Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 843: Although far away will be punished!

: Chapter 2 at night

The terrain in the northern part of Shanxi is relatively high, and the entire surface is occupied by some large and small mountain ranges. Among them, an extremely narrow gourd mouth is formed between the two mountains, Xiawu Mountain and Juzhu Mountain, connecting the Datong Basin and the Huo people. Xinding Basin where the county is located.

Fifty years ago, the Bank of China, Muzi, led the Jin people to conquer Taiyuan, and the Rong and Di tribes retreated northwards through this pass. They left a small city here called Juzhu. Fifteen years ago, Zhao Yang seized this place from the Di people, and built Xiaoyi into a pass called "Sentence Note". As a Zhao clan, it is also the northern border of Jin State, the junction of Rong Di and Huaxia. .

When Zhao Wuxi came here, he saw a vast expanse of white mountains and plains, straddling a pass of mixed earth and stone, which happened to be stuck between the two mountains of Juzhu and Xiawu. The wind and sand blowing from the grassland in the north also blocked the spring breeze in the south. This situation is very similar to the gate between the two stone pillars. Since ancient times, people and vehicles must pass through this gate, but the flying geese do not need it. They fly directly over the pass, just like crossing a short threshold. All the way south.

Therefore, in later generations, the sentence note plug has a more famous name: Yanmenguan! It is the head of the nine fortresses in the world.

Dong An moved to Jinyang ahead of schedule after completing Zhao Yang's last wish, and Zhao Wuxi and his group entered the Juju Plug under the guidance of Xu Qu.

Perhaps it was because he had been in the frontier for a long time, Xu Qu had a very cheerful personality. When he mentioned the old lord Zhao Yang, he was so sad that he burst into tears. He was a little flattered that Zhao Wuxi would come to this remote place in the extreme north. Zhao Wuxi wandered around the Siege.

Wu Xie noticed that Senne was like a small town, with forts, stables, foundries, wells and sheepfolds. There are even more than 1,000 acres of land, where corn and wheat were once grown. Unfortunately, in autumn, severe frost killed the remaining crops, leaving only marl and withered stems.

The entire pass consists of only a two-person high stone wall and a closed gate, protected by a pair of square stone towers, and the narrow city walls are patrolled by sentries all day long.

Separated by a wall, there are deep trenches for defense, a sloped earth embankment, and an extended wooden fence. Because of the rain and snow, thick moss climbed up the wooden fence and half of the city wall.

It was an important fortress, but it was not strong. The half-collapsed enemy building was covered with snow and still could not be repaired. One can imagine the fierce fighting at that time.

Xu Qu introduced: "Huoren County has 1,000 disciples, among which there are 500 people in a brigade, most of them are local savages, and most of their families live around the county. We will stick to this place, so that Dai Rong can’t go beyond the south of the border and take the next step! It’s a pity that at the border of hundreds of miles, Juzhusai can only guard against a few mountain passes. food."

Zhao Wuxi couldn't help but ask, "Then how did you survive?"

"There are streams and wells next to the pass, and there is no shortage of water. People rely on food storage, geese shooting, and cocklebur moss to survive. Later, more than a thousand people came to besiege them, and they couldn't even go out to hunt. Now, we will boil the bowstrings and crossbows in water and eat the animal tendons and leathers on them.”

Zhao Wuxi could imagine the hardships and hardships at that time, but in Xuqu's mouth, it was only a matter of time.

An old soldier on the side smiled and said: "When we couldn't stand it any longer, the brigade commander told the soldiers that he would treat the soldiers the same way as the first gentleman treated him. Since the brigade commander and I are living and dying together, so Everyone was indifferent. But the number of the dead was increasing day by day, and there were only 400 people left. Daizi knew that we were in a desperate situation and we must let the commander of the brigade surrender. I will make you the head of the clan and give you a woman as a wife!"

"The commander of the brigade pretended to agree, lured the messenger of Daizi to the city, killed him with his own hands, roasted the messenger's body with fire at the top of the city, and shared it with me. Zi said, if there is a woman to send it quickly. Dai Zi was very angry, and sent more than a thousand soldiers to besiege, but he was still unable to break through the fortress. Instead, he was killed and wounded by us, and he retreated in embarrassment, and he never dared to attack again. Plug."

"Majestic!" Zhao Wuxi was moved, and couldn't help but praise him. Perhaps due to the environment, the people of the Zhao clan in Taiyuan are more tenacious than those in Hanoi and Handan. Soldiers recruited from Taiyuan are often able to fight against one another. At the same time, he also looks at Xu Qu with admiration. It's really sloppy here.

