Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 962: Zhao Wuxi's Heart (Part 2)

When Zhao Wuxi entered the Tongzhai Palace and watched the prince's corpse being restrained and put on the seat of the car, he couldn't help feeling emotional.

"Time? Fate?"

If everything goes down according to the historical inertia, Prince Chiu should have inherited the position of the Marquis of Jin without any setbacks, and the next thing he has to face is that the three families are divided into Jin...

In history, Duke Chu of Jin was also an extremely strong monarch. Unlike his father's cowardice, he was unwilling to be humiliated, so he borrowed troops from Qi and Lu to attack the three ministers. As a result, Han, Zhao, and Wei Sanqing joined forces to attack Duke Chu of Jin, but Duke Chu of Jin was unable to resist, so he was forced to flee, and eventually died of illness on the road of exile. Then the three families divided up the land of the Jin government. From then on, the monarch of the Jin state had no authority at all. After the ritual and music collapsed, the history transitioned from the Spring and Autumn Period to the Warring States Period when all countries merged and deceitful and ingenious.

Because of Zhao Wuxi, the Jin State Office declined forty years in advance, and was forced to move the capital to Tongjie. Coincidentally, however, this prince chisel, the future **** from Jin, still did not get rid of his fate. He still used a posture of preferring jade to broken rather than tile to complete his life.

Although from Zhao Wuxi's point of view, this young man was just a moth to the flames and sacrificed in vain.

"Hey, the death of the prince is really sighing, and it makes people feel more restrained. Although he was in the Tongjiao Palace, he violated the taboo of the laws of Jin, and his death was his own fault, but after all, he was the prince of a country. Can't be neglected."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Wuxi glanced at Shi Qi and Mei Jianchi, and asked coldly, "Can you understand?"

This young man, Chi Chi between the eyebrows, was not surprised, he still had a cold face, and he didn't think it was a big deal to kill the Prince of Jin.

Shi Qi was as cunning as a jackal, and with a move of his two ears, he followed Zhao Wuxi's meaning and filled out the lie.

"That's right, it was the prince who suddenly started a rebellion in the palace, and we came here after hearing about it. The sword has no eyes. Unfortunately, the prince was injured and fell off the horse and died under the shock of the horse. As for his valet..."

Shi Qi's wolf-like eyes stared at Prince Chiu's henchmen, causing them to shiver. After Prince Chiu was killed, the rabble had lost their courage and began to flee, but they were captured by Yulin's guards one by one.

"Except for a few people, the rest resisted and were killed on the spot."

In a few words, these undead people were said to be dead.

As for the few who were fortunate enough to be let go, they will also be severely tortured. They also confessed to the truth that the Marquis of Jin and the prince conspired to write a blood letter, and that they followed the prince to "pass the rebels and kidnap the king and his father to cause chaos". In this way, the death of the prince's chisel can be taken away in one stroke.

Zhao Wuxi admired Shi Qi's ability to lie. Roof Zhi, Yang Hu and others were getting older, and after them, there was another person who could do dirty work for him. Moreover, in order to achieve his ambitions, Shi Qi often does anything by any means, which is very useful in special times. His ambition to "become a minister and cook if it fails" is still within the allowable range of Zhao Wuxi, and is much more reliable than Wang Sunsheng.

As for Meijianchi, in order to win over Mo Xie, Zhao Wuxi asked Meijianchi to join the Yulin orphans, and let him teach him literacy and martial arts. It is both gratifying and embarrassing for the achievements of this young man.

Although he has superb swordsmanship, he does not fit in with others, either as a bodyguard or as a killer. I really don't know where his future will go.

The funeral here was handed over to Shi Qi, who was not worried about getting his hands dirty, and Zhao Wuxi did not comment on their actions, and continued to walk deep into the Tongjiao Palace with the Yulin guards.

Although the Jin Dynasty has declined, Zhao Wuxi still asked people to repair the Tongjiao Palace, so it did not appear dilapidated. In the past few years, although the Marquis of Jin and his family were enclosed in the Tongjiao Palace, the palace walls still remained. Given him a certain degree of autonomy, at least the treatment will not be worse than that of the Manchu royal family in the Forbidden City in the early years of the Republic of China.

