The climate of Beicheng is very different from that of Lincheng, especially after autumn, the moisture in the air seems to be drained.

Soon after school started, Tang Kai fell ill, first with gastroenteritis, and when he got better, he developed a fever.

When Zhang Zinan came to the school hospital to see her, she was half sitting on the white hospital bed, taking a needle, with a pale face down, silent as a stone.

Zhang Zinan seems to be back four years ago. When they first met, Tang Kai was so cold and distant, so strangers should not enter.

Tang Kai found out that she was coming, raised his head, and slightly curled the corners of her lips at her.

Zhang Zinan was sour in her heart and smiled, "What's the matter with you, you have been in Beicheng for so long. At this time, you are in dissatisfaction?"

Yes, last year was so hard, she did not dare to rest for a moment, because she was busy with her studies and livelihood, and she was also suspected of avoiding emotions.

She was so busy and full, she didn't get enough sleep, and she didn't get sick.

Now she has gone to school and is back single. After the bank deposits are enough for one year's living expenses, the preparations that should be prepared and the closures are over, and her body relaxes suddenly, as if she is telling her, "Okay, now you can sick."

Since the resignation came to Beicheng to look for her last year, and after their unhappy meeting, they have been busy with each other in their own hearts. The speeches that Tang Kai saw in the circle of friends were very busy in Tokyo, San Francisco, and Huicheng. It seems that she does not have herself by her side. She can spare time to work on her own affairs. She does not seem to be affected. She is better...

Tang Kai lowered his head again.

"Hey, what's the matter? What's the daze?" Zhang Zinan stretched out his hand and shook her in front of her, attracting her attention.

The curvature of Tang Kai's lips was enlarged a bit, still a bit bitter. Zhang Zinan sighed in her heart. She stroked her pencil skirt with her hands on her body. The skirt was too narrow. She sat on the side of the bed and said mildly, "You should tell me earlier."

Tell her earlier that you are sick, or tell her earlier that you broke up.

Or both.

"You are so busy." Tang Kai said softly.

Zhang Zinan successfully worked for the intern company, and she was busy leaving early and returning late. She wore a suit and light make-up. She stepped on a pair of five or six centimeter thick heels under her feet. She has escaped from the ivory tower and adapted to the rhythm of the society.

"No matter how busy I am, I can take time to see you," Zhang Zinan patted her foot, "Is it better? Do you want something to eat?"

The porridge and fruits ordered by Zhang Zinan were delivered. She accompanied Tang Kai to eat, and talked to her about work and some trivial daily routines. Perhaps with company, Tang Kai's mental state improved a lot. .

Zhang Zinan insisted to accompany her to finish the needle, and accompany her back to the dormitory. It was too late to rest in her dormitory.

The dormitory for postgraduates is in very good condition, with double rooms and complete facilities.

After washing, the two squeezed to sleep in a 1.2-meter bed. Zhang Zinan whispered to her, talking to Fang Xiuqi, saying that he, a programmer, is much busier than her. They can’t live together now and the company is too far away. I can't see each other once a week, so it feels like a little bit better than a newlywed.

Tang Kai listened quietly. They all liked this kind of whisper before going to bed. There was a kind of intimacy of relatives and sisters, as if they could share everything on their minds.

Zhang Zinan couldn't help asking her and Professor Shi if it was impossible and why they broke up.

After too long, the things that I cared about didn't seem to be important anymore. It's just that the slumped and sad emotions stuck in my heart unreservedly, "It's all about me..."

Zhang Zinan lay on her side and looked at her, "Hey, emotional matters are like people drinking water, and outsiders are not easy to intervene, but I still say, unless you really know where you are not doing well, don’t just say, “It’s all. I'm not good."

Tang Kai was taken aback.

In the second half of the night, I kept chewing the meaning of this sentence.

On the night of Double Eleven, Tang Kai went to the dance party. It was invited by her fellow brothers and sisters, so it's hard to refuse. In a small auditorium, almost graduate students, as well as foreign students, have free pizza and wine.

There is no heating in the auditorium. Many girls on the scene are still wearing small dresses. Naturally, a polite gentleman will put on their coats and take the opportunity to invite them to dance.

Tang Kai wore a white turtleneck sweater and jeans, even sitting in a remote corner, but also very eye-catching. A few boys came over to talk to each other and walked away wittily when she saw whether she was lukewarm or not.

