Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 851: Young, my young, and the young of people

"You are right, female doctor, it is necessary to set up. ("

Zhao Wuxi nodded at his wife's request, expressing his approval. Le Lingzi intends to subsidize the few female doctors among the magpies to receive female apprentices, so as to expand the number of female doctors, and then let them carry midwifery forceps and production essentials to go deep into the streets and alleys of Yecheng to promote correct production. Knowledge, and also assume the responsibility of delivering women's birth, so as to reduce unnecessary obstructive labor and death.

As for the wider counties, towns and villages, it is estimated that more than ten years later, barefoot doctors will go to the countryside to promote the correct production posture.

Not only that, in the Zhao family's palace, Le Lingzi will also accept some innocent scholars and concubines as his disciples, and teach them medical skills, so as to be a professional doctor for the wives and women of the Zhao family's powerful family. For the prostitutes, this is a good way out.

Zhao Wuxi took another look at Le Lingzi, who confided this long-term plan to himself. After Le's female doctors spread all over the mansion of the powerful doctors in Yecheng, will her influence also increase sharply?

Such a merciful lady, who cares about her own life and illness, and the life and death of her family, whether it is Li Shu or a scholar, will be sincerely admired and grateful, and the status of her and her son will also be unbreakable.

However, the position of the main wife is firm, which is also a good thing for Zhao Wuxi, which can prevent him from being troubled by the internal fights in the palace when he is troubled by the military and politics.

"You have a good idea, as for the money you need"

Zhao Wuxi suddenly thought that after letting Ji Ran be Zhao's "strategist", the unselfish economist would clearly distinguish the inner and outer palaces. The income of the Neifu comes from the wealth of mountains, seas, and lakes, as well as handicraft manufacturing, which is used in Linzhang Academy, palaces, banquets, and family temple sacrifices. The foreign government is the tariff and various taxes, which are used for military, pioneering, and official salaries.

Ji Ran had agreed with Zhao Wuxi early in the morning that the Zhao family was already one country, and the inside and outside had to be clearly distinguished, so a copper coin from the outer palace would never flow to the inner palace.

Subsidizing Ling Que and cultivating female doctors is done in the name of Zhao's family, and it should be paid by Zhao's inner government. But a large part of the money and silk of the Neifu went into the Linzhang Academy in the name of Zhao Wuxi's "big sacrificial wine", and because he wanted to fight against the Daiguo, he used a lot of the remaining money, silk and grain to support Yi. Dayton's trip outside the Great Wall went.

By the way, as well as the boat master Xu Cheng bought in Langya, Ji Ran did not agree to embezzle the savings of the foreign government to support the ship that was likely to be lost. There is a future hidden in the ocean, so Zhao Wuxi could only transfer the income of Langya salt that should belong to the inner government to the boat master when he could not persuade the outer government to raise funds.

Thinking of the empress dowager Lafayette who embezzled naval funds to repair her garden in later generations, Zhao Wuxi felt that he was a selfless man!

It was funny to say that the territory and population he controlled passed the state of Qi, but he lived with his fingers every day. Zhao Wuxi understood why the emperors of Han Ling and Wanli of later generations had to go all out to get money for their small treasury.

In short, there were too many things done last year, and the capital turnover was a little nervous. Zhao Wuxie had to think about it before he could figure out where he should get money and silk to support Lingzi. As a husband, you must not make trouble in front of a woman. Anyway, when he died, a camel was bigger than a horse. If he was crowded elsewhere, he might even take a ** doctor's house or extort money from Wei Guo. .

"The concubine is willing to donate some of the money and silk."

At this moment, Ji Ying, dressed in red, came in from outside, surrounded by maids.

Ji Ying did not entrust her because she is the "eldest sister" and is now Zhao Wuxi's favorite wife. She saluted Mrs. Zhao and then explained: "My father favored me, and before his death, he moved places near Wenxian and Jinyang. The garden of my family was assigned to me as my private property and dowry. I kept a lot of deer in it, and let the woodcutter and hunter help them take care of them, and they gave birth to young deer. Now there are hundreds of them. Selling deer antler alone can generate a lot of money and silk every year. This spare money is useless, and it can be used to increase the number of female doctors, show paediatric doctors in Yecheng, and bring doctors."

Le Lingzi laughed and said, "How dare you let your sister spend money?"

The Inner Palace was already running out of money, Ji Ying heard Zhao Wuxi complaining, and at this time came out to help him out. She said: "Madam can share Zhao's worries, reduce the cost of meals, keep clothes from falling to the ground, do not practice embroidery, and come up with this wonderful method to reduce the death of the people. I don't have the ability and knowledge, but I can't do nothing. , uneasy in my heart."

