Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 871: Han Zilu, Dong Guokui

"When the general heard that Shangqing was attacking Qi, he immediately sent an army to the front line, trekking two hundred li from Yewang to Guantao, but he did not encounter the Qi army, but intercepted a few Di tribes who wanted to cross the river to the state of Qi. Le Wen's novel. しωχ520. At this time, Zhao Qi made peace talks, and the war was over, and the head of the family ordered us to return to the west. According to the agreement, the Zhao army returned from Hebei, and the Han army returned from Henan. When they arrived at the border of Jinzheng and Zhengzhou, they were attacked by arrows from Zhengmen of Nanyan, causing dozens of casualties..."

"Wait a minute." Zhao Wuxi frowned, and said to the Han's disciple named Han Anping: "The Han army should have crossed the river from Jijin, but why did it run to the Jinzheng border further south?"

"This... Let's not hide it from Shangqing. After leaving Linyan City, we encountered a heavy fog and couldn't tell the direction clearly, so we couldn't go southwest, but southeast..."

Are you kidding me! ? Zhao Wuxi was speechless for Han's lies. Linyan City was right by the river. The blind people could hear the rushing sound of the water, so more than 10,000 people could be deaf? How can the collective go to the southeast away from the river bank? Besides, Nanyan was half a day's journey away from Linyan City.

In other words, Han Jun's destination was originally there...


Han Anping's face did not blushed, and he said, "Then we strayed into the territory of the country of Zheng, and were suddenly shot by the army, killing and wounding dozens of people. Look at my injury..."

Han Anping, who has outstanding acting skills, showed his unhealed wounds, but Zhao Wuxi didn't even have the interest to take a look, and followed him.

"After that, the Han army sent people to ask the Zheng people to stop the attack, but the Zheng people refused to obey, and they spoke ill of each other, and dispatched a large army to attack. The general thinks that the Zheng people are so arrogant in occupying the territory of Jin, so he has to teach him a lesson or two, and I specially asked me to report this matter to Shangqing, and ask Shangqing to uphold justice for the Han family!"

Zhao Wuxi almost didn't roll his eyes, and what kind of **** justice is he presiding over? This Han used the same excuse as Zhao's attack on Hejian, didn't he just want to attack Zheng in advance?

"You go down to recuperate first. If there is a decision, you will be notified of course."

After Han Anping limped down, Zhao Wuxi felt a bit of a headache. Han Shi's appearance was indeed a bit unexpected to him. You must know that his impression of Han Hu was prudence and unwillingness to take risks. Playing with wealth and risk to seek...

This is different. Zhao Wuxi has a feeling that this huge plan of bread hides here determines Han's future plan!

He immediately summoned his aides and vassals in Julu, Yang Yin, Xiang Yu, etc. to discuss.

"Han is disregarding Shangqing's plan and blatantly disobeying, Shangqing's order is unshakable, and Han will be ordered to withdraw his troops!" Xiang Lu seemed a little angry, staying by Zhao Wuxi's side for a long time, he has become accustomed to the feudal lords The doctor was obedient to the Zhao family.

"But the war has expanded. Zheng and Han are facing each other on the border. There are more than 10,000 people on each side. This matter has risen to the level of conflict between the two countries. If the Han family is ordered to withdraw, I am afraid that it will be detrimental to the prestige of the ruling..." Yang Because of other concerns.

"That is also better than fulfilling Han's intention, dragging Zhao into the war against Zheng, and delaying this year's Xia Yun's autumn harvest."

Everyone was arguing, and Zhao Wuxi was also contemplating, but at this moment, a retainer with dark clothes and wide sleeves stood up and said in Jin dialect with Zheng Di accent: "Listen to the words of the second and third sons, more or less. They all think that Han's attack on Zheng will disrupt Zhao's plan and should be stopped, at least not support laissez-faire, but in my opinion, letting Han and Zheng fight is beneficial and harmless to Zhao's!"


The speaker was Ren Zhang, a disciple of Gu Bu Ziqing, a disciple of Lao Tzu, and the representative of Taoism in Zhao Wuxi's influence.

Zhao Wuxi still remembered that when Ren Zhang met him for the first time, he talked a lot about recuperation and the way of inaction. He took part of it, but he also felt that this person was too young and too young to be given a heavy responsibility, so he sent him to the office. Yecheng grassroots experienced two years. Now Ren Zhang is much more mature than at that time, and Zhao Wuxi's eyes lit up even more with today's words.

He pointed at Ren Zhang and encouraged: "Go ahead, go on."

Ren Zhang glanced at the people in the room and said slowly: "I once said that if you want to go, you must hold it. If you want to take it, you must give it. If you want to destroy it, you must learn it first, today's matter. So it should be.”

Zhao Wuxi said, "Are you saying that I should show support for Han first in this matter?"

Ren Zhang said: "Of course, the Han family has been eager to attack Zheng for a long time, and this time, they have tried their best to attack the state of Qi on behalf of the family of Zhao, but they raided the state of Zheng on the way back, provoking disputes between the two countries. Now Shangqing is in power. If they are unwilling, the relationship between Zhao and Han will be broken and rigid, Shangqing, as the ruler, ordered Han Wei's name to exist in name only, and even the follow-up plan cannot be implemented."

Xiang Lu sneered and said, "Does the Han family dare to refuse?"

Ren Zhang turned to him: "Even if he stops, Han will be angry with Zhao, but Zheng Guo may not be grateful to Shangqing. What is the benefit to Zhao?"

