesn't taste good."

"This is the preventive medicine soup made by the magpie doctor, and the drinker warms the body."

Han Hu didn't suspect him, he drank it all, put the bowl lightly on the table, and began to go straight to the topic: "Although it is for the soldiers to rest for a while, and to shelter from the rain, it is still not appropriate for us to be here. Long stay, you must know that the longer the war drags on, the easier it will be to change. After this battle, the remnants of the Fan clan were wiped out, and most of the imperial office and Zhijun were left. Once Zhiyao died, the Zhi clan had no generals who could fight. There are still nearly 10,000 remnants in Xinjiang, Hexi, Shangdang and Zhiyi, but it is no longer a concern, and it is the time to move westward!"

"Haha, I am a person who is brave in big battles, timid in small battles, and half-ninety when traveling a hundred miles. At this time, I must not be careless."

Zhao Wuxi knew what Han Hu was anxious about, so he asked the guards to spread out the map, pointed to the west of Duanshi City, and said, "Shangdang is located in the west of Duanshi River Valley. Because of the party, it is called Shangdang. It is not easy to walk uphill in rainy days. However, I have sent Liu Xiazhi and Han's first division to go there ahead of time. At this time, the remaining enemies on the periphery have been cleared away, and the lonely city of Shangdang is approaching. Just waiting for this When the winter rains stop, the army will be able to pull out the camp and march west to regain the territory occupied by the Zhi clan for two and a half years for Zi Yin!"


"That's good."

Han Hu breathed a sigh of relief. He still remembered the defeat of Shangdang more than two years ago. The proud Han soldier was defeated by Zhiyao, and Shangdang's favorable geographical location did not allow them to persist for a few more days. . If it wasn't for Wu Jing's brave death, he would be either killed in the army or become a prisoner of Xin Jiang.

Who would have guessed that in the thirty years of Hedong and the thirty years of Hexi, after joining forces with Zhao Jun, they finally defeated Zhiyao. Han Hu let out a savage breath. During the siege of Zhiyao, he was a little impatient, and even looked forward to Zhao Wuxi. Said "behead its head to make a wine vessel".

But Zhao Wuxi retracted the foreword, and he buried Zhiyao's corpse thickly, just as he treated Wu Jing's corpse kindly after breaking Taigu. When dealing with the generals, the Zhao clan did not slaughter, or even built the capital to view the nailing of the living, which was very different from the brutal revenge in the Qi War.

This move won a lot of praise, and everyone said that the gentleman of the Zhao family has a deep sense of forgiveness. After Danshui was captured in the first battle of Changping, he was detained in the two cities of Guanglang and Hyun. The soldiers and prisoners suddenly felt relieved, believing that they would not be brutally slaughtered, and became prisoners with peace of mind, only waiting for redemption or labor after the war.

When asked why he did this, Zhao Wuxi said: "Although Liu Qing has a lot of hatred, but I am also a Jin person after all, why bother to do this to the township party, when King Zhuang of Chu defeated Jin State, it was not like this. However, I am holding the flag of righteousness on the side of the Qingjun, how can it be inferior to Nanman?"

Han Hu watched all of this silently, with mixed feelings in his heart, his advisor Duan Gui came over and said in his ear: "Gentleman, be careful, General Zhao has begun to buy people's hearts and prepare for the post-war division of land and people. "

"He did it for a reason, and he didn't hide it. It's much better than those villains who stabbed in the back. Don't mention this again!" At that time, Han Hu reprimanded Duan Gui, but he did not stop Duan. Gui and Wei's minister Linghu had a secret meeting, turned a blind eye to this, and even contributed to the fire, and exchanged a letter with Wei Ju.

After two years of being the head of the family, Han Hu is no longer the gentle and innocent young gentleman in his heart. Once he is caught in the whirlpool of politics, it will be difficult to restore his innocence, because all innocent people are dead, such as being buried just now. The Zhiyao...

