The sweet-scented osmanthus trees on the campus of Hua University first responded to the call of autumn. They are beautiful and rich, with lemon yellow clusters, clusters, lightly, luxuriantly, and generously growing. It is far and near, and there are beautiful scenery everywhere.

Tang Kai still has work-study work in the library this semester, as well as tutoring for Shi Hai on weekends. She must focus on her studies this semester. In her junior year, she has to make choices in advance for postgraduate entrance examinations and employment, and plan ahead. No matter which choice she chooses, she must make her resume look more substantial and beautiful.

Tang Kai took all the professional certificates she can test for her current ability, which are university level six, professional level four, catti three and three, and Japanese n2 level.

The goal of the junior year is to get at least one of the second and second catti, and to get a few more award certificates. She is incomparable with other students with good backgrounds. All she relies on is herself, and only her own abilities can have a place in society in the future.

In the first month of the semester, each major of the School of Foreign Languages ​​started a recitation contest and a dubbing contest. Tang Kai signed up for both. She is very busy, and as far as she knows, speaking words can only be more busy.

Lincheng University held a three-day Operational Research Summit Forum. There are six sessions in total. The two sessions on the first day were the student representatives of the participating schools and the host was giving speeches.

This day happened to be the same day as Tang Kai’s recitation competition. Tang Kai finished the competition in the afternoon. Without waiting for the ranking, he ran to the lecture hall of the School of Economics and Management.

The afternoon session of the forum has already started, and there are no people at the sign-in area on the first floor. Tang Kai sneaked in through the back door. The lecture hall was full of people. It was a large lecture hall that could accommodate hundreds of people. Tang Kai squeezed forward from the side of the stairs and looked at it from the height. The first row of seats should be sitting there. They were all professors and associate professors, and in the middle of the left, sat the familiar figure.

Tang Kai smiled slightly. Even in the overcrowded lecture hall, the speech was the most eye-catching one, whether among students or professors.

She wore a baby blue suit jacket, dark blue denim trousers, and a white round-neck shirt underneath. Her hair was fluffy and curled around her shoulders. Among the students, she looked professional, mature, charming, and better than her peers. The professors have more youthful vitality.

The students on the stage are speaking, "Using Lingo to solve the problem of optimizing transportation costs, first of all..."

Other professors were sitting upright, or with encouraging smiles. Tang Kai noticed that Shici often made eye contact with the students on the stage. Her sitting posture was not straight or serious. She was slightly slanted, with her chin resting on her hand, and she was a bit lazy. lazy.

Maybe she found the chair uncomfortable, Tang Kai smiled inwardly.

Standing in Tang Kai's position, you can see the side lines of Shi Ci's smiling face. She looks good when she smiles. I don't know how many people will be jealous of the students who speak on it, and can get so much attention from her.

Tang Kai stood in the crowd, listening to topics that he didn't understand, and he could see the speech from the crowd, and he didn't feel boring anymore.

The last selected topic, Tang Kai, was able to recognize that it happened to be the direction of speech research. From this angle, the smile on her face could deepen. Tang Kai remembers that her eyes are very beautiful, long eyelashes are thick and black, like natural eyeliner, and they are especially beautiful when smiling. They are the legendary "electric eyes". The smoke is blurred, but it is fresh and clear. It is a very contradictory beauty. .

"The two main factors of airline revenue management are class price and optimal allocation of seats..."

Tang Kai listened and listened, the long-term training instinct was activated, and he subconsciously translated the words he could understand in his mind, "Air transportation management-airtransportmanagement, passenger transportation revenue management system-passengerrevenueoptimizationsystem..... ."

After all, she is not familiar with the field. Tang Kai is a little distracted. She thinks that this is the field where she is good at speaking. This is her professional side. She just understands this, as if she can understand her a little bit, but she is so close to herself, she So far away from myself again.


Tang Wei thought, maybe she would never be able to be as good as her, but it's great to know the speech, it's great that she can appear in her own life.

The student representatives had finished their speeches, and the chairing associate professor Shi Ci commented and concluded.

Shi Ci walked out, walked to the middle place and stood, the students below handed her the microphone, before she spoke, the crowd applauded and cheered.

Shi Ci smiled at the whole house, "I haven't said anything yet!"

