Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 946: Breathless (below)

After the battle of Changping five years ago, Zhiyao died, and the Zhi clan also disappeared. Many of the Zhi clan's retainers suddenly became hounds without masters. Not all of them were like Yu Rang. Smelly and hard, Zhao Wuxi also subdued a lot, and Qingying (píng) is one of them. %le%wen%novel ww.し

This person is good at driving, riding horses, and has a lot of experience in using chariots. Zhao's army still retains a certain number of chariots. After all, until the Chu-Han War, Liu Bang's Guan Ying often used chariots for meritorious service.

That's why Qingyi is called "Chengcheng", but in fact he leads the chariots and horses outside, and is not always by Zhao Wuxi's side.

While conferring positions, he did not let them get close to him, so that it would neither chill people's hearts nor avoid the danger of being assassinated. Zhao Wuxi thought that this kind of treatment was very good. Now, Weimando's assassination made him even more convinced of this precaution.

Yu Rang was not directed by Zhao Wu Rang, but assassinated Wei Mando with his own will. During this period, Zhao Wu Rang did not give him any help. After Yu Rang was released, he even lost news of this person. At one point I thought he was dead, or disappeared.

But Yu Rang embraced his own destiny calmly and continued to walk on the single-plank bridge of revenge for his lord and faith. On a winter day with a white rainbow shining through the sun, he shocked the world with his own unique way.

Of course, all of the above are because An Yi Qingxia and Chou came to inform Zhao Wuxi and all the ministers so clearly.

After hearing about it, the military attachés in the room praised one after another: "You are brave! Your aura is as high as Zhuanzhu!"

Even Dong Anyu couldn't help sighing: "The average man is angry, blood splattered for five steps, Wei's Suzheng, really..." He didn't know how to evaluate it. He praised it from the perspective of personality, and denied these slights from the perspective of the superior. Generation of Assassins.

Duqiu, Qingyi, and Yurang work together in Zhishi and are close friends to each other, so Duqiu naturally also knows Qingyi. At this moment, he is led up by Qingyi. This Anyi Qingxia faces everyone's eyes without fear. Without blinking, he just stared at Zhao Wuxi.

Thirty paces away, Zhao Wuxi stopped them and asked, "Here, why are you looking at me?"

"Bo Qian said that Zhao Qing is also among his enemies, but he has never had the opportunity to assassinate him, so I want to see."

Zhao Wuxi smiled and said, "Do you think you have a chance?"

Du Chou shook his head and said regretfully, "I have low skills and no determination to die, so I can't achieve the level of Yu Boqian. With a sword, you have to be five steps closer to it. Without a sword, you have to be three steps closer. possible."

But now, he is thirty steps away, and there are layers of guards in the middle, so it is impossible for him to succeed.

When the words were exhausted, Qing Ying was shocked, all the ministers frowned, and the Yulin guards headed by the brow ruler were even more furious, only to draw the sword to kill Du Qiu on the spot.

Zhao Wuxi didn't think so: "I'm not afraid of death like Qihou Chujiu, and I don't expect immortality, but as the minister of a big country, I have the responsibility of millions of people on my shoulders, but I don't want to use this kind of responsibility. way to die."

He said quite proudly: "If I die, the people of Jin will not be able to live a good life, and the people of the world will not know how many years of suffering." There will be many detours. Of course, even Zhao Wuxi may not be able to guide her on the right path.

But the only thing that is certain is that it will definitely be better than the history of the same period. At least the burial has been forcibly cancelled in Zhao's territory, and the productivity has been greatly developed. Paper, glass, engraving and printing, these basic matters that promote scientific progress have also been appear one by one.

"With all due respect, Wu Wangliao and Young Master Qingji, even before Weimanduo's death, probably thought so too!"


Du Qiu was not polite at all and sneered at him.

Zhao Wuxi said that the biggest difference between this era and later generations is that assassins are rampant and heroes are everywhere.

"Well, at least if I die, who will guarantee that Yu Rang's family can live happily in Zhao's territory?"

He paused and asked, "Apart from escorting Yu Rang's family, what else do you want to do here?"

This person must have his purpose. Maybe he really wants to find an opportunity to assassinate Zhao Wuxi, or maybe he wants to defect? If he used his friend's tragic death as a ladder to get in, Zhao Wuxi would look down on him.

The governor of the Chou Chang came to the ground and said: "Yu Rang was disfigured and changed his voice, and he defiled himself in the toilet. In the end, he got his wish, but he also cut his belly and his intestines. It was extremely miserable. The fate of a national scholar. Leopards leave their skins when they die, and people leave their names when they die. I hope Zhao Qing can make a name for him and let the world remember this name."

"Why do you want me to make a name for him?"

