Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 873: Wang Sunsheng

Zhao Wuxi is not doing nothing in Chaoge, he has been observing, waiting, waiting for Han's help.

However, there was also a request for peace from Zheng Guo.

The current ruler of Zheng State is Handa of the Han family, and the messenger he sent is Si Hong, the son of the former ruler Si Zhuan.

"Is Zheng Guo willing to offer up the city and return it to Shangluo?" As soon as they met, Zhao Wuxi asked him such a question.

Zichan's spirit of not being afraid of **** in diplomacy seems to have penetrated into the body of this group of young people who he has raised.

I just heard Si Hong say neither humble nor arrogant: "Zheng is innocent, why do you want to dedicate the city? A big country can't easily humiliate a small country. As for Shangluo, Shangqing has forgotten that many years ago, who sent Zigong to Xinzheng to persuade Zheng to seize it. This place? Zheng Guo has also admitted to ceding this place to Zheng Guo when he became a minister. Who would have thought that Shang Qing would have to go back after the crisis was lifted today, and this move was not done by a big country."

"Then why are you here today?"

"I also hope that Shangqing can let the Han family quit his army! Zheng is willing to offer Nanyan as a support for Shangqing!"

Nan Yan, originally a small state with a surname, was once a vassal of Zheng Wei, and was annexed by Zheng Guo after he died. This is a bribe. After Qi Guo used Hejian to bribe Zhao to make Zhao cease fighting, Zheng Guo also played the same trick, except that Nan Yan, who they were about to give up, was now in Han's hands and wanted to be free. Gloves White Wolf? Thought it was beautiful.

Zhao Wuxi still did not respond, but ceding Nanyan was already the bottom line of Zheng Guo. Although Qi Guo made a soft gesture, Chen Qi secretly communicated with Zheng Guo people. If Zhao and Han pressed hard, they wanted to After attacking and destroying Zheng State, Qi State is willing to contact Qin State, and even Zheng's new backer, Chu State, to deal with Jin State together!

Sending envoys to ask for peace is just one more hope for a peaceful solution. If they can't, Zheng Guo is not too afraid. They are used to war, and Zichan's son, Zisi, who is old-fashioned, also analyzed that the three ministers of Jin State. Everyone has their own thoughts, and it is impossible to work together. As long as the Han family can be repulsed, the Zhao family will not send an army to this end.

However, Zheng Guoren made a mistake this time. After waiting for a few days, Han Hu, who was anxious, went to Chaoge to ask Zhao Wuxi for help. Similarly, he also took out Nanyan as a bargaining chip, saying that if the Zhao family could help Han attacked Zheng, no matter what the result was, Nan Yan would give it to the Zhao family!


"If Han's attack on Zheng is frustrated this time, or if they return without success because of their coveting Nanyan county, the army will definitely resent Zhao, and Duan Gui will lose confidence. In the future, Han may develop in a low-key manner. To restore one's own vitality, although it cannot be expanded, it is even more difficult to obtain. But if the other generation wins Chenggao, it can proceed according to Shangqing's plan. In order to keep Chenggao, Han will exhaust his labor and food. Bring down the Zheng Kingdom! Sending troops and ruling can also sell Han's favor. If something happens in the future, Han will stand on Zhao's side instead of Wei's."

Ren Zhang was good at sorting out the relationship between different events. Based on his analysis, Zhao Wuxi made a decision to send troops to pull the Han family.

He said solemnly to Han Hu: "Han's attack on Zheng has already violated the alliance of the three families of Tongjiao. Zhao's can completely stand by and watch like Wei's, thinking of his friendship with Ziyin, and help Han's one more time, I will Send a division to support the Chenggao Han army..."

"First division, I hate you, I hate you! The Zhao clan attacked Qi, and the Han clan sent out an entire army!" Han Hu wished that the Zhao clan would pull all the soldiers and cavalry on board, and wipe out the main force of Zheng, so he could **** it from himself. in the site.

"No, this battle only allows the Han clan to take Chenggao, seize the city and immediately stick to the truce, and never allow greed to advance!"

Han Hu was helpless. In order to let Duan Gui capture Chenggao earlier, he launched an offensive in the east, attracting the main force of Zheng Guoren. The attack went well, and it approached the Daliang area of ​​the Zheng country. He planned to join forces with the people of the Song country there. It's a pity that no matter how good the fight was in the east, he couldn't defend these enclaves. It was not cheap for the Zhao family. It was only Cheng Gao who ate it in his mouth...

"Everything is up to Zitai." The ambition that was ignited by Duan Jiqi a few months ago has now turned into bitter bitterness. The war is really hard to fight, especially when the Han family is fighting alone.

Han Hu has learned a lesson now. When he formulates strategies and strategies in the future, he will not be so bold and want to leave the Zhao family and do it alone. Because he found that with his own strength, if he wanted to do something big, he couldn't do without the support of the Zhao family. Back at the starting point where Zhao's support was needed, Han Hu's self-esteem and self-confidence were hurt...

Zhao Wuxi was actually too tired to deal with it. Han Hu had just left on the front foot, and Sun Sheng, the king of the back foot, came to fight again...


