Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 929: Victorious soldiers win first and then fight

: There was a mistake before, the northern barrier of Zhu State was not Liang Fu, but Yishan.

Although Zhao Wuxi was ready to "bleed and drift", unfortunately, this time Zhao's four-way attack on Zhu, encountered little resistance.

More than 10,000 people in Zhao Wuxi's main force passed Kangfu and went straight to the state of Zhu. The weak Zhu people were already at odds with each other, so how dare they fight against the powerful Zhao army? They all retreated to the city and watched Zhao Jun drive straight in.

Even if there were sporadic battles, it happened at the vanguard's position. When Sun Wu and Zhao Wuxi arrived, they saw only a mass of chariots and horses that had been rushed, and soldiers squatting and surrendering.

Not only the main force of the West Road, except for Zhao Guangde's army, which was blocked in the northern Yishan Mountain, the rest of the southeastern army of Ran Qiu and the Song army were all advanced smoothly. It is expected that they will soon join forces with Zhao Wuxi in the capital of Zhu.

In this regard, Sun Wu commented: "The method of using soldiers is the best for the whole country, followed by breaking the country, and subduing the soldiers without fighting. The victory has already been laid, which is a good thing."

Having said that, Sun Wu was also disinterested because he didn't see the way Zhao Jun was fighting, and stayed in the Central Army with Zhao Wuxi. This time the onlookers would pass by so blandly, so he simply asked to let him follow the striker. Act together.

Zhao Wuxi agreed and gave Sun Wu a car and two soldiers to protect him. Sun Wu followed Tian Ben's vanguard. He found that most of Zhao's vanguards were recruits, but their training was good. Under his leadership, he carefully cleared away the previous enemy.

Ten years ago, Zhao Wuxi had thousands of backbone veterans, and these people were constantly promoted, and now the worst is a pawn. In this way, one person teaches ten people, ten people teach a hundred people, a hundred people teach a thousand people, and a thousand people teach ten thousand people! The number of Zhao's army has expanded tenfold, twentyfold, and the experience of that year has been continuously replicated.

Sun Wu had a positive attitude towards this method of military training, but unfortunately the state of Wu was so exhausted that there was almost no time to breathe in the past 20 years, so that the veterans were all killed and wounded. Therefore, although King Wu's Fuchai is now known as the "three thousand in a million" soldiers of the state of Wu, which is similar to Zhao's military strength, only half of them can be drawn to the battlefield, and the good and bad are not complete.

At the same time, he also noticed that the composition of the Zhao family's arms is not the same as that of the princes. There are very few chariots and soldiers, and they are only used as command chariots. It is similar to Wu Jun.

The chariots are the wings of the army, so it is impossible for manpower to be able to smash the chariots into battle. The reason why Jin dominated the Central Plains lies in the fact that Jin has many horses, and horses can be equipped with a large number of chariots. But the problem is that chariots are too expensive, maintenance of chariots is a huge sum of money, and the wear and tear of war horses is also very alarming. Wu State in the south does not have so many horses at all.

What's more terrible is that the training of the soldiers on the chariot has not been effective for many years. In other words, a qualified fighter cannot fight without ten years, so the soldiers on the chariot are mostly children of nobles.

In addition, chariots need to be in a very flat area before they can be put into the battlefield. As the so-called chariot has "ten places of death", this limits the performance of the chariot. As the war area becomes more and more complex, it has caused war. The car is slowly not adapted to the battle. However, according to the inertia, the princes still have a large amount of equipment. At first, Sun Wu decisively reduced Wu's chariots and replaced them with infantry.

So Wu Jia shook the world as soon as he came out, and defeated the Chu army, the five battles and Ying, because the infantry phalanx was not restricted by conditions, and it could achieve some strategic detours and tactical attacks that were unimaginable by predecessors.

Coincidentally, ten years after Sun Wu's training, the Zhao family decisively replaced the chariot formation with cavalry and infantry. Zhao's light cavalry has repeatedly made extraordinary achievements, because their mobility and flexibility far exceed that of chariots. And Zhao Wuzun's phalanx is no less than Wu's army, and it has more advantages. If he is equipped with iron armor over time, it will be even more conspicuous.

Now, in the struggle for hegemony in the Central Plains, it's time to rely on foot and cavalry to decide the winner. From the battle of Qin, Wei and Hexi, we can see that the Qin state has already begun to imitate the cavalry of the Zhao family, while the Wei family has followed the example of the Zhao family to carry out reforms, and the southern state of Chu is also reforming. After the fiasco of the war, Ye Gong's goblin soldiers began to focus on the infantry. After all, his father Shen Yinrong was a minister in Wu State and secretly learned Sun Wu's tricks.

Sun Wu predicts that in the next few decades, the military reform of destroying cars for cavalry will become a trend. If the princes did not want to perish early, they had to make changes and learn to fight against Master Zhao with Zhao's tactics.

The feudal lords and doctors may be able to learn about Zhao's arms and equipment, but there are some things that can't be imitated if you want to imitate them.

