Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1030: She is so precious

"What's right, what's wrong, it's reasonable and unreasonable, does the daughter-in-law talk about this principle in front of her mother-in-law? Look at other homes, whoever is not the mother-in-law said it right! Find a daughter-in-law for the second child, and quickly give it to the second child. Marry a daughter-in-law and come back, or I have to **** off the Yan family!"

Uncle Shao glanced at her angrily and said, "You better shut up now! Are you talking too much? The Yan family is good and did nothing wrong, why are you scolding others? I told you long ago that the Yan family is not good. provoked."

Niu was still dissatisfied: "What's wrong with her? I'm her mother-in-law! What if I scold her for a few words and vent my anger? Who is a daughter-in-law who doesn't feel wronged? Which one doesn't? She is delicate and delicate. !"

"She is so precious!"


"Let's do it less. If the second and fourth children's living statistics are all gone, do you see whether the second and fourth children complain about you? Don't talk about this, how many taels of silver a month are you willing to do?"


Of course Mrs Niu was reluctant, so she really didn't dare to provoke Mrs Yan.

"Tell the second son about his daughter-in-law! Hurry up, tell him about his daughter-in-law! Otherwise, this life will be impossible!"

After that, Mrs. Niu didn't like Mr. Yan, and Mrs. Yan didn't hold and coax as before, and from time to time to please Mrs. Niu.

She understood it, but she couldn't help being a little disheartened. Some people are born that way, and no matter how nice you are to her, she will not change.

In that case, what is she doing to please her? Anyway, as long as her maiden's family is still there, this mother-in-law will have absolutely nothing to do with her.

In contrast, the first aunt is really good. Needless to say, the fifth siblings, even if they were born like the third cousin, the aunt still treats her well.

If the third sister-in-law is the daughter-in-law of her mother-in-law, she may not be much better than her mother-in-law's brother and sister-in-law!

Shao Yunyun returned to the village to worship his ancestors. The scenery was infinite. Niu and Uncle Shao, who had to rest their minds, couldn't help but become active again. Uncle Shao drank a few more cups of half-truth and half-false wine and went crazy in front of everyone. Beg Shao Yunyun to forgive, and ask to restore the former relationship.

Uncle Shao's face became flushed, and he felt shameless, and looked at Shao Yunyun in prayer.

However, Shao Yunyun only said lightly: "Second Uncle Shao is drinking too much nonsense, third brother, please help him to go back to rest. How can it be a joke to ask Lizheng, the patriarch, and the elders to come forward? Change it? What does Uncle Shao think of the clan?"

Uncle Shao's face became more red.

Shao Sanlang was annoyed, agreed, greeted the brothers in the two clans, and forced him down without waiting for Uncle Shao to say anything.~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Shao Yunyun smiled casually and Tongli was waiting to talk, continued to eat and drink, and everyone laughed. With the reconciliation, this stubble was quickly overwhelmed.

Everyone also completely understood in their hearts, the champion is worthy of being the champion, and he has the right idea! If you want to coerce and coerce him, it is a dream.

This is really no wonder Master Zhuang Yuan. Shao Lao Er and his wife are too much, let alone the past, when the first-class master hadn't come back, the two of them would gossip a lot.

It's too late now!

Really, everyone should buy their face, they can do whatever they want?

At this point, the second room has no hope of restoring the relationship with the big room at all.

When the water table was set, the married couple Shao Meiling also came to congratulate.

(End of this chapter)

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