After eating, Ms. Ding would not let them study anymore, saying that today's study is enough, and if it goes on, Shi Hai's stupid head will explode.

Shi Haisi laughed without shame.

Ms. Ding rushed them to the living room to watch a movie and cut a large plate of fruit for them to eat.

Tang Kai noticed that she almost didn't eat Shici, and she also ate very little noodles just now.

She hesitated and finally spoke, starting the first sentence between her and Shi Ci, "Why doesn't Professor Shi eat fruit?"

Shi Ci looked at her, his lips twitched, "You eat."

Shi Hai said to the side: "You know, my sister is really restrained from eating. Food is not attractive to her."

Before she could reply, she heard Ms. Ding sneer, "She can't help it!"


Shi Hai and Tang Kai looked at Ms. Ding at the same time.

Shi Ci's face changed slightly and he let out a clear cough.

Ms. Ding ignored the hint at all, and laughed pointedly.

Shi Hai's eyes lit up, "What do you mean by no means?"

Ms. Ding smiled and said: "Your sister, Professor Shi, she has a physique that is easy to get fat. She can get fat by drinking water. She loved to eat when she was a child. She was told by the doctor every time she had a physical examination...

"Ms. Ding!" Shi Ci wanted to stop her from continuing.

Ms. Ding Miaoyi didn’t care about her and continued to tell Shi Hai and Tang Kai: “She went for a physical examination when she was a child, when she was 1 to 3 years old. Your dad is embarrassed, every time she eats, she has to **** her for fear that she will accumulate food..."

"Ms. Ding!"

"Guess what, every time she finishes eating, she howls and cries at least three times a day when she finishes eating, and she has to cry at least three times a day, and she has to add a supper to her! She keeps going without stuffing her mouth! "

Tang Kai opened his eyes round in surprise, let alone her, it was the first time even Shi Hai had heard of it, novel and funny, with a half grin.

The four eyes of the two young men moved back and forth on Ms. Ding and Shi Ci, too busy.

Shi Ci showed a rare annoyance. She did not look at Shi Hai and Tang Kai, her eyes were fixed on Ms. Ding, with a cold smile, "Ms. Ding Miaoyi!"

Who is Ms. Ding? The interest in storytelling is coming, and I can't stop it, "I will tell you children, just give a speech. From the time of confinement until she is ten years old, her clothes are better than other children. Buy two sizes..."


Shi Hai was stunned by this sound, and Ms. Ding was also stunned, and the two mothers and sons turned to give speeches together.

Tang Kai blinked.

Shi Ci stared straight at Ms. Ding, did not go to see Shi Hai, nor Tang Kai, but unexpectedly called Mom.

After everyone was quiet, her snow-white cheeks seemed to float a little blush.

Shi Hai screamed and laughed several times, then turned to Ms. Ding and said, "Mommy, Mommy, what else can you tell me! The old lady blushed in a hurry, hahahahaha!"

Ms. Ding looked at her speech curiously, "It's rare? If you call it a few more times, I won't say anything."

Shi Ci tightened his lips.

She knew from the corner of her eye that Tang Kai was also looking at her.

It's been a long time since the speech has been so embarrassing, it can be said that there has never been.

Any mature woman who has a certain resume in society, and is usually very confident, is no less naked in public when her relatives reveal the dark history on the spot.

Besides, it was still in front of Tang Kai.

Can't continue.

Shi Hai gloated, "Mommy, don't talk nonsense, my sister got so easy to get fat when I was a child, why don't I know?"

"Silly boy, how old is your sister? She started to know that she was not good-looking when she was 7 years old, so she destroyed all her photos before 7 years old!"

"Wow! It's so awesome?"

"Hehe, who is your mother, of course I was rescued!"

"Wow! It depends! Where is it?"

Shici gritted his teeth secretly, "Mummy!"

Ms. Ding immediately responded sweetly, "Oh, behave, fat girl!"

Shi Hai was stunned, reacted and laughed wildly. He slapped his thighs and stomped while laughing, "Hahahaha! The old sister's nickname is-Fat Girl, Hahahaha, I was so laughing at me."

Shi Ci's face turned black immediately.

She exhaled deeply, her gaze could not help but she could not help it at last, and moved to Tang Kai's position.

Tang Kai was pursing her lips, her eyes widened round. Her eyes were already big, but now they are more shining with a soft smile, like morning dew.

