Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 891: I am fish

"I don't know when will we be able to capture Zhao Wuxi, the minister of Jin State, as a shepherd slave? Then invite the great witch of Song State to dance for the solitary and serve the bed every day?"

This sentence made the ministers of Wu State laugh again. They knew that the king and Jin State Shang Qing Zhao Wuxi had a holiday during the Song Rebellion ten years ago. The two young people were full of energy and had different interests and appeals, plus the factor of women. , contradictions are inevitable. It's just that Fuchai was jailed for a hundred times, and after he had gained face and suffered a loss, he came back and was reprimanded by the previous emperor.

However, apart from Fuchai himself, I am afraid no one will take this sentence seriously. The Zhao family is already ranked as the minister of Jin and holds great power. It is possible for Wu to take advantage of the border between Song and Lu. He wants to let Zhao be like insulting Yue. Entering the DPRK without a shirt? Just talking about being drunk.

But they don't know that this is the "big desire" in Fu Chai's heart!

King Wu is serious. As a person, he must get what he wants! No matter how long it takes, no matter how much he pays, it is his pursuit to make Zhao Wuxi bow his head, lay Nanzi on the couch, and go north to the top...

In the end, the banquet ended with the sound of congratulations. Wu Zixu and Bo Xi forgot their wealth and honor. Fan Li looked at them coldly. He also remembered Fu Chai's hatred for Zhao Wuxi and his covetousness for the great witch of Song State. in the heart.

Wu Zixu's strongest shield is Wu Zixu, and the sharpest spear is Sun Wuzi, but the weakest part of this southern hegemony is called Bo Xi. The grievances and grievances between the powerful ministers of the Wu State may be an opportunity for the King of Yue to return to the country.

And if the King of Yue wants to restore the shame of the country, he cannot rely on the broken Yue State alone. On the one hand, he has to keep in touch with the mortal enemy of the Wu State and also the son-in-law of the King of Yue, the State of Chu. On the other hand, Zhao's side may also send an envoy with the specialties of the country of Vietnam to add fuel to Wu Wang's dissatisfaction with Zhao's family, or get an Austrian aid, which will come in handy one day.

However, these things did not improve their status quo at all.


The life of the hostages was extremely difficult. Goujian, the once mighty King of Yue, wore hooded trousers and a woodcutter's turban. His wife wore skirts without frills and a short sash that opened and closed to the left. , is no different from a husband's wife.

On weekdays, the husband raised horses for King Wu, while the wife cleaned horse manure, sprinkled water, and swept the floor in the dirty horse pen. Fan Li was also there to help. , and even gave birth to a horse! Today, he is very skilled, and Gou Jian joked that he could be a horse supervisor just by relying on this skill.

Every year, those who stay in the country will come to pay tribute with gifts when they meet Wu people's festivals, or Wu Wang's birthday banquet, and visit them at the same time. Seeing Gou Jian and his wife like this, he was very sad in his heart, and he often sighed secretly.

However, Goujian seemed to be fine, An Zhiruoyi said ashamedly that he had suffered Dr. Fan, Dr. Chong, and the brothers and sisters in the country.

Although he has never learned the etiquette culture of the Central Plains, he has a kung fu to buy people's hearts. If he leaves, he will have no face in the world anymore, and this is not what a gentleman does.

After three years, Goujian's ability to forbearance became more and more perfect, and there was no dissatisfaction on that eagle-like face, as if he had accepted his fate.

At the beginning of spring in the third year, King Wu’s husband climbed up the high platform and looked at it from afar. He saw King Yue, his wife, and Fan Li sitting beside the stables full of stinking horse manure. It is still maintained, and the case is still raised between the couple.

The husband was only a few years old and had several sons, but his wife from the Song Kingdom passed away last year. Jiangnan was very hot, her husband died early, and her wife was also prone to illness.

After the wife's death, Fu Chai was a little unhappy. Seeing this situation, he felt something in his heart, and the woman's kindness began to overflow, so he said to the next Bo Xi: "Although the king of Yue is ignorant, he is a man of integrity. Fan Li is also a virtuous sage. Although his generation was in a poor place, he did not lose the etiquette of monarchs and ministers, and the widowers really feel sad for them."

In the past three years, Bo Xi has been soft on taking bribes from the Yue Kingdom, and he has already become the spokesperson for Yue Kingdom's interests in the Wu Kingdom. Impressed."

Being held by the uncle, the husband was very proud, and his brain twitched, maybe he felt that he was tired of playing the game of cats and mice for three years, or that he was no longer satisfied with humiliating the king of Yue, so he said: "I can't bear to see the king and ministers of Yue like this. Embarrassed, so I want to forgive him, what does Dazai think?"

Bo Xi immediately responded and said: "I have heard that there is no virtue and will not return, and the king is more and more kind, how dare you not retaliate!?"

Fuchai hesitated again: "It's just Xiangbang that..."

Three years later, the conflict between Bo Xi and Wu Zixu has been made public, and the two have become more and more fierce in the DPRK. Of course, Bo Xi knew that this was King Wu's balancing act, using his power to divide Wu Zixu, but he didn't completely defeat the white-haired old guy, so he had to fight for it himself, but he never let go of any chance to harm Wu Zixu!

He smiled and said: "The king is the king of the Wu Kingdom. Whether the life or death of the Yuejun is taken away, the king should act according to his inner thoughts, and the Xiangbang can only obey."

This remark is in the heart of the husband, and he can't wait to get rid of the shadow of Wu Zixu and Wu Wang Helu, and the Goujian incident is a good opportunity!

So he wanted to choose an auspicious day to pardon the King of Yue and his party when Wu Zixu went to Zhu Fang to supervise the boat building...


