Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 979: long drive

ps: Good news, the proofreading work has come to an end, and we will start working hard to restore normal updates tomorrow o(n_n)o~

Qin and Zhao, five hundred years ago they were the horse husbandry brothers of a family, and now they are the two largest cavalry in the Central Plains, and today they finally meet each other. Tomato Novel Network ``-``-`

Although there was a huge disparity in strength at the beginning of the battle, the Qin people still sang "Qi Yue Wu Yi" and bravely launched a counter-charge against Zhao Qi, who was several times his own.

The gentle speed brought messy hooves. The speed of both sides changed from jogging to galloping. The hooves were no longer messy.

Most of the cavalry of the Qin people came from the west of Qishan. Yu Mu, who had been a public horse herder for generations—that is, the descendant of a savage who had stolen Qin Mu Gong’s horse more than a hundred years ago and saved his life in the Battle of Korea. They are proficient in equestrianism and can draw strong bows. In addition, they have stolen Zhao's saddle and stirrup, which makes them even more powerful. But after forming a cavalry team, they didn't pay much attention to tactics. Basically, they shot arrows near the back to disrupt the enemy's formation, and then drew out their swords and slashed again.

In fact, this kind of charge and assault is not skilled in Qin Cavalry. Their past tactics were generally "a hundred paces away from each other, and the circles return to their original places", constantly joining the battlefield, and constantly leaving the battlefield, as auxiliary arms to create opportunities for the infantry , how can there be a chance for a pure cavalry battle like this. ☆``----`-`-`-`

So at the beginning, Qin Qi was fairly neat, but halfway through the run, because of the difference in the speed control of the horse, he habitually opened the bow and fired a shot within a hundred paces, and the array began to become scattered.

The cavalry on Zhao's side was different. In the Zhao army, no matter what kind of arms, discipline was the first thing to be emphasized. Moreover, the cavalry standing in front of the Qin people today are all serious and well-trained Shangjun cavalry, not Bai Zhai cavalry who were recruited temporarily.

Their spirits were tenacious, and Qin Qi's arrows hit seven or eight Zhao Qi, causing them to fall off their horses, but the rest of them still stared at the front. The commander-in-chief, Youcheng, also ignored the light arrows flying far away. He urged the horse to run while observing his own formation. This is what needs to be concerned about.

The configuration of Zhao's cavalry consisted of five cavalry with one leader, ten cavalry with one officer, one hundred cavalry with one lead, and two hundred cavalry with one general. The two thousand cavalry galloped in ten rows in a row of two hundred cavalry. Because of the wide spread, they almost completely occupied the plain by the river. ``-``--`- Therefore, from the position of Youcheng, there are surging horse heads everywhere, and the riding general is holding the flag of the horse stepping on the flying falcon on the far right, effectively controlling the team. People take a glance from time to time and keep their horses fast.

They were twenty paces apart in each row, and four paces between each ride, so that they could maintain the formation while galloping. The array was not chaotic due to the harassment of the Qin people's bows and arrows, but it still showed a slight curvature.

The distance between the two sides is about 100 paces. Counting the relative charge, this short distance is fleeting. The two sides approached quickly. Zhao Qi could already see the tensed face of the Qin people and the moisture spewing from the horse's nose. The bow and arrow strings that had just been put down seemed to be shaking slightly, and the sword that had just been raised reflected the sunlight; Qin people could also He could clearly see the red ying that danced like fire at the top of Zhao's cavalry, the white feathers that were about to fly with the wind, the dirt and grass clippings carried by the eight thousand horses' hooves, and the cold light that flickered from the tip of the iron spear after the spear was laid flat.

The cavalry fights, kills and is killed only at the moment when the horses interlace. At this time, personal combat skills and riding skills are useless. The only thing that is useful, apart from courage, is the formation.

In battle, courage is also. Qin people are better than courage, but Zhao Qi is better than array. Their flat horse formation is like a fast-moving horse wall, leaving Qin Qi in front of him with little room to maneuver. ▽○--`-`---`-`- In the face of the densely packed spears, even though the Qin people were not afraid of death, their horses panicked first and instinctively avoided to the side, but it was too late to dodge by now. , No matter where they fled, they had to face the surging Zhao Cavalry, and almost everyone in Qin had to face two or three flat cavalry spears.

The formation of the Qin cavalry was even more chaotic, and it almost became the "Qin Chen scattered and fought himself" when Wu Qi commented on the Qin army in later generations.

But they didn't have time to think about it, and in the next moment, with the shouts of killing from both sides at the same time, the two sides collided!

