Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 951: Lian Heng (top)

&;The content of the chapter begins&; The place of negotiation is the wilderness hundreds of steps away from Shaoliang City. The summer grass has dried up and died, revealing the earthy surface. The first snow in Hexi fell last night, but it was not big. Just decorate the ground with yellow and white.

The horses hooves stepped on the snow, and the heavy vehicle drove out of the rut. Chen Heng, his cousin Chen Bao, and the emperor Chen Zhuang arrived here first.

"That's it."

After planting the soap-colored flag at the negotiating place, Chen Heng, on the other hand, looked at the Qin and Wei sides who were camping in the distance and huddled in the city. peace talks.

A few days ago, he flew all the way from Zheng State to Hexi, rushed into the Qin army camp, and asked to see Pu, the eldest son of Qin State's great concubine. , but sat down with Wei Shi to talk.

"As long as Hexi is still in the hands of the Wei family, we have nothing to talk about." The old-fashioned character and stubborn temper of the Qin people made Chen Heng grit his teeth with anger, and he could only spend a lot of time.

He persuaded Zipu to say: "In Qin, there are fertile fields in the homeland of Zong and Zhou; in the west there are Yi Canal, Xi Qiang, and Qunrong to transport cattle and horses; In Yuli, there are 2,000 chariots, 80,000 soldiers, and enough grain to eat for several years. Although Duke Mu of Qin could not go east to dominate, he was able to open up the army, let the Qin people live and work in peace and contentment, and avoid wars for more than a hundred years."

"However, the great concubine should know that the most powerful person in the world today is the Zhao clan. Zhao Wuci is very ambitious. Zhao's invasion is nothing more than because Jin is divided into three points, and Wei and Han are between Qin and Zhao. If the great concubine braves the cold winter to attack Shaoliang for the sake of Hexi's temporary anger, Qin and Wei will lose both. And Zhao takes Wei's Hedong. , as long as the order is issued, in less than a month, tens of thousands of troops will cross Longmen and Puban and go straight to Hexi. At that time, Qin State will only be afraid that it will lose again. Even without the Wei family as a barrier, the Zhao family's cavalry Under the guidance of Shangdi Bai Zhai, you can drive straight into the hinterland of Qin. When the people of Jin drink Majing water, the humiliation of the Battle of Masui will be repeated."

What Chen Heng said was reasonable and well-founded, Zi Pu couldn't help but ponder, Chen Heng took the opportunity to persuade: "It's better to let go of the army and let the foreign ministers talk with the Wei family. If we can recover Hexi without fighting, Qin and Wei will fight against the Zhao family. Isn't it beautiful?"

He said whatever he wanted to convince Zipu that their biggest enemy was the Zhao family. In this way, there was the letter shot at Shaoliang, and the peace talks facilitated by Chen Heng.

"It's too dangerous." Yurong Chenzhuang didn't say a word, but his cousin Chen Bao was always a little scared. He felt that this dispute between Qin and Wei had nothing to do with the state of Qi and the Chen family. Even if Chen Heng had the intention to win over Qin Wei, why should the son of the daughter come to the front and the two armies in person? Moreover, Chen Heng's plan was bolder and crazier than he imagined.

"Chen clan seems to be brilliant, ruling the state of Qi, but in fact it is in danger. If we can't unite with Qin and Wei, the state of Qi will be the first to be defeated by the Zhao clan! For the survival of the clan, we can only take risks." Chen Heng said sharply, Chen Bao thought he wanted to come here? On a cold winter day, how good would it be to hide in a warm house in Linzi City and play with your wives and concubines?

But since his father, Chen Qi, entrusted him with a heavy responsibility, he must be truly responsible.

Chen Heng knew very well that it was an almost impossible task to build peace between Qin and Wei who were completely turned upside down by Zhao Wuxi's use of Hexi, but for the future of Chen's family, he had to give it a try.

