The more than 1,200 acres of land on the outskirts of the provincial capital have not yet been planted.

Open up a fruit orchard, and when the fruit trees are big, you can still raise some chickens in the garden, how wonderful!

Now that you can grow things in the space, Qiao Xuan is welcome. She has roughly planned the land in the space, where is the orchard, where to grow medicinal materials, where to grow some vegetables, where to plant flowers...

Of course, the most important thing is to grow food! Wheat, rice, oats, corn, soybeans must have, and more.

And cassava too.

After that, there are potatoes.

She then pulled out dozens of plants of Taizishen, Tianma and other medicinal herbs and planted them in the space, next to ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum.

There is enough spiritual energy in the space, and even a weak seedling can grow strong in a short time.

All kinds of fruit trees are unavoidable and a lot of them have been brought into it.

This is also very convenient, and the cuttings can live and grow quickly.

Lychee, longan, mango, papaya, dragon fruit, pomegranate, fig, loquat, cherries, watermelon...etc, Qiao Xuan didn't miss anything.

When mature, they are picked and stored in the storage compartment of the hut to keep fresh and not deteriorate, and can be eaten at any time.

The cantaloupe seeds that Qiao Xuan obtained before were not suitable for breeding when she followed Shao Yunyun to Beijing, so she had to explain to Taotao and Xu and let them breed and transplant them.

At that time, she tried to inject some powers into the seeds, and she didn't know whether it worked or not.

Now, it seems to be quite useful, right?

The melon seedlings of those cantaloupes are also growing very well, and they have already produced small melons one by one. Very small and cute.

Tao Tao and the others are taking good care of them.

Qiao Xuan also transplanted several trees into the space.

After the power was applied, the fruit trees in the garden seemed to grow greener and more vibrant.

Right now is the busiest time to make lipsticks. On this day, Qiao Xuan, Taotao, Yang Xiaoni, Chunyu, Chunfeng, Lixia and others went to the flower field to help.

There were also five girls from the village who went with them.

The five girls listened to Taotao very much, and Taotao only arranged for them to pick and clean the petals. After they were cleaned, Chun Yu and the others transported them to the lipstick-making room.

Everything is in order.

Qiao Xuan was very satisfied, and gave Taotao a thumbs up and praised with a smile: "Our Taotao is getting more and more capable!"

Tao Tao's eyes suddenly lit up, her little face was radiant, she was full of pride and a little shy: "It was taught to me by the fifth sister-in-law, but I always do what the fifth sister-in-law taught me!"

After Qiao Xuan came Taotao was very sticky to her, and she always followed Taotao by her side. So that after Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun became husband and wife, they were sweet and sticky in those few days, Shao Yunyun was very depressed...

Qiao Xuan laughed again: "That's also Tao Tao's intelligence, otherwise, you won't be able to learn it!"

Yang Xiaoni agreed with this, and nodded again and again: "Yes, I can't do it! I can only do the work on my hands. It's too difficult to use my brain and my mouth!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard it!

The next day, Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun went to Zhangjia Village again and watched it inside and out.

Xueli, Chachang, and fertile fields are all very good, Qiao Xuan is very happy, and she has a great sense of accomplishment.

This year, all the tea farms have finally planted tea seedlings, and the survival rate of the newly planted seedlings is over 95%. On the premise that Qiao Xuan was not present to **** her, this was already a very good result.

(End of this chapter)

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