Uncle Shao asked him and his wife to cry and plead, making them dizzy, and the boss couldn't bear it.

As soon as the brain heats up, I agree.

As soon as I went back to mention it to Mr. Fang, he was interrupted and rejected by Mr. Fang with a sneer.

"Holding Yunyun's reputation as a champion to such a conscienceless person, you are really Yunyun's father! If Yunyun didn't pass the exam, what do you think they would look like? First of all those gossip, slander, and sarcastic words, Don't say you didn't hear anything!"

Uncle Shao's brows were knitted together, his brow was sullen and his face was entangled with contradictions. He was not annoyed when he was scolded by Mr. Fang. He sighed and said, "I know, I know, but isn't Yun Yun a hit? The second child and the others also want to be dazzled together and look good on their faces..."

"Yeah, it's more than good-looking on the surface!" Fang Shi sneered: "You can still use power to bully people!"

Uncle Shao choked: "That, that can't..."

"Could it be that you have the final say!" Mrs Fang said coldly: "When the time comes, you will be in charge? Let me tell you, I will never agree with you if you want to use the name of Yunyun to do this, no matter what. When Yunyun comes back, ask him to go, if he agrees, I have nothing to say. If he doesn't agree, don't think about it!"

"If you want me to say, the Niu family is too greedy and greedy, relying on the Yan family, their two sons are doing things there now, and they make a lot of money, are they still not satisfied? Do you still think about it? how?"

After finally getting rid of the second room, I don't have to listen to them and go to my house to jump around, say something or not, or if you want this and that you have to take it as a matter of course and don't give it, don't mention how comfortable Mr. Fang is, how is it possible Let them recognize it?

Isn't that recognizing disaster?

Uncle Shao was a little angry: "The cloud doesn't listen to you. If I really want to ask him, he can't ask you."

Fang Shi didn't let him: "Then why don't you think about why Yunyun listens to me? Look at the things you do! Which one is admirable! Don't talk about Yunyun, just ask Dalang and Saburo. , Xiaoqi, Taotao, which one likes Niu's couple!"

Not to mention the second room, even the third room can't wait to break up!

"You!" These words were heartbreaking, and Uncle Shao was even more angry.

Fang Shi sneered: "Yunyun is the champion, and now it's Yunyun who has the final say in our family, don't go to Lizheng and clan secretly, oh, it's useless even if you go! Look at Yunyun and don't nod, they will. I don't care about you! If you really dare not to take our own family seriously, and if you really dare to do such a thing, we will reconcile, the sons should be separated immediately! You guard the Niu family over there. Bar!"

After Mr. Fang finished speaking, he ignored Uncle Shao's idea and left in a rage~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She was really angry, he didn't know what the second room was? he knows!

However, he is soft-hearted!

If you are soft-hearted, you will be dizzy, and you will dare to do anything stupid! She can see through.

Mr. Fang was not very angry. The next day, he took his two daughters-in-law to the house of Mrs. Niu and Uncle Shao, and sneered at the couple again, making them very annoyed.

Niu wanted to scold her, but he didn't dare, so his face flushed.

She was also funny, she was full of anger and had nowhere to shed her anger, but she actually found Yan's trouble to anger Yan's.

Is Yan's anger easy?

If she did nothing wrong, it would be impossible to listen to Mr. Niu's unprovoked insults. She cried like tears. She ran back to her parents' house to file a complaint that day.

(End of this chapter)

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