Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 924: source of trouble

After not returning for several years, the spring breeze in the country of Lu is still so warm and familiar. On the banks of the Zhushui, Zhao Wuxi raised his head and looked at the wild geese who had returned from the north. Perhaps, the place of peace of mind is his hometown, or Ji Ying's small yard is the most peaceful place for his heart.

But Lu also had his family, his concubine and his eldest son.

Zhao Wuxi turned his face to look at his son who was in the same car with him. He was a little taller. Zhao Wuxi brought Shu to Lu, but he didn't see his relatives a few times a year, and he lacked his peers to accompany him to play. Cao was so happy that he took his sister to see the scenery in Qufu before and after running, and also used the private bank to buy all kinds of snacks for her.

It's a pity that the joy of the little children did not last for a few days, and Zhao Cao soon ran out of time to play around. He was asked to sit in on the meeting between Zhao Wuxi and his retainers. Seeing Zhao Cao's absent-mindedness, Zhao Wuxi was again Helpless and funny again, he said to him:

"Our sage Shi Kuang of Jin once said such a sentence, the emperor has a prince, the princes have officials, the officials have side chambers, and the doctors have Erzong... to assist each other. This sentence has exhausted the relationship between the monarch and the clan. relationship, have you ever heard of it?"

Zhao Cao, who was only nine years old, was excited and said nervously: "Master (Zhang Mengtan) once said that when you treat the monarch, you will reward him if he is good, if he is wrong, he will be saved, if he is in trouble, he will be saved. "What he learned was no longer simple poems, books, and started to involve more.

"In the early days of the state, this was indeed the case. The princes who were entrusted to unfamiliar regions needed to have a second assistant. They were either relatives or cronies. Over time, they were deeply rooted and held high positions, and they became the princes' ministers. When they are actively developing, they are the pioneers leading the army, and when the princes are invaded by foreign enemies, they are the rock to maintain the territory."

Hearing what Zhao Wuxi said, perhaps thinking that he was also a noble family, Zhao Cao raised his chest in the car.

Unexpectedly, my father's voice changed: "I tell you this to make you think as a lord, instead of continuing to treat yourself as an ordinary clan."

Seeing his son's unexplained appearance, Zhao Wuqi sighed. Is it too early to tell him this now?

But as a father, who doesn't want to pass on the life experience and historical lessons he knows to his children? What Zhao Wuxi wanted to tell him was that in Ji Shi, when the princes were declining, these noble clans who used to be the pillars of the state, but turned into a source of trouble for the country!

In the Spring and Autumn Period when the princes are numerous, each state has a small social ecological circle. The things that happen in these courts are not the same, but they cannot be separated from the same theme, that is, the love and killing of the monarch and the lord, and the elimination of the other. long……

In the state of Jin, after Duke Xian of Jin killed all the clans and expelled the princes, the clan of the Jin state seemed to be cursed. Only Han was left, and there were Fan, Zhongxing, Zhi, Zhao, and Wei who came from outside to strengthen the military and political integration, maintaining a fragile balance. They divided into several factions and fought each other, and finally the six ministers became the three ministers, and the future **** bureaucratic regime was hatched within the feudal country.

In the Lu country, the political structure of the three-huan division of the office was stable for a long time, the monarch could not resist, and the people of the country were used to it. .

In Wei Kingdom, it was different. The Qing family and the monarchy maintained a balance for a long time. The Ning family, Sun family and other officials could not completely replace the king, and the king could not eliminate the Qing family. Therefore, sometimes the Qing clan relies on the people of the country to expel the monarch, and sometimes the monarch takes advantage of the contradictions between the Qing clan to destroy one or two families, but they are mostly peaceful.

Of course, the end of the above three kingdoms is surprisingly similar. After Zhao Wuxi appeared, the balance came to an end, and finally there was today's situation.

In the neighboring state of Zhu, which is familiar with the chickens and dogs of the state of Lu, another pattern has evolved.

The ancestor of Zhu State was the Cao clan among the eight Zhurong clans. During the Yin and Shang dynasties, they migrated thousands of miles from the Central Plains to the East, and established a Fang State with a vast territory. The customs gradually became barbaric. When the fifth-generation monarch Cao Xia came, the Zhou people destroyed the Shang, and the state of Zhu was unfortunately involved in the Wu Geng Rebellion, and unfortunately was defeated by the Duke of Zhou, so he lost his independent status and became a vassal of Lu. .

It was not until the twelfth monarch Cao Keshi, because he helped Duke Huan of Qi to implement his hegemony and actively traveled and communicated in various countries, he won the position of viscount because of his merits, and Zhu Kingdom finally ranked among the princes. At that time, with the support of Qi State, the State of Zhu had a vast territory and was once revived. Although the overall strength is weaker than that of Lu, and it is often invaded by the state of Lu, it also has the strength to fight. Before the Zhao clan specializing in Lu, the strength of the state of Lu was 900 times, but the state of Zhu was full of soldiers, and it was possible to fight for 600 times. Therefore, they were small but not weak. They shriveled the Lu people many times. At one point, they defeated Duke Xuan of Lu and hung his armor on the city gate.

It's a pity that the state of Zhu is also constantly being divided and divided. Originally, there were four counties. After the separation of Xiaozhu and Chuan with the same surname, and the continuous occupation of the land by the state of Lu, now there are only two counties left. The physique, the population is more than 100,000.

