Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 883: Qin Song 1 (Part 2)

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Although they were both obstinate ministers of Yin and Shang, the ancestors of Qin, Zhao, were still poor. Zhao Zaofu had already obtained a fief and became a favored minister of the doctor, but Qin was still serving as the guard and herdsman of the Zhou family. http://%77%77%77%2e%6c%6e%77%6f%77%2e%6e%65%74Pinshu (Advertising)

After King Xuan of Zhou ascended the throne, he took Qin Zhong as his doctor and ordered him to attack Xirong. Qin Zhong died in the battle with Xirong. King Xuan of Zhou called his son Qinzhuanggong Kun and five brothers and returned the seven thousand young men to them so that they could continue to attack the army. Expel Baili, get the dog hill, and get the title of "Doctor Xidi"!

This is the origin of Qin, the origin of blood and fire.

Mingming, Zipu, the commander of the Qin army, knew that hundreds of years ago, Qin Zhong, Qin Zhuang, and Qin Xiang and Qin must have brought his soldiers and sang a generous and tragic Qin song, for the sake of Let the Qin people smash the world from the Hewei Plain where Rong and Di are mixed, and resolutely march towards the battlefield that belongs to them.

In today's Hexi battlefield, there are also 30,000 Qin people. They are farmers and hunters with their faces facing the loess and their backs to the sky. Their families are not wealthy. There is no difference between father and son. They: "same customs as Rong and Di", and the style of private fights is prevalent, and the number of bloodshed every year is uncountable.

But it was these Qin people who were tainted with barbarism. After taking up arms, they became immortal warriors!

The song that Zhou Tianzi ordered the five brothers to attack Xirong is still sung today.

"Why don't you say no clothes? Robe with your son..."

Zipu got up and 30,000 people sang in unison in dry Qin Opera:

"Wang Yuxing, repair my spear, and share the hatred with my son!"

This is a poem that sees death as home, and it is also an indomitable song. After the song, the Qin people launched a charge...

However, this heroic Qin song was heard by the Zhao cavalry and Yulin guards such as Youcheng, who were watching the battle from a distance, except for the louder voice, it was of no use...


"Will the Qin people go to war..." Youcheng stepped on his stirrups and stood on tiptoe as he watched the two armies take over.

The purpose of Zhao Wuxi's sending them here was of course not to support the Wei family, but to observe Qin Wei's battle closely.

"On the battlefield, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will be able to fight a hundred battles without being imperiled. You can see with your eyes, listen with your ears, and think with your mind. Give me the process of the battle, the enemy's tactics, and the advantages and disadvantages. record!"

Youcheng and this group of Yulin guards are the grassroots officers that Zhao Wuxi focused on training. Whether it is the level of education or the familiarity with the military, they are not capable of being a monk.

Of course, Zhao Wuxi didn't say who was the "enemy" between Wei and Qin, so Youcheng and the others looked east for a while and west for a while. Before the battle, they came to the conclusion: Wei Shi and Qin people, the outcome should depend on Qi San.

Because Wei's tactics are too similar to Zhao's, especially the Wei's army, there are thousands of heavy armored soldiers called "Wei Wuzu", although in Youcheng's view, they are only the inferior of Zhao Wuzu It is imitated, but its equipment has probably reached the level of Zhao's read before the First World War in Wenshui; Read the latest chapter

Wei Jun had already set up a square formation, which was different from Zhao's large formation. They used Wei Xianzi's five formations, which were not tough enough, but more flexible. But in Youcheng's view, if Zhao Wei fought on the plain, the "five formations" with a relatively thin depth would definitely be crushed into pieces by Zhao's spear and strong shield.

It's a pity that the enemy they faced today was not Zhao Bing, but Qin Zu.

Facing the seemingly chaotic charge of the Qin people, the Wei army stood still. The soldiers in the front row erected their sculls one by one, while the rear row fired their crossbows forward. A bow and arrow match is also a good choice.