This time Zhao Jun attacked Zhu, even though Sun Wu ran to the front, he still didn't even see a decent battle. He couldn't analyze Zhao Jun's tactics in an all-round way, so he could only think about Zhao Wuxi in the car. strategy to come. "The Zhao clan used soldiers, and they were very curious in the Lu Dynasty. After entering the Jin Dynasty, they used the surprising tactics to win, and they used the positive tactics to force the enemy to fight decisively, and then used the advantages of the army and the powerful momentum to defeat."

This is Sun Wu's summary of the combat characteristics of the Zhao army to Wu Zixu when he was in the state of Wu. After coming to the Zhao army to observe and think, he almost understood that the former is the helpless move of the weak to defeat the strong enemy, and the latter is the method of the strong to ensure victory. .

Those who are invincible, defend and conquer, and attack. In terms of strategy, we cannot blindly defend or blindly attack. Zhao has done a good job in this. Every year when farming is busy, he never starts the battle lightly, and concentrates on farming, developing production, and storing grain. When the time is right, we will quickly determine our goals. Whether it is destroying the dynasty, taking the Qi Hejian, or attacking the Qin Hexi, we will do it overnight. We will strive for one to three months of slack to end the war, and then continue to farm and wait for the war opportunity in the coming year. In this way, it not only preserves itself, but also obtains partial victory, and the advantage over neighboring countries becomes greater and greater.

In Sun Wu's Art of War, he summed up the five principles of national warfare: the first is degree, the second is quantity, the third is number, the fourth is scale, and the fifth is victory.

The degree arises from the vastness of the land, whether the land is vast or not, the amount of material and the amount of military equipment determines the number of soldiers, and the number of soldiers determines the combat effectiveness of the troops.

In short, only by clearly cultivating politics and ensuring legal standards can we control the fate of the war from the inside out.

Therefore, the victorious division is like yttrium against baht, attacking the weak enemy with strong military strength, and its momentum is as unstoppable as the stagnant water in the stream of thousands of miles. This is the crucial "form" in the military struggle.

From Sun Wu's point of view, Zhao Wuxi can be described as a master of "shape".

He sighed helplessly: "I taught the art of war to King Wu, but he only learned the small way, not the general situation, let alone the essence of war. Although Zhao Qing has a blunt style of fighting, in recent years, he only knows how to use skillful skills. and strong soldiers to suppress the enemy, but his knowledge of the situation is very deep.”

Before going north, Sun Wu still felt that Zhao Wu would not know who would win or lose when they met. Now, he only felt that Wu Jun might not be able to fight against Zhao's. Even if he could win a small battle or two, he would eventually be dragged by Zhao's profound national strength. die.

Those who are good at combat always defeat an enemy that is easy to defeat. They have neither superior wisdom nor a reputation for bravery. There are no mistakes in winning wars. The reason why there are no mistakes is because of their combat measures. Build on the foundation of winning!

This is the so-called "Victorious soldiers win first and then fight, and defeated soldiers fight first and then fight".

Therefore, even in the face of a weak enemy like Zhu Guo, the Zhao clan still fights steadily and does not advance in the slightest. Zhu Guo's defeat has entered the countdown. If they are deep and broad, they may be able to hold on for a while longer. Unfortunately, Zhu Guo and Lu Guo "heard the sound of demolition", the size of which is only two counties, and there is no depth to speak of. However, during the six or seven days, Zhao Jun joined forces with the east and north-south divisions under the capital city of Zhu, while the cities along the way were either surrendered or guarded behind closed doors.

Nearly 30,000 troops gathered, enough to encircle Zhudu Yiyang, and at this time, the country of Zhu was already in a state of subjugation. Not only did they surrender and lead Zhao Jun to come here, there was an endless stream of doctors~www.wuxiaspot.com~Lian Gongzi Gongsun all fled the big tree that was about to fall, and went to the Zhao family's wings to bow down, hoping to become the new monarch after Zhu Zi was deposed.

At this critical moment, the Zhao army had already attacked Guomen, but Cao Yi, the son of Zhu, was still enjoying the music and dancing. The sound of dancing and music could even be heard outside the city. The generals of the Zhao clan shook their heads one after another. saved. What they didn't know was that at a similar time in history, the three Huan of Lu attacked Zhu, and Zhu Zi also behaved like this, and was captured by the three Huan.

Sun Wu looked at Zhucheng and found that it lay on Yi Mountain in the north and Kuo Mountain in the south. The east-west horizontal distance is three miles, the north-south vertical distance is three miles, and the circumference of the city is about ten miles. The construction takes advantage of the high ground between the mountains, the height of the wall varies from two to three zhang, and the base of the wall is ten zhang wide, which can also be regarded as a strong city.

However, the theory of "siege the city is the next" is invalid for the Zhao army. The countless Zhao army who have pulled the city did not take the small Zhucheng in their eyes. They began to set up siege equipment and prepared to launch a general attack in a few days.

The doctor from the state of Zhu who led Zhao's army into Zhu was worried when he saw that Zhao's army had not attacked the city, so he reported to Zhao Wuxi: "Zhuzi has sent envoys to Qi and Wu for help, and if it is delayed, I am afraid that the two countries will join forces. Rescue Zhu, attack from the north and south" To be continued^

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