Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 983: After Xun Bo

ps: Chapter 2 is at night

Xuncheng and Xinjiang face each other across the Fen River, only thirty miles apart. In the Western Zhou Dynasty, there was the state of Xun with the surname Ji, but in the Spring and Autumn Period, the state of Xun was attacked by Duke Wu of Jin in revenge for attacking Quwo on the orders of the emperor of Zhou. After Jin destroyed the state of Xun, he gave the hometown of the state of Xun to the doctor Yuanan, which is the origin of the Xun clan of the state of Jin.

After the beginning of the spring, the Qin and Wei allied forces entered Xuncheng as a front line for attacking Xinjiang, but they were unable to break through the Zhao army's defense line.

After Xinjiang Zhao's army found that the enemy was retreating, Mu Xia immediately asked Tian Benshuai to pursue the front three thousand, and he himself took the twenty thousand army behind. When passing through Xuncheng, I originally planned to leave more than a thousand people staring at the city, and it would not be too late to turn back after chasing and wiping out the main force of the enemy army. Who would have expected that the banner of Zhao Jun had just crossed the Fen River and could vaguely see the horizon in the distance. When they entered the city, they saw a group of people coming from the direction of Xuncheng.

Mucha's march was famous for being cautious and prudent. Seeing someone approaching, Zhao's army lined up to wait. The bow and crossbow aimed at those people, and the cavalry went around from the side and surrounded them. Tomato ○☆ Novel △ Net ☆-`-``--`--After those people were brought to the front to report their names, they found that it was not the enemy army, but the people of Xuncheng.

The team of more than 100 people, except for a few Ding Zhuang who carried weapons, was basically composed of elderly people, women and children. They led cattle and sheep, carried wine jars, and stopped in front of Zhao Jun's formation in awe, and bowed to their heads one after another. One of them, a handsome middle-aged man wearing a doctor's robe and a long beard under his chin, stood up and said, "Doctor Xun, along with the elders and people in the city, welcome the teacher of Shangqing."

Mu Xia was suspicious and continued to stand in the car while letting Dong Anyu's son Dong Bai negotiate with him.

As soon as Dong Bai asked, he took the man's seal and checked it, and it was indeed Xun Mao, a doctor from Xuncheng.

During the period of Duke Wengong of Jin Dynasty, Xun Lin's father and Xun Shou, the son of Xun's family, passed away, and they became Zhongxing's and Zhi's respectively. Therefore, the Xun clan, the Zhongxing clan, and the Zhi clan are actually a family, but the Xun clan gradually weakened, and it was not as good as the small clan. Unexpectedly, fortune and misfortune lie in the midst of misfortune and fortune depend on it. During the civil war of the six emperors, the Zhongxing clan and the Zhi clan perished one after another. On the contrary, the Xun clan was lucky enough to escape. Na Fu. ☆Tomato ○△ Novel Network-

But Xun Mao was not loyal to the Wei clan. He denounced the Qin people as foreign bandits, and he was a "traitor" to Wei Ju, trying his best to show that he was on the Zhao clan's side.

He complained to Dong Bai: "Last year's catastrophe, Xuncheng was not serious because it was close to the Fen River, and there was still a little surplus of food, but the traitor Wei's levy was rampant in the city, not only forcibly collecting food, but also ordering each household to pay a Ding went to transport the baggage, we have already been overwhelmed by the suffering, but the Qin pirates are so powerful that we dare not resist. Now I hear that Shangqing sent troops to conquer, and the rebels fled west in a panic, so I took my family soldiers to drive out the defenders and rebels and greeted the army. The striker was brought into the city, but that Tian Sima said that he would continue to pursue the enemy and left soon..."

While he was talking, the scouts that Mu Xia sent to the front also flew back, saying that Xun Yi had indeed hung up the banner of the Zhao family, and the gates of the city were wide open.

This time, the ins and outs of the matter are clear, it is a happy event to be able to fight one less city, and this pursuit is a good start.

After explaining the cause and effect of the incident, Xun Mao bowed his hands to Mu Xia again and said with a smile: "Shangqing's division arrives, and the people of the city rejoice, and the lower ministers specially prepared a number of Shangniujiu to welcome him here, so as to ease the pain of the army's battle. ☆□Tomato Little ☆○△ said the net ``-----" and then waved back, and the people who were carrying the cow and the wine brought the cow wine over.

But Mu Xia declined: "The doctor is interested, but ********, we still have military affairs. If we want to reward us, how about drinking with the doctor when we defeat the enemy and return?"

