Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1000: Take the initiative to bring the handle to the door

Mrs. Lin was speechless: "This—"

Qiao Xuan didn't give her a chance to think, she shook her sleeve again: "Mrs. Lin, you say, is my words wrong?"

Mrs. Lin was forced to retreat by her, so she quickly shook her head: "This, this is naturally not wrong-"

"I knew Mrs. Lin was a sensible person!" Qiao Xuan raised her head and stared at Mrs. Zhou and Mrs. Han, "Mrs. Zhou and Mrs. Han, tell me, what did I do wrong? Should I make amends? What's the point?"

Mrs. Zhou and Mrs. Han immediately turned red.

Mrs. Lin, the host, said that what Qiao Xuan said was correct, and Qiao Xuan came to ask them, what could they say? Can you contradict Mrs. Lin?

The two of them couldn't help but feel extremely angry with Qiao Xuan.

Being watched by so many people, the two felt even more embarrassed!

They didn't have Qiao Xuan's quick wit, nor Qiao Xuan's willingness to go out. The panic became more and more jaw-dropping, their minds were in a mess, and they couldn't say a word, but they almost broke out in a cold sweat!

Mrs. Han's brain became hot, and she said angrily: "So many people have said, why did Mrs. Shao pull us alone? Could it be that she has an opinion on us and doesn't look good to us!"

Qiao Xuan almost laughed out loud, scolding the idiot!

Where would you let go of the handle that came to your door?

She immediately said: "What is Mrs. Han saying? I only heard you two say it. Who else said it? Mrs. Han, please point it out."

Everyone immediately cast an unhappy look at Mrs. Han.

Mrs. Han was startled, and immediately realized that she had said something wrong, and her face turned purple! From hair embarrassment to heels!

"You, you—you are not at ease!"

Qiao Xuan asked curiously, "Why am I not at ease? Madam Han, you said it yourself, not for me to force you to say it. I just followed your words and asked a question. It doesn't matter if you don't want to answer, I just pretend that you didn't listen. It's fine! You're accusing me for no reason, and I'm puzzled."

Mrs. Han stared, her lips were trembling, her face was red, white, blue and purple, how wonderful!

Almost everyone can't bear to watch!

Really embarrassed for her!

If she could, she would have torn Mrs. Shao's heart at this moment, right?

Everyone was even more secretly sighing, and they have learned a lot, really, they have learned a lot! This Mrs. Shao is really not to be provoked. Let's just say, Shao Bianxiu is a champion, so how can he not have any eyesight? He doesn't hesitate to offend the Tian family's wife, who wants to save, so he can't be a scumbag...

Even Mrs. Qin lost her arrogance for no reason~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She had a vague feeling that she couldn't afford to offend this woman, so she still gave up. Otherwise, if the boat capsized in the gutter, it would be ugly.

Others are looking at her husband's position, and they are afraid of her temperament, and have always let her, she naturally knows it.

Kick to the iron plate...that's okay...

The good old lady Min laughed, pretending to be lighthearted, "I think it's all a misunderstanding, everyone is like-minded, and in the future, there will be more exchanges, just talk about it. Why do you have to be serious! Do you think so?"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and said yes with a smile.

Mrs. Lin thanked Mrs. Min with a smile and nodded, and also hurriedly said with a smile: "Everything is said, it's all my host, isn't it! It's because I didn't entertain well, so please bear with me! Everyone, have some more tea, Let’s chat, it’s time to eat later, and we’ll have a good chat after dinner, won’t it be lively!”

(End of this chapter)

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