Xu Qu scratched his beard embarrassedly and said, "Although the soldiers are exhausted, they still hold on until the reinforcements of the marshal arrive. That's it, there are still 315 people left, but it's a pity that they are in Many of Huo’s family members were kidnapped by the Rong and Di, and when they arrived at their homes, they saw the ruins and ruins, their wives were nowhere to be seen, and only the corpses of their old parents were left, and no one didn’t cry bitterly.”

"You are really a loyal minister of the Zhao family."

Zhao Wuxi was moved, looking at the simple guards who gathered over and looked at him with curiosity and reverence, both moved and ashamed, the veterans are not dead, they are just dying, he owes them too much!

He resolutely held Xu Qu's hand, walked to the city wall, and said to the crowd: "Juzhusai refuses to submit to Rong and Di, and stick to it for two years. My father, Wuzi, in the spirit of heaven, will also be proud of you, let alone a boy? I hereby declare , Xu Lvshuai was promoted to a middle-level doctor because of his merits, serving as a county lieutenant of Huoren, and also a division commander! Every sentence is noted as a guard, a savage is promoted to a Chinese, a Chinese is promoted to a sergeant, a corporal is promoted to a sergeant, and a sergeant is promoted to a sergeant. Sergeant! There will be compensation for those who died in battle, and their names can be listed on the Yuntai roster, and they will be worshipped by the Zhao family for a hundred generations!"

"And in order to remember your deeds of guarding Mount Heng, I will name my newly acquired eldest son Heng, Zhao Heng!"

This is a supreme honor. The guards in Jujusai are cheering. In the past year, they have received many rewards of food and meat. Now they are rewarded again, and they are all delighted. That's all.

Xu Qu also said excitedly: "The ministers are still willing to guard the side of Zhao's!"

"No!" Zhao Wuxi shook his head and denied this.

He loudly announced to the crowd: "Not just guarding the border, not just passively preventing Rong Di from entering the bandits. This time, we will take the initiative to fight out, welcome the family members of the soldiers who have been kidnapped, and even replace the Rong. To Huoren County and to Taiyuan, repay them tenfold and one hundredfold!"

Qin Shi Mingyue Han Shiguan, thousands of miles of Long March people have not returned. However, if the flying generals of Longcheng are there, and Huma is not taught about the Yinshan Mountains, it is probably impossible to have the Qin and Han dynasties. The ancestor of the flying generals, Lao Tzu, is still traveling around. . However, Zhao Wuxi also vowed to make the Rong and Di dare not go south to herd their horses, and the history of complaining about the soldiers who dare not bend their bows will be staged ahead of schedule!

Under the excited eyes of the crowd, Zhao Wuxi pulled out his sword and pointed at the outside of the fortress: "I will take you and trample the pastures of Dairen with horses, occupy their farmland and cities, slaughter their cattle and sheep to feast on them, and seize them. Their wives and daughters serve as slaves on your beds!"

"I want all the Rong and Di barbarians to firmly remember that those who dare to violate the strong Zhao will be punished even if they are far away!"

"The lord uses Mount Heng to come to the generation, and all the gates are in our hands, so it is easy to write a sentence to attack the border of the kingdom. However, it is a little difficult to go deep into the territory of the generation with only one division along the way, and it is difficult to destroy the generation. "

That night, in the humble house where the guards at Juzhusai tried to clean it several times, but still smelled of horse manure and musty, Xu Qu began to report information about Daiguo to Zhao Wuxi in great detail.

"Actually, this summer house and Juzhu's hundreds of miles to the north and south were once occupied by Wujiguo. It wasn't until 50 years ago that Wujiguo was defeated and declined by the Bank of China Muzi, and the Jin people slowly moved to the south. As for the north, Wujiu In the end, after the defeat, the people scattered, and the original small tribe, Dai Rong, took advantage of the situation to replace it, and established a new state.

He carefully observed Zhao Wuxi's expression. This room was very simple and dirty, but Zhao Shangqing, who was accustomed to the brocade clothes and jade food, was at ease. He wanted to eat coarse grains, drink soup, and drink well water with the guards today. , Just like an old soldier, Xu Qu and others are all admired and gratified.

Seeing that Zhao Wuxi listened very seriously, he continued: "Daiguo has been established for decades now, and the sons live in Daicheng. In addition, there are several rammed earth cities and fields. But more are divided into tribes. Scattered in the valleys, they live by animal husbandry and hunting. Their population is more than 100,000. In addition to the 30,000 people in the Daizi headquarters, there are also several thousands of people in the Clan, Sanggan, Gaoliu, Qieru, and Beichi. They all set up black dog flags, and they thought they were the kinship family. More than 10,000 people have paid tribute to Daizi as ministers.”