Du Qiu glanced at Qing Ying and said, "Because Zhi Shi was still alive, he was often tied with Zhao Qing as the two heroes of Jin. On the first day of the month, now the moon has fallen, and the sun is still shining, Yu Rang was recognized by Yue before his death. , If he can be recognized by Zhao Qing after his death, I think this will be enough to comfort him in his life."

Zhao Wuxi hesitated.

In this way, can he clear his guess that he was not assassinating the envoy Wei?

It doesn't seem to work, maybe it will be stained with fishy smell, and it will not be washed off. If Wei Ju thinks that he has participated in the act of stabbing Wei Mando, or has something to do with Yu Rang, it will not be beautiful.

He didn't give an answer for a long time, but saw Du Qiu suddenly get up and suddenly walked forward. The guards subconsciously drew their swords to block, but Du Qiu avoided it, and slammed his body into the halberd, penetrating his chest. out.

The ministers were stunned, the guards were dumbfounded, and even Zhao Wuxi stood up involuntarily.

Du Qiu spat out a mouthful of blood and laughed loudly: "I promised Bo Qian that after he dies, I will follow him. There is nothing to repay Zhao Qing today, so I can only exchange my death for Zhao Qing. Qing's promise, are you willing to make a name for Yu Rang?"

As soon as he finished speaking, before Zhao Wuxi could reply, he breathed out.

Qing Ying closed her eyes for the governor, bowed down to the three Jishou, and said: "When I was young, I was friends with him, and we were both ministers of the Zhi clan. Yu Rang did so much to avenge the old master, but I did not. Changing the master and stealing life is really losing the morality of the ministers. Now, as a friend, I watch them die eagerly, and I have lost the morality of being a friend. I am neither a good minister nor a good friend.

After he finished speaking, he suddenly grabbed the sword of the Yulin guard who was still in a daze, and killed himself. Everything happened so suddenly that Zhao Wuxi didn't even have time to say "wait a minute".

Seeing that the two warriors died in front of them one after another, and the intense blood filled the room, Zhao's officials could no longer sit still and burst into tears.

It is the fashion of the times, but it can be seen three times in a row today.

Zhao Wuxi's puzzlement gradually turned into admiration.

In his previous life, he always felt that the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period Ranger Assassins were heart-wrenching and full of emotion, but whether their heads were lacking, what hundreds of people committed suicide in front of the three armies, what killed themselves to thank the son... Suicide?

After being nurtured in this era for more than ten years, he finally understood something. The temperament and values ​​of the ancients in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period were very different from those of later generations. The most fundamental thing was that they valued people's spiritual values ​​and honored integrity. A scholar died for his confidant, willingly sacrificed his life for the morality and justice of his friends, and was willing to exchange his own life for the immortal reputation behind him. As the so-called career article, you can destroy it with you, but your spirit is as old as new.

At this point, if he still refuses the request of the two, even his ministers will have an opinion.

However, in addition to being respectful in his heart, he does not necessarily approve of such a thing.

It is possible to publicize Yu Rang's loyalty, because no matter which dynasty or generation, loyal ministers are needed, which is why the Manchu Qing also trumpeted Shi Kefa and others.

However, the unscrupulous tendency of the chivalrous person to use martial arts to violate the ban and assassinate the lords and nobles can be stopped. In the future of Zhao's territory, Zhao Wuxi will definitely formulate laws to attack these people.

After being silent for a while, he said: "It's not a matter of liking death to supervise hatred and qingyi, it's a serious loss of respect for ministers, and the way of making friends is abhorrent, but not to be learned. I will announce Yu Rang's assassination of Jin Guoqing. Scholar, for a heinous repeat offender, make his crime public."

As the ruler of Jin State, in order to maintain the law and unity, the nature of what Yu Rang did must of course be regarded as vicious, and Zhao Wuxi must take a stand.

But when Yu Rang was positioned as the number one criminal ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ unforgivable, it was also equivalent to making a name for him.

His name will be posted all over the gates of every county in Zhao's territory.

His story will be written into the "Assassin's Biography" by Zhao's historian, and his merits and demerits will be commented on by later generations.

Yu Rang's deeds spread from this, and all the people with lofty ideals in Jin and all over the world were moved by his spirit and wept for his death.

But Zhao Wuxi was still faced with a choice, should he take advantage of the Wei family, or take the opportunity to annex them? The military officers and aides around him were unable to unify their opinions for a long time. After experiencing the death of the two soldiers in front of him, Zhao Wuxi also began to hesitate and sway.

At this moment, he needed the advice of the military experts the most, so he sent a letter to Yecheng using the flying pigeon biography, asking Sun Wu's opinion.

Soon, a letter came from Yecheng. Zhao Wuxi opened it and saw that in addition to Sun Wu's new art of war, there were also a few words attached:

"A soldier who subdues the enemy without fighting is a good person!"

(To be continued.)

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