The cheers were louder, and the speech held the microphone and laughed. The lights in the lecture hall felt like a spotlight on the stage, and she was born to stand in such a spotlight.

She began to speak, speaking at a moderate rate, and her voice relaxed and pleasant. She began to comment from the morning speech. She fully remembered the content of the students’ report. Before commenting, she would say a sentence or two of the theme to help the audience recall, and then start again. Reviews.

Tang Kai had to admit that even if he listened to the ears of laymen, in his in-depth and concise comments, he felt that operations research is an inclusive and attractive science, interesting, rational, and flexible.

The whole audience was quiet and indulged in her explanation.

At this time, the speech stopped naturally, and a bottle of mineral water was immediately delivered to the second row.

"Puff puff puff......" There was a small chuckle of kindness in the lecture hall.

Shi Ci took the water and smiled at the girl who gave the water, the girl suddenly shyly put her face down.

"Next is the report of **** student, about the application of revenue management in aviation management," she shrugged with a smile, and looked around the lecture hall.

Standing in the crowd, Tang Kai's heart beat. It seemed that she had seen her in a second speech, but it seemed that she hadn't. She quickly continued to this question, "It just happens to be in my field, young man, you are very courageous! "She blinked.

The classmates in the lecture hall laughed again in an uproar.

The two girls standing next to Tang Kai whispered,

"Oh my God, I really want to be her student."

"At that time, you should take the exam."

"I don't know if there is any chance..."

The speech lasted for half an hour, and the students present were still unfulfilled. She was ready to conclude, "The eyes of the students today also gave me a lot of inspiration. I was very touched. I saw more new horizons in operations research. Research direction..."

"Professor Shi! Can you test your graduate student?" A girl next to Tang Kai probably thought that Shi Ci was almost over, and raised her hand impatiently.

The students in front followed their voices and looked back, and the speeches also looked from a distance.

Tang Kai moved subconsciously, unable to hide, her cheeks were slightly hot. Shi Ci stared at her in this direction for a few seconds, and smiled: "Of course."

When Shi Ci was still surrounded by students, Tang Kai walked out silently. She walked out of the small door of the lecture hall, turned a corner, and came to an osmanthus tree.

Zhang Zinan called, "Honey, you won the first prize, haha, I got your certificate for you, you are great!"

Tang chuckled, "Thank you."

"Hahahaha, our dean recognizes you, saw me go up to accept the award for you, and asked me where you went..."

Tang Kai looked at the sweet-scented osmanthus tree above her head, feeling very relaxed. They chatted for a while. Tang Kai saw Shi Ci walking out from a distance, and several students were following by her, and she noticed that Shi Ci wore a pair of lavender details. With high heels, the whole outfit looks elegant, young, feminine and impeccable.

Tang Kai didn't realize that she was hiding half of her body behind the tree.

The evening light fell on Shi Ci, chasing her like a very literary filter. She and the students passed by a flower bed and walked to the school road in front of Tang Kai.

At this moment, Shi Ci looked back with feelings, Tang Kai looked at her from a distance, and seemed to be out of focus. There was a strange feeling in her heart, like the evening wind at this time, mixed with a little lemon yellow sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance, gently brushing her heart.

In the first autumn rain, Tang Kai's dubbing contest entered the semi-finals. Through Zhang Zinan, she invited a sophomore junior to partner with her.

In the semi-finals, they chose the part where Elizabeth and Darcy hid from the rain and quarreled in "Pride and Prejudice" directed by Joe White. Elizabeth was played by Keira Knightley and Mr. Darcy was played by Mr. SchMatthew and Mike Fidden. of.

This period of confrontation lasted only five or six minutes. The lines between the two were very dense, and the speech speed was so fast that there was almost no punctuation pause during the quarrel.

Tang Kai was able to conquer his lines by his father’s English accent trained in movies since he was a child. The younger brother also practiced English, so there is no problem with his lines, but he needs to perfectly match the plot of a foreign language movie. , What is required is not only the skill of the lines, but also the ability of emotional rendering.

Tang Kai spent a few days in contact with his junior, and the two found it very difficult to connect emotionally.

The junior is not tall, with a round face, and wearing a pair of glasses, he looks a bit like a more adorable version of the hair is not easy. He was able to recite the lines in a standard way, but when the two began dubbing face to face with the video, he started to panic and kept talking, completely afraid to look at Tang Kai.