Xun Mao was stunned for a moment. He heard that this general of the Zhao family was born in a poor family, and was just a shepherd boy in the stable. Whoever wanted to talk was not at all like his appearance. In fact, he came to deliver the ox wine and put on a posture of "carrying a pot of pulp to welcome the king's division". In addition to showing the intention of surrendering to the Zhao clan, he was also afraid of disturbing the territory after the Zhao army entered the city. However, Mucha pretended not to know the little abacus in his heart, and to prevent fraud, he still asked several hundred people to follow Xun Mao to Xuncheng to be stationed.

Xun Mao knew that his little abacus had failed, but he could only make his promises, and he felt sad in his heart.

The Xun clan was in full swing a hundred years ago, and Xun Xi was famous for his false journeys to attack the world. Later, the people of the big sect were not prosperous, but the two branches, Zhongxing and Zhidu, took over the power of Jin. Xun Linfu, Xun Yan, Xun Shou, Xun Yan, Xun Wu, Qiang Qing came out in large numbers, and Zhao Wei and Han also looked up to them. ○--`-``-`--But now the Bank of China and the Zhi clan have been destroyed one after another, leaving the Xun clan alone and unable to support them, and can only rely on others like grass on the wall.

However, after all, the contest between the Zhao family and the Zhi family was quite upright, while the Wei family had the revenge of the Zhi family for betrayal and annihilation. As a relative of the Zhi family, now they betrayed Wei and returned to Zhao. On the way to take over the city, Zhao Jun kept talking and laughing with the captain of the Zhao family.

If he knew, Zhao Wuxi had decided that after this battle, he would establish Hedong County in southern Jin, gather small towns and towns into counties, and set up magistrates, Sima and other officials, and the deeply rooted families of doctors here would move to the borders. If you go to the county, those who don’t want to move will be deprived of their territory, so Xun Mao probably won’t be able to laugh.


After this episode, Mucha's army continued to move westward, and also accelerated the marching speed, because Zhao Wuxi told him that Tian Ben is a sharp knife, but it is also easy to break, and it can be done when it plays well. Xue Ye's feat of descending Jiangdu, when he performed poorly, was like the battle of Shaoliang, when he was ambushed and defeated.

Hedong was originally the most fertile and densely populated area in Jin, especially along the Fen River. Mucha is a Jiang people, so he naturally understands the wealth here. However, due to natural disasters, the fields on both sides of the road were overgrown with weeds, or the wheat seedlings fell, leaving only traces of being trampled and trampled, and no one was looking after them. There are few people on the road, and there are occasional people who are refugees who are fleeing from soldiers. They are scantily clad and disheveled. When they see the Zhao army passing by, they kneel on the side of the road with a dull expression, or they run away from a distance.

In such a situation, Mucha has seen too much this year. It is not only the common people who suffer in this chaos, but also aristocratic doctors like Xun Mao.

Although the Wei family learned from the Zhao family, they did not dare to reform the system radically. Hedong and Zhao's counties were different. After the Houma Alliance, the old feudal system was still used. The Wei family seemed to be the lord of the doctors. After the death of many, Hedong was in chaos, and each city fell into the Zhao clan, or was occupied by the Qin and Wei allied forces. The good doctor, such as Xun Mao, could still keep the territory, but the bad one lost everything and went into exile, sleeping in the wind.

In any case, after this battle, the last private land reserved for the nobles of Jin will be destroyed.

The era when blood and origin determined status has passed. At that time, even nobles who have been around for hundreds of years will have to nod and bow to the humble Zhao bureaucrats such as Mu Xia and Tian Ben.

So this is not only a fight for Zhao's ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but also a fight for myself. The same is true for the soldiers. If it weren't for the merits of war and the granting of land, the 20,000 soldiers behind Mucha would never have moved their legs so hard to move forward quickly.

However, Qin Wei's retreat this time was obviously organized and the speed was very fast. Zhao Jun chased him all day and night and failed to catch up with him. However, people from Xiaoyi all the way came and surrendered, and Mu Xia always let Dong Bai's rear army take charge , to avoid slowing down your own marching speed.

On the morning of April 2, when they arrived at Yiyi, there was a scout in front of them that reported: "Tian Sima has caught up with the enemy in Hanyuan..."

"Han Yuan..." This is a familiar name, and Mucha opened the map and found its location.

The wilderness on the outskirts of Hancheng is only twenty miles away!

However, Han Yuan is only more than 20 miles away from the Dahe River. If Zhao's army is a little slower, the enemy army may use the boats on the east bank of the Dahe River to escape back to the west of the river...

"Two hours!" Mu Xia, who smelled the atmosphere of the war, punched the rail of the car and said firmly: "As long as Tian Ben fights for me for two hours, the army will be able to reach the Hanyuan battle!"

(To be continued.)

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