Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 875: Hulao Pass (Part 2)

As night fell, the interior of Hulao Pass was silent. Zheng Jun's soldiers were motionless and nervous. Their eyes were all focused on the scouts who had crawled to the ground and listened attentively.

"The sound of digging has stopped." After listening for a while, the man raised his head and said to Zheng Qingzi.

After guarding the Hulao for more than a month, he breathed a sigh of relief, stroked his beard and smiled proudly: "It seems that these Jin people have finally given up, the foundation of Hulao City was paved by my father picking rocks from the mountains. , it's impossible to dig it out with just the manpower below, they probably broke their heads and smashed their tools, and they came back in spite of the difficulty!"

Ziban was a descendant of the Feng clan of the Seven Mus of the Jin Kingdom. They were also ranked among the Jin officials, but they have not had their turn again for 40 years. The son-like father Fengjuan was in charge of the Zhengguo Sicheng. When the Gaocheng was rebuilt, the Feng clan also realized that this place was extremely important. The city was renovated, and suddenly it looked brand new. It can be called the top-ranked fortified city in this era. Although it is small, it is strong.

Feng's energy has shown its value in the attack and defense of Han's plot to become Gao. Although there are many Han soldiers outside the city, and the main force of Zheng Guo is also contained in the east by Han Hu and Zheng Guo, as long as Zhao Without comprehensive intervention, Zheng Guo can rely on its own strength to repel the enemy.

Seeing that Han Jun was no longer trying to continue digging the tunnel, Zi Ban was relieved, but he still made everyone vigilant in case there was a change after the night.

He himself went to sleep for a while, dreaming of Xinzheng's beautiful music, dissolute taxis and women, this is what summer should be like

But after he slept for a while, he was hurriedly woken up by someone. He was in a daze, and when he heard a noise outside and panicked, Zi-Ban suddenly jumped up with a sword in his hand. After going out, he found that this would be the deepest darkness before the rooster crowing, before dawn, so he scolded his soldiers, and then climbed the city wall in the northwest corner again to look at the enemy camp.

Looking at it, his face became solemn.

"Is the Han army planning to attack the city after dawn?" Hundreds of steps away, in front of countless dark camps, the Han army lit torches and assembled one after another. The momentum was so great that it was like a sea of ​​fire formed by countless fireflies. There were nearly ten thousand people. So many people!

Could it be that the general attack will be tomorrow morning? A cold sweat broke out from Zi Ban's forehead. While ordering all the resting soldiers to prepare on the wall, especially the crowded corners of the city that were easily attacked, he also tried desperately to think about how the enemy would attack.

Ladder ants attached? Flying stone siege?

But at this moment, in the northwest corner of the city wall where he was, there was a strange movement.

"Did you hear anything?"

The soldiers looked at each other nervously, and then invariably aimed their eyes under the city wall.

Someone hurriedly ran to the dark room under the city wall where weapons and armor were stored, only to feel that there was a faint noise from under the feet of ten feet thick, and something was breathing.

If you guessed correctly, the following is the end of the tunnel dug by Han Jun. There are enemies. This is already certain, but after listening to it again, the things below do not look like people, but like some kind of desperate situation. Beasts, at least dozens or hundreds of them can make such a large-scale scream and gasp.

Ziban's brows have been twisted into a knot. The Han army outside the city has been assembled. Under the firelight, they are carrying various ladders and boards, and countless faces are dark or dark, which makes Ziban even more confused. What are they waiting for? What exactly did the Han family want to do under the city wall?

Hulao Pass was first built by the Jin people and reinforced by the Zheng Kingdom. Although it is one of the best fortresses in the territory of the Zheng Kingdom, the defenders of the city have nothing to do with the enemy from the ground.

At this moment, the sudden change occurred!

The sharp breaths of those beasts became more frantic! and

"The ground is hot." The soldiers sent into the darkroom jumped up like ants that fell on a hot pan. White smoke was emitting from the cracks in the stone foundation under their feet, and their feet were slowly becoming hot. No one was there. If they can stay on it for a long time, they quickly report the matter to Ziban.

Did the enemy set fire below? and then? Can you count on the flames to burn down the wall? This kind of imagination is too ridiculous, and Ziban doesn't think it is possible, but the more it is like this, the more strange he feels. Today, Han's behavior makes him feel extraordinary, something happened quietly without his knowledge. .

"Leave the northwest corner of the city" with the instinct for the approaching danger, Zi Ban gave this order.

Just as the Zheng people began to withdraw from the northwest corner of the city one after another, the heat wave from the ground had begun to seep to the surface, and the flames that had burned dozens of paces along the city wall began to heat up. In addition to the choking smoke, the soldiers I also smelled a strange smell of meat, and the screams of those beasts disappeared.

Everyone was inexplicably terrified to face all this, and at the moment when the child walked down the wall, the foundation where the northwest corner of the city was located began to tremble.

Like a tired giant standing, the entire northwestern wall is shaking and shaking, as if you want to shake off the Zhengren who are still on it, along with the dust and moss that have been covered for decades. You have to support the woman. The wall can stand firm.

This situation continued for nearly half a moment, and then, the corner tower began to sway like a drunken strong man, and then fell to the ground! More than a dozen people were killed by the splashing bricks and wooden stakes, and the northwest corner of the city, in front of everyone's eyes, suddenly fell down and collapsed with a big hole!

