Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1021: Finally got a taste of the craftsmanship of the 2 younger siblings

It would be great if Xiao Qi was also at home!

Xiao Qi will definitely lead everyone back from the mountains to hunt the best game, and bring the big guys into the river to catch the fattest fresh fish.

It's a pity that he doesn't know which military camp in the northwest at this moment, nor how he is doing. Have you been wronged? Do you miss home or everyone?

I don't know when he will come back.

Missing Missing, everyone is an adult, and I know that although Xiaoqi joined the army, but thanks to the help of his family, Shao Yunyun is very good, and Xiaoqi himself is not small. I expect him to be safe and happy. In the days, everyone was very tacit and did not show any deeds to spoil the mood, and they were still talking, laughing, and lively.

The fish and shrimp in the fish pond over at Zhangjia Village were plump and plump. Qiao Xuan asked people to fish for a lot of prawns, one soft-shelled turtle and two fish.

In the evening, I will make a crispy shrimp ball, a braised chicken nugget, a fish ball in a clear soup, betel nut and taro, sweet duck, crispy chicken, mutton soup, stuffed tofu, sour soup, lamb chops, and small fried fresh bamboo shoots. , garlic lettuce, shredded yam.

After all the dishes were prepared, the three stoves started working at the same time, and bursts of strong aroma came out from the kitchen, making everyone greedy.

At dinner time, a dish with all the flavors and aromas was brought to the table, and everyone sat around the table in a lively manner, joking and laughing with chopsticks, and they were all impressed.

"Finally, I have eaten the craftsmanship of the fifth siblings again!"

"The fifth brother and sister's craftsmanship is absolutely amazing, we can't learn it no matter what!"

“It was so delicious! It was so delicious!”

Qiao Xuan was also happy, and said with a smile: "Since I'm back, I'll cook a few more times. Our materials are very handy! I'll always come back from time to time!"

She still has so much to take care of. What can I do without her?

Without the blessing of supernatural powers, it is absolutely impossible!

Yang Xiaoni was so happy when she heard this, and they kept asking if it was true?

Qiao Xuan gave an affirmative answer with a smile on her face, and everyone relaxed and happy.

Shao Yunyun glanced at Qiao Xuan and smiled helplessly without objecting.

His wife did discuss this matter with him, and he certainly couldn't have time to come back every year, let alone two or three times a year.

But the lady can't worry about her family and property, so she doesn't mind coming back. It is arranged on the way.

Everyone had hope, and the atmosphere at the dinner table became more lively for a while, and the meal was lively.

Fang Shi laughed so hard that he could not close his mouth, his face was full of love, this is a family!

This and He Lele's ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is really better than anything else.

After dinner and chatting for a while, everyone washed up and went back to their rooms to sleep.

I've been exhausted these days, can't I take a good rest now?

In front of a clump of gardenias in the small courtyard, Shao Yunyun stood with his hands behind his back, slightly looking up at the bright moon in the sky.

Today, the moon is more than half full, and it hangs in the deep sky. The moonlight pours down like water and falls in this small courtyard, bringing up bright and dark shadows.

One by one, the white gardenias bloomed among the lush green branches and leaves, quietly exuding their fragrance. The evening breeze blew gently, and the fragrant floral fragrance came to the face and lingered around the nose.

"Xiang Gong is admiring the moon here!"

After Qiao Xuan took a bath, she found Shao Yunyun in the room without seeing him, smiled and walked to his side.

(End of this chapter)

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