Now she is chatting with an international student from France, who speaks English with a serious accent.

They were under a tree in the auditorium, and there was a cold moon on the tree.

The foreign students have chestnut hair and brown eyes, with a high nose, indistinguishable age, very attractive. After a few rounds of chatting, Tang Kai discovered that the girl was teasing her.

"I don't know if you are or not, but I told myself I must come and ask, or I will regret it."

Tang Kai was a little embarrassed, and at the same time faintly confused. Except for her speech, she didn't seem to have a special feeling for other girls.

"Hey, baby, you're in a daze," the international student leaned over and brushed off the ends of her hair, "Is it mine to go to your dormitory?"

Tang Kai recovered and refused awkwardly, "sorry."

International students still don’t give up, "I see you alone? Isn’t it lonely?"

Don Chieh paused, "I'm not single. Sorry."

After getting away, Tang Kai found a quiet place to sit.

The wind on the winter night is chilly, but the campus is very lively, especially tonight's Singles Day, there are so many couples, the young heart can't bear a moment of loneliness.

Zhang Zinan came to her, dressed very beautifully, wearing a yellow sweater coat, black leather skirt, wearing a beret, and stepping on a pair of suede boots. After getting off the taxi, he ran towards her.

The phone said that there was good news to tell her. Before Tang Kai could ask, his finger appeared in front of her——

The diamond on the ring finger shined brightly.

Tang Kai blinked and looked at her in surprise.

"Yes, he got on his thief ship in high school, and today he finally became Mrs. Yazhai!"

Tang Chi chuckled and took her hand, "Congratulations! It's great!"

Zhang Zinan held her backhand tightly, "Do you know? The first thing I put on the ring is to take a taxi and tell you, hahaha."

"What about Fang Xiuqi?"

"He went to my house and went to see my parents." Zhang Zinan smiled.

"When is the wedding?"

"Not so fast, but then you will be my bridesmaid! Say it!"

Tang Kai readily agreed.

The two held hands and chatted for a long time. It’s rare for Tang Kai to smile sincerely, and happiness is also contagious. For some reason, her eyes were a little sore, and she was so excited that she was a little bit incoherent, "That’s great, Nan Nan, it’s really great, I’m so happy, bless you, too All right……"

Zhang Zinan was stunned, his eyes turned red all of a sudden, "You want me to cry..."

She hugged Tang Wei and cried, and said incoherently, "You are too stupid. You don’t know how to be jealous of me after changing someone else... Hey, maybe I'm showing off, but I just want to be with you. Share it for the first time... Your luck is so bad, I want to share some luck with you... We are happy together..."

Zhang Zinan feels that she is really lucky. She has a happy family since she was a child and found love in high school. Now her career has just started and her love has been harvested, and her friend Tang Kai, alone in Beicheng, she feels very distressed.

After Zhang Zinan left, Tang Kai was still sitting under the tree.

It was late at night, and the campus was quiet. It was getting colder and colder outside, Tang Kai's feet were already frozen, she looked up, and the night sky was soft and shiny, like the ocean. Also like dark blue velvet.

The good news from my good friend brought a sense of joy like warm water, and after a long time, I was attacked by this ruthless cold wind. Lengfeng Lengyue, a cold night, a city all alone.

Time seemed to stagnate for a moment, she thought of her speech, and her eyes felt hot again.

Where is she now? Does she still think of herself? Will she already have a new girlfriend?

Does she act like a baby to others? Will she kiss others tenderly?

Tang Kai felt a dull suffocation pain in his chest at this moment, which could not be relieved for a long time.

She put on her earphones and listened to the song on her phone that hadn't been turned on for a long time, "...I can meet on this planet by chance on the same way, light up the misty life, how lucky I am, no one stays in my thoughts like you..."

The night breeze made her shoulders tremble slightly, and her tears were shining brightly. What flashed in her mind were the fragments of their getting along, scene by scene, very clear. The brows and eyes of the speech, her smile, the look that she kissed her, the voice she called herself to twee...

She has imprinted so many deep marks on her life that no one can match.

No matter when and where, Tang thought, she couldn't erase it.

She loves me deeply, but I love her not enough.

Tears fell drop by drop.

I don't know how to love her.

Tang Kairan suddenly, she has always been with Shi Ci, she regards her as an elderly person who can rely on, she is used to the initiative of the speech, her considerate, ignore that she is actually a girl, her The heart is also soft and sensitive. She is also the pearl in the palm of her parents, so she must be taken care of and loved.