"Woo, I can't argue with you..." He was so stressed that he almost cried.

Tang Kai didn’t say anything. Zhang Zinan, the military teacher, grabbed his hair anxiously, and analyzed Mr. Darcy’s psychological activities. "Brother, why are you so persuaded? Have you never been in love? Quarrel, quarrel, love and hate. Sad again, I love you, how can you be so arrogant, I am a nobleman, I am Wang Laowu, I put down my pride and wooed you, you actually rejected me for your sister... Ah! Heartache! Ten thousand arrows pierced your heart. It’s so painful! I can’t help but love it! Do you understand?"

The younger brother stared with round eyes and looked dumbfounded, "...I seem to understand, but I..."

Zhang Zinan stared at him, "But what are you? Why, isn't Senior Sister Tang cute? Isn't it your goddess?"

The younger brother flushed, "Yes, cute, it's a goddess, but, but I dare not fall in love with the goddess, and I dare not scold the goddess..."

Tang Kai resisted the urge to rub his forehead, "Forget it, or let's choose something else..."

"That won't work, you chose a single dubbing in the preliminary round. In the semi-finals, we have to choose a pair of duo with emotional conflicts and challenges. This section is really pleasing." Zhang Zinan pulled her aside. "It's too late to choose another clip."

Tang Kai was silent.

Zhang Zinan sighed: "We have too few boys in the foreign language department. They speak good English, and they are even rarer..."

"Do I really feel too cold?" Tang Kai asked suddenly.

"Ah? emmmmm..." Zhang Zinan hesitated for a second, then asked back, "What's wrong with you? You didn't ask these questions before, you are the kind of person who I just have no time to care about what others think. Ah, how cool you are!"

She comforted Tang Kai in her own way.

"I don't know, I just..." Tang Kai was a little confused. She was used to what others thought of her. She knew that she was not like this in Zhang Zinan's heart. It was enough, but at this moment she was curious that she was in another person's heart. What is it like.

"Senior Sister," the little Junior Brother walked up timidly, "I'm sorry, I can't help..."

Just as Zhang Zinan was about to speak, Tang Kai had already spoken first, and she comforted him, "No, you helped me a lot, you are very good, thank you." Tang Kai said, smiling at him naturally, and taking pictures. Patted him on the shoulder.

Little Junior Brother stared at her blankly. After a long time, his face continued to blush, but his tone became much more determined, "Senior Sister! Let's try again!"

"Really? Are you sure?" Tang Kai was surprised.

"of course can!"

"Thank you," Tang Kai breathed a sigh of relief, "I really can't find anyone else!"

The younger brother couldn't help but puffed up his chest, "Senior sister, please believe me again!"

The two practiced again.

Zhang Zinan looked at Tang Kai dumbfounded, a little bit afraid to recognize this Tang Kai who would naturally reveal her heart to others.

After some hard training, they finally emerged from the semifinals, and Tang Kai also became one of the five players who entered the final.

Zhang Zinan took the Internet celebrity camera Canon g7 and took pictures of the game scenes, and was very pleased to hug the younger brother. "Fortunately, let you think of the scene of the final death of Dabai in "Big Hero 6". You successfully will be sad. The emotions are brought in, goodjob!"

Little Junior Brother later realized with insight: "That... Senior Sister, I think there is still a little difference..."

Zhang Zinan laughed.

Looking at them, Tang Kai smiled unknowingly, and temporarily relaxed a little from her nervousness. Both the semi-finals and the finals were settled in the same afternoon. After the semi-finals, there was a 20-minute break. All the other players It was a team to participate, she actually didn't have much chance of winning, the fragment of the finals also chose a monologue.

Other players gather in the corridor, or find another teacher for the last practice. Tang Kai walked out alone and walked to the top of the stairs on the other floor.

The voices downstairs were chaotic, and Tang Kai took out his mobile phone, feeling an urge to contact someone.

She opened the WeChat window and said that she knew that she was going to participate in the competition, but today she happened to be holding a seminar.

Tang Kai realized that she wanted Shici to see her game. What kind of psychology is it? Do you want your trusted sister to see her own good side?

