Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1011: come with no luck

She said inside and out that if she didn't have herself, Qiao Xuan would never have known about this matter, didn't know about it, and of course she wouldn't be able to take credit for this...

Qiao Xuan was both angry and funny.

This wasn't something she deliberately inquired about, or something she deliberately told her, but she showed that she was well-informed and said it as gossip.

If you can notice it yourself, the speaker has no intention and the listener has intention.

And after making merit, it is also by one's own ability! And at great risk.

Once this kind of thing happens, it will be rewarded for meritorious service, and the scenery will be infinite. If it fails, it will cause Shao Yunyun's future to be ruined in light of it, and in serious case, he will die.

Not by any chance.

In the end, when it came to this population, it was her who made her meritorious deeds!

Of course, Qiao Xuan did not deny that this news did come from her. Since she came to the door, it would be fine if she gave her a little favor, but this favor should not make her feel that she owed her, and that she deserved to be given to her.

Qiao Xuan smiled and said, "It's just my good luck. In fact, before I entered the palace, I didn't have a clue. I just asked my sister, if I heard the news from my sister at that time, I would tell her. I can cure the peony in the palace, please ask my sister to go to the East Palace with me to ask for a meeting, will my sister be willing?"

The lady was immediately speechless.

She wanted to blurt out her willingness, but under Qiao Xuan's burning gaze, she really couldn't say it.

She was more than 100% sure that if Qiao Xuan had said that to herself at the time, she would definitely have shied away without hesitation.

joke! Who dares to take such a risk? It's gratifying to be successful, but what if it doesn't work? How does she know if Qiao Xuan really has this ability!

What if not?

So wouldn't he be implicated by her?

This is absolutely impossible!

Qiao Xuan smiled.

The lady's face immediately flushed red, and she was a little embarrassed. She was also a little embarrassed when Qiao Xuan broke her mind like this.

Qiao Xuan accepted it when she saw it, and said with a smile, "I asked my husband about it after I came back that day, and after my husband said it, I dared to go to the East Palace to ask for an interview. But honestly, this news is indeed from the first. I got it from my sister, otherwise, it’s hard to say whether I will get this news from other places in the future, and I really should thank my sister.”

The lady choked, unable to refute this.

Not many people know about this, but not everyone knows it.

It is indeed possible that Qiao Xuan knew it from elsewhere.

So far, her unwillingness and resentment, feeling that Qiao Xuan owes her, should thank her, and make up for her thoughts have all disappeared without a trace~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It will be good to hear Qiao Xuan say it. For her, she felt relieved, in addition to being happy, she was actually a little grateful, and hurriedly smiled: "Sister is so polite..."

Qiao Xuan smiled modestly and gave her a generous gift for lunch.

The lady happily said goodbye and went home.

When I got home, I couldn't wait to open the gift box. Inside were two pieces of high-quality fashionable clothes and a silver note for one hundred taels.

This was a huge windfall, and it made her so happy.

She was very emotional, this Qiao Shi is really not a simple person! A few words made him speechless, but he gave himself enough face, so that he couldn't even hate her.

That's all, in the future, I'd better get closer to her.

(End of this chapter)

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