Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 981: war is coming

Before the news that Longmen Ferry was captured by Zhao Cavalry had not reached Hedong, the last Zhao army also arrived in Jiangdi from Tongjiao, and Zhao Wuxi's Qingqi was among them. ○--`-``-`--

After quelling the turmoil caused by the change of the Tongjiao Palace, Zhao Wuxi decided to go to the Hedong battlefield in person. Zhao's retainers and officials were surprisingly unanimous in this regard, and fully supported Zhao Wuxi to come to the front line in person.

In the pre-Qin era, especially in the Spring and Autumn period, the Chinese nobles were extremely martial, and it was common for them to go on an expedition in person. Especially in a classical aristocratic militaristic country like Jin and Chu, even if the monarch basically did not personally command it later, he had to go into battle to let the soldiers see themselves and see that their lord was with them. And if a ruler cannot make generals, then he will not be able to enter the prime minister's office. If he wins a battle, he will win cheers. If he is timid, he will even be overthrown by the boos of the Chinese.

And no one thinks that the Zhao clan will lose in this war. Whether it is strength or strategy, they have completely occupied the advantage. The glory of this victory must naturally be picked by the lord himself. □Tomato □○Fiction Network△□``---``---`

On March 25, Zhao Wuxi arrived at Gujiang, surrounded by three thousand "Yulin Orphan Army". This unit is specially responsible for Zhao Wuxi's Suwei, which means that in the past ten years, at least the same number of Zhao veterans have died on the battlefield, and the orphans they left behind were raised by Zhao's funds and taught by books. Counting, so that almost everyone of them can read and count, and they are trained in military discipline, and they usually practice archery, riding, and martial arts. When they grew up to the age of seventeen or eighteen, they were already a group of heroic teenagers, who could inherit the responsibilities of their fathers and fight for the Zhao family with arms.

Zhao Wuxi reprimanded these orphans for investing huge sums of money. In his eyes, this is the future officer corps of Zhao Jun. Not only are they of excellent quality, but they are also loyal to Zhao Wuxi, which can be seen from the change of the Tongli Palace. Yulin is unconditional allegiance to the Zhao family.

However, Meijianchi was no longer by Wu Xie's side. After all, it was involved in killing the prince. Zhao Wuxi wanted him to stay away from the center of the whirlpool, so Meijianchi took the initiative to invite Ying to go outside the river. As for Shi Qi, the mastermind of that incident, Zhao Wuxi asked him to go to Chaoge to do another thing. ☆Tomato Novel Network---``---`---

The guard beside him was replaced by Wu Lin, the son of Wu Jing. Although the boy was only fourteen years old, he was no less than his deceased father in martial arts. In order to show his love, Zhao Wuxi took both him and Meijianchi as Adopted son, and his only two adopted sons.

In short, through the change of the Tongjiao Palace, Zhao Wuxi believed that the Yulin Army was worthy of great use. He believed that the only thing that these children lacked was the experience on the battlefield.

Although Gujiang is still dozens of miles away from the front line, the young people of the Yulin Army have already felt the atmosphere of the coming war.

In the Gujiang area, which is not very large, it is now densely stationed with troops. In addition to the standing army soldiers, the Zhao clan would also recruit soldiers from all over the country during the war. In this war, almost none of the seven counties of the Zhao clan were exempted from conscription. Among them, 25,000 soldiers from Taiyuan county were mainly concentrated in Xinjiang, and 15,000 soldiers from the eldest son were concentrated in Yingting, each of whom was divided into 5,000 soldiers. Cooperate. The soldiers of Dongyang County and Hanoi County, which were transferred from the east, were located in Gujiang, and together with more than 10,000 soldiers, there were 45,000 soldiers. □Tomato □○Fiction Network△□``---``---`

Nearly 100,000 troops gathered in the mountains and plains. Fortunately, the people of Xinjiang and Gujiang were divided and moved away by Zhao, Wei and Han, or escaped from natural disasters and wars. The city was empty, and there were a lot of houses for the soldiers to live in. But Sun Tzu has a good saying, "The more soldiers are, the better." The more the army, the better, which means that the logistics pressure will increase. The biggest problem now is the transportation of military rations, so that Zhao Wushi was the first to arrive at Gujiang. One thing is to inspect the warehouse to see how much surplus grain is left.

Due to the natural disaster, the Hedong area has been unable to collect food. Last year, the Zhao family was also hit, but the damage was not as serious as the Wei family. There is still some grain in Changping warehouse for military use, but it is very troublesome to transport across Taihang, and it is not even as convenient as the Qin people to transport grain ships through the Wei River. This is one of the reasons why the Qin people dared to take risks in this battle.

