Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 815: Comments from later generations

"We've been completely fooled!"

After the Houma League ended, Wei Hao returned to the Wei family's barracks in despair. Because of the change of Zhao's army during the day, all Wei's troops were under martial law. Wei Ju was nervous. reluctant to go to war with it. Lewen Novel Network is worth your collection w. LX.

Fortunately, in the end, Wei Hao chose to compromise again, and a fire disappeared. He did this rationally. In the process of dividing the land between the three families, the trend of Han and Wei's weak alliance was interrupted by real interests. In order to obtain Yu, Xiayang and Maojin, Han Hu began to prefer to bring him a steady stream of benefits. Zhao Wuxi, who came to benefit, and Wei Shi instead became hidden competitors.

Fortunately, Zhao Wuxi didn't do too much. He told Wei Shi thoroughly and claimed that the people of Xinjiang Gujiang would not all move out, but would leave a part to Wei Shi. So following the discussion on dividing the land, in the next few days, the disputes of the three ministers focused on the division of the people of the Gongshi.

The public domain was originally huge, but with the continuous division of the six ministers, now only Xinjiang, Gujiang and Quwo's ​​ancestral temple fields are left. Although Xinjiang is the capital of the country, its population does not exceed 100,000. With the addition of Jinai and Gujiang, the total population of the public territory is 200,000, and a public army of 10,000 can be organized. It is a pity that almost all of this army was captured by Zhao Weihan in the battles of Danshui and Changping, so that Ding Zhuang was rarely seen on Xinjiang Gujiang Street.

"On the side of Quwo, the 2,000 households who cultivated the fields of the public and ancestral temples belonged to the Wei family."

"Xinjiang and the surrounding 30,000 households are divided equally by Zhao, Wei, and Han, each receiving 10,000 households."

"Therefore, there are about 8,000 households in Jiang, so the Zhao family moved to Tongjiao as the population of the new capital."

After a few days of bargaining, the Wei family gained land and lost the people, but it was not too much of a loss, and it was barely acceptable. They did not dare to oppose Zhao Han on the surface, so they could only secretly go to Xinjiang to mobilize the doctors and Chinese people to put them under the protection of the Wei family and resist the migration.

The Han family got another surprise. Han Hu decided that his army would not be able to go to Pingyang and Hancheng. Even if he robbed him in the spring of next year, he must get his own 10,000 households! Then immediately move them to a place beyond the river to enrich it and establish a new master town for the Han family in Yiyang.

Zhao Wuxi's thoughts are more far-reaching. In the plan, there will be 10,000 households in Xinjiang, and he will let You Wuzheng take it to Jinyang to Dong Anyu, where the land is vast and sparsely populated, and the abandoned fields are in urgent need of population development. . As for the 10,000 households of Gujiang who nominally want to move to Tongjiao, when these people enter their own territory, who cares where they go? Zhao Wuxi will let these people continue to go east, pass Fukou Pass, and arrive at Yecheng, the new hope land opened by Zhao in Hebei...

All of these are part of Jiran's "hundred-year plan". Of course, it can only be regarded as the foundation. Zhao Wuxi estimated that when the canal connecting Jinlu and Lu was almost repaired, he let Jiran return to the center and began to help him Operating a vast territory.

But this plan also faced various problems. The Zhao family alone would have to relocate 20,000 households and a population of 100,000. It takes half a month for Xinjiang to go to Jinyang, so it takes ten days for Jiang to travel to Tongjiao. What should Jiang people do if they don’t want to leave their ancestral land? How to solve the food along the way? How to arrange it after arriving at the place? This amount of work is not ordinary.

Not only Zhao Wuxi thought of this, but at night, Cai Shimo came to visit Zhao Wuxi with a gloomy face, and asked to accompany the Marquis of Jin to the Tongli Palace, and he also raised a question: "Be careful what you say and do what you say, gentleman; Although those who speak slanderous words are not bandits, they are not far away. The general knows that your seemingly easy words in Houma will cause how many people in the country will be separated, and how many people will be destroyed?"


This accusation is very serious. Facing Cai Shimo's questioning, Zhao Wuxi pondered, and after a while, he nodded and said, "I don't do anything without any resistance during the migration, and I promise that no one will die on the way. I can only guarantee that people will have a better life than they are now when they arrive at their destination.”

Cai Shimo smiled coldly: "The general's guarantee, the people of the country will only know if it is true or not when they arrive at the place. The old man only knows that no one is willing to leave their homeland for no reason. The location of the parents' graves must not be neglected..."

Zhao Wuxi shook his head, "It's not for no reason, when Uncle Xiang and Yan Ying were discussing the season of the Jin Dynasty, he criticized the common people suffering from labor, taxation and fatigue, but the public office became more and more extravagant, and people starved to death on the road can be seen everywhere. But the monarch’s favored concubine’s food was too much to hold, and the people heard the monarch’s orders, just like fleeing from the enemy. The monarch also refused to repent day by day, and used pleasure to cover up his sorrows…”

"As early as eight years ago, I discovered that the life of the people in the public domain was far inferior to that of the people in the Zhao family's palace, and there were still people who escaped and came in to seek asylum. Exploitation. Now that I have come to the vicinity of Jiangdu again, as far as I can see, the situation in the public domain has not improved. With the intrusion of war, the life of the Chinese people is getting worse day by day. Even if I do not force them to move out, they will continue to do so. To find a way to survive. This point, Taishi Jiu in Jiangdu, should know better than me."