Grinning his teeth, the king and grandson of Chu walked out of the hall with a calm pace. He didn't even take off his skin this time. He stepped on the wooden floor with the bottom of the cowhide, making a heavy noise, revealing the audience. The current mood, the clenched brows, and the sullenness on his face made Yulin's guard on duty in the hall clenched his sword.

I heard that Wang Sun's swordsmanship is dedicated to enlightenment, and Sun Tzu's guidance, he was a leader in Wu State, if he is disrespectful, can he be able to compete with him? Killing him, killing the nephew of the King of Chu, Xiongzhen, is considered revenge for his father's general?

This is the third time that Wang Sunsheng has invited Zhao Wuxi to fight, and it is also the last time.

Five years ago, on the banks of the Wenshui River, Wang Sunsheng, who wrapped his body under his robe, witnessed the whole process of Zhao's defeating the Qi army. Since then, he has been shocked by the powerful Zhao Jun. Sun Wuzi believed that the world was dominated by Wu Chu in the south, Zhao Qi in the north, and the king of Wu in the south, because he was the king of Chu, Sun Rong couldn't take him down, so he had to find another job. Qi has declined, and Zhao's career is on the rise. After Wang Sunsheng came to defect, he was very much looking forward to doing something big.

When he first arrived, he found out that the promotion system of the Zhao family was fair. "A strong general must start in the ranks, and Zaifu must be sent to the state department." This is not an empty phrase. The top generals of the Zhao clan, Mu Xia, Yu Xi, etc., were all promoted from Yu and Mu, while Yang Hu, Zhang Mengtan, Zai Yu, etc., were either retainers or scholars, and their backgrounds were not high. From top to bottom, except for the dignified Zhao Qing, Zhao's regime has the taste of a regime of scholars and small landlords with military merit, rather than a traditional feudal aristocracy.

For Wang Sunsheng, who was born in a noble family but was forced into exile, he not only looked down on most of the Zhao family's retainers, but also hoped that he could also make a contribution to prove himself to the world, and then surpass everyone else, proving that the noble bloodline is still standing. important capital in the world.

However, in the whole four years of the world, enough for a capable little official to slowly climb from Tingyi to the county, what was Wang Sunsheng's position in the past, and what is his position now.

Zhao Wuxi respected him like a guest, but didn't give him a fixed position. He only gave him a few tasks from time to time that seemed important but were actually just errands. Zhao Wuxi treated him kindly, but never told him the secret core matters. Wang Sunsheng felt that he was like a sword that was scabbard even though it was sharp, and was deliberately hidden by Zhao Shangqing.

He was also angry and puzzled, and wanted to leave in a rage, but where would he go after he left? The state of Chu can't go back, and the state of Wu can't let him go to the state of Qi to be a guest of the Bao family? If you think about it, the price will drop, Qin State? Qin State is now an ally with Zheng State, and Zheng State is his father-killing enemy.

The noble prince is wandering and wandering, but there is no harbor that can accommodate him. When Duke Wen of Jin was in Bai Di, Qi Chu, Qin and Song Dynasties, Luan Ying hid in Qi Jiang's marriage car with the humiliation of betrayal and injustice. After his father, Prince Jian, fled from the State of Chu, he was crazy and wanted to do something in the city of Zheng State and win a piece of territory for himself; silver hair mood...

He feels it all!

Longing to go home, longing for revenge, longing to stand out but not getting results, the pain is like a termite biting his heart and liver. Wang Sunsheng walked 20 paces away from Zhao Shangqing and was stopped. He didn't force it, and said, "Please prepare me to be the vanguard to attack Zheng Kingdom!"

If it doesn't work this time, he plans to go to the Han family or the Song country in a fit of anger, as long as he can take him to attack the Zheng country!

Zhao Wuxi stopped the review in his hand and looked up at Wang Sunsheng, who was the same age as him, his eyes long and deep.

"Even if Shangqing doesn't plan to attack and destroy Zheng State, give me a teacher, no, only three to five hundred people are needed to let my ministers invade Zheng State! This is my only request!"

The man has gold under his knees, not to mention Wang Sun Guizhou, even if he is expelled from his mother country and has nowhere to go, Wang Sun Sheng maintains his noble style as usual, arrogant, indifferent, and eccentric.

But now, he was kneeling on the ground, nodding heavily at Zhao Wuxi, when he raised his head, Zhao Wuxi could see it clearly, under the **** forehead, in Wang Sunsheng's eyes, a blazing fire called revenge and ambition flashed. ...

Wolf ambition...

He can't be wrong when he sees people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wang Sunsheng is indeed a sword that he doesn't want to use very much. This person has too much ambition. The ambition of the princes hidden under "revenge", Zhao Wuxi can not satisfy him .

He has always been suspicious of people who he is not sure about controlling and retaining.

But what if you just use it? Wouldn't it be a waste to keep such a good piece of chess pieces that can be placed in the state of Chu or even in the state of Wu?

"Wang Sun, take ten steps forward."

Wang Sunsheng looked at Zhao Wuxi in disbelief, and quickly got up and took ten steps forward, changing to normal.

"I haven't used you all this time, because it is to sharpen you and train your mind, just like you can't make a tool if you don't carve jade, but now that precious jade is carved, you can go out into the mountains." Zhao Wuxi said with a smile.

(To be continued.)

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