That's why there is such an angry young prince who is skilled in six arts and can't wait to flutter his wings right away?

Now Wu Xie feels that it is time to tighten the rope a little bit, to investigate to the end, to find out the person who colluded with the prince, kill the owner of the family, and exiled the whole family to the border county.

Then he will announce that in the future, the number of people standing in the temple will be strictly limited in the Tongjiao Palace. Unless Zhao Wuxi allows it, no more princes will be allowed to enter the palace gate. Half of the Yulin army will be transferred to the Tongjiao Palace to guard the Marquis of Jin. Yan, the same crime as trespassers.

After doing this, it's almost the same. As for Jin Houwu himself, Zhao Wuxi only intends to scare him.

The Zhao family is about to launch a major war on the Western Front, and this is not a good time to carry out a major internal purge.

However, things didn't go as expected, and when he entered the palace of the Marquis of Jin and walked into the continuous cries, Zhao Wuxi couldn't help rubbing his temples in distress.

This matter started to get out of control, and now, even his hands and eyes can't hide it.

At the end of the spring and February of this year, the Marquis of Jin, who had reigned for twenty-three years, died in the Tongjiao Palace.

He committed suicide. After learning that the prince was killed outside, Jin Wu cried for a while, backed away, and said that he would pray to the ancestors for the prince.

As a result, when the chamberlain brought Zhao Wuxi and others in, he saw that the Marquis of Jin had already been hanged on the girders. His body was hung by a yellow silk belt, his tongue was sticking out, and his body was in front of the coffins of the Jin Dynasty's predecessors. Swinging over and over, like a pendulum, measuring the countdown of the Jin State Sheji...


"Wufu, I don't care that your Majesty's death..."

Zhao Wuxi was still nominally the minister of Jin State, and had more than ten years of "friendship between ruler and minister" with the Marquis of Jin. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he had to bow down and enter, pretending to be shocked, and touching his head to the ground. Crying also made people strictly seal the news. Tongjiao implemented a ban to prevent people from taking advantage of the opportunity to cause chaos. It also made people strictly guard the public family inside and outside the Tongjiao Palace, and no one could escape.

When the several advisors who were in Tong Zhai had all arrived, Zhao Wuxi let Shi Qi and Chi Mei go in, and asked them to tell the whole story of what happened.

"In this way, it is not that they directly forced the monarch to death." Kan Zhi and Shi Qi, who were transferred to Jin by Zhao Wuxi, were the same kind of people. To excuse the two of them, in fact, they all knew that the matter of forcing the palace was his own decision. The original intention was to kill the chickens to warn the monkeys.

Although Prince Chiu paid the price for his fortitude, as long as the Marquis of Jin obediently cooperated, Zhao Wuxi would not kill him, at least not now, he actually scared himself to death.

It's okay for Prince Chiu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Jinhou suddenly died at this juncture. Even if Zhao finds a good reason for this incident, the situation will eventually become unfavorable for them.

"Anyway, I have to give an explanation to the people of the country and the world..." Le Fuli, the doctor of Tongjiao, who has been loyal to the Zhao family, scratched his head. It was a great honor, but it was too ominous that the monarch and the prince died in the palace on the same day.

Just as the advisors were frowning and thinking about how to get through this crisis for Zhao, Shi Qi, the commander of the forced palace this time, stood up and bowed to Zhao Wuxi outside the Temple of the Marquis of Jin.

Shi Qi bowed his head heavily and said, "The death of the Marquis of Jin is not a bad thing, but God's will!"

"The Jin Dynasty has declined, and the various ministers are fighting for strength. After ten years of fierce battles, Jizhou between the two rivers has ten points, and the lord has won seven of them. Take this opportunity to replace the state of Jin, establish a state called Zhao, and then, as the hegemon of the world, send generals to annihilate the Wei clan, wipe out Qi Qin, and establish a feat far surpassing that of Qi Huan, Jin Wen, and Chu Zhuang!" (To be continued.)

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