Seeing herself looking over, she pressed her lips tighter, more like biting her eyelashes, blinking slowly, fluffy, like a cute little animal who wanted to laugh but was afraid that the owner would disagree.

Shi Ci suddenly let go of his anger, waved his hand, "Laugh if you want."

Then she looked at Tang Kai's eyes swiftly, like dewdrops on the petals falling one after another, and heard her laughter, crisp, sweet and not greasy, undisguised laughter.

I could see that she actually wanted to endure it, but couldn't help it, her cheeks were pink, and she chuckled with her face down.

Ms. Ding laughed less exaggeratedly. She stopped laughing and watched Shi Hai turn her face to Tang Kai's side, staring at her with glowing eyes, almost unblinking.

This Xiao Hai really likes Tang Kai this child.

Ms. Ding smiled happily and kindly in her heart, thinking they were so young and cute.

She followed Shi Hai's gaze and looked at Tang Kai. The more she looked, the more she felt that this little girl was cute, and the more she looked, the more satisfied she became.

Maybe Shi Hai can be successful with her.

In fact, college students can also get married.

In fact, she doesn’t have to worry about Shi Hai at all. Her son is not only a little stupid, but he is still a good person. Besides, men have already taken advantage of today’s society. Besides, her son is also a good-looking, gentle, straight steel man. , Life can be expected to go smoothly.

In fact, what worries Ms. Ding most is—

She just wanted to sigh in her heart, her eyes looked at the speech—

What she has always been most worried about is—

Huh? Ok?


Ms. Ding was suddenly excited.

Shi Ci was staring at Tang Kai, his lips curled slightly, and his posture was very relaxed. She was sitting opposite Tang Kai. From Ms. Ding’s perspective, her eyes were unobstructed. The light in her eyes was all on Tang Kai. She was very focused. She hadn’t noticed the concentration, like a little bit. He wanted to keep Tang Kai's smile with his eyes.

Eyes are a choice.

Whether it is intentional or unintentional.

And it is beyond human control.

Ms. Ding has seen Shi Ci look like this.

She was 20 years old that year, and brought a girl home. Ms. Ding thought it was just her friend, best friend, or something, but it was not so easy to recall from the expression in her eyes.


No way…

Ms. Ding suddenly noticed that her back was a little cold.

Yin father, isn't it what she thinks is it?

Shici's eyelids twitched, as if she had noticed Ms. Ding's gaze, she straightened up calmly, picked up a piece of fruit to eat, and looked back if nothing had happened.

She is so natural, Ms. Ding is not sure...

In the next time, Ms. Ding observed Tang Kai and his speeches secretly, mainly because of his speech and deeds. It seemed that there was nothing too exaggerated. She smiled and shook her head. It might be that she was careless.

When Tang Kai finished making up for Shi Hai, the child said goodbye to her politely as usual, thanked her for the wonton she made, and said it was delicious.

Ms. Ding opened her eyes and smiled, and she used her eyes to encourage Shi Hai to send her off, but Tang Kai refused as usual.

Hey, this child is polite, but he is still very alienated, and he doesn't like Shi Hai's appearance.

Ms. Ding originally wanted to ask Shi Hai what was the situation with him and Tang Kai, and if it was possible, but this kid went to his room to play games as soon as he was out of prison after he finished his tuition.

Ms. Ding sighed and went back to the living room to pack her things. She took the fruit plate to the kitchen to clean it. The faucet was splashing, and she put aside the wash, and suddenly tentatively called out on a whim, "Speech?"

No one answered.

Ms. Ding shook her hand stained with water droplets without wiping it dry. She walked out of the kitchen a few steps quickly, and then raised her voice, "Speech?"

Still no one answered, no one in the living room, no one upstairs but no one in the backyard.

Could it be that it was to send Tang Kai off?

Ms. Ding suddenly remembered that when Tang Kai left yesterday, she seemed to have taken an umbrella, and that umbrella was only asked for her speech, and the speech was her own. Ms. Ding found it strange that the umbrella was folded in black, and it was a very ordinary and cheap one.

And last week, he suddenly came back over the weekend...

There is also something she hasn't figured out, why Tang Kai and Shi Hai must be present for tutoring.

The more Ms. Ding thought about it, the more wrong she became. The guess that she had just made up again, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was the same.

That's it! Something happened!

She has to call the old man quickly.

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