"We can go back home!"

After learning about this from Bo Xi, King Goujian, the king of Yue, was naturally overjoyed. He was a tolerant and cruel person, and every grievance he suffered in Wu State, such as the whip of a horse official and the scornful ridicule, were all kept in mind. , he will return it a hundredfold in the future!

But as the day when Fuchai promised to forgive him approached, Goujian became increasingly anxious, because he always felt that things would not go so smoothly.

Sure enough, Wu Zixu ended his supervision task in Zhu Fang and returned early. After he heard about this and rushed into the Wu Palace, things began to change...

First, King Wu summoned Gou Jian again and asked Fan Li to accompany him, while Wang Sunluo, who came to pass on the message, spoke harshly, which seemed to represent King Wu's bad mood.

On that day, Gou Jian was at the front, Fan Li was at the back, and Fu Chai changed his attitude towards them and dealt with government affairs slowly: Fan Li saw it clearly, he used paper, imported from Lu.

Wu Zixu is a mature politician. Although he once gave ideas to the people of Qi during the war between Zhao and Qi, and wanted to use Qi to check and balance the increasingly powerful Zhao clan, but now Wu Chu is more conflicted, so he advocates maintaining the original state with the Zhao clan. relation. After all, the Zhao clan has already controlled Lu and Cao, and the Song state has also fallen into their arms. Most of the trade in the north is managed by quilt Gong. If the Zhao clan comes to a trade embargo, without the grain, cloth, and handicrafts in the north, the nobles of the Wu state will be subject to No.

From this point of view, while Fu Chai favored Bo Xi, he was still listening to some suggestions from Wu Zixu, and Fan Li felt a **** in his heart, and suddenly felt bad.

Although Fuchai kept his tattoos cut off, this was to cater to the people in China. After all, he was educated by Jiza, so he could still write a single stroke. In this respect, Yueguo was far behind. A little bit of culture still depends on him. A small number of beleaguered nobles from Chu and the Central Plains were introduced.

After drawing a few bird and insect seal characters on the paper, Fu Chai glanced at Gou Jian, and then turned to Fan Li.

"The widow hears that a virtuous woman does not marry a ruined family, and a country that is benevolent and virtuous is not an official. Now the king has no way, the country is about to perish, the society is destroyed, the body is dead and the world is ruined, and the world is laughing..."

He said this directly in front of Gou Jian, Gou Jian was horrified and quickly confessed his guilt.

However, Fu Chai was unmoved and continued to say to Fan Li: "The son is originally from Chu, and he is all a servant after being brought down by the prince of Yue. Isn't it disrespectful? If a few people want to forgive my son's sins, if the son can reform himself, he will return to his own country. Wu, you are a doctor in Yue State, and you are still a doctor in Wu State, what do you think?"


With his fingers clasped in his flesh, his teeth rattled, Gou Jian felt that he might lose Fan Li.

Fan Li's years in Yue Kingdom were neither long nor short. At the beginning of Goujian's ascension, he still gave him a lot of ideas. Unfortunately, Gou Jian was stubborn and did not listen until he was trapped in Kuaiji Mountain. Realize the importance of Fan Li's advice.

So he made him a confidant, and Fan Li didn't let him down. For three years, he was by his side, with poor clothing and no complaints. True countryman, do it!

But now, in the face of King Wu's invitation, Fan Li has a better way out, will he still guard himself as a defeated king?

In his heart, Gou Jian has never trusted anyone, including Wen Zhong Fan Li. He just clearly realized that he was in such distress and that if he wanted to return to the country for revenge, he had to let them do it. He had already lost everything. , can no longer lose these two worthy ministers, so he exhausted the means to win people's hearts, but unfortunately, he can give too little now.

In the face of this situation, he could only cry, but couldn't say anything to save him.

But he heard Fan Li say: "I have heard that the ministers who lost the country did not dare to speak their political affairs, and the generals who defeated the army did not dare to speak bravely. The ministers in the country of Yue were already unfaithful and unbelievable, which caused the few monarchs to anger the great country. The monarch and the ministers are the servants of the great king. This is a deserved sin. Thanks to the great kindness of the great king, we are extremely grateful to the king and ministers to save our lives. How dare you ask for more? minister!"

King Wu knew that Fan Li had made up his mind and could not be his servant, so he was silent and unhappy. Wu Zixu was right~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Goujian had officials like Fan Li and Wen Zhong, just like Shang Tang had Yi Yin and Zhou Wenwang had Taigongwang.

In the past, Xia Jie imprisoned Shang Tang without killing, and King Zhou of Shang imprisoned Zhou Wenwang without killing. As a result, Xia Jie was punished by Shang Tang, and the Shang Dynasty was destroyed by Zhou. Now that Fuchai has imprisoned Yuejun but did not kill him, in time, will he also encounter the calamity of Xia Jie and Shang Zhou?

Although Wu Zixu's remarks are alarmist, but after careful consideration, the husband still feels that Goujian and his courtiers cannot rest assured!

Especially in the ever-changing situation in the north, when the Zhao clan broke Qi, Zheng, and Qin in succession, the husband was very anxious. If the Wu Kingdom went north, would he be able to keep the King of Yue behind him?

Fuchai thought for a while, but still felt that the thorn was on his back, so he sent Fan Li out, but left Goujian. This stay lasted for most of the day...

In the evening, Dazai Bo Mi finally had news. He asked his son-in-law Qu Ao, who is Zhao Wuxi's concubine Bo Mi's younger brother Xing Ao, to inform Fan Li and Wen Zhong:

Goujian, he was imprisoned in the stone room of the Wu Palace!

(To be continued.)

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