Of course, Han Hu couldn't believe Wei's words, but Han's was very fragile right now and couldn't stand any accident. In the past two years, the Han family has paid too much for living with Zhao's back, and even the pass has been handed over to Zhao Wuxi through "land exchange", and the Taihang Pass has since belonged to the Zhao family.

So it was hard for Han Hu not to think differently. He just hoped that he would be more attentive after the event, rather than being unguarded. Besides, from Han Hu's point of view, he has no regrets about Zhao's, he is just being careful, not hostile.

"Shangdang is the old town of Ziyin, and the people guarding it used to be ministers of the Han family. I wonder if they can help us break down the city?"

When asked by Zhao Wuxi, Han Hu recovered from his thoughts and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Zitai, if the generals of Shangdang heard that the Zhi clan was completely destroyed and tens of thousands of troops marched west, they would definitely be scared to death. , Shangdang people will surely resist vigorously and welcome us into the city."

Zhao Wuxi nodded. Shangdang was very important in the strategy of attacking the whole Jin Dynasty. It has been an important offensive and defensive place for thousands of years. It was not obvious in the Spring and Autumn Period. In the Warring States Period, Shangdang, together with Anyi and Taiyuan, was known as the Three Kingdoms of Zhao, Wei and Han. the "pillar". When Qiang Qin occupied this place, he controlled half of the world and controlled Qi, Chu and San Jin.

Nowadays, Shangdang is also a vassal of Hedong area, and the Supreme Party has no Hedong!

"That's good. Shangdang and Fen Shui are the last two lines of defense between us and Xin Jiang." Zhao Wuxi wrote and spent two black lines in two places. The resistance of Zhi's remnants was in vain. , We must strive to break through the past within half a month, and our troops will be under the new Jiangcheng!

He drew a red circle under the capital of Jin State! Jinyang, Duanshi, all arrows point there.

At this moment, another guard outside shouted a report: "Wei's prince is here!"


"Wei Ju is here..." Zhao Wuxi and Han Hu looked at each other, Wei Jun didn't stay with Zhao Han, Wei Ju excused that Duanshi City couldn't squeeze so many people, so he found another place on the other side of Qinshui Set up camp, separated from the two armies, with a posture that the well water does not violate the river water. Today, Zhao Wuxi invited him to a banquet and a collegiate discussion. After waiting for a long time, he thought that Wei Ju didn't have the guts to come, but he still came.

Before Wei Ju arrived, he heard the laughter first. He only brought Lu Xing with him, and there was no fear on his face. After entering the hall, he greeted Zhao Wuxi and Han Hu calmly.

"The rain is too heavy to come one step later, and I hope Zi Tai Ziyin is not to blame."

Zhao Wuxi got up and greeted him: "It's okay to be late, Zi Teng will punish himself with a pot of wine later."

Wei Ju readily accepted: "After fighting for many days, I haven't tried drinking alcohol. I have already committed alcohol addiction. I will punish you. Today, I will not go home without getting drunk, and have a good reminiscence of the old days."

"I don't know when Zi Teng is going to tell the story. Is it in the Pan Palace or in Taoyuan?"

Han Hu watched Zhao Wei hold hands and talk and laugh. Behind the seemingly skilled and friendly greetings, there was a cold rustling and caution, but he himself should be warm and normal, and he retorted.

Wei Ju didn't care either and smiled.

Zhao Wuxi had asked the vertical people to set up a banquet in the hall. Because only the three of them were eligible to be seated, there were only three seats. Above was Zhao Wuxi's chairman, who was the master and the most powerful, as it should be.

There are guest seats on both sides, and Han Hu was sitting on the guest seat on the right just now. After Wei Ju came in, although he reluctantly followed Zhao Wuxi and got up to greet him, he had no intention of giving up the seat.

In China, whether in ancient times or later generations, ranking is a very serious matter. After the defeat of Zhiyao, how the status of the three families of Zhao, Wei and Han was divided, to a large extent, was reflected in this feast.