"The attack on Zheng is not a one-time event. The Zhao family has just finished fighting Qi. Although the losses are not large, the mobilization of labor is not a lot. If you are involved in the war again, wouldn't it be..."

"That's why I indulge Han to fight. Zhao can shout at the rear to help out, but not delay the farming season. When the spring ploughing is completely over, I will decide whether to interfere in the slack season. In this case, Han will be grateful to Shangqing, Wei's that Even if Bian is dissatisfied, he will put his resentment on Han's body."

Ren Zhang's proposal was approved by Zhao Wuxi. He did not respond to Han's attack on the eastern part of Zheng State.

But Han Hu didn't do it well. After Zhao Wuxi returned to Yecheng, he heard that the Han family had expanded the war. After attracting the main force of Zheng State with an army in the east, Duan Gui personally coached thousands of people, and from the state The county crossed the river and raided Chenggao of Zheng Guo on the other side! He even asked the Zhao family to let the Han soldiers who had assembled one after another go to Chengzhou through Mengjin, and attack Chenggao around the back.

"Chenggao, Hulaoguan..." No matter how ignorant Zhao Wuxi is, he has heard of Chu and Han confronting Chenggao, of Sanying and Lu Bu at Hulaoguan, and of Li Shimin's battle at Hulaoguan.

He can almost see the purpose of Han's strategy this time. To take Chenggao, the west can coerce the emperor, and the east can nibble Zheng Guo, and take Chenggao. It is like hitting Zheng Guo's seven inches, and also strangling Cheng Zhou's. Throat, this can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

He smelled Duan Gui's plan, this little man really made a trick, it was a stroke of genius!

Among the staff and retainers, the proposal to stop the Han family from attacking Zheng was noisy again, but only one person still insisted that he thought that the Zhao family should acquiesce to this matter.

"Tell me your reasons." This time, Zhao Wuxi summoned Ren Zhang alone.

Ren Zhang said: "Before this, can I ask one thing?"

"But it's okay to ask."

Ren Zhang lowered his voice, "Shangqing's grand plan for Han Wei seems to be a win-win for the three, but in fact, it is a strategy to drive away the wolf and kill with a knife!"

Zhao Wuxi stared at Ren Zhang for a long time, and with just a wave of his hand, someone would come to stay with him and make this person disappear.

"That's right, it was Zhang Mengtan who was in the state of Lu who offered me a strategy."

Assisting Han in attacking Zheng, assisting Wei in attacking Qin, the three win-win situations and expanding the living space together are actually all smoke bombs released for the sake of exhausting Han, exhausting Wei, exhausting Qin, exhausting Zheng, and finally letting Zhao dominate Jin. It is sweet and charming, but it is also poisonous. It is a chronic poison that turns four opponents with one poison.

However, Zhao Wuxi's original plan was to pre-Qin and then Zheng, because he was worried that Zheng, who was too sensitive to geography, would cause the Chu State to move north. Although Han's chaotic fist, although it did not conflict with the big strategy, it also made He was a little worried.

If Chenggao is really captured by the Han clan, it will be of no benefit to the Zhao clan in the long run...

"I think it's okay for the Han family to get Chenggao."

"Oh? Chenggao is a battleground for the strategists. It's not a problem if the Zhao family can't get it. How can you let the neighbors take it?"

Ren Zhang said with a smile: "It is precisely because of the urgency that Han Zheng is able to fight for this. Let me tell you a story. The most cunning hare. Han Zilu chased Dongguo Kui, chased around the mountain three times in a row, and ran five times over the mountain. The rabbit in front was exhausted, and the dog in the back was also exhausted. Everyone could not run, and each fell to the ground. Not at all. An old Tian father saw them and picked them up effortlessly."

"Similar to this, Han Zheng's strength is quite equal. It is impossible to capture Shangluo and destroy Zheng State at one time with the help of Han's own. If Han and Zheng are at a standstill because of this place in Chenggao, after a few years, the soldiers and commoners of both sides will be lost. Exhausted, to maintain peace in the east of Taihang, the Zhao family who recuperates and recuperates can gain the benefits of the farmers, so the Han family's risky move seems to be exquisite, but in fact... Hehe, it is a bit over the top, as Lao Tzu said, good luck Where misfortune lies, where misfortune rests on fortune, Chenggao may be a poisonous bait to kill them!"

"As for the so-called geographical advantage, there are Zheng Guo's constant harassment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After Han's capture of Chenggao, I am afraid that he has no energy to build a strong city. , He Cheng can't do it!?"

"Good..." Zhao Wuxi closed his eyes, Zhang Meng talked about geniuses, and proposed a strategy of killing four birds with one stone. Not many people knew about it. Most retainers and people in the country only thought that the Zhao family really wanted to attack Qin and Zheng and restore Jin. The country is brilliant.

However, Ren Zhang, who was unaware, was able to guess and analyze the plan thoroughly. He further suggested that Mr. Zhao should properly let Mrs. Han bite the flesh of Zheng Guo, so that the future fire between the two parties would be more violent.

However, in this way, in this conflict between Han and Zheng, the Zhao family must control the situation well, and neither let the two sides fight too violently and turn into a battle that pulls the Zhao family into the quagmire of war, nor let the Han family have too much advantage. , it's too easy to win...

However, when he arrived at Chaoge and planned to observe the battle nearby, Zhao Wuxi's worries disappeared.

Duan Gui is a good player in making plans, but he is a layman who blindly directs the expert when he fights. In the battle of the Han army crossing the river to attack Chenggao, the striker actually lost the battle and ended the first offensive in a humiliating manner, which made Zhao Wuxi's generals laugh out loud...

(To be continued.)

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