At this moment, Chen Heng overlooked Shaoliang City, the huge city under the gloomy sky. This city is very strong, because the last Liangbo liked to build large-scale construction, and Shaoliang City was built five times under his strict requirements, each time it became taller and stronger.

However, this place that was supposed to be safe has become the final place of destruction for the Zhi clan. The civil works left over from the battle of Zhao, Qin and Shaoliang two years ago still exist. The tree stumps, where many huge siege towers and trebuchets were erected. The city walls were shattered one by one as the howling winds and huge boulders roared from the cannons, and the whole city is said to be shaking.

The terrifying weapon called "Shaoliang Cannon" declared that there was no city in this world that the Zhao clan couldn't conquer.

Since Shaoliang will be breached, the Great Wall that Chen has painstakingly built over the past seven years will also be vulnerable to the catapults.

It was also because of this that Chen Heng was so frightened that he ran between the princes so impatiently.

Perhaps it is a curse that has continued since the Battle of Saddles. Qi people can never beat Jin people. This curse has continued to the present. In the Battle of Snowfield, the Battle of Wenshui, and the Battle of Hejian, the Qi people have already lost three times to the Zhao clan. From the current point of view, no matter from the point of view of the exquisite equipment, the sharpness of the weapons, or the number of soldiers, the Qi state does not have the advantage. . Chen Heng can't see the hope of victory, only Lian Zhongwei

It is only possible for them to continue to fight against one strong.

It snowed again in the sky, and through the fields covered by fine snow and the endless plains, Chen Heng saw a car coming from the Qin army camp and the city of Shaoliang.

This is his proposal to both parties. As an intermediary, Chen Heng will ensure the fairness and safety of the talks. Qin and Wei can only go to the meeting by bicycle.

Wei Ju was dressed in black and had a white ge cloth tied around his head. He still wore filial piety. Chen Heng Shi Li, the two had a relationship many years ago.

"Zi Chang."

"I also ask Ziteng to mourn. Zhao Wuxi openly sent someone to assassinate Wei Qing.

"My father was stabbed by the remnants of the Zhi clan. Speaking of which, the Qin people are more suspicious." Wei Ju denied it. He raised his eyes and looked at the Qin people's chariot slowly approaching. Sitting on it, seeing Wei Ju, did not intend to get up.

He touched the sagittal tendrils, snorted, and said coldly: "After Zhiguo died in Shaoliang, the remnants of the Zhi clan were scattered, how could they have been assassinated for several years?"

The two started accusing each other. Although Wei Ju was the head of the family for the first time, he was not at all embarrassed when facing Zipu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Chen Heng smiled and said nothing. He could hear that Wei Ju's sullenness was faked. , His accusations are nothing more than testing the Qin people. This is a confrontation before the negotiation, and it is a necessary skill for every Qing clan.

Anyway, no matter how tough they are, Chen Heng will help them go down the stairs.

"The tens of thousands of Wei's army refused to defend the city, and the Qin people were exposed to the cold winter wilderness. Ten and four or five died from freezing. The Wei's will win without a fight."

"Thousands of generals and soldiers of the Qin state approach Shaoliang, and if Longmen and Puban are broken, the connection between the Wei family and Hedong will be cut off. Now that the Wei family is starving, within a month, Hexi will naturally be within reach."

Slowly, when the debate between the two of them shifted from who killed Weimando to the right to belong to Hexi, Chen Hengcai coughed lightly and said:

"The two gentlemen don't want to fight for Hexi. I heard a story. The number one fast dog in the world, Han Zilu, went to chase the number one cunning rabbit, Dong Guo Jun, after chasing one mountain after another. Exhausted. Just at this moment, a father Tian happened to pass by, picked up a dying dog and a rabbit, and went home triumphantly. Now that the Qin state and the Wei family are at a stalemate, I am afraid that the Zhao family will have the merits of Tian father. When the time comes, Hexi will still be acquired by the Zhao clan, the two of you are so arguing, but instead make wedding dresses for others, don't you want to laugh for the world?" To be continued^

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