"But this migration can give the Chinese people new hope. I don't know about Han's side, but on Zhao's side, I have already issued an official order. For the migrants, every household can get a hundred acres of new development. The fields are all 240 paces of Zhao's large acres! Taxes are exempted for three years, and only one person is required to serve."

"What's more, most of the children of the Jiangdu country were captured by me in the battle of Danshui Changping. According to the Zhao family's rules, they must serve as war criminals for three years, but if their family members are willing to relocate, they can be exempted from their crimes. ...I believe that just for the sake of freeing their children, many households are willing to grit their teeth, take the dry food distributed, and walk for half a month to reach their new home!"

Blood and tears will be shed during the migration, but the price is worth it, both for Zhao Wuxi's ambition and for the people.

"Tai Shi is right, I will let them leave their homes, but I can also make them take root again, ten or twenty years later, they will be more prosperous! As for whether the Taishi will denounce me or praise me in the history books, please feel free. For a lifetime of merits and demerits, there will be comments from future generations!"

Huaxia is a settled farming nation, but it has never been a nation that sticks to the rules and does not move land when staying in one place. Reproduction, migration, and expansion are the instincts of living things. Although this process is slow, it never stops.

The great division of the Zhou family was itself a huge immigration movement. As stubborn war criminals, more than a thousand people from the family surnamed Ying were forcibly moved from the Chaoge area to the western edge of the border. Zong, the state of Lu was enfeoffed, and it also brought along the six ethnic groups of the Yin people. The population of these clans who were forced to migrate became the cornerstone of the foundation of the two countries.

In the age of Spring and Autumn, destroying the country and relocating its people is more commonplace. The project of Zheng Guo's eastward relocation is no less than Zhao Wuxi's order. And Chu State also likes to move its vassals Cai State, Xu State, etc. to various places. The immigration movement runs through the whole history of Spring and Autumn.

He sighed deeply: "I thought that Zhao Xuanzi and Luan Wuzi were already the most powerful officials of the Jin state, but today I know that they are not as far as generals, whether it is courage or vision. The old man has lived for 60 years and has experienced countless things. , seeing the rise and fall of the emperors from generation to generation, I can guess the rise and fall of the princes, but I can't see where the generals will take Jin..."

"My eyes will wait and see, and my pen will truthfully record the actions of the general. As you said, since there is no one in Jin who can do anything to disobey the general, it can only be judged by future generations!"

Cai Shimo bowed to Zhao Wuxi, stopped talking, and turned to leave.

After leaving the tent, looking at the moon in the sky, Cai Shimo sighed: "Uncle Xiang Zeng said that the public house will be humble, the branches of the clan will fall first, and the public office will follow. Now Luan, Que, Xu, Yuan, Hu, Xu, Qing, Bo, descended to Zaoli, Yang Tong and Qi perished, and the remaining Han family was like a hawk dog of the Zhao family. I don’t know how many years it will last for the public office, and the monarch, I don’t know if it will be Jin The last king..."

He stepped on the moonlight, and wanted to follow Jin Houwu's car overnight to Tongji, the new cage built for the monarch. Shi Mo is the Grand History, as long as he is alive for a day, he must truthfully record everything that happened, no matter what he likes or hates!


After the Houma League meeting, the rumbling talks finally came to an end. Zhao Wuxi rushed to dismiss the conscripts before the winter solstice, leaving 10,000 soldiers stationed in Gujiang, ready to cooperate with the post office and Han Hu. The Ministry captured Pingyang and sold it to the Han family for a favor.

Zhao's officials began to station in Xinjiang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ According to the home address provided by the prisoners, follow the map to find their family members, carry out relocation mobilization, and demarcate the area according to the actual situation, wait until the spring of next year, even if these people If they don't want to move, there will be Zhao Bing's spear forcing them to move.

Forced immigration led by the government has always been an important reason for Chinese immigrant groups. Qin people moved to Henan, Han moved to Chang'an, and Ming moved Shanxi people to various places. When did you ask the people who were relocated?

As for the Wei family, they were under the eyes of the Zhao Han army, so it was not good for them to secretly relocate the Xinjiang people to Quwo and other places. They just hope that after the relocation is completed soon next year, the two armed forces can leave here.

What's more, the Wei family's head has new troubles. If Zhao Han is a chronic disease for them, then the Zhi family who retreated to Hexi is a confidant.

When the time entered the beginning of November, under the fierce bombardment of Zhao's siege weapon, Pingyang had been destroyed, and Zhishen died. According to the principle of the Houma Covenant, "the three clans will destroy the Zhi clan, and they will be the same to the outside world", the Wei clan, who just occupied Puban, also hurriedly announced a message to Zhao Wuxi and Han Hu:

"The Zhi clan will use the Hexi land to surrender to Qin!"

(To be continued.)

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