Zhao Wuxi said with some contempt: "A small country of Zuoer dares to be king, and a vassal country is small but not humble, has little power but is not afraid of the strong, and who is evil to the big country, who is greedy and unfamiliar, can perish. !"

This generation of sons only took office a few years ago. He once served as an envoy to Jinyang in the country. Together they besieged Jinyang. After learning that Zhao Wuxi had married Ji Ying, the infatuated Daijun was extremely sad, so he did not actively repair with Zhao after the war, but was full of resentment.

Thinking of this, Zhao Wuxi was extremely upset. Based on this alone, he would not let Daijun go!

On the side of the couch, how can the enemy of love be allowed to sleep soundly! ?

He said: "It sounds like Daiguo is still a union of many tribes, and there are also non-generational people. What Daizi can directly control is only the tens of thousands of people near Daicheng. Wouldn't this be more conducive to defeating each of them? Why did you say before that eradication is difficult?"

"It's mainly about food and soldiers." As a veteran of guarding the sentence for fifteen years, Xu Qu, who is in his forties, knows the situation here well.

"After the lord sets up Taiyuan County, how many troops can you gather?"

Zhao Wuxi pondered for a moment: "Dong Zi estimates that 25,000 people can be recruited during the slack season, which is enough for the two armies! With the addition of military soldiers who can be transferred, it is not a problem to attack with a 30,000-strong army!"

Xu Qu shook his head helplessly and said, "However, Huo Ren and Juzhu can only supply military rations for thousands of people, and they have to feed hundreds of miles from Jinyang and other places, and fly to pull the millet. By the time they get here, the food has already been eaten by the people. He is half young, so it is impossible to assemble a large army. But on the other hand, if there are fewer soldiers in the attack, it will be difficult to break the city and conquer the land. In the first two years, more than 10,000 people can be assembled to intrude, and once a war begins, the resistance may be fierce.”

Zhao Wuxi tapped his forehead: "This is indeed a big problem, but in the summer and autumn of this year, I asked Dong Zi to renovate the road from Jinyang to Huo Ren, and let 500 Xinjiang immigrants move to Huo Ren. In the fields, there will be a thousand households coming next year.”

"When the bushes and grasslands in the north are set on fire, it is a fertile land, and then intensive farming is used on behalf of the field. The yield is not low, and there are at least two stones per mu. Therefore, my requirements for the field officials are: Allow the immigrants to support themselves in the first year. That’s alright, military rations will be supplied on the spot from the second year. So after the autumn harvest next year at the latest, Huo and Juzhusai will probably be able to station 10,000 troops, and the local people will be responsible for one-third, and Jinyang will supply Two-thirds, as for leaving the fortress, on the land of Daiguo, the enemy can only rely on food.”

Although Xu Qu is brave and loyal, he is also very cautious. He is not too optimistic, but only said with reservation: "I hope next year will be a bumper year."

Zhao Wuxi thought about it and felt that there was one omission, so he said: "The internal situation of Daiguo is like this, and what is the situation around that Daiguo?"

"Only, outside of Daiguo, is the land of Hu, Raccoon and Beidi. To the west is Loufan, and to the north is Donghu. They are all tribes that migrate by water and grass, and have no city or farming industry. There are hundreds of people, and they do not belong to each other, they have not yet formed a state, and there is no unified monarch."

"Loufan and Donghu" were two names that he seemed to know before. Loufan was not conquered by King Wuling of Zhao until about two hundred years later. As for the Donghu, they became a big tribe later, threatening the security of the Yan Kingdom, and once surpassed the Xiongnu

It is said that the Xiongnu department should be in the north of Loufan. I don't know if it appeared or not?

He continued to ask: "Do you know the details of Loufan?"

Xu Qu bowed cautiously: "My minister's energy is mainly in Daiguo~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I only know Loufan's name, but I have never seen it in person, so there must be mistakes and omissions in what I say. Your lord may wish to ask others."

"Oh, in the sentence note, has anyone else walked around the Loufan area?"

"There is none in the Sai Nei, but there is a person in Huoren County. He came here to do business a few years ago. He traded cattle, sheep and five animals with the Loufan ministries outside the Great Wall. He can speak Loufan Di language, and even married An annoying woman is a concubine."

Xu Qu said with a smile: "And it's a coincidence that this person also claims to be from the State of Lu, and has seen the general's guard of honor when he was in Qufu."

A man from the Kingdom of Lu who traveled thousands of miles to the wild land of Rong and Di to the north of Taiyuan to do business? Zhao Wuxi suddenly became interested: "What is this person's name? When I was in Huo Ren County, I asked him to ask."

"My name is Yi Dun, and when I was selling grain, I boasted that he knew Tao Zhu from Taoqiu!"

To be continued.

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