Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 886: Shao Liang?

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After being invited out of the felt tent, Zhai Gong could feel the gazes of the people around him looking at him. He was wearing a leather jacket with narrow sleeves, and his loose hair was covered with golden rings, and he also had a bird's feather in it. As the saying goes, "the north is called Di, who lives in a cave with feathers and clothes, and there are people who don't eat grains."

Shangdi, which is in the same state as Qin State, belongs to the northern part of Guyong State, that is, the northern Shaanxi area of ​​later generations. In the early Spring and Autumn Period, there was once a "Zhai State" established by Bai Zhai.

After careful calculation, Shangdi Bai Zhai and the Zhao family still have some "relationships". One hundred and fifty years ago, Duke Xian of Jin killed the crown prince Shen Sheng and expelled all the sons. Chong'er and Hu Yan, Zhao Shuai, Wei Wei and others went into exile in the state of Zhai, because the state of Zhai was the motherland of Chong'er's uncle Huyan, which was equivalent to Chong'er. At this time, Zhai Ren was fighting with Chi Di Rui Rui and captured two girls, so Zhai Ren gave these two girls as gifts to Chong'er. Chong'er married Ji Wei, and Shu Wei gave it to Zhao Shuai, which is why Zhao Dun's lineage came into being.

At that time, the state of Zhai was powerful, and was regarded as one of the main enemies of the state of Jin. Due to their geographical location, they bordered the state of Jin in the east and the state of Qin in the south, and were often caught in the contradiction between Jin and Qin. Jin State has both attracted and attacked Bai Zhai. Both parties have marriage and war. Qin State has always wanted to annex Zhai State just like Xirong.

About 60 years ago, there was internal turmoil in Bai Zhai, and the Qin people also took the opportunity to attack. , Drum, Fei, Qiu You, that is, today's Zhongshan Kingdom.

Although most of Bai Di migrated to the east, some of them still stayed. After that, Qin and Jin suffered repeated setbacks in the battle for Hexi. The battle line even retreated to Jingshui for a time, and they were unable to map the north. So Shangdi Bai Zhai developed with peace of mind. After three generations passed, they grew stronger again. The cattle and sheep were multiplied, and the population reached more than 100,000. They established Gao Nu, Fushi and other cities, and the Jin and Qin Jing water did not violate the river water.

It was not until the fall of last year when the merchant Yi Dun brought an armed caravan of hundreds of people into Shangdi, and it caused countless ripples in the Zhai Bu, like a pond of mirror lakes...

Yi Dun went to Shangdi's largest Gao Nubu first, and brought all kinds of gifts from Zhao's family. In addition to the luxury goods such as porcelain, pottery, and glass mirrors, there were practical things such as seeds, flour, and green salt.

Bai Zhai Gao's slave team had long heard about the wealth of the Zhao family in the Jin state and wanted to communicate with the envoys, but at that time there was only one road to the east, Longmen. Now Zhao Shi's unexpected arrival makes them very happy. After getting acquainted with the Zhai people, Yi Dunyi began to brag about the strength of the Zhao clan. He wanted to persuade Bai Zhai to surrender to the Zhao clan, and let the young men in the tribe join the Zhao clan's army to fight for Zhao Jun in the south and north.

The people of Zhai had doubts and refused to agree. The Daiguo, which had just been destroyed, was too far away from here, so it didn't touch them. So after the spring of this year, Yi Dun came again. He changed his strategy this time. He first borrowed from the various ministries, so that Zhao Qi could go straight from Lin and Lishi to Liangshan along the Yellow River. After the post was settled, Yi Dun invited Zhai people to send envoys from various ministries to go with him to Shaoliang to meet Zhao Jun.

"Dragon Gate has opened, Shao Liang will come down, Qin people are enemies of both Jin and Zhai, you might as well go with me to watch the battle."

After realizing the power of the Zhao clan, all the Zhai tribes dared not to obey, and Zhai Gong was among them. After arriving in Shaoliang, he was surprised by the number of Zhao's troops and the benefits of their armor. More than ten thousand troops were dispatched together. All the warriors of the Di tribe in the upper land were added up, I am afraid there are only so many, and it is said that this is still too much. Only one-tenth of Zhao Jun's strength...

Zhao Jun Wu Xie also said to them at the welcome banquet seemingly casually: "The Zhao family has Youdai, Taiyuan, the eldest son, Hanoi, Dongyang (Handan), Hejian, and Yecheng six counties and one capital in the west, and Lu State in the east. , and Shangdi Bai Zhai is not as good as a county of the Zhao family..."

Such intimidation has indeed frightened a lot of Zhai people's messengers, but Zhai Gong of Gao Nu's department has been to Yongcheng, the capital of Qin. Qin is a little stronger? As long as they are united, Qin State can do nothing to Shangdi Bai Zhai, what can they do if they change Zhao's family?

He quietly told others how strong the Zhao clan is, let's see how they will conquer Shaoliang City first.

The Zhao people were not in a hurry. They surrounded the city on three sides, slowly fell trees, built machinery, and mined stones. Day after day, they finally built ten tall wooden machines with giant trees in the open space outside Shaoliang. As high as three feet, from a distance, people have an inexplicable fear.

Zhao's soldiers forbade the Zhai people from approaching, saying that they would have to wait for the people from all the Shangdi ministries to come, and then let them watch a good show...

Today, Zhai Gong was finally able to get close to these giant wooden beasts.