He looked at this scene with jaw-dropping astonishment, and saw that the wall of several zhang tall that had been impregnable yesterday suddenly became as crisp as paper in front of him, and beneath the collapsed wall was a terrifying sea of ​​fire. The tunnel dug by Shi: Fat She's charred corpse, sizzling hot grease, and burnt stakes

"The wall has collapsed!" Different from the stunned and desperate inside the city, there was a continuous cheer outside the city.

Outside the city, the soldiers of the Han army had been waiting for half an hour, and the morning frost and dew covered their buns and beards and rolled down from their coats.

Everyone didn't get enough sleep. They sat idle and waited for so long. They were all slack and dissatisfied, yawning and talking louder and louder. They didn't have the strict military discipline like Zhao Jun.

"Get up! Get up!" The military officer's whip was drawn, urging them to get up. At this moment, they witnessed a miracle: the northwest corner of the enemy army they were facing collapsed! Even with the collapsed, there are dozens of steps long walls!

The soldiers of Han Jun rubbed their eyes in disbelief, and then moved forward passively. The battle began. This time, the cowards in the city couldn't hide behind the strong wall and throw arrows and stones at them!

Relying on the advantage of numbers alone, there is no suspense in this Chenggao offensive and defensive battle.

Just as the drums sounded, Han Jun launched an attack on Cheng Gao, who lacked a big mouth, while Lu Ban was caught in a voice of admiration and admiration.

What a genius, unbelievable, Han's generals and craftsmen are full of praise, but Lu Ban smiled and said nothing.

"It's just a simple siege method, it's not surprising." This is not humility, but a fact.

Since the establishment of the Linzhang Academy, Baigong, a lowly and humble group in the past, has been able to occupy a place in it. Lu Ban is their leader. When there is no task, he will stay in the workshop in Yecheng. He made various experimental inventions and turned his whimsical ideas into reality. Although most of them ended in failure, Zhao Wuxi encouraged him again: "Failure is the mother of success."

They also often went to the festival hall in Yecheng to discuss with the military on how to attack and defend the city. Sometimes Zhao Wuxi would come over to listen, and from time to time, he would come up with some amazing ideas.

After two or three years, Luban's siege techniques have become more systematic. They have summed up a total of 12 kinds of "Lin, Hook, Chong, Ladder, Du, Water, Cave, Tu, Hollow, Ant Fu, Teng Ran, Xuan Cha". Although some of the methods of siege are only at the theoretical level, as long as measures are taken according to local conditions, there is no city in this world that makes Luban helpless.

For example, this time, he used a combination of acupoint attack and fire attack. Of course, it was also a move that Zhao Wuxi once mentioned. As soon as he said it, Lu Ban immediately wrote it down and conducted an experiment. The effect is amazing!

Luban is a family of craftsmen, and civil engineering is a skill at home. He knows that in this era, any city wall basically dug a deep foundation first, and then laid stone foundations and rammed earth walls on it.

If the foundation collapsed, the city wall above would have no reason to survive, so Luban first asked Han Jun to dig a tunnel, and as the excavation progressed, a large amount of wood was used to support the top of the tunnel. When it just arrived under the wall in the northwest corner of Dagao, it widened a little, then put a lot of straw, grease, coal, and finally drove a lot of fat into the tunnel, and then ignited, in the narrow space, the lard was mixed with Coal, straw and other flammable materials were burned in large quantities, and all the wooden piles supporting the top of the tunnel were burned down. The high temperature caused the air to expand violently, and the foundation became shaky.

This method is troublesome, but it is effective. Now that Chenggao has been broken, the Han army is screaming and rushing in. Under the blow of the shock, the resistance of the people of Zheng country has become weak, but they still rely on the other walls. The battle continued until sunset, causing the Han army to pay nearly 1,000 casualties. His commander-in-chief, with hundreds of remnants, was forced to the last corner tower before he asked to surrender.

"Finally beaten!" After Duan Gui stepped into Chenggao, which was full of corpses and charred wreckage, he knelt on the ground and held the soil soaked with blood, howled and attacked Chenggao. This was what he dedicated to Han Hu. The strategy, the Han family invested almost all the troops and reserves for this, and was determined to win. If it failed, it would be a considerable blow to the Han family.

But the initial stage of the war was not going well~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cheng Gao could not be attacked for a long time, this was under the circumstance that Han Hu attracted the main force of Zheng Guo! For this reason, many people reported to Han Hu, saying that Duan Gui was wrong, that he would not lead troops, and even attacked the strategy itself.

Duan Gui was also worried that he couldn't sleep at night, but Han Hu just sent a bag of letters with his name erased, but the content was that Han's retainers and diners scolded Duan Gui, and there were dozens of copies. many!

Han Hu aimed to show that he had no doubts about Duan Gui, and he was beating him at the same time: If I can't win it, I can't support the public opinion, so I can only use you.

Now that you're done, how can Duan Gui not be happy? He bowed again in the direction of Dongfang Hanhu and said, "The capture of Chenggao is not by my strength, but by the credit of the lord!"

At the end of the voice, someone snorted coldly: "It seems that it is all because of the Han family's wise and worthy ministers that the tiger's prison can be conquered. So, what's the matter with me and Zhao Shangqing here?"

ps: For the tactics in this chapter, please refer to the Rochester Castle Defense Battle, or the plot of the movie Iron Armor 100 Minutes o(nn)o If you have more questions, you can ask John the Lost King. There is another chapter at 11:00. (To be continued.)

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