Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1016: back to the provincial capital

The prefect also specially ordered a table of meals, called a few small officials and masters in the yamen, and they were very warmly entertained.

Although Shao Yunyun is only a seventh-grade editor, he has a bright future. He is still so young, who knows where he will go in the future?

Moreover, he is a Beijing official, so he is naturally more honorable than a local official.

Moreover, it is the champion of the province, and the prefect also has a bright face, and is more willing to give him face.

The prefect originally wanted to let his wife entertain Qiao Xuan, but Shao Yunyun thanked him for his kindness and said that Qiao Xuan was going to visit Mrs. Lezheng, and the prefect then gave up.

The news of Shao Yun's being the champion was naturally known in the provincial capital.

Madam Lezheng, Le Zhengxiao, Xie Jingrong and others were all happy for him.

Mrs. Le Zheng was even more envious, and couldn't help but grab Le Zhengxiao and scolded a few words: She doesn't dare to think about the champion, it's better to give her a lift! At least it made her face bright.

Listening to Le Zhengxiao's scalp is numb, quickly find an excuse to get away!

I heard that the champion of the first prize has returned to his hometown to worship his ancestors and has entered the provincial capital. Mrs. Lezheng is full of doubts and does not know whether the news is true or not. She is sending people out to inquire more carefully. Qiao Xuan brings Lixia and Liqiu to the door with a smile. .

Mrs. Lezheng was overjoyed and greeted her in person.

Qiao Xuan was also very cordial when she saw her, and the two talked and laughed like a mother and daughter.

Qiao Xuan first went to see Mrs. Le Zheng and gave her a gift. The old lady was also very happy, with a bit of politeness in her happiness, and talked to her for a long time with a friendly smile.

With the vision of making friends in a big room, the old lady had to be convinced...

After going to Mrs. Lezheng's place, Mrs. Jin also came over to say hello, and talked for a while. Qiao Xuan gave the reward, and everyone in the Grand Lady's Court and Jin's came to have a share, and everyone was very happy.

Since Qiao Xuan came, she naturally stayed at Mrs. Lezheng Da's place for dinner.

Qiao Xuan told her about the scenery along the way, the capital city, and she was very speculative.

After dinner, Qiao Xuan told Mrs. Lezheng about her affairs with the Tian family.

Mrs. Fang didn't understand this. She didn't have any female elders to ask for advice, so she only had Mrs. Le Zhengda.

This matter hadn't been reported anywhere, and Mrs. Lezheng was taken aback when she heard Qiao Xuan's words, and she was terrified and sweated for her.

After listening to this, I could not help but fold my hands and recite the Buddha: "It's really the Buddha's blessing! The Buddha's blessing! Your luck, you really didn't say anything!"

Qiao Xuan smiled a little embarrassedly: "Probably in the game, I don't think so..."

"How dangerous is this?" Mrs. Le Zheng rebuked: "Thanks to Shao Zhuangyuan's conscience, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com Otherwise, he will join hands with the Qiao family and Tian family in the capital, and you are alone and helpless. , that's really called the sky should not be called the earth, even if you are so missing in the capital, you can't even splash a little water, it's too dangerous!"

Qiao Xuan was stunned, thinking about it carefully.

I didn't feel anything at first, but now I can't help breaking a cold sweat when I hear it.

She smiled reluctantly: "It can be seen that I am lucky, and I am not mistaken about my husband."

Mrs. Lezheng also smiled and said, "Exactly! There are only a few men like Shao Zhuangyuan in the entire Great Qin Kingdom! So, you are lucky!"

"It's just—the two of you have no foundation. Your father and mother have already entered the capital, and when you return to the capital, there will be more troubles. And the Tian family, you may not be willing to give up, you still have to make plans early and pay more attention. !"

(End of this chapter)

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