Love is not the same as family affection. It requires mutual expression, but also requires communication, compromise, repair, and reinforcement.

Zhang Zinan made sense, and at this moment, she knew where she was not doing well enough.

"It's all my fault" is no longer an empty phrase. It's a sentence that you have to be responsible when you say it, and you have to think of ways to make up.

"...If you are farewell, your strengths are in your soul. I would rather have regrets than be near and far away from you..."

Tang Kai thought with a broken heart, she was really a terrible girlfriend, no, what a terrible girlfriend she used to be, and now she is no longer qualified to say that. It was she herself who lost the speech, and she didn't know how to cherish it.

Feelings are like a bud that doesn't know when it has matured. She hasn't understood how to take care of it yet, and has been knocked down by the sudden gust of wind and rain. Once she hadn't escaped under the most severe and desperate environment in her life. This time the pain and entanglement were something she had never encountered in her life. She instinctively became a deserter, and now regrets it.

On the night of Double Eleven, she was alone on the campus that was still unfamiliar.

Time flies quickly, and Christmas will come in a few days. Tang Kai and his boardmate plan to buy something online to decorate the dormitory. She clicked on Taobao, and saw a line of words sharp-eyed-"Brother, signed the album from ancient times, changed hands, negotiated the price".

Tang Kai clicked in, jumped into the link of Xianyu, she turned down, her eyes condensed suddenly. Click to take a closer look.

Sure enough, it was the CD of Mr. Leslie Cheung's 1999 album "Countdown with You", and "Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter" was included in it.

There was a signature in the corner. The picture was too small and too obscure. She couldn't see clearly, so she could only poke the seller privately.

The seller went online after 20 minutes and answered a few questions. Said it was a real album, it was really signed, and it was his mother's collection. The price is not low. He has sold this one at RMB 7,000, so he cannot bargain.

Tang Kai asked him to take a clearer photo of the signature and show her.

She took the photo and compared it to the authentic one that was said to be the signature of her brother on the Internet, and she couldn't be sure for a long time.

The other party was a little impatient and urged her to make a decision.

Tang Kai checked his deposit, if he really bought the album, I am afraid that the next few months will be very tight. But the allure of this album was so great, she gritted her teeth and paid.

After buying it, she couldn't help but laughed and asked him when he could ship the goods.

He said it would be fine today. Give her the tracking number when you go to the courier at night.

Tang Kai laughed again, fell on the bed, and let out a deep breath.

She was in a good mood for a long time. She went to Taobao, quickly selected some decorations, placed an order, cleaned, and tidy up the bookshelves.

She was only acting mechanically, but she was planning repeatedly in her heart. How to give a speech? Did you send the album to Shi Hai and let him forward it, or did you send it directly to the school, writing the address of the college or the address of the teacher’s apartment? Will she be happy to get this album? As a birthday present for her...

A heart is always carried, and the work is done without knowing it or not.

Until late at night, she did not receive the information of the tracking number.

I couldn’t help but poke at the seller again, but found that there was a new dialogue in the original dialog box, "Hello, my son is talking to you this morning. He is ignorant. He took my private album without discussing it with me. I just found out about Xianyu. I’m sorry, I’m afraid your transaction with him will be cancelled. You give me an Alipay account and I will transfer the money back to you. I’m so sorry.”

It's a bolt from the blue.

Tang Kai couldn't help sending her a message, trying to be as Chen Ken as possible, saying that he really wanted this album, and asked her to cut love, she was willing to add money and so on.

The other party said that it was not a matter of money. Mr. Leslie Cheung was no longer there. She handed these signatures to her brother when she was young and watched him personally sign them. Each one has unique memories. Memories are priceless. Please understand.

Tang Kai felt desperate.

Originally, she thought she could meet such a coincidental thing, as if God told her that there is still something to be saved, and there is still a rescue. Was it a joy in nothing?

Shi Ci went back and washed his face, and he was a little more sober. When he came back, he saw a person sitting next to sister Miu at the bar.

Long coat, thin sweater and short skirt, long boots, turned his face to look at her, fluffed up her long hair, and the diamond ring between her fingers gleamed. She lifted her chin slightly, with a smile, "Long time no see."

Shici nodded, "Wenwen."

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