Tang Kai looked at the WeChat in the phone. The call history between her and Shici was very, very long, and she had read it several times. After watching it for a long time, the spirit is a little trance, and there is a very unreal feeling.

The winter in the south is cold and damp, very humid, and the north should also be very cold and dry. I don’t know if the speech can adapt.

So now Shi Shi is her girlfriend, girlfriend? girlfriend……

This title still feels a bit embarrassing.

Still very unreal feeling...

On Friday night, it was getting dark very quickly. After eating in the cafeteria, she walked back to the dormitory and passed several couples hugging together. I haven't noticed before, there are so many couples in school.

She shrank her neck. It was too cold this morning, so she grabbed the scarf that Shi Shi gave her and wrapped it up. There are so many imitations of this brand scarf, and Zhang Zinan didn't see that it was genuine. She still touched it. ,"Wow! This is too real!"

This weekend, Zhang Zinan and her boyfriend went out to play, but she declined again when she wanted to go with her.

"When did you fall in love, we are so doubledate!"

"Can I wait until this day in the rest of my life?"

"Every time I leave you alone on weekends, it hurts me so much..."

Tang Kai thought of Zhang Zinan's exaggerated tone and smiled, buried his face in the scarf, and walked towards Yixiu Building faster.

There is no shortage of waiting boys in the morning and evening downstairs in Yixiu. Under the warm yellow street lights, it is a scene for young waiting faces to wait for people while staring at their phones. Tang Kai has become accustomed to it, and just about to enter. At the gate, she seemed to hear someone calling her.

She stopped hesitantly and listened carefully. It was her name, but it was a strange woman's voice. She turned around.

Looking for it.

There was a tall woman wearing sunglasses standing under the tree opposite the school road. Seeing Tang Kai turned around, her eyes behind the sunglasses seemed to look at her, then looked at the phone, returned to her, and went up. Look at her up and down.

Tang Kai frowned uncomfortably, sure he didn't know him, and wanted to turn around and was stopped again.

"Tang Kai, right?" The woman walked towards her and took off her sunglasses.

The weather is so cold, this woman is only wearing a short brown fringed sweater, a high-waisted leather skirt, high-heeled black boots, small smoky eye makeup, light green color contact lenses with red lip color, exquisite like a magazine. Model coming down.

Tang Kai nodded, "I am."

"You don't recognize me? Hmm..." The woman looked at her with a funny smile, "My name is Wenwen, and I am the ex-girlfriend who gave a speech."

Tang was stunned, those words entered his ears, and a whistling cold wind followed.

"Find a place to chat." Wenwen smiled and winked at her.

Tang Kai looked at her for several seconds, but after all he nodded.

This "two sentences" time is very short, only 20 minutes before and after.

As soon as Wenwen's taxi arrived, she sat in, and the car was speeding along the school road of the university, revealing the shadow of the school building among the lush trees.

This place she was unfamiliar with was the place where she resigned, worked and lived.

At that time, when she was interacting with Shi Ci, she rarely came to Lincheng University. It was not that Shi Ci refused to let her come, but she resisted.

Having talked about love so many times, Shi Shi is the only woman she has and the one who respects her most. When she was with her, Wenwen knew that Shi Ci’s friends looked down on her and thought they were not in the same circle, but Shi Ci never did, and she would not force her to like her friends. On the contrary, Shi Ci did not exclude her. Friends, are also willing to enter her circle of friends.

Several times, Shi Ci accompanied her to socialize. Even Wenwen knew that Shi Ci was very busy, but she would be there when she needed her.

Sometimes she played too much, no matter how late, Shi Ci would drive to pick her up, never complained.

Wenwen put down the car window, and the cold night wind blew her hair messy, and she put on sunglasses to hide her sore eyes.

She slid her mobile phone, and there was a photo of Tang Kai with her speech in the album, which Chen Yiyi gave her.

The location of the photo is "heat", Shi Ci stared at Tang Kai sideways, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his smile looked familiar and unfamiliar.

Tang Kai's face was photographed clearly.

It doesn't matter if she is beautiful, she has seen more beautiful girls, but Tang Kai has a particularly unspeakable temperament.

I met in person today, but she still couldn't describe it. She found that she didn't hate Tang Kai, and even she couldn't help but want to look at her more. Not hate, hate, and jealous. Very complicated feeling.

Very strange, as if she suddenly understood why Shi Ci liked her.

Seeing Tang Kai's eyes, Wenwen had never seen her smile at Tang Kai.