Boom, the torrent of two horses collided head-on, countless broken spears and pieces of armor fluttered in the air, the loud noise was continuous, the horses that could not be avoided collided with each other and their bones shattered, some riders were thrown far away due to inertia, Others fell to the ground together with their mounts, were trampled on by the horse's hooves behind them, and let out shrill screams. Even more unlucky, they were directly hit by the spears, and they felt a chill.

Similar to the infantry hedging, the more dense formations of Zhao cavalry took advantage of it, and more than 100 Qin cavalry in the front row were shot down at least half in the first round of confrontation. The rest of the people were lucky enough to pass through the first row of Zhao cavalry, but before they could take a breath, the second row of Zhao cavalry came again, this time they did not hold spears, but wielded sharp spears. The ring head knife roared. ○--`-``-`--The ridge of the ring-head knife is thicker than the sword. With the help of the horsepower of the hedging, you don't need to swing it hard. Just hold the hilt and wave it gently when you pass by, and you can bring it up and down. limbs and a rain of blood. This extremely effective weapon against cavalry slashed Qin Qi's throat, chest and abdomen, and some even had their heads beheaded, and dozens of people lost their lives.

The interval between the two rounds was just a blink of an eye, and there would be many more collisions between people and horses. rush rush! The difference is that Zhao Jun's charge is like a hurricane. After completing the attack, Zhao Qi will continue to move forward for a certain distance, and then kill the general and come back, but Qin Qi is like the end of a strong arrow. Hit less.

When the other 2,000 cavalry that was ambushed on the mountain and by the river came around, the battle was basically over. The battle between the ten platoons of Zhao cavalry and the six or seven platoons of Qin cavalry was decided in less than half an hour. burden……

Eight hundred Qin cavalry rushed into the formation, but in the end only one old horse that had lost its owner limped out of the sea of ​​blood from the mountain of corpses, eyes full of horror, and the saddle was empty...

As for those heroic riders, either injured or killed, in short, no one could survive through the queue of Zhao Qi!

The casualties of Zhao Qi in Shangjun were not light. More than a hundred people and hundreds of horses fell on the battlefield, and the survivors dismounted. They did not rush to cut their heads and divide the merits as they used to exterminate the barbarians, but took off their armors one after another. , bowed his head, put his hand on his chest, and paid tribute to the Qin cavalry who fell to the ground but still clenched their weapons, respected their courage, and respected their fearlessness.

"Qinchuan is full of warriors... If it can be used by Shangqing, how good would it be to fight side by side with us?" Youcheng sighed again, then put on his coat, and said to the generals, "What are you still doing? Head, send another horse to Peng Ya to deliver the letter."

"Tell them that Zhao's cavalry is here."

"Tell them that no one in Hexi can stop us from driving straight in."

"Tell them that we are going to drink the Mawei water. From then on, under the iron hoofs of Zhao Qi, there is no more land in the Qin country, and a single city and a city are safe!"


Legend has it that Duke Huan of Qi lost his way in a valley near Guzhu Kingdom when he was attacking Shanrong in the north. When nothing could be done, Guan Zhong asked Duke Huan of Qi to let go of a few old horses he had taken from Shanrong.

But this time, what the old horse of Qin State brought back was not hope, but fear and bad news.

The old horse was limping, with stab wounds and arrow wounds on his body, and he looked extremely tired. There was no rider on its saddle, only a sash, and blood was seeping tickly.

The Qin people pulled the neighing old horse, and the right concubine of the Qin State stationed at Pengya opened the shackles with trembling hands, only to see the heads of two or five hundred Qin cavalrymen and two other five hundred heads...

They glared in anger~www.wuxiaspot.com~ dead.

The right concubine shook his hand and put his head back.

When he looked up again, Peng Ya's Qin guards saw an unforgettable scene.

Like the herds gathered by the families of the great nobles on the Weishui River, the densely packed cavalry formed several teams, passing through the gates outside the city of Pengya, there were about four or five thousand cavalry. After showing off their power, they didn't waste time attacking Peng Ya, but divided into several wings, like a flock of geese flying south, running downstream along the Luoshui.

After losing those hundreds of cavalry, the Qin army in Hexi has no mobility, so they can't use chariots as cavalry targets, right? Peng Ya and other cities have disciples who can defend the city, but no one dares to go out of the city to prevent these Zhao cavalry from going deep into the rear.

"It's over..."

Qin Guoshu's eyes were black and he almost fell to the ground.

You must know that behind Peng Ya is a series of cities, Xincheng, Wang, Beizheng, Dali, Fushi, Shaoliang, these cities are connected with the long grain road of tens of thousands of troops of Hedong, Qin and Wei. The lifeline that has been instructed to guard has now been completely exposed to Zhao Qi's edge! (To be continued.)

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