Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 986: Korean War (Part 2)

ps: Last night, I was pitted by my mother. The leave request card was stuck in the background and was not sent out. I made up for yesterday's today, and there are two more updates tonight. "Le" Wen "Fiction www.lw History category has a copy of "Shangpin Qingxiang" written in Wei and Jin Dynasties, which is very good, you can take a look, it is already on the shelves

"Walking in the North Garden, the four horses are not busy. The chariots are luan, and the chariots are arrogant."

As sung in "Qin Feng", if the cavalry is the new arms of the Qin people, then the chariot is the barrier for them to dominate Xirong in the past few hundred years, but in the past ten years, the chariots seem to be more and more in the war of the princes. increasingly fading.

However, there are still a large number of chariots in the Qin army, and this habit has continued until later generations when Qin destroyed the six kingdoms, let alone today. On the battlefield of Hanyuan, the Longlong chariot ran from the front army to the rear army, and then the captain found himself somewhat unable to start. Because the battlefield in the rear is already in chaos, this is not an organized battle at all, but like a fight on both sides.

The **** and frenzied battle unleashed all the wildness in the veins of the wicked youths in Zhao Jun's Qingbing and Qingxia. They shouted "Jijiwufu", and then rushed into the enemy's formation without hesitation, disrupting them. .

Tian Ben charged forward with his horses. After fighting, he soon realized that the enemies in front of him, whether they were Qin people or Wei soldiers, each had rich fighting skills and practical experience. In particular, those Wei clan soldiers in thick armor had equipment and order not inferior to the Zhao clan's regular army, but these things were completely lost in the helpless hesitation of retreating. They lacked courage and were quite hesitant to fight. , coupled with the unfamiliar cooperation with the Qin people, the formation spread out under the impact of Zhao Jun, and then completely fell into a melee that was not good at.

Originally, the Qin people were also good at melee, but Zhao Bing was chaotic and orderly. The 100 iron armored soldiers kept a dense formation. They roamed the battlefield like a group of fish, rushing from left to right, killing from the east. To the west, from the west to the east. Wherever a hundred people went, regardless of Qin and Wei, all the soldiers avoided their faces in fear, because the damage their weapons could do to these iron armored soldiers was too limited.

Lu Xing is good at shooting, and almost no arrow will take a life, but this is a drop in the bucket on the battlefield, but those iron armored soldiers can't, he inevitably secretly thought: "Why does Zhao Wuxi make some sacrifices in every battle? Here comes a new trick that we can't handle..."

He screamed miserably, but in this distraction, when he turned around, he found that the general Zhao riding on the horse had rushed to his car with a group of Zhao soldiers like wolves and tigers, and jumped up with the bridle of the horse. He picked up the blade and slashed towards his neck. It was thanks to Lu Xing that he had practiced martial arts since he was a child, and his skills were superb. He leaned back on the car and narrowly avoided the knife, but his cheek was still cut by the blade, and his face was immediately covered with blood.

After escaping from the dead, Lu Xing fell into the car with his face covered. His charioteer had lost his mind, so he hurriedly manipulated his horse to escape on the battlefield, while Wei Jun panicked when he saw that the commander's car was running around like a headless fly. On the battlefield, the soldiers were defeated and retreated like a mountain.

The four or five thousand of them were crushed by the three thousand Zhao clan within half an hour...

So when the chariot soldiers of the Qin state arrived, they saw this scene: Countless Wei soldiers turned around and ran towards them. torn apart.

The commander of the Qin army was also decisive. He raised his sword directly and ordered to the scattered soldiers in front of him: "Keep the convoy and rush over!"

The two hundred chariots rumbled and sped forward. When they saw those chariot soldiers, Lu Xing, whose cheeks were injured, Wei Jun, who didn't know why he was running away, and even Qin Zun, who was among them, showed surprises on their faces. .

The charioteers, the military soldiers of the army, although they are gradually being replaced by cavalry, but on a flat terrain like Hanyuan, ten thousand people can be defeated by ten, and ten thousand people can be defeated by a hundred.

No one could stop the attack of the chariot formation during the field battle on the flat ground, but Lu Xing didn't have time to get up to thank these "rescue soldiers", and immediately felt that something was wrong, because these Qin chariot soldiers were unavoidable and passed right by him. , the direction of the wheel rolling also includes a large number of Qin and Wei defeated soldiers.