Wenwen's eye sockets became sore again, one tear came down first, and the second came quickly. She sniffed, exhaled gently, and deleted the photo.

She knows better than anyone why Chen Yiyi gave her this photo. At that time, she was with Shi Ci, and Wenwen ate her a lot of runs secretly.

Ha ha.

She snorted coldly. Counsel.

Having been around Shi Ci for so many years, do you really think Shi Ci doesn't know her thoughts?

If she really wanted to confess her pursuit clearly, Wenwen would not look down upon her. Doing this behind the scenes, using yourself as a vicious female cousin in the TV series, really think that if you say a few words to break the gap, you will be in the middle?

She came to see Tang Kai purely because of her own curiosity.

Wenwen turned to the address book and paused at the phone number of her speech.

The remarks are-dictionary baby.

At that time she was talking in her arms, "It's too strange for your parents to name your sister and brother? Your name is Ci, your brother should be called Shi, oh no, then it overlaps with your last name hahaha , Then your brother is called Shi Ge."

"Puff." Shi Ci looked at her with a smile, "Ci Hai is a dictionary."

Wenwen didn't believe it until she went to Baidu to find out that it was true. She said embarrassedly: "It's not often used. We all use "Xinhua Dictionary". I don't know and it's normal..."

"Well, you're right!" Shi Ci held back a smile, "It's normal."

Wenwen was so angry that she rushed to bit her, was embraced and kissed by her.

Tears dripped down one by one, she had already taken off her sunglasses and swiped the words "baby" across her fingertips.

She is not good, she does not know how to cherish, and she has exhausted the thoughts that Shi Shi has given to her.

At this moment, Wenwen finally heard the voice in her heart.

She bit her lip, bent down, avoided the driver's field of vision, let herself cry for a while silently, and deleted the line of numbers in the blur of her tears.

Do you like that girl very much? I hope she can like you the same, and I hope you are happy.

I won't appear in your world again, I really want to turn over your page! I won't let you appear in my heart again! I am going to live my own life!

Wenwen put on her sunglasses and sat up straight again, as if she was okay, only the reddish nose revealed her emotions.

Tang Kai returned to the dormitory, feeling very tired, took a hot bath, and his cheeks were warm and comfortable. Usually this time is the time for her to study, but today she doesn't want to learn.

The daylight in the dormitory was a little pale, and she sat for a while by herself.

At that time, her ex-girlfriend and her stood for a while in the small garden next to the dormitory building.

His ex-girlfriend, the girl named Wenwen did not speak for a long time, but just looked at her.

After a long time, she asked, "Are you 20 years old?"

"I'm 21 years old." Tang Kaiyan said concisely.

She snorted lightly.

"I don't mean anything else," she said again.

Why don't you mean to come and find her? Tang Kai didn't believe it, but she hadn't dealt with this kind of thing, so she could only stop silently. The other party didn't say the intention, and she wouldn't take the initiative to speak. It's just that the ex-girlfriend was very strange and she didn't speak.

After a while, she said again, "Chen Yiyi next to Shici, don't contact her if you are fine."

Tang Xie was startled, a bit of an impression in her mind, she hesitated for a second without speaking.

"Okay, let's go." She waved her hand, her attitude was not friendly, but she could bear it.

Tang Kai couldn't restrain his curiosity, and asked in a low voice, "Why did you break up?"

Wenwen turned to look at her. She couldn't see the look in her eyes behind her sunglasses. She suddenly smiled unpredictably, "What else? She doesn't like me anymore."

Tang Kai recovered, the light pierced her eyes and she felt tired, turned off the light, and went to bed.

When the light was off, the room was silent.

She and Zhang Zinan’s dormitory is at the end. It belongs to the rest of the assignment. The location is not very good. It is too sunny in summer and too cold in winter.

Three people, three different classes, only she and Zhang Zinan live in it, and she is the only one who spends the most time in the dormitory. In the past, Tang Kai felt that a person was quiet and free. This was her own small world. Now when she thinks about it, she has nowhere to go except this place.

The dormitory next door hasn't slept yet, they seem to be watching a movie, laughing again and again.

The wind outside the window was whistling, and there was the sound of swaying branches. The weather forecast indicated that the temperature was going to drop and there might be snow.

It seems that Beicheng hasn't snowed yet.

"Miss me." When Shi Ci said this, he bit her ear, as if he had to remember it, her voice was full of smiles.

She was really thinking about her.

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