Not only that, because the conflict between the ruler and the ministers of the state of Zhu is very fierce, the ministers and officials of the state of Zhu are still fleeing, not only fleeing by themselves, but also dragging their families with them, and taking the entire city and town into the state of Lu. As early as when Duke Zhu was mourning, the doctor of the State of Zhu had defected to the State of Lu, and handed over the lacquer and Luqiu of the State of Zhu to Lu as a gift. A year later, the doctor told me to betray Zhu and run to Lu again. In the time of Duke Zhuzhuang, there were two consecutive incidents in which ministers offered their fiefs to Benlu.

The Qing family fled one after another, this is the characteristic of the state of Zhu, and now the 18th generation monarch Cao Yi is in power. When the Wei chaos turned Wei from a servant country into a puppet country, Dr. Zhu Guoqing came to defect...

Not only did he defect, the doctor also asked Zhao to cut Zhu!

The Marquis of Lu has long since given up on the matter, and now the nominal Zhengqing of the State of Lu is Zhao Cao. Although he is still young, Zhao Wuxi will also ask him to see if he has dealt with this kind of incident. ability to generate events.

"Zhu State is a vassal of Lu State, and Lu State has the duty to manage this matter..."

But how to manage, Zhao Cao couldn't say why, Zhao Wuxi was not difficult for him, and continued to discuss with Zhang Mengtan and others, only let Zhao Cao listen. It's still ten years before this child actually takes the stage to handle government affairs. Before that, let's listen and read more.

Interestingly, this time, the opinions of the Ludi scholars were surprisingly unanimous, that is, fight!

The grievances between the state of Lu and the state of Zhu have a long history. The Lu army often plays the role of fish belly among the princes of the Central Plains, but its national strength is stronger than that of Zhu and Ju, and it is also the head of the prince state that adheres to the Zhou etiquette, and has a high international status. . During the Spring and Autumn Period, Zhu Jun went to the state of Lu many times to form an alliance with the court, hoping to make a good relationship with Lu. But these "Dongyi" are precisely the main direction for the Lu people to expand their territory, so they often use the excuse of "cutting the barbarians" to add troops to Zhu. In the past two hundred years, the State of Lu has invaded the State of Zhu more than a dozen times, and successively seized a large amount of land and population in the State of Zhu.

This situation made Lu Shi have the same attitude towards the State of Zhu, that is, he wanted to annex it in one go, and Zai Yu shouted directly: "Let the State of Zhu become two counties of the State of Lu!"

For Zhao Wuxi, the construction of the canal "Heshui" proposed by Zigong has already started, and the ditch is slowly advancing towards Sishui. As a result, the status of the state of Zhu became very important. If the state of Zhu changed when the Zhao clan fought with Qi and Wu, resulting in the interruption of the transportation of water, it would cause great trouble to the future plan of the Zhao clan.

Zhu Guo is now hostile to each other between rulers and ministers, dark politics has led to the intensification of contradictions, and the people's centrifugal tendency towards the country is increasingly strengthened. In the previous battle with the state of Lu, 33 officials of the state of Zhu died in battle, but none of the people who participated in the war died for the state. And it is not as good as Wei Guo, a country with the surname Ji, who is in the red, and the Zhu country, which is commonly used in the country, can sacrifice the banner of "respecting the king and deterring the barbarians", although in fact, Zhu Lu culture is no different.

Therefore, Zhao Wuxi quickly made a decision: In response to the request of Dr. Zhu Guoqing, attack the state of Zhu!


The military situation was like fire. In late January, the state of Zhu changed. In early February, Zhao Wuxi arrived in Qufu to plan a war. The Lu people who had just finished spring ploughing at the end of February were drafted into the army. They heard that there was a war. The people were instantly ecstatic, and they were even more happy when they heard that they were going to fight against the weak state of Zhu.

So the wife sent the husband, the daughter sent the father, and when they parted, they all told them not to come back if they didn't make a contribution.

Zhang Mengtan has also drawn up a plan: "Although Zhu State claims to be 600 vehicles~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in fact, it can dispatch only 10,000 troops, but we can put in two armies. Song State and Xue A total of 5,000 people from Teng attacked from the state of Teng; 5,000 people from Zhao Guangde in Qufu attacked from Zeshan; 5,000 people from Ranqiu in Donglu attacked from Dongwu City; attack……"

Zhao Wuxi nodded: "Like the crushing eggs of the giant stone, the gap between Lu Zhu's national strength is huge, and the doctor will lead the way. This battle must be resolved quickly, and the state of Zhu will be resolved within half a month! Let Qi and Wu have no time to fight. reacted."

Zhuzi Cao Yi sent envoys several times to beg for mercy, but Zhao Wuxi ignored them. Nine years ago, in the Sihui League, the state of Zhu obeyed Lu and Song under the persuasion of Zigong, and existed as vassals of the state of Lu, but they still had great autonomy, and as far as Zhao Wuxi knew, Zhao Qi During the war, the monarch of Zhu State, Cao Yi, had some intentions and wanted to help Qi State and get rid of Lu State's control.

Let such a "six hundred times" state lie between the state of Lu and the state of Song, and threaten his confidants day and night, no matter what.

By the beginning of March, Zhao Jun had already assembled around Zhu State.

However, just when Zhao Wuxi's Chinese army camp was set up by Kang's father, the new county magistrate of Ren County, Zhantai Mieming, came to report that he had caught a suspicious person in the county... (Unfinished) To be continued.) Enable new URL

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