After speaking, she smiled and stroked her slightly bulging belly: "Besides, the concubine has been reading the production guidelines written by the madam for the past few days, and it is said that when giving birth, you should sleep, bear the pain, and slow down the six-character formula, and try not to take medicine or take less medicine as much as possible. , I really benefited a lot. I might give birth in the spring next year, so it is also good for the concubine to have more skilled doctors and more female doctors in the mansion.”

Speaking of this, Le Lingzi had no reason to refuse. After thanking her, she approached Ji Ying, put her ear on her abdomen, listened carefully, asked about the current situation, and checked her pulse. It looks so happy.

But Zhao Wuxi could still feel a hint of an Asura field-like secret fight, but the secret fight doesn't matter, both of them are smart people, just don't fight openly. It’s hard to enjoy the blessings of Qi people. The women around me are Kong Jiao and Bo Mi who are relatively low-key, and the others are not fuel-efficient lamps.

However, just at Le Lingzi's awakening, Zhao Wuxi was able to re-promote a policy he had done many years ago in Yecheng. He was sure that this move would be done in the name of the government, and he would definitely be able to justifiably order Ji Ran to use foreign funds.

"Little children"

In late May, the first batch of female doctor disciples began to study in the medical center and Zhao's mansion. At the same time, with Zhao's support and promotion of the doctors and paediatric doctors, a new decree was also posted on the gates of every Lilu in Yecheng. .

This decree was first dictated by Zhao Shangqing, drafted by the pen staff, and then stamped to the magistrate Deng Xi to confirm that it had legal effects. It was also approved by the Yecheng decree, and it was also approved and executed by Xin Wenzi, a foreign strategist, and was handed over to the subordinate staff. , which was made public.

Ye Ling arranged for literate people to read the content out loud at each posting point: "Shangqing ordered strong men not to get old wives, and ordered old men not to get strong wives; women who do not marry at seventeen, their parents are guilty; husbands who do not marry at 20, his parents are guilty"

Elevating the original moral issue to the level of the law made the onlookers nervous.

The Zhao family paid more attention to the law than the Jin and Zheng states. The judges in black and wearing the Xiezhi crown were the most feared existences by the Ye people, and no traitor could escape their eyes. The solemn court is daunting. The ancestors of the Zhao family are worthy of Gao Tao. The use of laws to replace ritual, music and morality can also be said to be imitating the way of the ancestors, leaving opponents speechless.

What's more, who would dare to ignore the Zhao's law, but the **** corpse of Qi's son Yang Sheng was used as a stepping stone?

So for a while, the people who had just moved to Yecheng for a year to a few months began to inquire each other. They had blind dates for their children, brothers and sisters who passed the marriage age. I don’t know how many karma made their entry in front of Lilu Gate. Yecheng had already compiled households, and even registered the "Da Suo Miao Yue", which recorded his age and appearance. Now it is too late to lie.

But then, there are rules that are a good thing rather than a nuisance.

"People who are about to give birth in each lilu should report to the chief, and the government will send a doctor to visit and teach the method of giving birth, so as not to give birth to a child. If a boy is born, the government will reward you with two stone grains and a piece of meat; if a girl is born, the government will reward you. Two stone grains, one fan of meat; to give birth to triplets and twins, the government will provide a nurse. Orphans, widows, poor and seriously ill people, their children, the government will set up a kindergarten to raise them.”

This is good governance for the benefit of the people! When everyone will have children, many children and grandchildren are what everyone looks forward to. The Zhao family showed the importance of children. The original intention was to increase the population of the territory, but it also fell into the arms of everyone. No matter where they came from or what occupation they were, they were all beneficiaries.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and began to cheer for Shangqing's birthday.

In this praise, people from different places also have a sense of pride and identity of "Ye people".

Because it is clearly written at the end of the decree: "All of the above are only valid for people from Yecheng!"

Zhao Wuxi thinks that it is difficult to quickly implement this decree out of Yecheng~www.wuxiaspot.com~, so let the immigrants in Yecheng have a sense of the imperial capital of "under the feet of the emperor".

Anyone with a good memory knows that this is an old policy that Zhao Shangqing implemented in Xiaoyi Chengxiang for his political achievements more than ten years ago. It is just right for Yecheng's urgently needed population.

But what Zhao Wuxi didn't expect was that a few years later, the humiliated King of Yue, Goujian, went to Kuaiji, and after crying bitterly to his brothers Kun and his subjects, he copied the decree almost exactly as it was, so that it can be used in Yuexiu. country to implement.

Although the humble King of Yue felt that this decree coincided with his thoughts, he was still "learning" from Zhao.

He thought so until he died

Unknowingly, from summer to autumn, the Zhao family's territory is busy. Note plug.

If enough food is enough, there will be enough soldiers, and a long-planned war has also started in the north of Xiawu Mountain.

(To be continued.) 8

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