"Both of them are in high positions, but I am a mere doctor. I am the next seat, and I should be like this." Wei Ju saw that Han Hu had no intention of wanting it, and looked at himself coldly, and could only laugh twice. Afterwards, take a seat at the lower seat on the left.

But Zhao Wuxi heard it, there is no deep meaning in this sentence... Wei Ju did not regard himself as a representative of the family, but lowered himself to the status of the prince. He accepted today's seat, but did not recognize Zhao Han after the war. Wei's sort. This means: Wei Shi, it's still his father's decision, at the banquet, in the court, one yard is one yard!

Han Hu snorted coldly and turned his head away without answering. Ever since Wei's battle at Danshui Changping, he had this attitude towards Wei Ju.

Zhao Wuxiao watched the cold war between Han Hu and Wei Ju with interest. The battle for seats between the two seemed to be head-to-head. If he hadn't gotten the information, he said it was Han's think tank Duan Gui and Wei's adviser Linghu. Bo has met several times in the past few days. If it is very frequent, he may also think that Han and Wei are like water and fire...


The three sat on the table, each with their own thoughts. As soon as the enemy left, they began to have different dreams in the same bed.

Now that the overall situation of Jin has been decided, no matter how much Zhibo tossed it, he couldn't turn it over. Zhao Wuxi already had the place he wanted to get, and what he lacked was a man to rule and stand on the feudal lords. Therefore, what we need to do next is not to compete with each other in one city and one place, but to prevent the Han and Wei families from secretly colluding to check and balance themselves.

Although the two have not yet united, it is inevitable in the situation of one strong and two weak. The love and killing between the three Jins in history is a lesson, and Zhao Wuxi needs to nip this trend in the bud.

From Zhao Wuxi's point of view, Han Hu can still win over. The contradiction between the two is actually not small, let alone if there is no contradiction, then it will create a contradiction. As for how to manipulate it, it depends on his means!

It makes people sigh. Four years ago, Zhao Wuxie met Wei Ju and Han Hu in Taoyuan, Wenxian County, where they became different brothers. Now, the sincerity between them has been washed away by time. Exhausted, only full of routines left.

In fact, looking back, the three of them have never really been sincere to each other since Taoyuan in Wenxian County, or since they met in Xinjiangpan Palace. True friendship and political battles are inherently contradictory. In history, many mentors and apprentices have turned against each other because of politics. Finding friends among the clan relationships full of intrigue is just an extravagant hope...

That's why Zhao Wuxi sometimes thinks that his opponent, Zhiyao, is more sincere and lovely than the two of them.

The feast was about to start, Zhao Wuxi waved his hand and asked someone to remove the map on the ground, but Wei Ju stopped him.

Wei Ju squinted, walked over, stared at the map and looked at it, especially the redrawn black lines in Shangdang and Fen Shui, and the striking red circle at Xinjiang. He couldn't help laughing and said: "It seems that Zitai Ziyin has already discussed the direction of the May I add a few words?"

The shirtless face sinks like water: "But it doesn't matter."

"Actually, our enemy is only east of the Fen River, and we only need to break through the Shangdang."


Zhao Wuxi tapped the table with his finger, and out of speculation about the situation, he had expected Wei Ju to say this. In this way, this is the confidence that Wei's family doesn't want to be at the bottom of the table when they re-divide the big cake of Jin State? This is also the basis for them to take the initiative to approach the Han family and want to play two weak and one strong?

Zhao Weihan, the three chess pieces have been thrown out, and I don't know if my horse with a slanted sword can get stuck in the eyes of the nine palace elephants, so that Wei's "phase" with hidden murderous intentions cannot move...

Seeing that Han Hu was silent, he also pretended to be ignorant and asked blankly, "What does this mean?"

Wei Ju got up, saluted Zhao Wuxi and Han Hu again, and said with a smile, "I didn't bring a gift today, I only brought a piece of good news. At this moment, Xin Jiang should have changed hands and left the Zhi clan. Take control!" (To be continued.)



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