Bai Zhai is unique in metallurgy, but very general in woodworking. He can't understand the use of various complex parts and winches on this giant beast, but seeing them buried on the surface, several feet deep, more than a dozen craftsmen , Soldiers hurriedly manipulated one of them, counterbalanced the soil and gravel, placed a large stone of more than 100 catties, then pulled the machine spring, and the soil and stone in the heavy hammer sank with gravity, throwing the large stone!

The sound of the hair stone was like a thunderbolt, and Zhai Gong and the others were so shocked that their eyes were round, their mouths were slightly opened, and some people even sat down on the ground in fright...

This... This is definitely not a power that can be produced by humans, this is a huge power only possessed by ghosts and gods!

They just watched helplessly as the thrown boulder flew high into the sky, drew a parabola, and then fell under the pull of gravity, flying towards Shaoliang City, two hundred steps away!

This was the first shot, and it directly hit the Qiaolou in Shaoliang City.


He waved the command flag and let the tenth cannon named "Gui Shui" shoot the boulder, and blasted the parapet at the head of Shaoliang City, causing the city to cry and howl. The man's face turned pale with fright, and he was very proud in his heart.

People always ask Lu Ban which invention he is most satisfied with is paper feeder, umbrella, hydraulic mill, catapult, ballista?

Lu Ban would always say, "Next."

However, from his point of view, the ten rough and beautiful giant beasts in front of him are already excellent works of supernatural craftsmanship.

The original catapult used too much force, and the weight of the thrown cannon stone was very small, only a few catties or tens of catties. If you were lucky, it only killed a few people. Because the Battle of Chaoge was its first appearance, it frightened the soldiers in the city and caused their morale to drop. After that, the Lu army used this weapon to attack the Great Wall of Qi, and it had little effect. Ballistas are also more suitable for field battles and defense rather than siege.

Although Lu Ban has been trying to improve it, even the more powerful "Seven Shooting Cannons" have as many as 250 people when shooting, the weight of the cannon is only 90 pounds, and the range is only more than 100 steps. . Compared with the new catapults that can launch 150 pounds, have a range of more than 200 steps, and only require dozens of people to operate, the difference is too far.

In fact, its cannon-making principle is not complicated. The main body is built with giant wood, and copper and iron parts are added. Before use, it will be buried on the spot, and it will sink into the ground seven feet to make its center of gravity stable. The essence of the design is still derived from the "leverage principle" proposed by Zhao Wushi, the counterweight box made, this design liberates the manpower of pulling, and at the same time maximizes the size of the gun and the weight that can be projected!

When the cannon is fired, you only need to activate the mechanism. If you want to throw the boulder into the city, the cannon position should be farther away from the city wall. If you want to hit the tower and defend the city, the gun position should be slightly closer and the angle should be narrowed.

Judging from the test firing results of the ten cannons today, the accuracy of the "Yimu" is very problematic, and the "Jitu" collapsed due to the wood, the other eight have achieved the expected results. A stone weighing 150 catties flew from the sky, and none of the hits did not destroy it. The sound of hitting the towers in the city shook the heavens and the earth, and when it fell into the city, the city was full of panic. The next few days will be enough for Qin and Zhishi. .

Zhao Wuxi was also very satisfied with this. The strong will of the Qin people to resist, and the fight against the beasts of the Zhi clan, would be easily broken like blisters under the bombardment of the giant cannon.

He couldn't help but praised: "With this cannon, if it is used to attack a city, the city will be broken, and if it is used to hit a boat, all the boat will sink." He further ordered Luban to configure gunpowder, improve the pre-technologies, and finally make a mature metal artillery. In the past, the counterweight catapult was undoubtedly the most advanced weapon in this era in terms of design structure and power. To say that it has been ahead of the world by a thousand years is an understatement!

"In the past, the Seven Shooting Cannons were famous for the battle of Chaoge, so they were called Chaoge Cannons. Today, the giant cannons crushed Shaoliang into powder, and called it the 'Shaoliang Cannon'!"

After naming this epoch-making weapon, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Zhao Wuxi asked Lu Ban to continue firing, causing the fear in the city to spread to the greatest extent, and he also walked in front of several Shangdi Bai Zhai messengers with a cold expression on his face. smile.

"Two or three sons, if the Zhao clan's troops are on the ground, and the iron cavalry burns the fields and grasslands of various tribes, and then uses the artillery to attack Fushi and Gaonu, can you stop them?"

Amid the loud sound of the "Shaoliang Cannon" continuing to send stones, Zhai Gong and the others crawled on the ground knowingly and bowed their heads to Zhao Wuxi: "Bai Zhai's relic, the youngest country, how dare you be an enemy of a big country?"

In the face of a powerful force that could not be defied, they unanimously chose to surrender!

But if the Zhao clan openly set up prefectures and counties on their land and dispatched officials to point their fingers, Shangdi Zhai would still be a little nervous...

But I heard Zhao Wuxi say: "It's good for you to know yourselves. Bai Di and Qin have been in the same state since ancient times. The two sides are like enemies, but they are Jin's in-laws. Now that Jin and Qin are at war, it is a good opportunity for Bai Di to completely cut off relations with Qin. In order to ensure that the Qin State no longer covets Shangdi, and Shangdi should be subordinated to the Jin State, I will set up Shangjun in the homeland of Zhai State, but the counties under the jurisdiction will not send Jin officials, but only restraint. The rule of the various ministries is as always. !" (To be continued.)

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