He knew that his wife was just complaining, but he couldn't help but exhort him, "Don't talk nonsense when you're outside!"

Mrs. Tian's face darkened when she heard the words, she snorted, and said with a sneer, "There are so many people who can't do anything, I don't believe she can be cured! When disaster strikes, it will be beautiful."

Qiao Xuan finally came out of the palace, and Shao Yunyun, who was guarding outside the palace gate and was full of anxiety, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The two looked at each other, Qiao Xuan smiled and nodded lightly, Shao Yunyun finally let go of his heart.

"This is... done?"

Shao Yunyun couldn't believe it.

It's not that he doesn't believe his daughter-in-law, but it's too magical. There are so many people who are helpless about this, even the crown prince took it as a big problem, but his wife came out and got it done without saying a word!


It's a bit arrogant to say, which makes other people feel bad!

Qiao Xuan smiled, "This is called interlacing like a mountain. Others don't know, you still don't know me?"

The two looked at each other, and Shao Yunyun couldn't help laughing.

Well, what did he not know? His wife is good at planting these things. At home, the crops, fruit trees, including the vegetables in the vegetable garden, all grow exceptionally well. His wife has contributed greatly.

The peony flower in the palace is just a kind of flower and tree, what can she not do? He should believe she is!

"Are you exhausted in the palace today? Let's go back and rest early!"


After two days, the reward in the palace came down.

The Queen's people noticed that the moon brocade was turning green for the first time. The leaves that had turned yellow day by day were no longer in serious condition. The fresh and new leaves were budding, and the color of the stems also tended to fade to a healthy color. .

And the feeling of that cluster of moon brocade is different from before, standing in front of it, you can clearly feel that it is full of vitality.

Although it has not fully recovered to its former glory, everyone has the same idea in their hearts: This clump of peonies is ready!

Emperor Qi Xuan is delighted with Longyan! Even like a few good.

This is the deepest bond and longing between him and his mother. After all these years, he has never stopped thinking about it.

This is the peony flower that my mother liked most and even took care of herself. Every year, he will accompany her mother to enjoy the flowers.

If it is gone, the missing piece in his heart will no longer be filled.

"Shao Aiqing is worthy of being the first-ranking scholar appointed by me. I really didn't see him wrong! I didn't expect his wife to be so amazing! Reward, we must reward him!"

Queen Qi also smiled and said: "That day, the Crown Princess led the Qiao family to meet with the concubine~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The concubine looked at the Qiao family in a generous and decent manner, very dignified, without showing any timidity, the full body The temperament is actually not inferior to the daughter of the first daughter! Who knows that she is really capable!"

"Women's family usually likes to adjust fat and powder, raise cats, walk dogs, and tend flowers and plants, but it is really rare to do what Qiao's is!"

Emperor Qi Xuan thought that he also met Qiao Xuan that day. Although he didn't pay much attention, he was indeed not a cowardly person. He couldn't help but nodded lightly and said with a smile, "Shao Aiqing has a good eye!"

Queen Qi smiled again: "Qiao's cured Yuejin, the emperor is happy, and the concubines are also happy. The concubines will also reward her!"

Emperor Qi Xuan laughed: "It's the reward! This is also your filial piety!"

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(End of this chapter)

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