Qin people also have a small number of crossbows. After all, many of them are veterans who participated in the battle to save Chu. It was in that war that the craftsman Qin of Chu State invented the individual hand crossbow. But more bows are used. In addition to the Weihe Plain, Qin State is surrounded by a bunch of virgin forests, which have the advantage of rubber and leather. "Qin Bow" is a good bow for well-known princes, but only a few good archers have it, and the rest Most of the bows used by humans are simple single-piece small bows, and there are many kinds of arrows, iron, copper, stone, bone, arrow clusters of different ages and textures flying between the two armies.

As a result, before the Qin people could reach the Wei army, they were shot over by crossbow arrows, like wheat falling in the wind...

The people who rushed to the front of the Wei army were also stabbed by spears and halberds, unable to move forward. It was like a huge wave bombarding the reef, and the Qin people's attack was blocked from the beginning.

"The Qin army is going to be defeated..." Youcheng and the others felt a little boring. He felt that the tactics of the Qin people, such as Dai Rong, who had played against him, were not so brilliant, but the Wei army was worth noting. If you fight a few more battles and gain more experience, the Wei family will be the great enemy of the Zhao family!


At the same time, Pu, the eldest son of Qin State's concubines, was also in a hurry...

From Zipu's point of view, Qin people always seem to have a tragic fate.

A long time ago, their ancestors lost the battle in Muye, lost the evil, lost the status of the lords and nobles, and plummeted.

After several generations of humiliation and hard work, they finally became "Doctors of the West Border", and they gained a certain amount of strength, which meant that they had the capital to be used by others. The Qin people, who had an extraordinary relationship, were transformed and became the hero of King Qin.

Duke Xiang of Qin was successful in escorting King Ping of Zhou to Dongqian, and was named princes, finally restoring their status in the Yin and Shang dynasties. Since the day when Qin was officially established, the Qin people have been fighting, fighting with Quanrong, Xirong, and Bai Zhai, and finally broke through the siege, reconnected with the royal family in the east, and received the most wonderful gift: Zong Zhou old haunt.

At that time, Qin State had a tendency to dominate, but it was blocked by the rise of Jin State. Duke Mu of Qin dreamed of getting Hexi. For this reason, he did not hesitate to continuously sponsor Duke Hui of Jin and his brothers to return to China, but he was repeatedly deceived by Jin people and went boating. The Qin people suffered blood loss in the battles of war and war.

This made them understand one thing, and it became a rule that Qin people believed in for hundreds of years later: what cannot be obtained by diplomatic means can only be captured with swords!

As a result, the three heroes of the Qin state were defeated in two battles, and they, along with themselves, were taken prisoners and suffered humiliation. But Duke Mu of Qin did not accuse them, but the official was reinstated. On the third time, Duke Mu of Qin personally went on the expedition, and he said to the Chinese doctors who came to see them off, if this expedition could not be won, Ren Hao would never return to China to see Kun's father and brothers!

With the belief of invincibility rather than death, the Qin people finally won, won the corpse of the battle of Hexi, Fengwei, and returned with honor, and then conquered the Xirong, destroyed the country twelve, extended the land for thousands of miles, and the emperor also sent officials to the front. Come to congratulate, although it is not to say "hegemony", but the status of one of the four great powers is a certainty... In this continuous search and recovery, they gradually grew in Yongzhou, and they had a transformation and pride that was different from that of the eastern princes.

It’s a pity that after Duke Mu of Qin, Qin State was besieged by Jin State, and there was no chance to advance eastward. , as the enemy of the hegemon, they have even been deprived of the power of alliance with the eastern princes, becoming increasingly narrow and closed...

As Qin's great concubine, Zipu finally got the opportunity to help Chu State to expel Wu people, regain Qin's status as a great country, and take advantage of the civil strife of Jin State's six ministers to return to Hexi. Today, 30,000 Qin people are also fighting against the enemy in the wilderness without fear, in order to defend this fertile soil that has been lost and regained!

But looking at this situation, is the Qin army about to lose?

Zipu was not reconciled, he grabbed the drum vertebra, beat hard, pointed at Wei Jun and shouted: "Tear apart Wei Jun's array!"

His cries were hoarse and angry, the drums were tragic and manic.

Under the encouragement of the coach, the Qin people who had stagnated on the offensive shouted again and rushed towards the Wei army one after another. They still had armor in the front row, but the back row was ragged. Looking at this scene, and thinking about "Qi Yue Wu Yi" and "Xiu My Armored Soldiers", I can suddenly realize.