For a time, everyone was stunned.

"Death to those who block the way!" Qin Renche warrior shouted a warning, and at the same time unceremoniously held Ge in both hands in a slashing and pecking posture.

The people in the front of the rout were stunned for a while, and then they reacted, and they rolled and crawled to the sides to dodge. But the people on the outside dodged, and the people inside didn't know what happened, but the speed of the convoy did not decrease in the slightest, and it rushed straight into the rout.

Driven by the galloping horse, the momentum of the chariot was huge, and some people couldn't dodge in time. They were being hit by the horse, and their whole body was knocked upside down. Qin Shi in the car doesn't need to make too much movement. He just needs to point Chang Ge diagonally forward, and let the spear-shaped metal long hub on the wheel spin freely. Those who dare to stop will naturally become a pile of limbs. Blocks fly into the air.

"Your mother-in-law is also..." The screams continued. Seeing that the Qin army was violently attacking the friendly troops in order not to be disturbed by the car formation, Lu Xingjai was about to split, and he cursed regardless of the injury. But it didn't help. These Qin and Wei soldiers who were scattered by the Zhao army were in loose formation. Everyone was in shock, and they were rushed in by the convoy before they could catch their breath. This unexpected raid completely penetrated them, and thousands of people scattered. Running away in all directions...

However, in this way, Qin State's chariots finally opened up. They arrived at the battlefield unhindered. They lined up on Han Yuan, where the grass was stained with blood and the corpses were all over the place, blocking the number of Zhao soldiers who had gathered the team. A hundred paces away.

Tian Ben stared coldly at the chariot soldiers, bit his knife, bandaged the wound on his left hand, looked at the sun emerging from the clouds, and muttered to himself:

"From the beginning to the end, we have only delayed for an hour." Mucha's army, I am afraid that it will not arrive in a half hour, and his task has not yet been completed.

"Can the second and third sons still fight?" After Tian Ben stopped the blood from the wound, he looked around.

There was no response. After the fierce battle, many soldiers' voices became hoarse. They just wiped away the blood from the broken blade and put it across their chests again. They just took off their stabbed armor, *** * Upper body, they just cut off the enemy's head and tied it to the belt, and howled dryly:

"Can fight!"

"Then let me run for a while!"

Trade life for time! Tian Ben knew very well what he should do. It was not that he did not cherish the lives of his subordinates, but if these lives could fill the gap in front of Shangqing, in his opinion, it would be worth it!


On the other side of the battlefield, the captain of the Qin army's chariots and soldiers watched the **** Zhao soldiers move forward again, and was shocked for a while.

It was easy and comfortable to attack the defeated soldiers just now, but after coming to Zhao Bing, Qin's chariot warriors fell silent. Because they felt a different atmosphere. Those Zhao soldiers all seemed to have entered a state of fanaticism, as if the blood on their bodies, who no longer knew whether it was the enemy or their own, could aggravate their excitement. Although they suffered many casualties, they still bravely stepped forward. From their eyes, There was no fear in sight.

What a terrible army this is~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The old Qin people who don't know what they are afraid of also have the intention of retreating.

But they could not retreat, they had to make sure that the defeated troops were reorganized, and they had to make sure that the former army reached the banks of the great river.

Captain Qin knew very well that although Zhao Zun seemed to have great momentum, he had gone through a hard battle after all. Zhao's army had only 3,000 people, and just now he severely damaged Qin and Wei, killing nearly 1,000 enemies, but he also suffered hundreds of casualties. Generally speaking, the casualties are more than one-fifth, an army can no longer fight, and one-third collapses directly. This huge casualty will also hit Zhao Bing's morale. If they fight again, they will either be overwhelmed by the Qin State team, or they will be defeated because their physical strength is exhausted.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Be sure to stop the enemy from here, and you can't let them chase down."

However, at this moment, the Qin State chariot soldiers under his command showed a look of horror and pointed their fingers to the east.

Colonel Qin also stood on tiptoe and looked towards the east, involuntarily taking a deep breath.

On the horizon, a large cloud of smoke was raised, which was the noise of the march of tens of thousands of troops...

Zhao's army is already close at hand! (To be continued.)

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