Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1023: finally perfect

"You, why haven't you gotten up yet!"

Qiao Xuan can't wait for him to disappear immediately.

Shao Yunyun still rubbed against her, smiling emotionally without hesitation: "I can't bear to be my lady!"

"You—" Qiao Xuan's face suddenly floated two red clouds, and when she moved her body a little, she felt that she couldn't raise her strength anywhere, she felt even more ashamed, and weakly beat Shao Yunyun, "What else is there to bear, I don't believe it! Try to coax people..."

If she was really reluctant, why did she cry and beg for mercy yesterday without seeing him stop?

Therefore, no matter how gentle and graceful a dog man is, the same is true in his bones, especially at a certain time, not a word can be trusted.

Whoever believes is stupid.

Shao Yunyun laughed loudly, pinched her face lightly and sighed softly: "If I don't coax you, I can't bear to coax you."

Qiao Xuan hummed softly, closed her eyes and pulled the thin quilt to cover it.

I don't really want to talk to him now.

"Ma'am!" Shao Yunyun was hugged, and after a while, he smiled and said, "You sleep for a while, I will get up first. I will let Li Xia stay outside, and let her speak when you are ready to wake up. Bring you hot water for a bath."

That's more or less.

Qiao Xuan felt a little relieved, and hummed softly through the quilt.

Shao Yunyun smiled, then got up and left.

His daughter-in-law was finally his daughter-in-law, and his heart finally calmed down.

He was always afraid that she would leave him, that he would disappear if he didn't pay attention. Such a result was something he couldn't bear no matter what.

Hearing the sound of footsteps leaving, Qiao Xuan slowly poked her head out of the quilt, sighed in relief, stretched out on the bed, her limbs and body were completely relaxed, staring at the top of the tent in a daze, her mind was full of ideas and thoughts. ....

Suddenly thinking of last night, Qiao Xuan's face was hot, and she felt that her body was even weaker.

She bit her lip, turned over while holding the quilt, and sighed softly, but the corners of her lips curled up unconsciously, and the corners of her eyes and brows were full of tenderness and lingering meaning.

They have really become husband and wife, and since then they have been relying on each other and supporting each other for the rest of their lives, and there is no way out.

She didn't want to go back either.

This man will be hers after all, and it's enough to delay it until now.

In any case, at this moment, there is no need to say how good he is to her, she can see and feel it herself.

If you miss him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ then you will really regret it!

Everyone in the Shao family felt that something was not quite right.

But what is wrong, no one can tell.

Even a silly girl like Yang Xiaoni couldn't help asking Shao Sanlang behind his back: "Brother Saburo, don't you think the relationship between the fifth brother and the fifth younger brother seems to be much better all of a sudden! Look at them, Inseparable, that intimacy, oh, I'm too embarrassed to look at it!"

Shao Saburo's nerves are thicker than hers. After thinking about it, he scratched his head and said, "Really? I don't think so. But after hearing you say this, I also think they seem to be quite good. Hey, this is also It's not surprising, it's not easy to come home now, they are both light and happy! Of course they're closer together when they're happy. Think about it, this official man is majestic and majestic, but it's a matter of fact There are so many children, how can you be at home!"

Yang Xiaoni thought for a while, nodded her head in admiration, and suddenly realized: "Yes, what Brother Saburo said is right at all, that's it!"

(End of this chapter)

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