She may really treat the resignation as a family member, and has an unstoppable emotional appeal to her. For a long time, she felt that she was living on an isolated island. There was only one resident on the island. She was facing the liveliness of other islands across the sea. For the first time, she wanted to take the initiative to know another resident and yearned for her. Can come over.

This kind of thought made her feel lonely and warm. These two feelings alternated, like the blue dolphins that appeared from time to time on the sea.

Tang Kai was indulging in his thoughts, and the WeChat address came in, "I'm still in a meeting. Is the game over?"

Her heart jumped violently, calmly, and replied: "No, it will be the finals in a while."

"What's the clip you chose?"

"I chose Meryl Strop's monologue in "Women's Political Participants."

"Ambitious, I like it."

Tang Xi took a breath and smiled with his eyes bent.

"Did anyone take it?"


"Okay, wait to send it to me tonight, come on~" She also sent a wavy line.

Tang Kai squeezed the phone and smiled.

There were a total of five groups of contestants in the finals. Tang Kai was the last to play. The previous group of contestants was accompanied by clips from "Kung Fu Panda". It was very festive and successful. There was still a smile on the faces of the audience and the judges and teachers.

Tang Kai took a deep breath and stabilized his emotions. The younger brother in the audience was so nervous that he held his breath, Zhang Zinan held the tripod, his expression was forcibly calm.

Meryl Strop played in the film as a representative of the British feminist movement, the mother of women’s right to choose——

Emilyn Pankhurst. Meryl is a legendary Hollywood actor. As an American actor, she can skillfully switch accents according to the characters she plays.

Emilyn Pankhurst was born in Manchester, England, so her English accent carries a Manchester city accent. At the same time, Meryl was in her 60s when she played this character. Her voice is not as old as that of a middle-aged person. The voice is deeper and lower. Tang Kai's timbre at this age can't be similar at all, she can only achieve her own characteristics.

"Friends," Tang Kai looked at the multimedia computer on the podium and lowered his voice. The audience and the judges looked at Meryl on the screen, who was standing on the terrace to give a speech. I came here anyway!"

The first sound, although the tone is not the same, but the English-style, with a little accent, Tang Kai is really charming, her delicate white face has a pious and sincere in sync with the actors, and her black pupils seem to sparkle. "...For 50 years we have been working silently, trying to fight for women's voting rights, but in exchange only ridicule, beating, and ignorance! Now we recognize that only by taking action and making sacrifices is what we are now Rules of conduct!"

Tang Kai's tone was firm, and the sparks in his eyes burned.

The women who listened to the lecture under the terrace on the screen were plainly dressed and haggard, but their eyes burned with admiration and hope.

There was a concentrated silence in the multimedia classroom outside the screen.

"We are fighting for an era where every little girl born in the world has the same rights as her brother. Never underestimate the power of a woman to fight for her own destiny!"

"We don't want to be lawbreakers, we want to be legislators."

"I urged women across Britain to resist. I would rather be a rebel than a slave."

At the end of the sentence, perhaps Meryl’s speech on the screen is not louder than the male’s, but it is the same sonorously. Maybe Tang Kai on the podium is not as deep as Meryl’s actor, but it’s just as powerful.

Women of that era, they could only take fierce forms, smashing windows, blowing up post boxes, rushing into the racetrack and dying under their hooves, so that their voices would be taken seriously and heard.

Throughout the ages, women have always paid more than men for the rights they should have. It is never easy for women.

There were already many girls in the School of Foreign Languages. At this time, they all fell into the sadness and difficulty that only the same **** could understand. Many girls were silently blushing.

Tang Kai's last note fell, and there was no applause. Instead, these lovely girls, like the women on the screen who resisted the police, raised their hands and shouted out the lines in the movie, "yeah!!!"

"Neversurrender!" (Never surrender)

"Nevergiveup!" (Never give up)

Zhang Zinan's sour nose, holding a tripod, let the camera capture the scene. The only male teacher in the judges' bench looked back in surprise. The other two female teachers looked at each other and smiled. On the podium, Tang Kai blinked pantothenic eyes, smiled, and bowed deeply.

Only then did the applause and cheers rang, and then it was the girls collectively that laughed like a bell.

Tang Kai felt the beauty of university campus life for the first time, and the people and things around her made her realize that the highlight moment in her life had finally arrived.

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