Because the Qin people brought their own armor, clothing and even military rations, the wealthy little nobles wore better, the poor commoners were tattered, and some people simply charged naked, and their weapons were also uneven.

They were so desperate to kill the five well-equipped Wei army, like a group of wild horses.

Youcheng was stunned: "This is not a battle, this is desperate."

What he said was right, "The Qin formation is scattered and fights by itself." This is Wu Qi's evaluation of the Qin army. This army, who can't form a formation, can only fight with hard work.

The Wei army was different. They were deeply influenced by the Zhao army and were quickly mobilizing. Unlike the Qin people who fought in chaos, the Wei army was more about formation and discipline in battle. However, because the commander is not a military genius, "Wei Wuzun" did not fight any tough battles after he became an army - if Wei Ju shouted "Righteousness is in the East Army" in the Battle of Changping, it would not be counted as a blow. As a result, some are rigid, and the evolution and mobilization are rather blunt.

On the other hand, the madness of the Qin army has had a certain effect. They have been fighting against Rong and Di for hundreds of years, and they have brought the whole nation to the extreme. Their personal abilities are not inferior to the most elite Wei soldiers. A group of people screamed and jumped into the gap of the Wei army's formation, and then used aggressive combat skills to stab the weapon into the enemy's soft underbelly, and then they were also stabbed to death, one life for another, under this madness , It really messed up the Wei Jun array a bit.

Under the deadly offensive of the Qin people, the Wei army could not help but feel a little stunned. After all, they were small in number, and the depth of the five formations was too thin, making them more suitable for fighting on hills. Whether such a large plain can stop the madness of the tens of thousands of people charging is still a problem. question.

So Wei Ju's heart tightened, and he used the reserve teams on both wings to strengthen the depth of the department and double-team the Qin people at the same time.

However, when the Wei army ordered the flag to wave, an interesting change occurred in the battle situation.

"Ah woo woo woo..."

Wei Ju's eyes narrowed and he felt something was wrong...

Youcheng suddenly raised his head because he heard the familiar sound of a horn...

But seeing the woods in the northwest of the battlefield~www.wuxiaspot.com~ countless birds flew away in panic...

ps: there is one more chapter later

Off topic, many readers said that Qin was weak at this time, and Wei Jun should easily defeat them. July, you are nonsense. "Qin was weak from Duke Mu to Shang Yang's reform period." In fact, those who have this idea are trapped by the description in "The Great Qin Empire". The Qin state in the late Spring and Autumn Period happened to be a small promotion period.

The first was the battle to save Chu in 506 BC, when Zipu Zihu and handsome chariots supported Chu in five hundred chariots. "Zipu said: I don't know the way of Wu. Let the people of Chu fight with the people of Wu first, and then Ziji will meet them, and defeat the husband, King Yuyi... Qiu Qiyue, Ziqi and Zipu destroy the Tang... Wu master defeats Chu master Yu Yongqi, Qin Shi defeated Wu Shi again." -- "Zuo Zhuan. Dinggong Five Years"

The Wu army had a strong army built by Sun Wu and Wu Zixu, and could defeat the Wu people. The Qin army's combat effectiveness was not as weak as future generations imagined.

As for Qin's national strength at this time, it was probably in the period of Li Gonggong more than ten years after the novel's time: in the second year of Li Gonggong, the people of Shu came to bribe. Sixteen years, by the moat river. Attack Dali with 20,000 soldiers and take its king city. In the 21st year, Pinyang, Chuxian County. Jin took Wucheng. In the twenty-fourth year, Jin rebelled, killed Bo Zhi, and divided his country into Zhao, Han, and Wei. Twenty-five years later, Zhikai and Yi people came to run. In the thirty-third year, he attacked Yiqu and captured its king. -- "Qin Benji"

During this period, Qin had a slight rise, and it expanded to the surrounding area. The decline of Qin was due to several generations of civil strife after Li Gonggong's death. Qin Wu, who was still fighting in the Spring and Autumn Period, had the strength to fight back. To be honest, it was still a bit difficult for Wei Shi, who was not yet as strong as one-third of its history, to easily hang Qin. (To be continued.)

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