"How much grain is there to fight for as long as possible, within two months, the battle in Hedong must be decided."

After inspecting the grain, Zhao Wuxi had a bottom line, but he still set a deadline for his subordinates. After all, the longer the time dragged on, the more unfavorable it would be for his domestic situation. Tomato Novel Network ``-``-`

In fact, there is no need for Zhao Wuxi to say that they have been on the defensive, and the Zhao clan's armies, who have been confronting Qin and Wei for more than a month, have long been unable to bear it.

But what is surprising is that the first person to fight is a guest army, from the Yanghu Department of Handan, Dongyang.

Yang Hu made extraordinary achievements in the civil war of Liuqing, but after the war, he seemed to be hidden in the snow. He was placed in the Handan area under Zhao Wuxi's eyelids as a general. There are many constraints. After all, he had a life-and-death conflict with Zhao Wuxi in the State of Lu, and then he had a reputation for being unfaithful to the old master. It would be strange if Zhao Wuxi was completely unguarded.

Yang Hu did this, and immediately stimulated the other armies, especially the Taiyuan and Eldest Son armies. Since Zhao Wushi demarcated the county system, Taihang Mountain has been the demarcation line. The soldiers of the county in the west are often called the Western Army, and the army in the east is often called the Eastern Army. Minister, they were secretly competing with each other, which became more and more obvious in this war.

First of all, the Handan army is a guest army. They have only been here for half a month. They invited to fight like this. They are clearly scolding Taiyuan and the eldest son for being cowardly and not daring to fight against Qin and Wei. For the conceited elite generals of the Western Army, is it tolerable, and familiarity is unbearable?

Therefore, the Taiyuan Army and the Eldest Son Army followed closely and jointly invited to fight, expressing their high fighting spirit, demanding to be the vanguard, and vowing to fight Qin Wei to the death.

Tian Ben, who led the first division independently, also came to join in the fun: "The Dongyang soldiers have only been here for half a month, the journey is tiring, and the soil and water are unacceptable. Although the Taiyuan and the eldest son's second army arrived early, they did not stay as long as my Laotian, so this matter is left to I am old!"

On the contrary, the military soldiers commanded by Mu Xia and the Hanoi soldiers commanded by Qi Wan were as stable as Mount Tai, with a posture that only Zhao Wu Xie's life was obedient.

Zhao Wuxi ignored it for the time being, but first analyzed the enemy's deployment with his staff.

On the map, Qin's army is black, Wei's army is green, and Zhao's army is marked in white. Looking down, Qin and Wei only retain a corner of Hedong, and Zhao's vaguely surrounds it.

"The battle of the Qin and Wei forces in Hedong was like this. At first they tried to send troops north to capture Xinjiang, and then retake the narrow pass of Lingshikou, but they were repelled by ballistas arranged at the head of Xinjiang city. After the test to the north was fruitless, Qin and Wei went south to attack the Han clan. In just two months, they had already captured many Han clan territories in Hedong and Hewai. Hanyi, Yu, and Maojin were all lost. Fortunately, Liuxia's army will lift the siege of Guocheng. , to avoid the demise of the Han clan. Qin Wei was afraid of the attack from inside and outside, so he evacuated all the troops outside the river, 10,000 Qin troops retreated to Taolinsai, 10,000 Wei troops and the remnants of the Zheng army retreated to Hedong, so far, the enemy army in Hedong Eighty thousand troops..."

"These 80,000 people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The 20,000 people evacuated from outside the river are still in the area of ​​Anyi. We are only 60,000 people in front of us, and the enemy is also smart, not scattered, but the main force of 40,000 people. They are concentrated in Quwo, with ten thousand in each of the two wings in Gaoluo, Xuncheng and Hancheng in Dongshan.”

In the past two months, Zhao Wuxi asked Zhao's army to restrain, not to attack, and let the enemy occupy Han's city. On the one hand, it was to gain time to deploy the Eastern army. The power of the frontal battlefield.

As a result, Qin Wei fell into the embarrassing situation of defending the city after breaking the city. Wei Ju was not stupid and decided to give up. Except for the necessary strongholds such as Hancheng and Xuncheng, they were all evacuated.

After looking at the map for a while, Zhao Wuxi pointed at Xun and Han and said, "The original battle plan remains unchanged, and the enemy's left flank will be broken first."

His hand drew an arc.

"After the left flank gained an advantage, cooperate with the cavalry in Hexi to drive the enemy away from the east bank of the river, cut off their contact with the Qin State, and cut off their food supply, and finally compress them to the south of Suchuan and the north of Zhongtiao Mountain. The narrow strip of land, forcing the enemy to fight!"

(To be continued.)

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